Gabourey Sidibe wasn’t upset with Vanity Fair’s all-white cover

Oscar Nominee Luncheon 2010

Remember the “pretty white girl” cover of Vanity Fair’s Hollywood Issue? Yeah. Lots of very pale, young, thin actresses who represent the “future” of Hollywood. As many pointed out, if that cover represented the future, then the future is all-white. Many critics also pointed out the exclusion of one of 2009’s biggest breakout stars: Gabourey Sidibe. Gabby, the Oscar-nominated actress who debuted in Precious, was included in an Annie Leibovitz photograph with director Lee Daniels and Mo’Nique inside the VF pages, but she didn’t make the cover. What gives? Well, it might not matter to Gabby, because she’s such a classy young woman, she skillfully avoided throwing Vanity Fair under the bus for their all-white cover, and answered some tricky questions about race, weight and Hollywood with a grace beyond her years:

It wasn’t just a host of media watchers that noticed the lack of diversity on Vanity Fair’s 2010 Young Hollywood cover. Breakout star Gabourey Sidibe noticed it too.

Newcomer Gabourey, an Oscar nominee for her role in “Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire” admitted that although she was happy being a part of the magazine — she’s featured in a shoot with her “Precious” co-star Mo’Nique and director Lee Daniels — her cover exclusion did indeed cross her mind.

“Were you satisfied with the story inside the magazine?” Access Hollywood asked the Best Actress nominee at Monday’s Oscar Luncheon.

“Was I satisfied? Yeah, well… I mean, I come from a world where I’m not on covers and I’m not in magazines at all,” Gabourey said. “And so I was happy to be in the magazine. At first I thought, ‘Hmm, should I be there.’ Then I very quickly got over it. I think if I were a part of that shoot I would have felt a little left out anyway.”

Gabourey added that had she been chosen for the cover, which spotlighted a host of stars including Kristen Stewart, Carey Mulligan, Abbie Cornish, Amanda Seyfried and Anna Kendrick, she would have wondered whether she fit in.

“I would have felt a little like… whether or not I should have been there,” she told Shaun. “[It] doesn’t matter, because I wasn’t on it and I’m excited to be mentioned anywhere, and it doesn’t matter to me where I’m not mentioned.”

In fact, Gabourey doesn’t seem to let anything get to her, having decided long ago to be happy with the person she sees in the mirror.

“It was a long transition,” she said. “It was so long ago that I don’t exactly remember how I got there. I’m just grateful that I am there because so many people go through this — beautiful people, gorgeous people — don’t feel it, don’t feel as if they’re gorgeous and I think it’s really sad and I’m glad that I happen to be one of the people who does feel [it].”

[From Access Hollywood]

I’ve really started to love this girl. She is the opposite of the entitled, strung-out brats who pass for celebrities. She’s one of my favorite “underdog” stories, and I hope she continues to find work in Hollywood. Hopefully her Oscar nomination for Precious will open even more doors for her, and we’ll be seeing her for years to come.

Vanity Fair photos courtesy of Just Jared.



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53 Responses to “Gabourey Sidibe wasn’t upset with Vanity Fair’s all-white cover”

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  1. alibeebee says:

    gabby is classy she is now in round two of what all actresses of colour in hollywood face. shame really. can you imagine an all white world with thin thin hungry pale women everywhere? BORING!

  2. Cea says:

    She seems very nice, can;t wait to rent Precious, she’s said to be really amazing in it. Maybe Vanity fair will have an up coming issue with all faces of colour on it. . Wait, that doesn’t seem right. They should have really put more diversity in that cover. It’s annoying. Things shouldn’t be segregated. I can understand people being annoyed by it.

  3. Snarf says:

    While I thought it was a dumb move on VF part to have a little diversity on the cover I also think it’s dumb for people to immediatley assume the worst and start screaming “racism” over it.

  4. Really? says:

    She is a beautiful girl, inside and out.

  5. Who dat says:

    lmao @ none of those “young, white, pretty, future of Hollywood” actresses getting the kinds of awards/respect Gabourey’s getting anyway. You can be as bony or as pale as you want but if you’re not getting any REAL recognition for your talents then all that other shit is pointless. Let them keep gettin covers and you keep gettin awards Gab!!

    Oh and to the poster Snarf, of course if you’re white you wouldn’t see the racism in it. Just like so many other white people in this country you’re completely oblivious to those types of things.

  6. Me says:

    just because you are black you ALWAYS see the race card being played…are yuo related to jesse jackson or al sharpton…WTF is the world coming to? Every time something happens you cry race and its getting old

  7. Hannah says:

    Gabby is the better actress. To be perfectly honest I don’t think there is one actress on that cover who I feel actually has a craft and is good at it.

    However, sad as it is, there just won’t be that many roles that Gabby will be able to audition for and thats just the sad truth. Most roles are looking for the skinny white girl unfortunately.

  8. Leek says:

    She is such a nice, humble person. That reason alone was probably enough to keep her off the cover of a magazine. Nice doesn’t sell! Bulimia, drug and sex addiction do though.

    Keep her as far away from these people and “handlers” and just give her great roles.

  9. EEcjhd says:

    All of them on that cover look so bland and forgettable. You can’t tell them apart. No personality.
    No wonder it’s Hollywood after all.

  10. Ben says:

    Evan Rachel Wood isn’t a new comers I’d say but she is the most talented of them all, including Gabourey Sidibe, that’s just my opinion though on a fairly subjective matter.

  11. Peach says:

    @Whodat: Thank you. On both points.
    1. Gabby is on fire. She’s smart, accomplished, and getting awards. Much more significant than being on a cover (who the hell hasn’t been on a cover at this point?)
    2. It’s easy to look past ‘slights’ if it has never affected you. Just because people aren’t wearing hoods and chanting KKK slogans does not mean it’s irrelevant or nonexistent.
    Rather I’d argue that the more hurtful forms of bigotry come from lowered expectations and a refusal to acknowledge actual accomplishments.

    3. Gabby doesn’t care because Gabby is over it already. She’s just awesome in so many ways. Classy, whip smart, and genuinely kind. How many ladies on the VF cover would you so easily describe this way?

  12. Not exactly... says:

    @ who dat – while I agree with you that Gabby is very talented, you’re wrong about “none” of those girls getting the same recognition as Gabby. Two of them (Anna Kendrick and Carey Mulligan) are nominated for Oscars this year as well. They’ve also received a lot of critical praise (again referring to Anna and Carey).

    I’m not saying I agree with the all choices for the Vanity Fair cover because I don’t. I just like things to be correct and it’s incorrect to say that none of those girls are getting the same recognition when they are.

  13. Who dat says:

    @ Not exactly…, I stand corrected as far as that statement in my post. I’ll take the L, no prollem.

  14. Ben says:

    I’m probably going to get get shut down ridiculously hard for saying this but I think some people (not critics, I mean commenters, like those leaving comments here) talk about her being above the girls on the cover just because she’s african american and obese, like she’s in some round about way better them because of it.

  15. Who dat says:

    Ben,no offense, but that’s probably the dumbest thing i’ve read. Just from that comment alone I would say your entire perception on this issue is a bit scewed bruh.

  16. Laura says:

    Sucks, because if Gabourey did say she was upset about the cover, she would have seem like a bitter ungrateful black girl. So instead she has to resort to self-deprecating.

    Can’t win.

    Oh well, I’ll be upset for her.

  17. hatsumomo says:

    I’ll point this out, Gabby’s been in only ONE movie! Precious! She’s never done a movie before that. Or had ANY work before that. And has nothing in post production. Its wonderful that she did take the first role she’s ever had and do so much with it, but Im still waiting for her to do some more stuff before I start singing her praise. What if she never does another movie? And turns out to be a one hit wonder? Will she still then be ‘the greatest actress of all time?’.

  18. dizzybenny says:

    I would take Precious over Avatar for the movie of the year any time of day.
    She definitly earned her nomination!
    Team Gabourey all the way! 🙂

  19. Chana says:

    I think she took the perfect road with it because frankly, she would have looked out of place and I highly doubt she would have felt comfortable on a set where the design was “flowy, white, springy, peachy” and she’s none of those.

    I refuse to see Precious just on the basis that I’d rather not watch something so monumentally depressing, but I’ve heard very good things about it. Quite a few people think she’ll take the Oscar. We’ll see, shall we?

  20. TG says:

    Where is Zoe Saldana? She definitely should have been on that cover. She has 2 monster hits in 1 year and has been around as long as Kristen Stewart, ERW and Abby Conrish at least. I don’t know anything about Gabourney. As far as I am aware this is her only film, but I could be wrong. But Zoe, is beautiful, gracious and a good actress and will definitely be around for the long haul. I will watch her in anything!

  21. Laura says:

    FYI: the cover was for up-and-coming actresses, those we should keep an eye out for in the new decade.

    If she were already established, I get what you’re saying, she wouldnt have been needed on the cover.

    But with one movie, she has an oscar nod.

  22. lena says:

    @ hatsumomo, you are wrong she does have at least 1 movie lined up, check if you are interested.

  23. ElizabethM says:

    Just so the conversation remains well rounded, I just wanted to pipe up and say *I* am a white woman who agrees the incessant barrage of whiteness from Hollywood is both disturbing and completely unrealistic.

    One does not need to be non-white and/or a victim of bigotry from whites to be appalled at Hollywood’s constant whitewashing of America.

    So, for those who think whites aren’t disturbed/offended by the lack of ethnic diversity on that magazine cover, you are very wrong. There are plenty of whites who aren’t racists d-bags and who focus on talent, not skin color.

  24. simplicity says:

    It was my understanding Sidibe is not planning a future in films, and wanted to continue her education.

    The VF cover and article was about future actress’s.

    Carey Mulligan was outstanding in An Education, is a stage actress, London and NY, has two films this year.

  25. hatsumomo says:

    I stand corrected, ONE movie in pp- Yelling to the Sky.

  26. Essie says:

    Well, to be perfectly honest, we most likely won’t be hearing much from Gaby in the future, unless she loses a little weight. I mean, how many roles are there for obese Black women in Hollywood? She would be relegated to the supporting role of the “sassy, fat, friend” to all those skinny white girls. Look what happen to Jennifer Hudson. Her first role after winning an Oscar for an amazing performance was in that awful “Sex in the City” movie where she was the “sassy assistant.” Luckily, Jennifer decided to refuse other scripts that demeaned her and has done some really good parts, with one coming up as Winnie Mandela. However, Jennifer has lost about 50 pounds for that role.

    What I’m saying is, yes Gaby did well in “Precious” but, even though she is happy with herself (a good thing), in order to stick around Hollywood as a Black actress, she will have to lose weight. Not down to skin and bones but at least not as obese. She is 27 years old and should be smart enough to understand this.

  27. missy says:

    @ chana

    you bring up a good point – more one that speaks to *our* *collective* perceptions about beauty.

    Society is brainwashed from decades and decades of idealism that was meant to provide power and money for a select few, who were almost all white males. YES she wasn’t on the cover because she is fat and black. YES it is racism and sexism too, but that part is more hidden. ALWAYS more hidden. Ladies pay attention!

  28. lucy2 says:

    I like her, she seems genuine and sweet. It’s a shame they didn’t include her and some other up and comers on the cover, but she seems to know how to best respond to it.
    Even more interesting would have been the 10 female Oscar nominees rather than up and comers, some of which will probably fade away again quickly.

  29. fizXgirl314 says:

    some of you sound so ignorant when you say things like it isn’t racism when it clearly is… I’m sure the editors of VF didn’t wake up and go “today i’m going to be racist” but that all american 50’s looking photoshoot is a manifestation of how they see their world in their narrow minded little heads… of course someone named Gabourey wouldn’t fit into their little short sighted fantasy…

  30. ItsComeToThis says:

    @ElizabethM, thank you for your statement. It shows that unlike Ben and Me, you are aware. No one wants to be accused of constantly playing the race card, but darn, are all these parts in Hollywood written for caucasians?

    Sometimes you want to see roles filled by stunning Indians, Asians, Native Americans and African Americans. Like Keith O said in his President’s day commentary, racism is so alive, that people do not even know when they are being racist.

    I have to look at Bollywood films, Chinese flicks and BET to get some color sometimes. Sickening.

  31. Shannon says:

    Wow, a lot of people here don’t understand what racism *is*. Racism is not necessarily intentional. Racism is not having the view that some races are better than others – that’s prejudice.

    Racism is part of the often unconscious systematic power structure of our society that favors white over dark skin, men over women, upper class over lower.

    So in light of that – YES, this cover is racist. The fact that they didn’t even think to be diverse is racist, because everything seemed normal and hunky-dory and white.

  32. says:

    The definition of racism according to

    1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one’s own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
    2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
    3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

  33. Lenore says:

    I don’t think it’s necessarily racist that they didn’t put Gabby Sidibe on the cover.

    I DO think it’s ENORMOUSLY racist that they couldn’t find ONE NON-WHITE ACTRESS worthy of the cover shot!

    And I’m white, and this shit still depresses me beyond belief. Racism isn’t always an overt act. Whoever did this cover probably didn’t realise they were excluding anyone along race lines, but that’s exactly what they’ve done, and I’m glad that there are at least SOME people out there who saw it and thought, “Wait, isn’t something missing here?”

    And Precious is a magnificent film, and Gabby Sidibe is a real talent and a class act. I’d love to believe that there will be parts for her to play in “The Future of Hollywood” but my hopes aren’t high.

  34. fizXgirl314 says:

    ben, you’re an idiot.

    Everyone else: it’s not just about putting THIS black girl on a cover… they couldn’t find ONE actress of color to include in that disturbing photo?

    Essie: she shouldn’t have to do any such thing. you’re missing the point… yes there AREN’T many roles for people like her in hollywood… we are all acknowledging that fact… however, the point is that there should be a change and there will be if people continue to show outrage at how ridiculous movies are…

    The other day I was watching some stupid movie with a friend and I was like “doesn’t this crap seem really fake to you? I don’t know a single person who lives like this… ” stupid drivel that hollywood puts out… I can no longer watch any mainstream crap they put out without feeling like I completely cannot relate to it… I much prefer indie films… and I’m white…

    *barfing on hollywood*

  35. Ron says:

    Not everything is diverse or has to be. If that was the case why wasn’t there a lesbian, asian, indian, black, islander, latina, overweight gal? The list can go on and on. And if they had put a “token” girl on there would that have actually made it any better?

  36. fizXgirl314 says:

    yeah it’s really sad that 9 out of 9 people in that photo are skinny pale girls… if you rounded up 9 of my friends, I’d be surprised if even ONE looked like she fit into that picture…

    The problem is that I have been sitting here trying to think of a non-white up and coming actress and I can’t come up with one… granted, I don’t exactly have a full database of actors in my head, but I can right off the bat name a few white ones… that’s a little disturbing to me… what effing decade are we in? why can’t I come up with any names??

  37. nj says:

    @missy- Good for you, you are smarter than most people.

    I absolutely love it when a girl like Gabourey comes out of nowhere and shows all the “professional stars” how it’s done! It goes to show you that acting is a talent many people have, not just a chosen few who happen to be thin, blonde, pretty, etc. I hope she gets that Oscar. If Meryl Streep gets it I shall throw something through my TV, if only because she DESERVED it for Doubt last year and lost. While I’m sure she is a great Julia Child, I hate when they reward the actor for a lesser role. If you want to see a film that will really make you think AND see actors at the top of their game, see Doubt with Streep, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Viola Davis and Amy Adams.
    Good Luck to Gabby!

  38. Bee says:

    What is the “race card?” No really, I would like to know what people mean when they use this term. As someone who has been the victim of racism, and know others who have experienced it, I have never thought of issues involving racism as a card to be played. Racism isn’t a game. And terms like these make it seem as though people who talk about discrimination are engaging in some kind of gameplay for their benefit. Racism is real, whether people want to admit it or not.

  39. hatsumomo says:

    And one more comment then I’m off this post for good, Why is it that not a single one of you (with the exception of Really?, post #4) says anything about her looks? I keep seeing alot of ‘she’s humble’ “she’s sweet’ “shes nice” ect. Why has none called her beautiful or pretty or even good looking? Everyone is sitting here bemoaning the fact that she prolly wont get alot of work after this movie and you know why? because looks matter at all costs in Hollywood. Even ItsComeToThis only wants to see “stunning” people of color in her/his movies. Y’all dont want to admit it but there are Tons of stunning black women in films Kerry Washington, Taraji P. Henson, Halle Berry, Jennifer Hudson obviously. And I’m sure Jennifer could get better roles in Hollywood if she really wanted too and not just settle for some shitty role as a assistant in a shitty movie. Even Sherri Shepard gets work in television because she’s attractive. Lets face it, beautiful people get work and admiration no matter what they do. Just look at Susan Sarandon. She a shitty person but everyone loves her because she’s still a beautiful woman. This makes me sick.

  40. ,,,, says:

    Quite frankly, I think most of the girls on the Vanity Fair cover are weird looking. Beauty for the most part is subjective and I don’t think I should be made to feel badly because I don’t find someone attractive.

    However, that doesn’t give me a right to put people down and call them ugly but I also don’t have to say someone is pretty if I don’t see it that way.

  41. ashley says:

    whatever her name is from twilight, kristen whatever, i just want to brush her hair and tell her to stop chewing her bottom lip. She’s going to eat it all away any time now. She bugs me more than anyone else in that picture. Upcoming talent my ass.

  42. fizXgirl314 says:

    hatsumomo, I personally don’t think that one should have to be beautiful in order to get work. There are a lot of odd looking men in hollywood and nobody really thinks they don’t belong there. I don’t really understand why we have this need to see beautiful women on our tv’s. Statistically speaking, most people are rather average looking and i think that it’s some form of self loathing that causes us to want to stare at people who embody some ideal of beauty on a regular basis… this is why a lot of girls have self esteem issues and end up getting into self destructive behavior…I just don’t understand why we subject ourselves to it… even if you’re beautiful, constantly seeing all these idealized images of women around us gives us a distorted sense of reality…

  43. Shannon says:

    Instead of using the definition of racism agreed upon by stuffy white men, I am using the definition of racism advocated by Tim Wise, the nation’s foremost authority on racism and white denial and celebrated author of several books on the changing meaning of racism in our country. Arguably more informed than the dictionary.

  44. lena says:

    @ Shannon, you are getting my respect for knowing who Mr. Wise is…awesome..,and i’m being serious, people should serioulsy just hop on youtube and look at some of his presentations. He knows what he’s talking about

  45. Anj says:


    Those Bimbos on the cover are future of Hollywood?!

    and Kristen Stewart is also a future of hllywood?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Never heard such a bad joke before.

    Kristen is actually a disgrace to hollywood along with her entire Twi-Chik Porn Movies and “sparkling” cast.

    Speaking of Gabby. She is such a classy intelligent woman. she does not throws rant like many of those withering brainless bimbos on the cover.

    Anyway I hope Gabby Wins Oscar. She truly deserves it.

  46. Ben says:

    Okay I retract my comment from higher up, it was stupid.
    FizXgirl!314 – You said your friends don’t fit the mold of who’s on the Vanity Fair cover, well the cover isn’t supposed to be a reflection of us, it is upcoming actresses why should they reflect the image of those you know?
    Also people make out like (including you in your last comment) that beautiful people being the main focus of our attention is somehow new. Go to any library or art museum, very rarely is the object of the artists focus a normal or ugly girl.

    Lastly the issue in hollywood isn’t so much broad racism. Men in hollywoodl experience racism far less. There are many many black major movies stars, award winning actors and consistently working co-stars.
    The issue is sexism and racism mostly focused towards women of color rarely getting a chance.

  47. Sami says:

    Gabourey took the high road, and I’ll definitely think of her more favorably for it. She could’ve made so many tabloid covers by being “outraged” or “shocked” or some other hyperbolic emotion that could make her money and publicity. Instead she acknowledged the diss, and moved on. Kudos to her. Vanity Fair will suffer from this- I for one was considering purchasing a subscription, which I won’t be doing anytime soon. Not only do they not feature any non-white stars (of which there are many who are incredibly talented), but they also ignore the 50% of the population- men. There are just as many talented young rising actors, and for none of them to be featured I find quite annoying.

  48. GatsbyGal says:

    Oh god, I’m white and that cover is blinding me.

  49. ElizabethM says:

    LOL @ GatsbyGal. Somewhere, Manfred Mann just changed the lyrics to read “Blinded by the White”. And now that bastardized version is stuck in my head. Sigh…. 🙂

    @Sami… your “Gabourey took the high road” is so on point. Regardless of what the public thinks about the idiocy of Vanity Fairskin’s latest issue and Hollywood’s overall stupidity, Gabourey’s reaction to the situation is really what is so newsworthy.

    My mom always says “class shows” and Gabourey is *definitely* classing up Hollywood.

  50. EMV says:

    As an Arab-American should I be offended at the lack of representation? Maybe, Maybe not…The fact is, is that in almost every performance art people are having to lose weight.Opera for one is a prime example. I think that the cover was a bit washed out, but it’s not like VF has never had “people of color” on their cover before. I mean if they really wanted diversity they should have made a stink about “Slumdog Millionaire” on the cover….oh yea they did a story on Freida Pinto and white washed her out too….

  51. skeptical says:


    where’s the gay girl, then?

    the Jewish girl?

    Arab girl?

    Girl from India?

    blacks aren’t the only minority, kids. blacks have never been the only minority.

  52. JaneLane says:

    Agree. None of them are gay (or @ least out) but yanno, that’s Hollywood. But I do hate that people are saying “boring, no personality, they are all the same, etc” If you are saying they are all similar because they are white/European, then that is a little bit racist.

  53. j says:

    i agree with Ron February 17th, 2010 at 4:03 pm.

    why should they put a minority person just for tokenism? what if the VF people honestly decided that there were no up and coming minority actresses worth featuring? like what fizXgirl314
    February 17th, 2010 at 4:06 pm said, she couldn’t think of any non-white names, maybe because there really really aren’t any? (btw no i’m not white nor am i american.)