Are French Pres. Sarkozy & wife Carla Bruni cheating on each other?

State Dinner at Elysee Palace - Paris

CB and I saw some gossip about this yesterday, and we ended up chatting about cheating douches and looking for wedding rings and forgiveness. That being said, neither of us put much stock into the initial reports of French President Nicolas Sarkozy and his wife Carla Bruni-Sarkozy were perhaps cheating on each other. It was just something interesting to chat about. But now an obscure story about a possible presidential affair(s) has taken on a life of its own. Page Six is running with the rumors the Bruniis “romantically involved with French musician Benjamin Biolay, while Sarkozy has fallen into the arms of 40-year-old ecology minister Chantal Jouanno”. Apparently, the whole thing started on Twitter (f-ck you, Twitter) and now media sources are running with old quotes from Carla that she’s “easily bored by monogamy.” Merde! Here’s more from Gatecrasher:

Ooh la la!

Reports surfaced Tuesday that French royal couple Nicolas Sarkozy and Carla Bruni may both be having extramarital affairs – allegations which, if proven true, will surely knock Tiger Woods out of the spotlight.

It’s rumored that the French President has Chantal Jouanno – a right-wing cabinet member – on the side, while the First Lady is seeing musician Benjamin Biolay.

“The presidential marriage is breathing its last breaths,” French paper Journal Du Dimanche reports. “Carla Bruni is in love with Benjamin Biolay, and the president has found solace with Chantal Jouanno.”

An online French publication,, reported shortly thereafter that Bruni had been a close friend of the 37-year-old musician for many years and is now “unofficially living with him at his flat in Paris.”

Those aren’t the only outlets that have Carla and Nicolas saying a joint “mon Dieu!” Tuesday, Yahoo News France, Le Post and the Global Post, as well as European TV news channel iTele, gave the allegations substantial coverage.

Sarkozy’s spokesman at the Elysee Palace in Paris has said he has “absolutely no comment” on the rumors, but this certainly isn’t the first time whispers have swirled about the First Couple’s marriage. Rumors recently flew that the two are holding on to the last threads of their relationship just until the end of Sarkozy’s presidency.

The intentions of Bruni – who was linked to Mick Jagger, Eric Clapton and Donald Trump before meeting the French leader at a dinner party and marrying him just three months later – have been questioned in the past. In a February 2007 interview, the then-model admitted she gets “terribly bored” with monogamy – and was painted as a gold digger when she married Sarkozy later that year.

[From Gatecrasher]

Eh. I mean, sure, it’s not like either of them have the best history with monogamy. What is this, Sarkozy’s third or fourth marriage? And Carla used to sleep with any powerful or cultured man she could find. So, it’s totally not out of the realm of possibility for either of them. But I, for one, kind of believed in their romance, at least on Carla’s part. I thought she really adored Pres. Sarkozy, and had “changed”. But, as I said to CB yesterday, that’s probably all very American and middle-class of me. I hate to make such a broad cultural stereotype, but having an affair isn’t the end of the world (or a marriage) in France. But if that’s the case, why is everyone getting in such a tizzy about the affair rumors? Because the Sarkozys are good copy, they’re good gossip, and it’s fun. Let’s hope that’s all it is.

State Dinner at Elysee Palace - Paris

State Dinner at Elysee Palace - Paris

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38 Responses to “Are French Pres. Sarkozy & wife Carla Bruni cheating on each other?”

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  1. lio says:

    Fake people. Fake marriage. Fake love.

  2. Dorothy says:

    One of my best friends (an American) married a French man and lives near Paris and he cheated on her and she got mad and he couldn’t really understand why. Apparently there is some sort of 7:00 hour where people get out of work go cheat on their spouse and then go home.

  3. Lisa says:

    Meh. It wouldn’t be a surprise for either of them, but I agree, its just not that big of a deal in France so there really is no reason to make it a big deal. Now if he were the U.S. pres and she were the U.S. first lady, that shit wouldn’t fly.

  4. ViktoryGin says:

    They’re European, and French to boot. (French-Italian in her case). Furthermore, they are political. They probably have an “understanding”. I totally believe they are bonking other people. And if you look at Bruni’s laundry list of men this story completely holds water.

  5. scotchy says:

    it really isn’t a big deal in france. biolay just won a bunch of french grammy’s this is will only enhance his career. we are on the same record label here in france, and i can only say that all of the label loves the press.

  6. mslewis says:

    I read about this a few days ago on a European site. I just shrugged!! They’re French. What’s the problem? Remember the former French President who had a child with his mistress while he was married? Nobody thought anything about it when the girl showed up at his funeral, sitting next to his legit children. It’s what the French do.

  7. nnn says:

    Well late president François Mitterand had his former mistress relocated near thE L’Elysée, the presidential office, in an appartment financed by the state so that he could participate in raising their daughter.

    The press knew everything about his mistress and theirchild and keep it a secret until he decided years later when he had his cancer that it was time to tell the public about his former mistress and their grown up daughter so that they could meet in the open and spend whatever time he had left together.

    I don’t know if it’s true for Sarkozy but he is a notorious casanova who like women. He was the mayor of Paris years ago and celebrated Cecilia (his former wife) marriage to Jacques Martin a french host in FR2 (2nd national french channel).

    He said that as soon as he saw her when he was doing his mayorail job, he wanted her for himself and they acrtually had an affair a few months later. She left her husband while she had a toddler and was pregnant of their 2nd babygirk. She left her husband for her lover : the Mayor of Paris, Nicolas Sarkozy. They eventually got married and had their boy together (both had two children from previous marriages)

    He is a lady’s man just like Berlusconi.
    Anyway, today in France, it is more about Carla’s breasts which is the talk of du jour…

  8. bellaluna says:

    @ Dorothy, I’ve heard of something like that! Some sort of “Happy Hour” type thing involving your mistress (or mister) instead of a bar.

    I’m not surprised by rumours of cheating in France. It appears to be a way of life, something far more accepted there than in America.

  9. danielle says:

    If they’re not cheating yet, they will be eventually. My guess would be she’ll try to trade up. Neither of them have good track records, and honestly, both seem pretty selfish. The best Carla story is her leaving one lover for his son.

  10. michellllle says:

    Thought taking a lover on the side was de rigueur in France. Rather refreshing considering the puritanical attitudes here in the states. At least the french are equal opportunity unlike most machismo cultures where there’s a double standard.

    On another note the idea that power is an aphrodisiac appears to be true in this case. Still, powerful or not, how such an ugly, obnoxious dwarf like Sarkozy get any play is a mystery to me.

  11. Popcorny says:

    I don’t care who or what gives a pass to bad behavior, sleaze is sleaze.
    You make a vow, you make a commitment -not just to another but to yourself as well.
    These two were skeezy and loose long before hooking up, so it’s no surprise that they’ve drifted off to new conquests.
    And by gawd if she isn’t looking “Old Aunty” in the face now. To be fair, Sarkovsky has always been a troll, albeit a troll with good hair.
    But still, gotta laugh at the folks trying to put it out there that “France is cool” because they scumbag on their mates.
    Good for you, no depth, character or integrity -bravo!(phhhhllllt!)
    I’d rather be in a society that frowns on bad behavior and at least tries to be better than in a place that revels itself for it’s disgraceful behavior.

  12. Peach says:

    1. I’m French, I live in Paris. Let me help!

    2. I hate Sarkozy. He’s an asshole. But not because he (of course) cheats, but because his politics are terrible. I’m sure Bruni and Sarkozy cheat on each other. But it would never be the kind of scandal that say…Clinton had. We just don’t care. Because…

    3. The cheating stereotype? Kinda true. I heard this actually described by Dan Savage but it applies to French culture:
    Monogamy is good here. But it’s seen like sobriety. You may fall off the monogamy wagon but you can get back on. You may be monogamous for years and years and make a few slip ups. It happens. Humans are imperfect. Depending on how much you share, it might not be worth it to leave your marraige.

    I’m married to a French man. Have we? Well. Kinda. We have an open marraige (a very small opening, but open none the less). It’s sort of like, “Don’t let me catch you, be safe and we’re good.” It means you conduct any affair with the upmost discreet manner. The 7:00 Happy hour? Honestly, it exists, but not as a broad cultural thing. Just as kind of a joke that occasionally takes cues from reality.

    Some of my French friends would be horrified by an open marraige. Others not so much. It really is a personal thing. But both my husband and I are fairly realistic. We’re young, attractive, we both travel solo a lot. Things happen. What’s important is that they are there for you when you need them.

    C’est la vie, eh?

  13. nnn says:

    I came across French and American citizen both living in Paris during the years i was living there.

    Most of the Americans i met would say that the difference is that French as well as other Europeans are more upfront about it while Americans will cheat but hide it more, doing it more undercovered.

    One thing though, while being a francophone raised in Belgium i saw firsthand the difference between latines versus nothern people.

    People from Brussels, an original flemish city are more germanic in their behaviour. French are like the southern part of Belgium, like Walloons, real LATINES. It’s not that they are more into women and cheating…they just behave more openly and have that ‘hot’ and ‘passionate’ expressions about relationships OF ANY KIND…just like Italians do.

  14. bellaluna says:

    Peach, thank you for the eye-opening info. The clarification is appreciated. 🙂 (No sarcasm intended.)

  15. irmawati says:

    Peach: I’m sorry…I’m Asian so I dont realy get your culture..I dont write this to judge. this is just from my point of view, ok?
    for me marriage is sacred. If you still can have sex with anyone who you desire, why you marriage the first place? And for me…I love my husband, it will hurt me deeply if I know he cheat on me, cause when you love you want him for yourself. I think marriage and love is about respect too…how can you respect your couple if you cheat on him?
    I am young and attractive…right now my husband and I are not together because we are waiting for the immigration papers. I am here in Asia and he is in America continent, BUT I dont have any desire to cheat or flirt with anyone but him.
    Well…if we want someone that always be there why not buy a dog instead of marriage?!

  16. mockey says:

    When will my beloved country be saved from that idiotic midget!!!!!

  17. lio says:

    Sarkozy was never the mayor of Paris

  18. rachel says:

    It was NOT love at the beginning, you know. He needed a wife and she needed publicity. They met and they married two months later. So who cares if they are cheating on each other? They deserve each other.

  19. rachel says:

    Sarkozy was the mayor of Neuilly.

  20. mockey says:

    did this bitch really think she could stay with him more than two years before getting bored?

  21. Sumodo1 says:

    American politicos cheat on their wives, it’s just not that often the wife cheats as well, and they’re cool with it.

    So, why is France in a tizzy today about Madame Sarkozy’s breasts?

  22. nnn says:

    yes my bad. Mayor of Neuilly.

    @20. France is ok about Carla’s breasts, it’s mainly the UK and foreign press that is acting all fussy because she apparently didn’t put a bra under her very tight blue dress when they received the russian president Dmitry Medvedev lately

  23. Katyusha says:

    @ irmawati

    That’s the thing; cultures are different. On the flipside, a lot of cultures don’t understand why some asian cultures eat household pets like dogs and cats…see the correlation?

  24. whateva says:

    man – did i get gyped in the libido department, or what. you people make it sound like the entire planet’s ‘in heat’. and i guess you’re right.

  25. Laura says:

    I would totally do both of them.

  26. irmawati says:

    katyusha: yup that is true 🙁
    Maybe I put that wrong?! Well..Some of tribes in my country do eat dog 🙁 (no cat eating here), but some of the tribes here are against eating them 🙂 And I come from where we love chicken n beef as our meal and dog as our lovely pets. I guess no matter what your culture the choice is yours, how you want to act. But Yes I do see your point.

  27. Feebee says:

    If they have an ‘understanding’ involving consent for affairs then it’s not really cheating is it?

    There are bigger things to get knickers in twist about.

  28. Amy says:

    Well Cecelia, Sarkozy’s former wife, and he openly cheated on each other while he was Minister of Whatever his title was before he was President. She actually went to the US to go live with her boyfriend while she was still married but then came back to him for the election campaign. And we already knew Carla is a skank. So why is this news worthy?

  29. Nina says:

    Do you really believe that european people (in this case, french people) are less faithful than american people???
    Or the question is that we are more honest about it, less judgemental and not so full of puritanism ( that most of the time hides something dark)?

  30. ViktoryGin says:


    I knew that you resided in Paris, but I was under the assumption that you were from an anglophone country as you write like a native speaker of English. Cool.


    Asian cultures are operating from a completely different cultural framework in which marriage plays a different role in the societies than in does in the West.

    On a different note….Whatev.

    The problem that I have with this whole debate on both sides is the imposition of sweeping cultural values. It’s important that the individual takes spiritual inventory and discover for himself what is personally comfortable. The one thing I hate about American culture is how so many people are pigeonholed into monogamy when they are just to experiencial to stay in a two -person relationship. Contrarily, I also don’t care for the way some Europeans lambast us Americans for being puritanical tightwads. It’s the same kind of cultural peer pressure as monagamy but from the other end of the debate. If a person doesn’t feel comfortable sleeping around, they shouldn’t be made to feel badly about it. It’s just who they are. Again, boundaries are personal.

  31. Popcorny says:

    Gee Nina, I kinda think when you brag about how “accepting” and “non puritanical” the French are about betraying marriage vows, you’re answering your own “question” in a way you obviously didn’t intend.
    There are cheaters everywhere, in every culture -no one is denying that (so, no bonus points for copping to what we all know about human behavior).
    I’m glad “we” shame such behavior here.
    I’m glad the message we strive for is NO/NOT GOOD.
    I’m glad that we try to hold regard for vows, commitment, trust, integrity and honor.
    I’m sad for you and feel worse for your children, that in your culture these things are throw-aways virtues, things to be mocked, scoffed and abused just to satiate your impulsive crotch-jollies.
    If you think it makes you/your country “better”, think again.
    Cheating and breaking vows, etc., is not a marriage problem, it’s a human behavior problem.
    I’ll take puritans over skeezebags any day.
    -and thank you for reminding me of yet another reason why I love my country.
    We try.

  32. For Sooth? says:

    Dude, they’re French, that’s what they do.

  33. Peach says:

    Thanks! My mom was American so I grew up speaking English. I also spent almost a decade living in the US, so I’m about as fluent as it gets. That and I have a lot of American friends and I keep up with the hip slang 🙂 Ya digg?

    @irmwati: I’m not offended at all. I understand that people have different ideas of what marraige means to them. I’m not sure how to explain this but maybe a recent example will help:
    Recently our dog died. My husband and I are both grieving quite a bit still. But we take turns being there for each other. We take turns cooking when the other is crying. Without him here during this rough time I would probably be much lighter, sick and alone. But I’m not. I have my best friend here helping me and I am helping him. We bring out the best in eachother.
    But neither of us really believe that you can be with one person only forever.

    So rather than sacrificing our entire relationship and us being supportive, fantastic people for eachother, we simply choose to let a few things slide.

    That doesn’t mean I’m okay with him bringing hone girls or that he can be gone until 4am without calling and that he gets to spend his dinners with me texting other girls. It means that if something happens, I have already chosen to forgive it, and him the same.

    Different strokes. That’s not just French. Plenty of people in the US have this attitude as well. So ya know, whatever makes people happy.

  34. irmawati says:

    Peach: I understand 🙂 Different people different mind. Sorry about your dog 🙁

  35. vanessa says:

    I don t think culture or with country u come from when is about cheating I am french live dare all my scholl years & college. And I can tell u if my partener cheat on me is got alots to answer!!

  36. Caroline says:

    Thank you Popcorny, your letter was refreshing. I’m French and I lived in many countries. What I’ve noticed is that humans’ behaviour depend a lot on their culture/religion/generation… TV, films, books have a great influence on humanity, so slowly we’re all adopting the same behavior (bad behavior). So, French people and Europeens act according to their generation, social class, beliefs and they live in a very similar way to the Americans. I don’t see any great difference, just a few. French men are not worse or better than others and couples are no different. I’ve seen many women and men cry because of infedility. It’s a plague in the Western world but in other cultures too. I feel sorry for women who have to convince themselves that infidelity is the only way to keep their husband and fall into love affairs to lighten their dispair. I feel sorry for husbands who are being cheated by their wife with no remorse.
    Popcorny and others, don’t believe all what you read in the medias. Come to France and you will see: everything is the same as in the US. Some couples are faithful, others aren’t. Some have beliefs and others don’t. Some have morality and others don’t but this society tends to have none left.
    If I would have to rename Planet Earth I would call it “Sex Planet” and I would write it with flashing lights like in Las Vegas. Poor Human beings, are we bound to our sexual needs? Is there anything that gives more pleasure than sex? Is sex ruling marriages? Is sex ruling our poor President Sarkozy and Carla Bruni? Can we come back to reality? What is reality and what is the Truth? What is life? And to finish I’m going to throw a bomb amoung the readers: Jesus is our only Saviour, the only One who can save us from our boundage and give us freedom. The Love He gives is far more important for our lives and the rest. Think about it. By the way, I’m married and my husband cheated on me. After tasting and touching all what he desired he came back with much sorrow. I forgave him because he was very sad and didn’t want to lose me. I also had opportunities and was tempted many times but concidering it I didn’t find it worth racking my marriage and throw a bomb in my teenagers’ lives.
    We’re not on this earth to please ourselves but to live for the One who has put us on it and that is God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and of us all.

  37. weslyn says:

    @peaches..sooo sorry about your dog

    and to others- thanks for the info on other cultures (i always finds it interesting to get that diff. perspective!)

    but have u all seen her recent “adjustments” to her face??? ugghhhh can u say cat lady lol

    kaiser- pleasssee post that pic soon