Cele|bitchy | Susan Sarandon rocks an unfrozen face & a plunging caftan

Susan Sarandon rocks an unfrozen face & a plunging caftan

Donna Karan Collection - Front Row - Fall 2010 MBFW

These are photos of Susan Sarandon, Demi Moore and Brooke Shields at the Donna Karan fashion show in New York on Monday. Even though it seems like Demi has been hellbent on stealing the spotlight from whomever is around, at the show it was Susan who taught the master class in “pulling focus”. I can’t even believe what Susan’s wearing! At 63 years old, Susan decided to go ultra-lowcut in a plaid wrap-dress/caftan thing with righteous black boots. I don’t mind saying that I would rock the hell out of this outfit. But I can’t now – Susan already did it so well!

Donna Karan Collection - Front Row - Fall 2010 MBFW

HuffPo makes a big deal about Susan’s monster cleavage. They call her outfit a “plunging plaid caftan that exposed a glimpse of black bra for the front-row photo op.” I can’t even see the bra! Other than the dress, though, I don’t really care for Susan’s hair or makeup. If she was trying to impress someone with how young and hip she looked, she shouldn’t have done her hair in a grandma bun and she could have tried some concealer. But other than that, yes, she looked great.

By the way, do you know what I noticed? Susan’s face looks the most natural when you can see the side-by-side comparison with Demi and Brooke. Demi and Brooke look like frozen, immovable sisters, the patron saints of Botox. Meanwhile, Susan looks so natural and unfrozen, it’s such a welcome relief. Bless her and her young, fey hipster boyfriend!

Donna Karan Collection - Front Row - Fall 2010 MBFW

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27 Responses to “Susan Sarandon rocks an unfrozen face & a plunging caftan”

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  1. anon says:

    susan is natural and beautiful. a great example of how to grow older gracefully!

  2. Rose says:

    Demi and Brooke look amazing, Susan, not so much here, although normally she looks better.

  3. Roma says:

    I want to see the boots!

  4. Peach says:

    Foxy Lady.
    [cue Garth dance]

  5. Maleficent says:

    I have never found Sarandon to be the last bit pretty, young or older.

  6. GatsbyGal says:

    Damn, Brooke is looking like a ogre in this picture with her massive, hulking brow and strained smile. And Demi looks like her skin is made of a strange, hard putty.

    Susan, however, looks so lovely and relaxed and just…normal! Which is something so rare in Hollywood, I think, and is a beautiful thing.

  7. Tazina says:

    Demi and Brooke are also a lot younger than Susan so of course they look younger anyway. I see nothing wrong with a bit of Botox or a nip and tuck now and then. Who cares? The masses would be doing it too if they could afford it…when they can’t the next best thing is to criticize those who can.

  8. Rianna says:

    thanks peach… now i have the image of garth in my head with his ears up bumping his head in time to foxxxyyy lady in front of susan… argh!

  9. SammyHammy says:

    I never got the fascination with Susan Sarandon. She’s a mediocre actress with average, ordinary looks. Certainly not the great beauty that people try to say she is. And those are particularly bad pictures of her; she looks tired.

  10. Maritza says:

    Susan is 63 yrs old and she looks like a fabulous 50, Demi and Brooke look like they were in their late 30’s.

  11. Betty says:

    I do love her. i don’t support her leaving old “what’s his name”. To be catty. You can do all you want to the face to make it look younger, but the hands never lie. I’m sure there is a good plastic surgeon specializing in nipping and tucking and fading age spot on hands in California, if not there should be one – he’d make a ton of money.

  12. Mihaela says:

    You go, Tazina!

  13. Bodhi says:

    Damn, I didn’t even recofnize Brooke! Yeesh! Susan looks amazing, as usual!

  14. Sumodo1 says:

    Brooke and Demi are nearly twenty years younger than Susan and all that botox and filler has aged them. Susan Sarandon looks a well-taken-care-of 63. It’s not a miracle, folks. You can avoid fatty, preservative-filled foods and alcohol. That’s all.

  15. Cinderella says:

    Susan looks good for 63. Not very many women her age can show off their boobs and not gross out the general public.

  16. Maddie says:

    I think she looks great and love that plaid shirt she’s wearing.

  17. clare says:

    Wow, she looks great and real and has PRESENCE, unlike those two tight, botoxed cougar-looking ladies sitting next to her.

  18. jay says:

    Might I ask a silly/strange question? WHAT do you wear to a designer’s show? Do you have to wear their clothing from the last line, or what? Weird, I know, but I’ve always wondered what you’re supposed to dress in so as not to offend or whatever. And do they do more than one show a day, different designers? I guess that means the usual changing of the guard, then.


    Topic: She looks pretty damned good for her age. Much more natural, but then, there are some who do age normally and retain some semblance of their former younger selves. Lena Horne is magnificent, Sophia Loren can rock it with the best of them, and so on…

  19. snapdragon says:

    she looks lovely and real at any age.

  20. Popcorny says:

    Wait a sec, Susan’s got a lot of makeup on, lipstick, blush, foundation and concealer too.
    And yes, her black bra is visible in both pics … she certainly is trying (the buttons didn’t undo themselves) but other than low-slung hooters, she hasn’t much left.
    Susan has always been propped by over-hype. For instance (after instance, etc.,) that relationship with that younger male? -entirely unconfirmed and unfounded yet the Ya-Ya PantsO’Fire Sisterhood insists upon (as 110% bona-fide truth) it to match the props they’ve placed beneath (Susan). Go Louise! Phhhllllt. All the overgushing just forces me to see the reality harsher -that she looks spent and desperately hanging on to what she lost decades ago.

  21. Raven says:

    Susan’s skin looks natural. The other two have foreheads you could see your reflection in. I love the fact that Susan doesn’t need to buy into all the Hollywood hype and desperation. And, sadly, that’s how the other 2 look-desperate.

  22. teehee says:

    @ rianna- I love your Gravatar LOL “I’m freeee!” 🙂

  23. chikkentikkatellmewhatswrong says:

    She looks natural, but I wouldn’t rule out that she may have had some botox/fillers.. it really depends on how much – many actresses are incredibly insecure and make the mistake of getting overzealous with their ‘ameliorations’. She may have had a minor, reasonable amount of botox/filler – particularly filler in Zone 1, and 2 (upper and mid cheek)..

  24. PJ says:

    She had a face-lift several years ago. No matter how good your genes are, nature cannot produce a jawline like that at 63!

    The effects of the face-lift have started to wear off a little, but that’s fine, it gives her a really nice, natural look. Not too tight and stretched.

    I think the bright red lipstick color is brilliant!

  25. Mary Stevens says:

    Neck lift. Susan Sarandon. Definitely. Makes the rest look great: it’s half a face lift, really.

  26. JL Clark says:

    Susan S. actually has a face left and that is why we are all agog. Demi and Brooke look like the shrunken heads I used to love to check out as a kid at the Field Museum. Mummified.

  27. mtngirl says:

    Nice pic, Susan at 63 looks classy, beautiful and real, and has earned the right to rock her own look. Demi and Brooke are definitely more touched up and cookie cutter, wonder if they will look as original in 15 or so years.