Graydon Carter: Duchess Meghan ‘came between siblings’ & it’s a ‘disaster’

As soon as I saw that Graydon Carter was hawking a new memoir (When the Going was Good), I knew that he would be dishing up bitchy comments about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Carter is like Tina Brown, his old predecessor at Vanity Fair, in that he cannot keep Harry and Meghan’s names out of his f–king mouth. Not only that, but Brown and Carter seem to have a similar royalist perspective that Meghan is terrible, that she’s led Harry astray, that Harry is supposed to be “back in England” with his dogsh-t father and brother. Graydon made all kinds of nasty comments about the Sussexes back in 2023, when he predicted that a Sussex divorce would be in the cards. He recently told the NY Times that he thinks the Sussexes are “chancers” too. Well, Graydon Carter is still shilling his memoir and this was part of his interview with Page Six:

One of his last Vanity Fair covers before he stepped down in late 2017 was Meghan Markle.

“Jane Sarkin, who booked our covers, came in and said, ‘We should do a cover on Meghan Markle,’” Carter told the Post. “I said, ‘I have no idea who that is.’ She said, ‘She’s on ‘Suits.’ I said, ‘I have no idea what that is, why should we do a story on her?’ So she said, ‘Because she’s going to marry Prince Harry.’”

Carter laughs remembering how, at one point during the interview, Markle challenged the reporter: “Excuse me, Is this going to all be about Prince Harry? Because I thought we were going to be talking about my charities and my philanthropy.”

Raising his eyebrows, Carter said of Markle, “This woman is slightly adrift on the facts and reality.”

The editor was friendly with Markle’s late mother-in-law, Princess Diana, and had co-hosted the 1994 party for which Diana donned her so-called “revenge dress” — in supposed retaliation for the televised admission of adultery by her husband, Prince Charles. He remembers sitting next to Diana at several dinners. “She was very intrigued and kept asking questions — she wanted to know how Jackie Kennedy was treated by the Kennedy family because, I think, she felt there were parallels between how Jackie was treated and the way she was treated by the royal family.”

Carter believes that Diana would not be happy with her son Harry’s current estrangement from the royal family.

“I would think she would feel great sorrow for her son to have been pulled away from his family like this, especially his brother but also his father … ,” he said. “Anytime someone comes between siblings that’s a disaster, horrible for a family.”

[From Page Six]

These old farts have been trying to “Yoko Ono” Meghan for six-plus years now. “…Her son to have been pulled away from his family like this” – who “pulled” Harry away? Harry escaped his awful birth family after they refused his offer of a “half-in” solution. His family also pulled his security and did not give a sh-t about the mortal danger he, his wife and infant son faced. “Anytime someone comes between siblings that’s a disaster, horrible for a family.” William literally assaulted Harry over Meghan. How did Meghan “come between siblings” again? By existing? By being the person Harry prioritized over his violent psycho brother?

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images, Backgrid.

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89 Responses to “Graydon Carter: Duchess Meghan ‘came between siblings’ & it’s a ‘disaster’”

  1. Carrie says:

    Nah, I’m pretty sure Billy’s anger + Katie’s obsessiveness did that. Nice try at revising history, though.

    • Swaz says:

      In any case, the Windsors don’t care about family, if they did Charles would not have walked out on his wife and two young sons to be with his MISTRESS 🥱

    • ELX says:

      Every accusation is a confession. He’s just a sad has-been doing whatever he has to to pay his bills and devil take the hindmost.

    • Tessa says:

      Diana was barely out of her teens when she and Charles married. He never loved her.

  2. Swaz says:

    Meghan please, please continue to do what you’re doing 🤩I’m starting to feel the fear of Meghan becoming a BILLIONAIRE 💰💰💰

    • booboocita says:

      Between WLM and the As Ever partnership with Netflix, Meghan’s savvy investments, Harry’s salaries from BetterUp, Travalyst, and other nonproft startups, and other revenue streams, it would not surprise me at all if H&M bacame billionaires within the next 10 years. And won’t heads at BP, KP, and the tabloids just EXPLODE …

      • Blogger says:

        They did already until QE2 died which finally gave Willie his private income. Hence every time the Sussexes were announcing their deals, KP courtiers had to slander them. Willie was massively jealous when they were making coin. Still is I suppose.

  3. Harla says:

    Meghan explained this quite clearly in their documentary, to paraphrase ‘the woman is blamed for coming between her SO and his friends/family because then you don’t have to look at your own behavior and be accountable for it’. This old twat is just confirming that type of toxic thinking.

    • ML says:

      Exactly, Harla! If the relationship between the brothers was strong, they would still interact. Meghan is not the reason why they are estranged.

    • Josephine says:

      It frankly sums up so much of what is wrong with the leftover losers and with so many white men. They don’t want to fix their own messes. They don’t want to work, to try, to learn. It’s just so much easier to blame women, other minorities, immigrants, LGBTQ+, liberals, women who don’t have children, women and other minorities who want to be treated fairly, people who live in cities. It’s an endless list and I’m sure I missed about 100 other scapegoats.

    • Nic919 says:

      It remains weird that Meghan got blamed for splitting the brothers when Kate had been there since 2011. I mean we all know the brothers were never that close, but Harry was being used as a third wheel once William got married. The big issue was that when Meghan arrived the other two couldn’t use Harry and his charisma.

      • Tessa says:

        William would taunt Harry for being single after he and Chelsy broke up. William told Harry that “it might not happen for him.” William I think promotes the idea that he wants Harry as scapegoat

  4. Donna says:

    My only thought is it’s even worse when a brother tries to come between a man and his wife.

  5. Nope old man go sit down. Peg came between the siblings that’s it that’s all. Peg wanted control of his scapegoat but Harry saw the light. Jealousy ensued with the rest of the Windsors and all hell broke loose but Harry managed to get out alive to live a happy and healthy life with the woman he chose. Stop trying to re-write history.

  6. Blujfly says:

    If any of these people bothered to read Spare, they would know the boys’ closeness was a Palace fed media concoction, especially once William went off to 4 years of Posho Hooray Henry college and Harry to the military. And that there was little regular contact between the brothers once William married Kate. And as someone who Royal watched back then, there were snippets of this sometimes reported. A lot of whispers and one-off sentences things weren’t as they seem.

    • Angie says:

      Just like the ring and him knowing about the engagement. All lies made up by the tabloid press and palace. WanK are just mad that Harry exposed the lies in Spare. They are still angry about it

    • AOC says:

      Sounds like the editors write the headline and the ‘reporters’ write the story to fit the headline with as much snide, nasty swipes at Meghan as they can fit into the allotted space. Reporters? Shills for the left behinds would be more accurate.

  7. Jan says:

    At least the drunkard can’t say she was using Harry to get attention, he did not know everyone at Vanity Fair and he saw them daily.

  8. New yorker says:

    Graydon Carter has always been a jackass. Now trying to be relevant again.

  9. Nanea says:

    Oh, these old, disgusting, misogynoir men. No longer relevant on their own, has-beens — so, let’s get out and bash Meghan for clout and money.

    Harry has always wanted out.

    It’s not only the press that hounded him.

    Had his birth family been loving and supportive, especially after Diana’s death — instead of treating him like the unnecessary spare and an afterthought, things might have been a bit different.

    It’s the RF’s problem, decades in the making.

    Absolutely nothing to do with Meghan.

  10. Lili says:

    I think Meghan’s theme song needs to be ‘I’m every woman” Yoko, Wallis, the woman who sank the titanic & the Royal Family. We live in interesting times where the ‘other’ gets the blame and gets pushed to the front of everything thats wrong with the world. Meanwhile the other sees Harry taking a strong position and standing up for his wife and family. Why do they insist on denying Harry agency. In times when the Male species are crying about not being allowed to be men anymore it begs the question what does that look like in reality.

  11. molly says:

    These people either willfully ignore Harry’s book and Netflix show or they think no one read/watched it. Because he’s REAL clear in both how much leaving England and royal work was 1000% his idea. Being a husband and father just gave him the reason to actually do it.

    • jais says:

      He was REAL clear. But media regularly chooses to ignore massive parts of the book. As if they didn’t exist.

  12. aquarius64 says:

    This story is getting old and the BRF and BM are getting desperate Just report on the failing Wales marriage to re oup your losses.

  13. MSJ says:

    “Markle challenged the reporter: “Excuse me, Is this going to all be about Prince Harry? Because I thought we were going to be talking about my charities and my philanthropy.””

    So in 2017 they requested an interview to discuss her charities and philanthropy and then made it all about Prince Harry. IIRC the VF cover back in 2017 was “Meghan is Wild about Harry”? They duped her in 2017. No wonder she wants nothing to do with VF since that interview. They did her dirty back then. Also makes sense why she might have passed on being featured on British Vogue.

    • jais says:

      Right? It’s very how dare she think she’s allowed to just talk about her charities. I mean I get it. They of course wanted info about her and Harry. But at that time, Meghan was possibly on pins and needles with the royal courtiers in her other ear telling what to say or not to say. From what I can tell, Meghan is happy to talk about Harry and her business and charity when she does interviews now. But back then, it was about introducing who she was as a person aside from Harry. Which was smart and showed her backbone and nothing for Carter to get huffy about, jeez.

      • MSJ says:

        What I’ve come to realize with British grown/trained/influenced journalists is that they see themselves as an elite class with great power based on their proximity to the top of the British power structure and their ability to control perceptions.

        They are still grappling with their inability to ‘cut down’ Meghan and keep her from blooming anywhere. They are trying everything they can to destroy her publicly and keep her from being allowed to flourish in life. It’s very sad but as Harry correctly stated once, they wouldn’t stop what they are doing to her. He is very aware of the objective of the British media and those who enable and support them. I continue to pray for their mental and physical well-being as they continue to pursue financial independence for their little family.

        I am happy they are far away from his toxic royal family and the royal institution, no more leaks. As one toxic reporter had confirmed, the calls to the media were coming from inside the palaces (the royal family and staff of the royal family).

      • Nic919 says:

        Graydon Carter is Canadian so I will say that it makes his need to be accepted by British journalists even more desperate, especially those who want to float in royal circles.

      • jais says:

        It’s bizarre though how antiquated their attempts to cut down Meghan are. They’re trying so hard to Yoko Ono her as kaiser says. And I wish some of them could just not give a f-ck about royal circles. It’s gossip sure but nothing to be revered.

    • Square2 says:

      Meghan in 2017, like me (who had been watching “Vanity Fair Investigates” sereies on ID), mistakenly though Vanity Fair Magazine was a legit publication, not a gossip/tabloid-like one.

      BTW, even NYT bestselling author can be racist, anti-gay, anti-trans, anti-“woke” and a sh!tty person. Melenia, JD V, and other right-wingers were on NYT Bestseller List, some even landed on no. 1 last year.

    • Bronco says:

      She has every right to say that, absolutely. BUT to my mind that doesn’t sound like her. That sounds like his twist on her words. She has a way of pushing back a bit and to my ears, they’re not her words.

  14. Lilpeppa40 says:

    What’s funny to me is that every time they repeat a conversation where Meghan stands up for herself they clearly expect people to agree with them that “oh god she’s awful” and “how dare she” but most sane people go: “good for her!” At least I do lol. Similarly to when she allegedly told off Harry’s friends for making terrible prejudiced jokes, I really admired that. I hate confrontation so that blew me away that she has that inner strength. Like here, she clearly knew she got the VF cover in no small part due to her relationship at the time but it was also just as clear that he was not all she had to talk about and she made that known. Bravo, I find her bravery wonderful, I really do.

    • Blogger says:

      Yup. Graydon, like Tina, are so out of touch.

      She’s a career woman and feminist. Why wasn’t she going to call things out? And people are supposed to dislike her over it?

  15. Dee(2) says:

    As much as we talk about how the class issue is so prevalent in British culture, it’s also pretty prevalent with these types as well. They want Meghan to yearn for their stamp of approval, and to know her place within their ranks regardless of the side of the Atlantic is on, and the fact that this person that they think is already unworthy isn’t doing that it’s just too much for them.

    What I’ll never understand though, is that someone disassociating himself from their toxic family is not a rarity at all. Plenty of people regardless of their socioeconomic status, race, gender or sex has had to Gray Rock entire families or at least family members because of their behavior. So this idea that you’re supposed to suffer in silence, and that is your fault if someone doesn’t want to stay to be mistreated it’s very weird because I don’t know who this plays to.

    • Tina says:

      It’s partly wanting her to want their approval but also wanting her to NEED their approval to succeed. The fact that she is so successful with all of these people hating on her shows that they are completely irrelevant in today’s culture. These old dinosaurs can’t seem to handle it.

    • Lover says:

      This is a very good point. Graydon’s generation largely accepted family toxicity and incorporated it into their parenting (cue the million Tiktoks about feral children), and the BRF is the poster child for that dynamic. But correspondingly, social media is filled with posts by folks of H&M’s generation or a bit older talking about going no-contact with toxic parents of Graydon’s age, with overwhelming support from commenters, because it’s so widely experienced. What Graydon and his bootlicking ilk are doing by victim-blaming the Sussexes is not just about the BRF but a larger generational battle: they resent the youngers for not licking up their abuse and pretending to like it; while the youngers resent them for refusing to be held accountable. People who accept Graydon’s warped, selfish view of history will side with him, but I think far more people, when presented with the plain facts, will see what’s really going on and won’t blindly accept the old guard’s gaslighting.

  16. Narges says:

    Their relationship (Harry and William) was never strong. God works in mysterious ways and I’m glad Harry isn’t with that toxic family anymore. Meghan was God sent.

  17. Libra says:

    Kate felt threatened by Meghan and William lusted after her, so in that sense, Meghan was in the midst of things, through No Fault of her own. Both William and Kate need to own their behavior.

    • Heather says:

      THIS!! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again—imagine Will and Kate watching Suits for YEARS and one (or both) put her on their ‘hall pass’ list…..then Harry shows up with her.

      It really does explain everything.

      Aside from Chuck being a horrible father—that underlies it all as well.

  18. Lady Digby says:

    Will wrongly believed that by divine right he could dictate to adult Harry how he lived his life down to whether he had a beard or not?! Whether as King, PoW or just older brother Will has no right whatsoever to dictate anything to Harry. They both married, have beards and are adults but only one is truly content and happily married.

  19. jais says:

    Charles treated his wife terribly by continuing on with Camilla and others during his marriage. Making her feel discarded. Which ended up estranging the entire family. So the fact that William attacked his brother would have saddened Diana and as a mother she would have wanted Harry protected from William. You can see her protectiveness of Harry in all the old videos. Meghan is protecting and saving Harry and I’m guessing Diana would be happy about that.

    • Tessa says:

      Charles made it clear that he only wanted Diana to get heirs with. He escorted Diana out of the hospital with their second child. Then he was off to play polo probably with Camilla there to welcome him. Diana thought she would have a real marriage. Not this “arrangement” with Charles.

  20. Amy Bee says:

    Looks like he didn’t read Harry’s book or he’s wedded to the British press narrative that Harry and William were always close. Considering that in the end Diana was desperate to get away from the Royal Family, I think she would understand why Harry felt he had to leave.

  21. MsIam says:

    So tired of these snarky bitchy people. I’m pretty sure Meghan was told NOT to talk to the press about the relationship and about Harry. So VF did set up the interview on false pretenses and Meghan called them on their bullshit. And as far as Meghan coming between siblings, Baldemort is the one screaming about not speaking to Harry ever again. He is the obstacle along with his jealous wife. If Harry chose them over Meghan and Archie, that would make him a crap husband and father. As for Diana being disappointed in Charles and William, she probably would be disappointed in William, but she knew exactly what kind of father Charles was.

  22. Benigna Azasoo says:

    A lot of people distance themselves from their families when they find them toxic, manipulative and abusive which is what Harry did. When is Harry’s family going to realize they cannot be what Meghan is to him, a partner, the love of his life, soulmate, and mother of his adorable children? It si not as if they even treated him well when he was in Britain. I am so glad The Suxxeses are thriving outside of this morbid and psycho family and the British media!

  23. Kingston says:

    That nasty stinking white walker graydon carter seems to have seemlessly accepted that Diana was treated horribly by those criminals in palaces, hiding behind the word: family; but its M he blames for the rift between bully and H, which, if he read Spare and of course he did, would know that the rift between H and bully has been occurring since they were teenagers.

    The trouble with all these nasty raashole white racists is that they dont see M as a human being with inalienable rights.

  24. Elizabeth K. Mahon says:

    Of course, Meghan would want to talk about her career and philanthropies, not just Prince Harry. What does he mean by saying that Meghan is slightly adrift about facts and reality? What a jerk! And it’s not Meghan’s fault that the brothers are estranged. That’s all on Bulliam.

  25. kelleybelle says:

    William came between the two siblings, end of.

    • Tessa says:

      It’s like those old movies where the bad brother tries to keep his sibling from marrying his choice. And the adage is never try to come between a husband and wife. And also let no man put asunder is part of wedding vows. The Queen did approve the marriage. William is a bully. Heaven help William’s children if he tries to break up each of his children’s respective relationships because he “disapproves.”

      • kelleybelle says:

        Did a more loathsome brother ever exist?

      • Alteya says:

        The other brother in Japan is a close second. Illegal gender selection to get a late in life male child to steal the throne from aiko. Japanese govt was discussing allowing her to inherit when younger brothers wife just happened to get pregnant a decade+ after their daughters were born.

      • FlamingHotCheetos2021 says:

        The Japanese government was never seriously considering letting Aiko (or any other woman) inherit. According to Japanese-speaking royal watchers the general tone from the government in general and the specific officials involved was more “uuuuugh, we are bound by orders to waste everybodys’ time and publicly discuss this INCREDIBLY stupid thing, so let’s get this over with”.

        They were and still are seriously considering either allowing women of Imperial birth who marry out of the Imperial Family to retain their membership in the Imperial family and allowing males to inherit through the female line (currently once a Princess marries a commoner she is de-Princessed, and the line of succession may only run through the male line even if your Imperial-by-birth-Mother marries a male of the Imperial family), OR expanding the line of succession by going back a generation or two for the “everybody must be descended from this person” rule (this would bring in a number of male cousins who are still generally considered acceptable Imperial material).

  26. ABritGuest says:

    What’s interesting is that these vanity fair fogeys Graydon & Tina hype their supposed connection with Diana who famously left the BRF & discussed how badly the monarchy treated her. And yet it’s meant to be unbelievable that the same institution can revisit horrible behaviour on someone that was even more of an outsider & somehow all that has gone down is Meghan’s fault & Diana would feel same about Harry’s exit as they do? The misogynoir in these types really leaps out. I also think they are upset that they aren’t the gatekeepers they were in Diana’s time & Harry & Meghan haven’t tried to tell their story through them. I think that’s why bitter Graydon calls them chancers. Mad they don’t have access or exclusives . If anyone is grifters it’s someone like Charles who is taxpayer funded & has millions & yet will use his charity to get a loan for property he uses privately.

    Royal reporters said in 2019 that Harry’s brother & father had distanced themselves when he sued the press which Harry has also said is a factor in the rift. Harry is on camera with William in the Diana anniversary documentary discussing William ignoring him at school & when the pregnancy with Charlotte was announced, Harry is on camera saying he hasn’t seen William & Kate for a while. So the idea of their closeness was part of palace propaganda & it’s easier to blame the ‘Black temptress’ then to look at the part that William & Charles played in the exit & fact that William literally attacked Harry, apparently because he didn’t agree to dump his pregnant wife at William’s behest. Why on earth is it acceptable to these types that William tried to come between a married couple? Even if he disliked Meghan why couldn’t he just get on with it like he & Harry did with Camilla even though we now know they didn’t want Charles to marry her & don’t like her

    And if I accept any truth to his claim about Meghan’s cover, good for her that she didn’t want just talk about her relationship. Her acting career, the tig & her humanitarian work had seen her on shows like Larry King, the today show & many magazines before she ever met Harry & smart that she wanted to highlight her work

    • Tessa says:

      Diana was ousted from that family. Charles made it clear after the marriage he wanted the heirs from her and later he admitted he never loved Diana. So why on earth would Diana back up William trying to break up Harry and Meghan? Some of these writers try to rewrite history. After the way Diana was treated, I doubt she would have been happy with William’s bullying tactics and appalled at Kate’s behavior to Meghan.

    • jais says:

      Mmmhmm. Diana and even Fergie have talked about the terrible treatment. So why are we all of the sudden thinking they started acting better when Meghan entered the scene. Spoiler alert, they didn’t. So yes, it makes no sense what he’s arguing. Or TB. But honestly, they’re likely friendly with or at least acquaintances of both Charles and Camilla.

    • TigerMcQueen says:

      This is the wild part to me. They admit Diana was treated like trash by Charles and the family but think she’d want Harry to experience the same thing. That’s delusional.

  27. QuiteContrary says:

    So Meghan wanted the focus to be on the philanthropies she wanted to highlight — and not on herself — and we’re supposed to think that makes her look bad?

    And Harry literally preferred being in a combat zone to being in England. He was always going to try to escape that den of vipers.

  28. Tessa says:

    It is a disaster if someone chooses his brother over his spouse. This article is off the wall.

  29. Tessa says:

    Carter has no clue. Diana would have been horrified at William trying to break up Harry and Meghan. Diana probably would have spent time in California for part of the year and spent time with Harry,Meghan and the children. So would Carter prefer living with his brother instead of getting married?

  30. Monlette says:

    I once had to chose between a beau and a sibling and I chose my sibling. We are both in our seventies and still live together. – The killer in about 20% of Agatha Christie novels, and who can blame them?

  31. Lover says:

    Imagine Graydon Carter saying he didn’t know who Meghan was, in order to boast about how beneath his notice she is.

    How many people in the world know who Meghan is, and how many people in the world know who Graydon Carter is?

    • somebody says:

      Yeah. Does he think it makes him look important to claim he had never heard of Suits or Meghan, even though she was dating a member of the RF. Is there something about crusty old people in the UK being out of touch (like Sophie claiming not to know Oprah) and they think that is impressive?

      • Lover says:

        Interestingly, he’s not British. He’s Canadian and lives in NYC and Connecticut. Considering his job is to pay attention to entertainment and culture, and he was born in Toronto where Suits was filmed for nine seasons, you’d think he might of heard of it — even William and Kate knew it well. Crusty and out of touch is right.

  32. Vicki says:

    Yet another old white guy flaps his lips.

  33. Amy Bee says:

    Regardless of who Harry married, William was going to have an issue with her because in his mind, Harry’s role was to serve him alone and having a wife and family of his own would have interfered with that.

  34. Pat Gaddess says:

    I don’t see his book on The NY Times best seller list .

  35. 992234177 says:

    When Catherine married William did they accuse her of coming in between the brothers. every time a person is added to the mix the relationships of all members change so the basic charge is correct but it’s the twist of harming them that’s the problem

  36. Over it says:

    This old hack is so confusing to me . He said Diana wanted to know if the K family treated jackie as badly as the W treated Diana , yet we are to believe that Diana would want her son to stay in that abusive hell . Just grin and bear it ? Put up and shut up Harry and for goodness sake put a muzzle on your wife . That’s what they all think . Well I don’t think Diana and it’s not like I know this because I didn’t know her , however i would like to believe that she would have told Harry to get his wife and child out and run as fast and as far as he can and I would also like to believe that she would have been visiting him and his family all the time . I am so tired of these abusive racist assholes and the way they talk about Meghan . She is a human being, a wife , a mother , a daughter. A friend an aunt and a person. I have had enough of this .

  37. Liz - L says:

    In Spare Harry said William didn’t want to acknowledge him when he joined the same school. When he married Kate they never once invited him round for supper. William is a cold person as is Kate and I’m glad Harry has a warm wife.

  38. Miranda says:

    I have 3 brothers. Two of them have had wives (one is now an ex, thank God) that I really do not care for (and for REAL reasons, not the imaginary bullshit they accuse Meghan of. They’re women in their 50s who still act like spoiled brats, and the ex one would relentlessly flirt with my husband IN FRONT OF ME). It never came between me and my brothers, because we genuinely love each other, and we’re all adults. They’re aware of my feelings, and we’ve always worked around it. I’m polite during obligatory encounters like holidays, and if I want to see my brothers, they come to me, or I plan to go over while their wives are out. I imagine that many, if not most families have similar arrangements when members don’t get along. Rational siblings who genuinely love each other, and don’t just see each other as convenient scapegoats, do not react as William did. The way that seemingly every Brit of a certain age tries to dismiss William’s behavior and place all the blame on Meghan is just insane to me. Are they all gunning for honors or something?

  39. bisynaptic says:

    1. Who wants to read this guy’s autobiography?
    2. What a f—ing snob.
    3. Diana thought she was being treated badly by the Windsors and literally divorced them, but would have also thought that Harry should stay close to them, at all costs? Sure, Jan.

  40. Maja says:

    I think that’s also an argument: Meghan is an adult, in the truest sense of the word. Not that she can’t have fun, on the contrary.
    But she doesn’t play small, she doesn’t play the girl, she has solutions for herself, she tries things out, learns, moves on. She doesn’t need all these people. She makes contracts without the support of the royalists and the tabloid press. They resent her for that. “If you can’t get it through us, you shouldn’t get it at all”, right?
    And it’s still the case – most people like Meghan worldwide and see exactly what’s being done to her. And they’re seeing it more and more – including the many bot farms being sent out for everything she does. We don’t believe you, we’re happy for Meghan and her Prince Harry.

  41. sdb says:

    Good God. What a deeply unhappy man.

  42. Murphy says:

    I’ve never heard of Graydon Carter.

  43. L4Frimaire says:

    Last time Graydon Carter made major news was because restauranteur Keith McNally banned the “fancy f*cker” from all his restaurants for flaking on a big reservation and being a no show too many times. Not sure if the ban is still in place. Everyone has a season and Graydon Carter’s is long past.

  44. Noor says:

    Graydon is just one of the long line of retired ex relevant persons to continue to diss Meghan along the lines of the tabloids narrative. Just like Tina Brown , Prue ,the baker judge, Tom Bower etc , wisdom and kindness escape them.

  45. pottymouth pup says:

    Yes, an actress who was actively involved in charitable work wanting to include the topic of her philanthropic work instead of having an entire interview focused on her relationship is definitely proof that she’s – checks notes – a shady grifter

    as for her being awful for coming between brothers because William didn’t want Harry to marry her – that’s not her coming between brothers, that’s William being a crappy brother. I wasn’t happy with my brother’s choice in mate but she made him happy so you know what I did? I supported my brother and work at my relationship with my SIL finding stuff to like and things we can get along doing because that’s how you support your sibling. And you know what, they’re still together and I have a relationship with my niblings because I’m not a selfish AH

    • JR McGraw says:

      Yeah, that is a classic example of how Megan is damned if she does, damned if she doesn’t. If she had chatted about Harry for the whole interview, people would’ve rolled their eyes and said she’s coasting to fame by marrying a prince and has no personality of her own. She wanted to talk about something that was meaningful to her besides Harry, and they put her down for acting like she has anything to say that isn’t about who she’s marrying. She can’t do it right for these people.

  46. Eliza says:

    Graydon Carter is jealous. Jealous everyone else in the world got a chin but him.
    Vanity Fair was/is a gossip magazine and after Dominick Dunne stopped writing, it wasn’t good anymore.
    Family is not the be all, end all. If they suck as human beings, blow them off.
    I firmly believe that Diana would be hanging with Harry in California.

  47. AC says:

    I had to Google/wikipedia who this person is a few days ago. Not surprised coming from his background.

  48. JR McGraw says:

    Graydon Carter supposedly killed an article that would’ve exposed Jeffrey Epstein in Vanity Fair years before his crimes were eventually revealed.

    These people with such crazy skeletons in their closets, yapping about the choices of people they’ve never met 🙄

  49. Nerd says:

    Diana would have never been okay with the abuse the media has put Harry through his entire life. She definitely wouldn’t have been okay with the racist attacks and threats towards Harry, Meghan and at the time Archie. She would have never been okay with the silence from the royals, especially William and Kate allowing their staff to leak and abuse the woman that Harry loves. Diana herself was a victim of royal staff leaking and helping to bully her through media lies and name calling. She wouldn’t have been okay with William assaulting his brother or calling her paranoid.

  50. MsKrisTalk says:

    He was mad that Meghan wanted to talk about her charity and philanthropy work instead of Harry?! He admitted that Meghan had a fulfilling life before Harry unlike Lazy Waity.

  51. Edna B Mode says:

    Google who graydon Wife is ! She’s English and her father worked with The queen for years. She is of course quite the snob and a Chancer. Shes decades younger than Carter and married him when he was already wealthyy and ” powerful.

  52. maisie says:

    Thank you thank you thank you for naming it-I have said for years that Meghan is getting Yoko Ono-ed. it’s the same “how dare that brown-skinned/slanty-eyed/exotic etc etc woman steal our good white man. he is OURS!” trope almost to the letter.

    what they don’t get is that people are fascinated by Meghan. Like they were with Harry’s mother. And Meghan is *fascinating*. she gives just enough away that people want to know more. but she doesn’t give too much. She’ll never be a Kardashian-type figure. not anywhere close.

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