Cele|bitchy | Is Kristen Stewart the new Gwyneth Paltrow-esque snotty fashion diva?

Is Kristen Stewart the new Gwyneth Paltrow-esque snotty fashion diva?


So I’m looking through the photos of last last’s premiere of The Yellow Handkerchief, and I swear to God, Kristen Stewart is rolling her eyes in half of them. The cameras caught every jerk of her eyes as they rolled back continuously throughout the red carpet. This girl is such a little brat – or is she? Methinks she could go either way – either she’ll end up some Gwyneth Paltrow-type, snotty and full of herself to the point of distraction, or Kristen will outgrow this phase and end up a lovely, humble, charming young woman. Here’s hoping. Chuckle.


Anyway, I loved Kristen’s dress at the premiere. I love her hair and makeup and shoes too. She’s been getting it right a lot fashion-wise throughout the past few months. Which makes me think of Gwyneth Paltrow again. Do you think it will happen? Will this bratty, snotty Kristen stay? Will she become the fashion diva who is too full of herself?

We’re going to get to see more of Kristen’s fashion-diva self in the coming weeks. She’s nominated for a BAFTA award (for film breakthrough), and she’s confirmed to be at the ceremony, as has Robert “Sparkles” Pattinson. Although no one knows if they’ll come together (unlikely), they might present together, maybe. Also on Kristen’s red carpet list: the Oscars! She’s been lined up as a presenter, and she announced that her “date” is none other than Taylor Lautner. But what about Sparkles?!?

Kristen has also been talking about the unofficial production dates for the film adaptation of Stephanie Meyers’ fourth book, Breaking Dawn, which hasn’t been given a solid go-ahead yet. Kristen told E! News: “I have been told to be ready for November. I mean, it looks like a ‘yes,’ but it’s still not concrete.” Kristen also said that the story “absolutely warrants” being broken up into two films: “It would be hard to cram all of it into one movie.” Oh God. When all is said and done, there could five Twilight movies in total? The Twihards are going to be worse than the Star Wars people.


Kristen, Mario Bello and William Hurt at the ‘Yellow Handkerchief’ premiere on February 18, 2010. Credit: WENN.

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71 Responses to “Is Kristen Stewart the new Gwyneth Paltrow-esque snotty fashion diva?”

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  1. Hannah says:

    I never ever diss anyones looks. But seriously, why is she pulling that face???

  2. sparkles says:

    She looks like she’s pinching a loaf in the second pic…can’t stand her!

  3. embertine says:

    Maybe her expression is permanently set to “sneer” even shen she’s having a good time? I guess my mum was right: if you pull a face and the wind changes, you’ll get stuck like that.

  4. monkey says:

    remeber a while back that there were pictures of her getting baked with some guy, sitting on a porch or something. i swear this chick looks stoned CONSTANTLY!

  5. latvian lady says:

    She has cankles.

  6. monkey says:

    she also has a case of the jessica simp’s – CLOSE YOUR MOUTH, it’s not sexy – it’s strange!

  7. Keels says:

    At least she finally did something with her hair …

  8. omondieu says:

    No class whatsoever.

  9. monkey says:

    she also seems so “over it” like she can’t be bothered to get dressed nice, be pampered and have her picture taken. as if fans annoy her. it make me dislike her, wretchedly.

  10. lucy2 says:

    She always seems so miserable. Even if she really hates all this, she chose to go into this profession and take that movie role, so suck it up, smile, get through it, and then go find something else to do with your life.

    Gah, 5 movies? 2 movies out of the last book? The first book was OK, but then they got progressively worse, and the last one was pretty awful, IMO, I only finished it to finish the series. The idea of it being so much that they need 2 movies is laughable.

  11. JulieNewmar says:

    Anyone else wonder what ever happened to pantyhose ?

    * hahaha I just remembered wearing pantyhose and jeans… way, way back in the day.*

  12. Spooge says:

    She was kinda hot with her old hairstyle. Now she just looks like a scraggly brat.

  13. Madelyn Rose says:

    She always has this look like she is “too cool for school.” Not being a teenager, or a grown-up who likes pre-teen books or “films,” she means nothing to me. I really don’t understand why she is so full of herself (nor do I get her appeal) …at least Gwyneth has an Oscar and some decent performances in legitimate non-teenybopper movies to act uppity about!

  14. blah says:

    she looks neither bratty nor snotty to me. I usually associate that with the girls that act like they’re blessing everyone else with their presence. Kristen’s never been into the whole “celebrity” thing, so can you really blame her for being uncomfortable/ unimpressed with the cameras?

  15. QB says:

    Fashion Diva?? She haves horrible style and when she haves nice clothes on , they wear her not the other way around.

    Plus that dress makes her look really square .

  16. Susette says:

    @lucy2 – That’s what bugs me about her, too. She’s obviously very uncomfortable with the fame aspect of all this, yet continues to seek it.

    She’s not bad, but from what I’ve seen her range is pretty limited. I could be wrong, but I just don’t see her lasting much past the Twilight stuff.

  17. wow says:

    KS comes across as if she just sucked on a lemon or something. Which is why I’m so glad to see Kendra getting all of these award nominations for her acting. PLus Kendra comes off more thankful for her recognition and way more down to Earth too.

  18. danielle says:

    I don’t mind her so far. But she does look stoned here with the glazed eyes and her mouth hanging open like that.

  19. Maria says:

    I don’t have a problem with her. She is the way she is. Don’t like it, too bad.

  20. LindyLou says:

    I would bet money that she smokes a blunt in the limo before stepping on the red carpet. The snarly sneer is because she has dry mouth and the munchies…lol

  21. bo says:

    If she were a man we wouldn’t mind. So I’ve decided not to mind. I mean hell, the woman is objectified for a living. The least rebellious thing she could do in response would be to indicate she doesn’t like it. And if anyone says something in response like “If you don’t like it, then stop making yourself an object” you’re part of the problem.

  22. Sally G says:

    Her hair! It looks so greasy and dirty. And her attitude stinks.

  23. Miss. Thang says:

    LMAO @ LindyLou!

    If she wants to act but doesn’t like being a celeb, why doesn’t she go act on Broadway. Oh wait. That requires actual talent.

  24. mamalama says:

    And how about some posture…you know, like your Mom always said, “Stand up straight.” Not only do you look better, but then it will look like you’re wearing your clothes and not the other way around.

  25. ien says:

    i don’t understand why you think she’s a brat, she has repeated over and over again that she doesn’t like doing red carpets and feels awkward on them. I don’t think she’s snotty, she actually seems like she’s pretty chill and down to earth. she probably just likes to sit at home smoke some weed and play guitar. stick-up-the-ass, i-know-better-than-you gwyneth she is definitely not.

  26. lucy2 says:

    Bo, I have to disagree. If a male actor with new found fame and success were out at every red carpet looking pissed or stoned or grouchy all the time, I think people would say the exact same things. A seemingly sour attitude has nothing to do with gender.
    And while I generally agree that women in Hollywood are more objectified than men, oddly enough I don’t think that’s the case with this Twilight stuff. IMO, Sparkles and that Taylor kid are far more objectified than Kristen is.

  27. Anna says:

    Jeez, leave this girl alone. People are alway bitching and moaning about her.

  28. Solveig says:

    Probably she’s just uncomfortable in front of cameras…

  29. d says:

    Her body language screams that she is uncomfortable there with the attention/scrutiny, etc. I read elsewhere where she admitted that she just feels awful in public appearances…it’s not her thing. I stand with my arm across my body too when I feel like “aacck….leave me alone” or something similar. Am not going to judge her for this. She’s young, she takes terrible photos. So what – half the planet does. I prefer awkwardness to simpering mindlessness.

  30. A says:

    It’s not a fashion diva attitude she’s sporting, it’s called being stoned.
    She can’t keep her eyes straight in her head, cannot stand up and cannot even smile because she’s totally baked. All the time. I don’t think there’s an attractive photo of this girl because her handlers cannot get her off the pipe.

  31. Obvious says:

    love her outfit and styling, but she has a perma-sneer. annoying. *sigh* she really did look cute with the bella hair. joan hair isn’t great

  32. Blitz says:

    I think it’s hard to say what all this means until the Twilight films are over and done. Unfortunately her biggest fan base at present are a bunch of zealous shippers, and that presents a dilemma for an actor. On the one hand they’re happy to be building a following at all, but on the other, they wish it was any following but this one. A bunch of obsessives going into ecstasies over speculations on your personal life has to be nerve racking. Tougher still is when a relationship breaks up and one or the other moves on. It’s like getting hit twice.

    I think it’s safe to say most artists would rather have leagues of admirers based on the Meryl Streep or Cate Blanchette model, where their actual work was ALWAYS front and center from the first. This is really kind of awful.

  33. daisyfly says:

    She’s stoned. Girl rolled a doobie, puff-puff-passed, added some of those eye-whitening drops, popped a tic tac, sprayed on some Can-Can and girl was set.

  34. Brooklyn says:

    sorry she can’t be the paltrow type because she consistently looks awful at award shows. she looks like she has slicked back her hair with butter. and not that her dress here isn’t cute (good job kstew!!)… but nothing ever seems to fit her right or compliment her body. she just needs to take her apathetic self to a tailor… or something. or maybe smiling would work – life isn’t so hard when you are filthy rich actress… i promise.

  35. Moore says:

    There were some on another site from the same night and she’s smiling and looking pleasant. She looked very pretty, uncomfortable at times, but very pretty. I’m so glad her hair looks better.

  36. LolaBella says:

    Only time will tell with Kristen.

    For now, she is the ‘It Girl’ because of the Twilight Saga. She needs to ensure that she gets quality roles over the next few years otherwise she will fade away and become the answer to a Trivial Pursuit question 15 years from now.

    A snotty attitude will not get her noticed and hired so she needs to nip this behavior in the bud now and take advantage of her current popularity and bankability.

    She looks really good in the pics; I’m really liking the dress.

  37. anon says:

    well at least she brushed her hair. i’m pretty sure that once the twitards reach their twenties kristin will be just another “next big thing” that disappears

  38. Blitz says:

    Well said LolaBella. She has to know that it’s a very unstable situation, and that she now has to trump all the thunder over her personal life with some very solid work. Or there’ll be another one coming down the pike right behind her, that will knock people’s socks off in a role. I agree she has to try to appear more gracious, but unfortunately I think there’s been too much pressure, due to unwanted interest elsewhere. This really isn’t the crap Streep and Blanchett had to deal with.

  39. Samantha says:

    Does she seem like she doesn’t feel comfortable dressed like that? She is constantly hugging herself or covering her stomach area, that is the stance of a nervous “I am embarrassed that I walked out of the house dressed like this” look. Maybe the face is because she can’t act..well we know that, but I mean can’t pretend to enjoy herself if she really isn’t.

  40. snapdragon says:

    fishsticks paltrow will always be princess snitty-pants; everyone else will come in a distant second.

  41. Catherine says:

    The way she carries herself seems way too self-conscious to be a fashion diva.
    She just needs to grow up and come into her own before she can be any sort of ‘icon”. In these particular pictures, she looks like a rebellious, pissed-off teenager who would rather be at the BMX race than on the red carpet. Just saying…

  42. Alexis says:


  43. gg says:

    Her body language says she is not comfortable either in those clothes or in that atmosphere. She needs more confidence.

  44. Bullett says:

    There are a few sites with around 150 pics from this opening last night. Kaiser quite obviously chose photos where Kristen has a certain “look”, while skipping over the dozens where she is smiling, laughing, or otherwise having a good time. Making a point by editorializing in that manner is neither honest nor fair.

    Kristen is a beautiful young woman with a real gift for her craft. I’m grateful her fans well outweigh her detractors since it means that I will be able to enjoy what she does for a long time to come.

  45. snowball says:

    She has Lisa Marie Presley-face.

    I like her and I agree with those who said she looks really uncomfortable walking the red carpets. She’s done a lot of movies, but this is the first time she’s really been front and center with everyone watching her, waiting for someone to nitpick and find something to whine about.

    I’m no Twihard (buckets of gold could not convince me to read those books), but I say she’s young, not used to the scrutiny and in interviews, she seems fine. If she comes across as snotty, well, how often have you read stuff online and gotten all hot about it, only to realize the person’s way of typing online didn’t convey their feelings very accurately?

  46. errrummm says:

    I like her because she seems to piss off other women. Not all of them, just the sort that bothers me the most: the ones that NEED to remind people that, for a woman in the public eye, nothing is as important as smiling, and being pleasant and pretty.

  47. Jules says:

    This child has no sense of style. She can borrow mine if she wants to, but I’m going to need it back.

  48. Lalalala says:

    This girl has a busted ass face, no personality, no body, no talent, no charm, no appeal whatsoever. How has this biaaatch been in almost 20 movies? Amazing. Must be the connections her dad makes being a director/producer, because it sure as hell isn’t something SHE’s got.

  49. CeeCee12 says:

    She looks miserable. Maybe she is just shy. Sometimes shy people pull a ‘tude for a cover and to be left alone.
    She is young enough to get a pass. If she were 30 then I would have issue with it.

    However, she looks very very stoned all the time.

  50. Ana says:

    What is the point in pantyhose? I never wear them and don’t understand.

    Maybe she just has ceiling eyes…

  51. biskachoo says:

    She and ashley greene look ALOT alike.

  52. Teresa says:

    Well she obviously does not to be there but a future Gwen we sure do not need! I hope she outgrows this because she will not always be pretty you have to have something else to back up on and if she does not have grace she will not last long.

  53. She’s not sneering or snotty…she’s stoned most of the time!

    I sort of like quirky, rock ‘n roll Kristen Stewart. She’s a breath of fresh air after this latest plethora of squeaky-clean young celebs (the Jonas Brothers, Taylore Swift) and self-important weenies (Robert Pattinson, John Mayer). And she’s not a trainwreck like Lindsay Lohan or pre-comeback Britney Spears.

  54. Kylie says:

    I too have seen a lot of other pics from this night where she does not look like she has just blinked.
    What’s with this story? hmmmm

  55. Robby says:

    She’s so beautiful young lady!!!
    I love her pics….PRETTY

  56. kathie says:

    hey now leave her alone she cant help it she was born with lazy crazy eye syndrom didnt u watch twighlight they were crossed snd rolling most of the whole move lol so be nice people with birth defects cant help it but yeah maybe the fact shes probly stoned out of her mind might be part of it too lol

  57. singerinwhite says:

    She’s not a fashion diva – she’s a snotty pretentious brat.

    Although I’m going to be really interested what she says about the travesty of books that made her famous. There were some strong hints that she was against them and then Summit clamped down on her, just like they did with Rob. It will be really interesting what those two say when they’re released from Summit’s clutches.

  58. Terry says:

    She looks stoned and bored as usual.
    And she looks uncomfortable in that dress since she said herself that she envies men’s clothes anyway.

    The girl is a lesbian and has to hide it. That’s why she’s pissed off all the time.

  59. Dhavy says:

    It’s not the Jess Simp look but the Jlo look

    Anyway, I think this is one of the few times I’ve seen her in a dress and heels so maybe she can’t really walk in them and feels awkward

    At least her eye makeup is ok and makes them stand out. I don’t think she’s a good actress but I guess only time will tell

  60. crash2GO2 says:

    I agree with those who say she looks uncomfortable to be there – to the extreme! And yes, maybe she did smoke a joint to help her get through it.

    I like her. I think she is beautiful and talented. She needs to start working out a little though – she is slender, but with no definition at all. Yoga would be perfect for her.

  61. Terry says:

    I”ve seen couple of her films and I don’t get this talk about her talent?
    What talent?
    Is talent playing yourself because that’s all she knows.

  62. Jen says:

    She looks like she’s feeling kind of self-conscious to me. Why does everyone err on the side of negativity? The bitchiness of the world is just sad.

  63. whateva says:

    maybe us negative folks are assuming she’s bitchy cuz we just saw five (5) pics of her – at a photo-op – in which she’s smirking. not a smile to be found. how old is she? 10? she’s gotten alot of mileage out of simply being photogenic, imho. THAT DRESS IS TOO GOOD FOR HER!!! (no fair!)

  64. bertie says:

    jen, the bitchiness of the world? the site is celebitchy – come on. we don;t rep the world here, we just come and have a good time drawing goofy conclusions and spreading mindless gossip. chill, sweet.

  65. Amy says:

    She is so pretty yet she chooses to ruin her face by looking mad all the time. I think she feels really awkward on the red carpet and she gets frustrated. At least that’s how I interpret it…

    Her hair is growing in and it looks good!

  66. anneesezz says:

    Well it’s not the only thing they have in common. They are both terrible actresses.

  67. Anj says:

    What an UGLY HAG.

    She and Her Entire UGLY TWI-GANG BANG should be wiped off the face of earth.

  68. lolo says:

    She is gorgeous! And i love her make-up. They did a great job on that face of hers. She is very pretty.

  69. gabs says:

    I love her. Gwenyth Paltrow she is not. I think shes just uncomfortable. Posing and looking good at those things actually looks hard to me and I LOVE that bitches hate on her. Her ability to piss people off by being herself is so amusing to me. Go Kstew!

  70. brianna says:

    she is beautiful —- u people are so stupid the press just took a bad pic of her that happens to EVERYONE she might have been in the middle of a smile or something gosh

  71. Blurisgodly says:

    She just looks insecure and nervous to me.