NewsNation: The Sussexes will not divorce because ‘Harry is a pragmatist’

NewsNation’s gossip columnist is Paula Froelich, who used to work for the NY Post/Page Six. That’s how she writes too – very Murdoch-owned tabloid-speak. In the past year, Froelich has had some very odd royal exclusives. Last September, just days before the Princess of Wales announced that she was “cancer-free,” Froelich’s sources claimed that both Kate and King Charles were doing much worse than anyone thought. Then, last fall, NewsNation had a big exclusive about how the Duchess of Sussex “didn’t know what she was doing” on her cooking show and Netflix was torn up about it. Don’t forget this exclusive, about how the Sussexes are broke-ass and that’s why Harry apparently begged Murdoch for the NGN settlement. Obviously, royalists are not sending their best and brightest to gossip to Froelich, and yet she keeps plugging away, with exclusive answers to questions no one is asking. This week, no one is asking “will the Sussexes divorce?” Froelich’s sources say… no, but with caveats!

There seems to be constant, daily speculation on whether or not the union of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle (now Sussex) will end in divorce. The answer is, according to my insiders: absolutely not. Even if all their business deals fall by the wayside and they are unemployable in their beloved California, there are two good reasons they won’t split: Lili, 3, and Archie, 5.

My insider said, “First off (Harry and Meghan) are actually madly in love. But even if things went wrong and they fell out, there would be no divorce. Harry is a pragmatist. He would never leave his children. He wants the nuclear family he never had growing up.”

As for Meghan, “She knows where her bread is buttered — and is very aware that no one would give her the time of day if she wasn’t the ‘Duchess of Sussex’ or if she left Harry. Her power is the (however weak) attachment to the British Royals, and she isn’t giving that up. Ever.”

Markle is so keen to keep royal ties that she announced on her Netflix cookery show, “With Love, Meghan,” to a stunned Mindy Kaling that her last name is now Sussex, the same as her children.

If they were to split eventually — it would be in 15 years when both Lili and Archie were over 18. But even then — don’t bet on it.

“They’re not going anywhere,” my source insisted.

[From NewsNation]

You know what I wonder? I wonder why certain outlets – every British outlet, plus Vanity Fair and NewsNation – are doing “Divorce Mad Libs” for Harry and Meghan every single year. It feels like more than just idle speculation and it’s definitely not based on actual sightings or body language – there’s someone or a group of people at the root of it. Someone told VF that Meghan “pitched” a divorce memoir. Someone is running around to NewsNation and trying to say that Meghan would be nothing without Harry. It’s all very dark-sided and agenda-pushing, more than any other celebrity-couple I’ve ever seen (including Brangelina).

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Avalon Red.

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63 Responses to “NewsNation: The Sussexes will not divorce because ‘Harry is a pragmatist’”

  1. sevenblue says:

    Honestly, this is nothing new. First, it was “of course, Harry won’t marry Meghan, it is just a fling”. Then, it was “degree wife” because it won’t last a few years. Now, they are divorcing any day now and if they are not, it is because of finances, voodoo magic Meghan did on Harry or some other stupid sh*t. They never presented H&M’ marriage as a healthy, successful marriage while gushing about two pillow-throwers in UK.

    They also said their marriage will last years, not decades 😭😭😂😂 Such creepy weirdos. When you look at their life, most of the time they are divorced or miserably married assholes.

    • Mads says:

      Oh Lord, I’d forgotten about the voodoo nonsense and how Meghan was using “additives” when cooking it to cast a spell on Harry 🤣🤣🤣🤣. The Tweets and memes about Jollof rice were fabulous lol

    • Deering24 says:

      See, that is one of the things I _love_ about Midsomer Murders. Sure, it’s (right grisly) fiction, but it’s practically a documentary on why many British upper-class folks (especially the BM) are so dern miserable. Loveless marriages for status/money; class snobbery; folks trying to undercut everyone else; olde-schoole rivalries that never died; people having everything, but never satisfied. And the BM has the nerve to comment on H&H?!?!? Unreal.

  2. Krista says:

    I’m getting really tired of the villainizing of Meghan…”she won’t leave because she knows where her bread is buttered, but H won’t leave because of the kids”. They make it sound like she’d abandon the kids if H wasn’t supporting her properly.

    She was well off long before H came in the picture. They need to be reminded of that.

    • BeyondTheFringe says:

      Change the names to W&K and we *all know* who this really sounds like.

      • QuiteContrary says:

        Yep. Fixed it for Froelich.

        “Kate’s cancer diagnosis made divorce impossible. Plus, William is lazy. He would never leave his children. He wants the nuclear family he never had growing up. … And Kate knows where her bread is buttered — and is very aware that no one would give her the time of day if she wasn’t the Princess of Wales or if she left William. Her power is the (however weak) attachment to the British Royals, and she isn’t giving that up. Ever.”

      • Becks1 says:

        @QuiteContrary, yup, that fits perfectly.

        If Meghan was so obsessed with royalty and being in the BRF she wouldn’t have walked away from it.

    • somebody says:

      Not to mention she would still have the title anyway. Fergie certainly still uses hers how many years after divorce? Diana didn’t lose her titles or her popularity with divorce.

    • booboocita says:

      I’m reminded of Abigail Breslin, Meghan’s good friend, and what she said in the Harry and Meghan documentary: “Is he worth it? Is he worth all this?” Breslin said Meghan had such a beautiful life before Harry, too.

    • Friendly Crow says:

      She was well off, successful in multiple ventures and she was moving forward in her main career. She had a hugely successful blog and a solid following of people who loved her style and who she was as a person.

      Her colleagues loved her. She was able to implement incredible ideas at her job – getting all the craft services foods taken to food banks and kitchens at the end of the day is just one.

      Charles refused to pay for Harry or Meghan once he married her. I don’t know how they could have remained in the royal family honestly because it would have beggared them. Which was probably the whole point.

      Even her wedding presents and wedding dress was taken from her.

      She survived. Has rebuilt. And she has brought Harry so far up in life. Like a true and loving love partner who sees their love being taken advantage of and abused by people around them.

      Harry grew up in a cult. He did so much to get himself out to the point that he was an incredible and accomplished individual when he met Meghan. He elevated himself as a partner because she expected better. And now they are equals who support each other and work together.

      They have their own separate projects but if you don’t think that they are talking to each other and strategizing and planning together – then you have no idea what a partnership really is.

  3. Blogger says:

    One week can’t pass without some rat mentioning divorce. This week is Froelich’s turn.

    Would love to see the schedule and roster of these rats on their Sussex talking points. They must have them down to pat now.

  4. Eurydice says:

    An exclusive answer none of them can come up with is “If Meghan is/was so “keen to keep royal ties, why did she leave the RF in the first place?” If the story was as BP and the tabloids told it – that it was just a matter of Meghan settling in and getting used to how the RF does things, then why didn’t Meghan follow her supposed ambitions and just settle in? The “experts” keep bringing up the gold digger argument, but it doesn’t make sense.

    • Lover says:

      Thank you for pointing this out. it makes no sense that Meghan is gold-digging the RF when she was rich before them, did not stick around long after marrying Harry, spent her own money to renovate dilapidated royal property, and has never kissed any royal’s 🍑. She makes much more money now being separate and free from them to pursue business opportunities as she pleases. Yes, her relationship with Harry made her more famous than before, but she is here to stay now on her own merits. Just like Diana was no less famous after she divorced Charles. Kate, on the other hand…

  5. Gemini says:

    The tabloids know divorce won’t be the reason that separate them. They know how the marriage wows go: “Till …. “ That’s why Harry is concerned about their security. That’s the only pragmatic thing about Harry.

  6. Jais says:

    Who is planting divorce rumors to the point of saying that Meghan shopped a divorce memoir? Maybe people repping another couple who would like to avoid their own divorce rumors and project them onto the Sussexes. Which… that man said his favorite smell is his wife. Please. Imagine if Carole was ever curious about shopping a book for her daughter?

    • Magdalena says:

      I think you may be right. It’s Opposites Day/projection again. Remember when Kate flouted Covid-19 rules and went unmasked to that public vigil for the lady who had been murdered, which was then stormed by the police who manhandled the women after Kate had left? Then a reporter discovered the POLICE records stated that it was “The Duchess of SUSSEX” who had been there, even though KATE’s photo had been on the front pages of nearly every newspaper, instead of the dead woman’s? Even the British authorities do it. On purpose. This “divorce” story has always been about the other two. I think they are hoping that Harry will eventually snap and call out their projections.

    • StarWonderful says:

      What makes sense is Kate shopping around a book about her (potential) divorce from William. This is the best leverage she has against William and the RF.

  7. Maxine Branch says:

    At this point re the Sussexes narrative does anyone care about what those losers think? We get it and why, hopes and dreams. There is a deep love between the Sussexes and anyone who cares to know knows this.

  8. Amy Bee says:

    There’s a group of royalists who never liked Harry and Meghan as a couple and hold on to the dream that they will divorce one day. Of course the British press want Harry and Meghan to divorce because they mistakenly believe that Harry would return to the UK and royal life if he and Meghan were to break up.

  9. Me at home says:

    At least Froelich kicks off with “My insider said, ‘First off (Harry and Meghan) are actually madly in love. But even if things went wrong ….'” And Froelich ends with “But even then — don’t bet on it. ‘They’re not going anywhere,’ my source insisted.” In other words, I need to earn my keep, so here, have a putative Meghan hate article and click away, but I’ve sandwiched it with reality.

    Anyways, Meghan could go back to acting in a heartbeat. Networks know any show with her would have a huge audience, as WLM proved.

    • Becks1 says:

      Right? it made me laugh. Well they’re not getting a divorce bc they’re in love BUT IF THEY WEREN’T……..

  10. Same crap different spin. “She wouldn’t be anything without Harry”. She was an actress on a popular series. If she didn’t meet Harry who knows how far Meg could have gone but she did meet Harry and they fell in love and they had activisim in common and they were going to use their platform for helping others. The best thing they did was to get away from the institution, who did not want them to shine, so that their platform now is even bigger because of all the good work that they do!

  11. JT says:

    I really hate the “Meg is a gold digger” narrative because when you really think about it, it’s Harry that’s the gold digger. Meg completely upgraded his lifestyle. By his own admission, he was shopping out of TK Maxx bins, living in a cottage that he could barely stand up in. Meg was living in a million dollar Toronto townhome, creating her own fortune while Harry was living off of Charles’ income. Now he’s living in a Montecito mansion with fiftyleven bathrooms with an ocean view. Who’s really the gold digger?

    • Blogger says:

      Katie, daughter of Carole Goldsmith. She’s the real gold digger in the story. Waited for 10 years, brought nothing to the marriage even less to the public, except to produce the heirs.

      But let’s label the career woman the gold digger instead. 🙄

      • JT says:

        Seriously, Meg had an actual career and paid her own bills. She didn’t need anything from Harry. Kate, on the other hand, was supported by her parents and then Charles, and then William when he became POW. She’s never taken care of herself.

    • Moniquep says:

      You forgot the gorgeous mountain views!!

      I only have one question, and I’m going to shout for the clowns in the back to hear and maybe give me an answer.

      The drudgery of their lives would be unbearable !

      I’m waiting!

    • Amy Bee says:

      If Meghan was really a gold digger, she wouldn’t have married Harry.

    • Blubb says:

      JT: I think Harry was smart living of Charles. He could have spent more of his mother’s inheritence, but maybe he was aware he wanted this for his family. And when they left they had her money, his inheritence and both could live in a budget.

      • JT says:

        @Blubb it may have been smart but it was still Meg buying furniture with her credit in that shack Harry called home. She’s was carrying them financially but people have the nerve to call her a gold digger. @Amy exactly if she was trying to marry rich, Harry would have been low on the list of suitors.

      • FlamingHotCheetos2021 says:

        He wasn’t able to touch the inheritance from his mother until he turned 35. She set it at 21, but the family filed a variance on the will that upped it to 35.

    • Bronco says:

      Harry had x millions from Diana. If it were 3-4 million when she died it should be triple that by 2020, he just didn’t spend it. I think it was in trust till a certain age too. So he had more money technically but his father left him in penury when it came to ready cash. Unlike the wails family.

  12. Nic919 says:

    This seems like a lot of projection for the other couple who always look like they hate each other in public.

  13. Tessa says:

    Their children. The divorce talk started with derangers before the wedding.

  14. Alicky says:

    So shocking that a woman chooses to go by her married name and match her children’s names!

  15. Steph says:

    Why are so many women misogynists? I expect this villianizing of Meg from men but she gets it just as bad from women. The only way Meg needs the RF is through her heart. They begot Harry and she’s deeply in love with him. She was fine financially before him and if it ever comes to that she’ll be fine after.

    • Deering24 says:

      Because of patriarchy. Because too many women are conditioned that they should be the adored rich (white) princess to be worth anything. That a WOC “won the Cinderella lottery” burns them no end.

      • Friendly Crow says:

        It’s just so wild. What Meghan and Harry have is beautiful. Not because he was a prince. In spite of him being a prince. Meghan had standards and expectations from a partner. Harry rose to meet them. He says that in his memoir.

        Other people can have a beautiful love story too if they know their worth and refuse to accept less than they deserve. And they marry for love and continue to work on communication and strengthening their connection.

        Why hate someone else’s love story when you can have one too?

  16. Tessa says:

    Some of the married ins including keen never earned their own money and depended on getting a ring from a wealthy man.Meghan had a career and earned her own money.

  17. MsIam says:

    “Meghan would be nothing without Harry so she won’t leave.” But I thought they were irrelevant? Hollywood hates them? They are Z-list nobodies? If this is true then what does it matter whether they stay together or not? And more importantly, why are you obsessed with them?

  18. Hypocrisy says:

    Imagine what a wonderful world we would live in without Murdoch, his minions, and wannabes…

  19. sunnyside up says:

    “As for Meghan, “She knows where her bread is buttered — and is very aware that no one would give her the time of day if she wasn’t the ‘Duchess of Sussex’”

    Meghan would still be Duchess of Sussex if they did get a divorce, just as Diana remained Princess of Wales. Froelich needs to do her research. Think Lady C, she was divorced 50 years ago and is still using her ex-husband’s title for financial advantage.

    • somebody says:

      And “Lady” C was only married to the guy for less than a year, I think. And Sarah uses her title still, even on her book covers. They can all give it a rest with singling out Meghan to slander.

    • Elizabeth Kerri Mahon says:

      Or Sarah Ferguson who is still going by the Duchess of York and lives with her ex-husband so that she doesn’t have to pay rent.

  20. Lizzie says:

    Top reason married people do not divorce, they don’t want to. LOL

  21. Mary S says:

    The Sussex marriage and family life seems happy and stable. But, if things get do get challenging enough to consider a split, I hope H&M fight to hold on for pragmatic reasons. They and their kids are safer together than apart. The malicious UK influenced media and the “Firm” machinery that wants to destroy the Sussex family and Diana’s legacy are not going to stop their efforts if the Sussex family splits. A divided Sussex family will just make the wicked aims of that diabolic team easier to achieve.

  22. Maja says:

    Headline: The Sussexes’ marriage is still a subject of dishonest attacks for right-wing newspapers with maximum ignorance about it.

  23. Crystal says:

    “As for Meghan, ‘She knows where her bread is buttered — and is very aware that no one would give her the time of day if she wasn’t the ‘Duchess of Sussex’ or if she left Harry. Her power is the (however weak) attachment to the British Royals, and she isn’t giving that up. Ever.’”

    This is code for “Paula Froelich is very aware that no one would give her the time of day if she wasn’t talking about Harry or Meghan”. Froelich is, like Graydon Carter, past her prime professionally and representative of an era that doesn’t exist anymore (I remember the height of the Graydon Carter Vanity Fair days and that ship sailed long ago), so these kinds of comments are inevitable.

  24. Ginger says:

    I read these divorce rumors as projection for that other couple. It’s clear it’s about them and not H&M

  25. Moniquep says:

    Here’s another question for the dimwits.
    What or should I say who was responsible for the success of Suits on Netflix?
    Yes it was a good show that I enjoyed in it’s first run. But let’s be honest, the Netflix success is ALL about Meghan!!

  26. Saucy&Sassy says:

    There are a lot of bitter, jealous women out there. This is just another one.

    • Lady Digby says:

      Amanda Platell, Sarah Vine, Vanessa Feltz who regularly trash Meg and Harry fall into jealous bracket; all three were dumped by unfaithful husbands who were tired of them. Harry would NEVER look at another woman. Someone who moves in certain circles contacted Kaiser to claim that Harry fell out with Will over his affairs and throwing Meg to the wolves to cover this up.

  27. Tara says:

    pro-ject-ing, pro-ject-ing 😜🎉

  28. AC says:

    M had a life before H and a career on her own(and a more private life where she was left alone). What real accomplishment did K ever do before she married W. 🙄🙄

  29. Tn Democrat says:

    Dud willy will not divorce stalker clinger because he is a pragmatist who cannot personally stand bad press despite deliberately inflicting a near 10 year smear campaign against the Sussexes. There. Fixed it for ’em.

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