Here’s a question I’m sure plagues most brides: is it better to go into space before or after your wedding? So much goes into planning the big day, I’d think a lot of people would opt for waiting to play astronaut until after. But Lauren Sánchez is not most people. When others say formal winter attire, Lauren hears uncovered bustier. So naturally the noted journalist, bestselling author, pilot, entrepreneur, philanthropist, chairperson, and future Mrs. Bezos, is going the other way (as in, away from Earth), and squeezing in an aerospace flight ahead of her nuptials. Fresh off of the confirmation this week that Lauren and Jeff are marrying in Venice this summer, Blue Origin (the groom’s company) has just announced their first all-woman space mission is set to blastoff on April 14. How do we know they’re all set to launch? Because they’ve got the official mission patch graphic!
Blue Origin is ready to send several superstars to space.
The launch date for the upcoming flight, which will include Katy Perry, Aisha Bowe, Amanda Nguyễn, Gayle King, Kerianne Flynn and Lauren Sánchez, was confirmed this week.
New Shepard’s NS-31 11th human flight will be Monday, April 14.
It will lift off from Launch Site One in West Texas. The New Shepard launch window opens at 8:30 a.m. CDT / 13:30 UTC.
Additionally, Blue Origin released the NS-31 mission patch.
Per the company, a few of the key symbols embedded include:
The target star symbolizes Aisha Bowe’s ambition for setting big goals, passion for STEM, and commitment to inspiring future generations.
The scales of justice symbolize Amanda Nguyễn’s efforts to advocate for civil rights, break barriers, and empower everyday people to create change.
The shooting star microphone represents Gayle King’s commitment to sharing important stories with the world.
The firework symbolizes Katy Perry’s global influence across music, pop culture, and philanthropy.
The film reel symbolizes Kerianne Flynn’s passion for filmmaking, storytelling, and crafting beautiful narratives.
Flynn the Fly, the main character in Lauren Sánchez’s bestselling children’s book, The Fly Who Flew to Space, is along for the ride. The story is about overcoming adversity, inspiring kids with learning differences to pursue their dreams.
Real talk: how likely is it that the designer of that mission patch got paid an astronomically higher fee than anyone makes at Amazon? Also, “The firework symbolizes Katy Perry’s global influence across music, pop culture, and philanthropy,” made me chuckle. Why not just say it’s a nod to her song?! Katy was recently confirmed to be on Lauren and Jeff’s wedding guest list, as was Gayle King. So my next question is: is New Shepard NS-31 the bachelorette party? If so, I hope the invites said, “Will be out of this world!” (I know, I know, I’m hilarious.) In all seriousness, I hope the flight runs smoothly and safely, and that all women aboard make it back in time for the wedding… and the rest of their lives. The recent spate of layoffs at Blue Origin has me worried, which probably won’t go away until after this whole unnecessary joyride once in a lifetime experience is over. And on top of that, the takeoff is in West Texas, currently battling an entirely preventable measles outbreak. The world is so fun right now.
photos credit: Jeffrey Mayer/Avalon, IMAGO/Jennifer Bloc/Avalon
I just realized Lauren Sanchez can’t close her lips. Um… anyway, I hope they all have a lovely time in space and come back in one piece.
No she can’t, not without lifting her chin up weirdly. Same as Demi Moore. Both had very overdone liplifts. I observed a similar strained chin movement with Kate Hudson in Running Point, but to a lesser extent. They all look the same when they try to eat, for example, when you actually need to close your lips sometimes. Try to lift your upper lip with a finger right under your nose and try to speak or close you mouth. So noticeable.
There’s a weird little crooked gap on the top lip, but her hair seems so healthy & soft and her lashes look great. Hope the flight goes well.
That’s putting it mildly lol her upper lip is completely deformed
I so, so hate this. We get to watch this dumb nonsense and at the same time see our hard-earned basic rights and decades-long fight for equality being obliterated in the course of a few years. But sure, great. Katy Perry and Lauren Sanchez will go to space. Congrats.
It’s all so gross.
This is what weirdo rich people enjoy doing. Wish they’d take a few more billionaires with them TBH.
Yes 💯 don’t eat the rich, send em out to space instead 🚀😁
This right here! This is fake go girl feminism while Bezos censors the Washington Post and cozies up to the Trump administration that is dismantling the government and our rights. If Trump says anything negative about this flight, wouldn’t be surprised if Bezos cancels it.
Exactly this.
Incredibly bad optics for all involved – Cozying up to a trump ass-kissing oligarch while the U.S. slides further and further into the fascist abyss.
I guess as long as nothing will affect them why should they be worried about the rest of the country.
Very Gilded Age—the rich show off/fund achievements while the rest of us are kicked down to ladder’s bottom, where we should applaud them.
I hope she consulted her plastic surgeon before signing up. I’d be wary of any physical impact even on a simple commercial flight with that amount of implants, fillers, threads, nips and tucks.
If I were Lauren I would ask my doctor if my boobs would maybe explode at great altitude.
Is it possible that Lauren Sanchez just does not photograph well? That in real life, she doesn’t look so jarring. Because, yikes. Why would anyone do this to themselves?
It’s particularly depressing because she was beauty back in the day.
I remember back in the day when Lauren was one of the hosts on Extra. I thought she was so beautiful. Then she left to be an ‘actress’. I guess she did what many women of beauty do. When you don’t succeed in your career. You marry rich, then richer.
Lordy what she has done to her face and body should be a crime trying to cling to youth.
When one Jocelyn Wildenstein dies another rises in her place.
I’m getting OceanGate Titan vibes. Yeah, I know they’re going in the opposite direction.
I would never go to space before my wedding, especially if my greedy fiancee were in charge of the rocket ship. Because if he’s having second thoughts, well, you never know.
That was my first thought as well!
Interesting. April 14th is 113th anniversary of the Titanic.
I cannot take Gayle seriously as a journalist anymore.
Such a selfish stunt to be involved with in the face of what’s happening to the rest of us in this country. She’s a big disappointment.
Sounds like a Marxist-woke-commie-DEI rocket based on those symbols.
It’s the world’s most expensive horsey-ride. I’d bow out if I were Perry or King. Especially as Nasa is currently erasing the contributions of women to the space program. The optics are bad, bad. (To me, the connection is that women are good for frivolous stuff while they should be eliminated from “real” science). I hate this so much.
This is so unnecessary! It’s a waste of finite resources, money and time. There is no scientific reason for such a trip, the world is burning and those billionaires are just bringing us faster to a point of no return. These people could end world hunger and this is what they’d rather do instead. I wish they all went to try to colonize Mars and leave us alone
It’s not for science. Bezos wants to commercialize space travel. It’s for greed.
So.. what happens to all of that plastic surgery in space? Asking for a friend.
Hello, o-ring manufacturers? I’m calling in a favor.
Can we finally maybe start shifting the conversation to “it’s rich against poor”, rather than black against white? Cause look at all the rich black folks glad-handing with the worst of the rich white folk. They aren’t on our side.
I love that Sanchez looks worse every time we see her lol. I just want to know if, in their world, it’s so normalized people can’t see it, or is she the one people whisper and nudge each other about at parties?
Laughing forever at how much Katy Perry clearly wants to be a Republican, though. She’s just chomping at the bit waiting for it to socially acceptable again for a major pop star to be MAGA. With the way the SM propaganda machine is working on the young people, she may not have to wait long, I suppose.