Cele|bitchy | Gwyneth Paltrow wants to adopt a Brooklyn baby

Gwyneth Paltrow wants to adopt a Brooklyn baby

Gwyneth Paltrow really must not be pregnant, despite her hospitalization in a Manhattan maternity ward a few weeks ago. Gwynnie is trying to start a whole new celebrity adoption trend – Brooklyn babies! Well, stateside babies at least. Gwyneth has said that she and husband Chris Martin are considering adoption from her home state of New York.

Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin are considering adopting an orphan from the actress’ hometown of New York. Amid reports the Oscar winner is pregnant with the couple’s third child, Paltrow insists she’s keen to follow in the footsteps of pal Madonna and adopt.

She tells the New York Daily News, “We might get one from Brooklyn. No baby is more helpless than another baby. And I’m a New York girl.”

Paltrow also plays down her recent hospitalization for a ‘gastrointestinal situation’ insisting she is fully recovered. She adds, “I feel great – people made a big deal about nothing.”

[From Starpulse]

Gwyneth, I live in Brooklyn. And I can be remarkably immature. I refused to learn to tie my own shoes until I was eight, AND I was also a thumb sucker until the age of nine – and I am happy to take the habit up again if it increases the likelihood that you’ll find me adorable and want to adopt me. I fit 95% of your qualifications right there. I’m curious to hear what our readers think of Gwyneth wanting to adopt an American baby. She might be talking about adoption just to get people to stop speculating about whether or not she’s pregnant. She’s not exactly a “local girl” anymore, what with the living in London and the occasional fake British accent. Either way, she could certainly provide a nice life for a child, filled with lots of trips to Madonna’s house and macrobiotic food. What kid wouldn’t want that?

Here’s Gwyneth at Madonna’s Kabbalah… er, I mean Malawi/UNICEF benefit on February 6th. Images thanks to PR Photos.

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