Seward: Prince Harry’s ‘Spare’ is ‘completely untrue’, ‘he chooses to be the victim’

It’s been more than two years since the publication of Prince Harry’s Spare. It was a huge publishing success, one of the most bestselling memoirs of all time. As much as the royalists try to nitpick it, Spare completely reset so many narratives about Harry, his wife and the royal family entirely. There is SO MUCH that the royalist media can no longer get away with claiming about Harry and the Windsors because Harry wrote the definitive account of his own life. Those people have been furious about that ever since, and they’re still trying to find a way to delegitimize Spare and they’re still trying to find a way to say that Harry is an unreliable narrator of his own life. Speaking of, Ingrid Seward is still shilling her dumb book, and she now claims that Spare is “completely untrue” and her books are more honest because something something she’s not the spare!

Playing second fiddle to William throughout his life seemed to take a massive toll on Harry, which culminated in his scathing 2023 book ‘Spare’ about his brother and the whole Royal Family. Ingrid Seward, who has spent 40 years following The Firm, claimed that Harry’s emotional problems had been caused by him allowing the ‘Spare’ label to ‘dominate his life – to the extent that he has now made a career out of it’.

She said: ‘He chooses to be the victim and wreak vengeance on the slights he thought he had suffered; on his family, on the press and through the courts.’

The editor of Majesty magazine claimed Harry’s account was ‘completely untrue’ but it was instead ‘how Harry chose to see himself’.

Seward, 77, has spent decades covering The Firm and its highs and lows – from the War of the Waleses, to Toegate to Megxit and beyond. Like many journalists of her generation, she would often find herself invited to Kensington Palace for cosy chats with Princess Diana or to the ski slopes of Switzerland with Charles, William and Harry. She witnessed at close quarters ‘the boys’ grow into men, becoming one of the most qualified people to comment on why Harry couldn’t be happy in his position within the Royal Family.

After all, it wasn’t all bad being the Spare, as the role allowed Harry far greater freedom than his elder brother. Instead of always having to be the serious one and shoulder the responsibility for the whole family business, he was allowed to enjoy his life more – all the while in the lap of luxury. Harry would play the fool and get away with childish antics, such as standing behind visitors and pulling funny faces behind their backs to make William laugh when he had to meet them. At the age of nine, Harry turned to his brother and declared: ‘You’re going to be King; it doesn’t matter what I do.’

Put another way, according to Seward in her most recent book My Mother And I, he saw this as a licence to do almost whatever he wanted. Perhaps due to their thirst for attention of their mother, Harry also always felt like he needed to compete in everything with his brother, which was especially difficult given William was notably more successful at school.

[From The Daily Mail]

It takes some kind of royalist audacity to sit there and say that Harry’s memoir is “completely untrue” because you know his life better than him. C-word’s argument is that Harry was absolutely treated as the spare, but it’s wrong for him to call himself that because… reasons. Honestly, did these people read Spare? Harry isn’t hellbent on vengeance at any point. In fact, there were so many places where I wished Harry had been colder towards his brother and father, both of whom showed Harry their true colors long before. Harry exposed himself as a neglected boy who desperately wanted deeper connections to his brother and father, despite the fact that he could see that they were sh-theads.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid.

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57 Responses to “Seward: Prince Harry’s ‘Spare’ is ‘completely untrue’, ‘he chooses to be the victim’”

  1. Shanta says:

    “Harry’s account is completely untrue”……. I mean the nerve…clearly, they are out of content..and I love that for them😃

  2. Nanea says:

    Why would anyone ever believe anything Ms C-word has to say?

    After all, she was one of the four people criticising the Oprah interview before it had aired.

    Note to Ms Sewer: the RF never said Harry was lying, just that he was mean.

    So maybe she should have done her research for once.

    • Lynwall says:

      Actually they said they would not forgive him for airing their dirty laundry.
      They absolutely did not say that he was telling lies..except for nitpicking about a gift and some dates.
      William never came out and said that he did not attack his brother.
      Instead the media down played it as normal brotherly something something.

      • Blogger says:

        Yes, the angry, violent and lazy heir who prefers to post on Aston Villa forums than work…is fine. 😂

    • Becks1 says:

      Yup, if Harry’s memoir was completely untrue, we would have heard that two years ago.

      One thing I will say though – I think her view on Harry’s life is interesting and not necessarily untrue from an outsider’s perspective. Wasn’t that how Harry was viewed – the cheeky one, the fun one, the unserious brother, the one without the heavy responsibility of being king one day?

      That’s part of the reason he wrote Spare, to reset that narrative. So she’s clinging to an outdated narrative/perspective, but it was one that held strong for decades.

      • Ciotog says:

        It’s really crazy to say Harry’s story isn’t true just because you think he shouldn’t feel about his life the way he does.

      • Becks1 says:

        @Ciotog I mean I think its crazy to comment on an interview before you’ve seen it and yet she did that too lol.

        (and to be clear, I dont agree with her obviously. I think she’s sticking to a very outdated playbook and insisting that what Harry told us about his life isn’t his life because the RRS have told us something different for decades.)

    • North of Boston says:


      My first thought was:
      Oh, completely untrue, Ingrid?

      Like your assessment of the Sussexes’ Oprah interview? The one you made up out of whole cloth and your vile mind stew before that interview aired?

      • SURE says:

        Sewer said M was acting from the start to the finish of the Oprah interview while acting as though she had seen the interview.

    • bisynaptic says:

      The BM tried the “he’s mean” tack and ran out of options. Now, they’re going to try the “he’s lying” tack.

  3. lanne says:

    The audacity, caucasity of this bitch! This is proof positive that the royal ratchets are completely delusional. How can they possibly say they know the royals better than they know themselves? How can any human being say that about any other human being?

    Her words could be submitted in court as to why the ratchets have a completely innapropriate relationship with the royal family, and have no business reporting on them at all. They have no understanding of boundaries, no understanding of their role as journalists. They see themselves as gatekeepers of the royal family, not reporters. No one should ever take this woman seriously ever again.

    This old horse needs to be put out to pasture. Funny thing, she could have probably afforded to retire had she not been a part of the utterly racist flying monkey brigade. She should be Karening on a beach in spain, angry that the spanish won’t speak English for her. The Harry/Meghan beat could have afforded her a summer home. Oh well. So now she’s left to spew utter nonsense like this.

    • Tessa says:

      It is offensive that Seward even mentions Diana, considering how she trashed her in books including the Queen and Di. And blamed Diana for Charles being with Camilla. She needs to leave Harry and Meghan alone.

      • Hypocrisy says:

        She targeted Princess Diana just like she is doing with Prince Harry and his family. She has blood on her hands already with no remorse I don’t know how these people look at them selves in the mirror every day. Shame on her.

      • Tessa says:

        She was one of the so called writers who “diagnosed” Diana as having Borderline Personality Disorder so “poor” Charles had to turn to Camilla. Ingrid is so offensive, now she’s targeting the next generation and gaslighting Harry and Meghan. Ingrid seems to lack any sort of conscience about the drivel she spreads. Too bad Harry did not name her as one who needed to apologize to his late mother.

  4. Enis says:

    Considering someone posted on Reddit screenshots from an influencer discord that has clear talking points and talks about influencer payments for anti-Megan content, I can’t believe anything written. I would not be shocked if some of these talking heads are also getting paid by *someone*

  5. Steph says:

    “In fact, there were so many places where I wished Harry had been colder towards his brother and father,”

    I agree with so much. Everytime he pointed out a shitty thing his father did, he tried to explain it and excuse it away. “He wasn’t built for parenthood.” And with his brother, he just laid (layed?) out the facts with little personal thoughts on those actions.
    It’s like he couldn’t reconcile how horrible his family actually is.

    That being said C-Word sounds so dumb. Like anyone, never mind the RF, is going to give front row seats to them being shitty ppl on purpose.

  6. ThatGirlThere says:

    Ingrid’s got some nerve, trying to spin Harry’s own story for him. Total gaslighting move. She just wants to be the definitive voice on his life so she can keep cashing in on him. It’s such disgusting behavior.

  7. Why in the hell is she trying to re-write Harry’s history when she wasn’t a fly on the wall while he was living his life? Does she really think people will believe her over Harry on what his life was like? She just makes herself look like the complete asshole that she is! SHE KNOWS NOTHING!!!!!!

    • Blogger says:

      Yes. She truly does think people will believe her. She keeps getting printed in the Daily Fail so what she must be saying is true…that is, of course, if you believe what the Daily Fail prints.

  8. StellainNH says:

    The Spare was published two years ago and Harry moved on with his life. He has said nothing about the left behind Windsors, instead, focusing on his own family unit.

    These abusers cannot leave Harry and his family alone. Harry ignoring them seems to be the best course of action because people see how unhinged they are.

  9. Blogger says:

    I take it her book can be found in the bargain bin fiction section?

    • Asantewaa says:

      I work in a bookshop, we didn’t even sell a single copy, we had to return them for credit, just like Tom Parker-Bowels’s book. A complete flop!

  10. QuiteContrary says:

    C-word needs a wellness check. Because this is utterly deranged.

    And yeah, Harry was living in the “lap of luxury” — so luxurious Meghan had to buy decent furniture for them.

  11. Tessa says:

    Seward needs to keep quiet about Diana. She slammed Diana in her books written after Diana’s death, saying she “drove” Charles to Camilla, never blaming Charles. She is a Charles person and her late husband went to school with Charles. Ingrid needs to retire, Her talking about “cozy” chats with Diana is offensive. I doubt Diana trusted Ingrid. Seward has no clue about what happened between Harry and William.

  12. Amy Bee says:

    This woman is delusional. The audacity of her to believe she knows Harry’s life better than him and to dismiss the impact his mother’s death had on him.

  13. sunnyside up says:

    She has just made herself look foolish, how can she possibly know what happened with Harry behind closed doors.

  14. Tessa says:

    She is gaslighting Harry re “emotional problems” like she did to Diana. Seward should be ashamed of her self.

  15. L4Frimaire says:

    If she’s going around, on record, saying his memoir is completely untrue, that’s heading into slander territory. I’d be petty AF and send her a legal letter from my attorney. The publisher should too. She needs to be put in her place. See how she likes it.

  16. Maja says:

    Headline: Seward and others from this bubble continue to make a living with their ignorance and lack of knowledge about Prince Harrys biography “Spare”.

  17. somebody says:

    So he chose for his brother to assault him? And it was his choice for his family to act like tools? What a disgusting old bat.

  18. Maxine Branch says:

    Harry book Spare is untrue because Seward says it is. The audacity of this low life

  19. Jais says:

    So spare is untrue? Yeah sure just like the donkey sanctuary was a real thing in the Oprah interview.

  20. Constance says:

    This is the same psycho British “media” that licks Trump’s ass and trips over themselves to make every stupid criminal move he makes seem normal and proper and even genius. The DM and its ilk will be and have been on the wrong side of history in every circumstance since time began…I’m sure Harry and Meghan know that and that’s why they can afford to just live their lives while the bitter sad twisted Brits make asses of themselves.
    I do not think there has been a single day that Meghan has not been in the UK news since 2016, which must be a record. Obsessed much? lol

  21. Tessa says:

    Seward teamed up with Simone Simmons, an acquaintance of Diana. They cooperated on a book about Diana. where there were off the wall claims that Diana was not around to refute. Seward had the gall to work with this woman who claimed (after Diana died) that she wanted Simmons to write a book about her. She even spread gossip that Diana had an “affair” with JFK Jr. all sorts of lurid gossip. I guess she can’t get any more mileage over Diana (all her books are hit pieces about Diana) so now she is going after Harry and Meghan and has the gall to say Harry is “wrong” about his own life story!! The nerve of this woman.

  22. Saucy&Sassy says:

    Well, to give the devil her due, she is just writing the narrative that the brf has fed to the bm and they have written since Harry was young. Nothing really new here if you think about it.

    I wonder if any of the bm have ever sat down and jotted down the number of trips or tours Harry did for soft diplomacy for the UK. Then compare that with Billie Idle’s number. Idiots.

  23. JudyB says:

    No, she did not read Spare. She and a bunch of other lazy so-called “experts” have accused H of saying things in the book that was not there. Such as his criticizing the queen and Phillip when he was very kind to them.

    They did not take time to read the book, so just kept writing about things they assume were in it. Lazy and unethical supposed journalism.

  24. Gabby says:

    Who buys this crap? I wonder how well her books sell or what the circulation number are for Majesty Magazine (which I can barely type out without cracking up at the name).

  25. Lau says:

    Ingrid learned about victim blaming and said “oh ! I want to do THAT !”.

  26. Mel says:

    Things must be really desperate over there is they’re bringing up “Spare” again. Keep flailing, they continue to be unbothered.

  27. bisynaptic says:

    Imagine being this old and this foolish.

  28. Eliza says:

    Luxury? He dried his clothes on a radiator. That’s not luxury.

  29. "Josephine" says:

    It is apparent that HRH Prince Harry Sussex is “greyrocking” his nuclear family. Since they are seemingly so dysfunctional and not wanting to accept accountability for how they treated him during his childhood and when he decided to marry, I understand why he is doing so.

    It is very simple, Prince Harry told his own life story, so that no one could continue to profit from his life financially and personally. He also wrote his memoir for historical accuracy for his children when they grow up. Also he has placed boundaries around himself and his family (HRHs Duchess Meghan, Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet Diana). That is what healthy, healed, mature people do; maintaing their independence and safety from people who want to destroy them.

    This is not victimhood, this is a personal life story of a child who grew up in a system that wants to maintain a false narrative. This system seemingly exploits anyone who happens to be a sibling to the heir. This is odd because, in spite of the extreme difference in treatment between Prince Harry and his brother, Prince Harry was never fighting for a throne. In fact he made in clear in interviews as a teenager and young man, that this system was difficult but he remained loyal to his Commander in Chief (Queen Elizabeth).

    Prince Harry is no longer working for the king and the monarchy. He has a job, his philanthropic works , his foundation and his family. It does not make sense for the focus of the Royal Family narrative to be on him in another continent and thousands of miles away. Prince Harry has not spoken about his nuclear family in public in two (2) years. Duchess Meghan has not spoken abouth Prince Harry’s nuclear family in four (4) years.

    It is interesting to note how once the scape goat leaves the system, the system has trouble moving on and creating new narratives with the remaining people in the system . This is how I know Prince Harry’s story is true. The remaining people in the system keep trying to rewrite history with Prince Harry to keep the “fairy tales” going. Hard to tell the public what is untrue, when the public can see you trying to create false narratives attacking the primary (Prince Harry) and his family in California.

  30. Jean says:

    “Completely untrue…”


    Gigantic eye roll.

    The RF are, what is it called now? Humble braggers and Virtue signalers galore. The press over there puts all of it (sources) out. And for Pete’s sake, no we don’t want to be part of that again. Do I wish their family would forgive each other? Yes full stop. They clearly still care what each other thinks otherwise they would just move on and zero stories. They still care/love:) As for over here, we’re busy planning for the next election, very early indeed. And, we got through the first four years of large mangoes, we will get through these four years too…

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