Literally nothing comes between Elizabeth Hurley & her sari

Love Ball London - Outside Arrivals

So I’ve worn a few saris in my life. Although my father always refers to them as “the most elegant dress in the world” let me just say that they are surprisingly tough to pull off. Most of the traditional saris worn by actual Indian women will be made of either cotton or a thick silk (that’s usually been treated with something). As saris made their way to the Western world, more fabric choices came around, including what I can only guess was a light, gauzy silk chiffon that Elizabeth Hurley wore last night at a London gala (with husband Arun Nayar).

Love Ball London - Outside Arrivals

The problem with Liz’s outfit (and saris in general)? Most women who rock the sari put something under it, for two reasons. First, wardrobe malfunctions happen all the time in saris. There’s nothing holding that piece of fabric across your boobs but a humble prayer to Vishnu. Second reason: Because most women who rock the sari don’t want to dress like wh-res. Like Liz. The overwhelming majority of sari-wearing women put something under it, like a quarter-sleeve top, a tank top, or what I can only describe as a special Indian tube top. Most women don’t want to flash their nips in traditional garb. Most women are not Elizabeth Hurley.

Love Ball London - Outside Arrivals

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47 Responses to “Literally nothing comes between Elizabeth Hurley & her sari”

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  1. bite me says:

    NSFW.. but she looks great

  2. Attagirl says:

    She’s as crass as they come…

  3. Praise St. Angie! says:

    very pretty dress, but she ruins it with the blatant boob.

  4. Maleficent says:

    Let’s not be so sanctimonious. She looks great. If she wants to rock it that way, so be it. If I had a rack looking like that, at that age, I might do the same.

  5. gagan says:

    am an indian woman. this is not how a sari is worn. sari is an amazing outfit coz this is probably the only female dress that is both useful when u want to show off or hide your figure.. liz hurley looks pathetic and vulgar.

  6. Ursula says:

    Wow, she made that beautiful outfit look so cheap and tacky, who could have thought it. It is a beautiful Sari, not sure about what she was trying to do.

  7. Toe says:

    I think she looks great in the sari. You guys have to remember that camera flashes does “WONDERS”. Maybe at home she did not notice the nipple through the dress.

  8. Peach says:

    If you’re going to co-opt a dress from another culture, Liz, can you at least not do it in a way that cheapens it?

  9. e says:

    Whatever her breasts look awesome. I wish mine looked like that. Gwyneth tried this look but she doesn’t have nice ones so it looked really bad. On the other hand Rene Russo in the Thomas Crown Affair looked incredible showing them off at the black and white ball. There is nothing wrong with some boob action every once in a while.

  10. susanne says:

    I think this is one of those situations where the star is super insecure, at a ‘certain age’ and is compensating by overexposing.
    Psychoanalysis complete!
    She does look great, though. Color’s fabulous, but I would have put a little something nude underneath- to make us guess if she’s wearing anything…

  11. QB says:

    You are supposed to wear a top underneath it, I don’t care how great your boob look you should not be showing then on public and specially at a formal event. It makes her look cheap ,tacky and vulgar.

    Her husband family must not be happy .

  12. LindyLou says:

    I agree that looks totally tacky. It would have been a gorgeous look if she had a top underneath.

    Sari – FAIL

  13. e says:

    Did you mean her husband’s family? Because her husband looks REALLY happy.

  14. mila says:

    It’s a breast people!Most women have them you know? What’s the big deal?Perhaps she didn’t know that camera’s will reveal her boobs underneath. There’s one picture where she seems to be covering herself, as if she was made aware of being naked and ashamed of it. I hate the shoes she chose.

  15. kaligula says:

    the sari is really nice, her hair is a disaster, though.

  16. Jaded says:

    Liz Hurley generally pulls out the boobs when she hasn’t gotten enough press attention for a while. Her movie career has tanked so what else has she got to fall back on?

  17. Rianna says:

    i understand if i come across as prudish when i post this but i think that elizabeth is being very distasteful in wearing a sari that way. sari’s are supposed to be alluring (i think that is the word, it is 1am in the morning here lol) not blantently sexy.
    i couldn’t imagine that her husbands parents would be very happy with her representing their family like that… she looks like a proper tart with her tits hanging out for the world to see.

  18. danielle says:

    How are they so darn perky at her age? I’m younger, and uh, not so perky.

  19. Aitch says:

    Jaded I think you are right but I will still go ahead and say: You rock Elizabeth!

  20. Jammy says:

    I am an indian too and must say I find her way of wearing sari really distatsteful and demeaning. If she wanted to show of her boobs she would have been better off wearing a bikini, or something else. If she is going to wear an outfit from another culture at least wear it properly and give it dignity. It is an awesome saree which she has ruined with her tackiness.

  21. whateva says:

    maybe out on the beach… or for a photo-shoot… but at night?? in winter??? she went to this extreme to be noticed, yet forgot to hire a makeup artist! ooops

  22. Ellen says:

    Wow I didn’t realize there were so many readers from India on here.

    Wow Rianna 1am? Where are you? A proper tart! HA. At least she is is not an improper tart but I guess that would be redundant.

  23. Overit says:

    Absolutely shiteous make-up, what an old tart she’s becoming…but she’s always been an attention hog when it comes to dressing – remember the safety pin dress when she was still with Hugh Grant when 4 Weddings & a Funeral came out? She totally upstaged him.

  24. hatsumomo says:

    Well, the sari is beautiful, boob hanging out and all. But really, with such a beautiful outfit on, why why why cant she do her makeup properly? What is with these women doing the Pam Special?

  25. Chana says:

    I don’t care how great your breasts look, you don’t bring them out in public. Period.

    Yes it is inappropriate to have your full breast showing at a formal event. The only people who I can see not being offended by this are disgusting, piggy men.

  26. andrea says:

    i love saris, so beautiful. and hers is beautiful. but, sheesh, all it wouldve taken is a pretty silk tube top or choosing more opaque fabric in that spot. was intentional. not terribly respectful of the indian culture, from what little i know of it.

  27. SammyHammy says:

    I think she looks really pretty. Yeah, she should have covered up a little better, but overall she really does look great.

  28. Erin says:

    Haha look at the gleam in her man’s eye…perv. 🙂

  29. Corina says:

    It seems unlikely that she knew in advance that her boob was going to show…she’s never struck me as fame whoring type and has generally presented herself as a pretty classy lady. That being said, she was/is a professional model right? I feel like a model with her degree of experience should be able to guess that a sheer sari might show some nipple when faced with the pap’s camera flashes. IDK what to think but for me, I will give her the benefit of the doubt!

  30. kh says:

    she looks tacky, cheap, and desperate for attention. basically her usual self.

  31. Disco says:

    I ALMOST feel badly for Liz. Doesn’t her husband’s family already hate her? It’s like she keeps trying and all she gets is more failure.

    For everyone who says it’s just some boob…the Sari has a lot of meaning in Indian culture. We don’t really have anything like it in America, so I don’t think most people understand how disturbing it is to see it worn in such an inappropriate manner. And really, it’s never okay to leave your house with your boobs hanging out. Just a good rule to live by 🙂

  32. DK88 says:

    I’ve never heard of or seen of a sari being worn without a top underneath. Even opaque saris and this one’s see-through! I just don’t get it. Neither her or her husband could have possibly intended for to look like this (I think). She must have thought she was more covered.

  33. Seer says:

    I think a woman with dignity and refinement wouldn’t dress like that. Remember, she used to be a punk. She used to wear a nose ring.

    With the exception of the shoes (which are just ok), the dress would have looked elegant and glamorous if she hadn’t added that “special touch”.

    Somebody wants to draw attention to herself.

  34. Scarlet Vixen says:

    Just because she has a great rack doesn’t mean that it should be totally hanging out! 1) It was a formal event–dangly nearly naked boob is totally inappropriate. 2) She’s been a model/actress for like, 20yrs–she should totally know by not that sheer material and camera flashes don’t mix well. 3) She should also know by now to wear something under a sari, even if it’s a nude material, because that’s how saris are worn.

  35. Sally says:

    Ugh, how disrespectful of Indian culture! It’s a pity because the sari *is* beautiful, and she looks great asides from the obvious.

  36. crazydaisy says:

    oh geez, what is this? the emperor’s new sari?!

    everyone knows an intrinsic part of a sari is the TOP you wear with it. well, everyone but liz hurley. so there she goes making a fool of herself, imo, no matter how pretty her breast.

  37. Dorothy says:

    I bet it was an accident!

  38. fizXgirl314 says:

    ahhh gross… COME ON… what makes these people think the public wants to see their nasties?

  39. fizXgirl314 says:

    and for those of you who are comparing your non-celebrity boobs to this famewhore’s, it’s called a breast lift…

  40. lucy2 says:

    I know camera flashes sometimes have unexpected results, but that looks like sheer fabric to me. No way she could have looked in the mirror and not noticed that you could see right through it.

    It is a gorgeous sari, but not wearing anything underneath is just tacky and inappropriate for the event.

  41. ThunderC*nt says:

    Soon to be 45, our Liz. See, you have years and years ahead of you to perfect yourself. She looks better than ever. Bulbous nose and all.

  42. Camille says:

    Well this got people talking about her again, so I’d say good PR job there Liz!

  43. needsanewname says:

    ‘e’ you’re a booby expert! 😀

  44. Kali says:

    The sari is a beautiful outfit and it isn’t meant to be worn without a top. She looks nasty with the boob hanging out. If she wants to show off her boobs, there are lots of other outfits to do that.

    Lol @ Disco #31, I agree a good rule to live by is it’s never okay to leave the house with your boobs hanging out.

  45. memee says:

    Oh please, you know she did that purposely for publicity. When has she been in the news lately? And it worked.

  46. tttttttttttt says:

    I’m Indian too and I don’t see a problem with it. In Kerala (where part of my family is from) it’s traditional for women to wear thin white cotton saris with no blouses underneath.

    Plus traditional saris didn’t just come in thick cotton and silk — they used thinner silks as well in addition to more sheer cottons. She’s not the first to wear one in a very revealing way.

    I think honestly she looks fine – even if she is famewhoring with the boobs. It’s also nice that she’s wearing saris as traditional evening wear — I hate it when people who aren’t Indian view saris just as a ‘costume’ like they’re dressing up for Halloween or something. (I’m not referring to anyone here with that last point.)

  47. Mingo says:

    She’s just gorgeous and highly sexy. Don’t let spite blind you.