Oscar Starter Thread

Jaybird, MSat and I are all on and chat talking about the red carpet arrivals.

Heidi Klum is wearing a big red dress with too much fabric. There was an incident with Gary Busey licking Jennifer Garner’s neck, which MSat will cover a little later, and George Clooney’s girlfriend is wearing a gorgeous blue strapless dress with pink detail.

Kelly Preston looks silly in orange, and her husband John Travolta has Ronco spray on hair.

Ryan Seacrest looks drunk, according to MSat, and he pissed off Jessica Alba by asking her how far along she is and if she will breastfeed.

Here are some initial red carpet pics. We will be posting the winners and notable incidents tonight as they happen.

Note: Updates will have dashes in front from now on.

– Jessica Alba is wearing a plum colored strapless dress with feather detail on the front. She was talking to the German interviewer and got very excited talking about the SciTech Awards and the fog machines that were invented by Germans.

– Ellen Page is wearing a cute dress, according to MSat and JayBird. I have yet to see it.

The Diving Bell and the Butterfly Director Julian Schnabel says “Painting is like breathing” and “Directing is like translating.” The interviewer asked a very interesting question about what was the difference between the two. Schnabel is a renowned artist with works in the Moma, Metropolitan Museum and Whitney.

– The interviewer asked Tilda Swinton “How easy is it to play someone that mean?” Tilda said “If anyone was ever mean to you, it’s really easy… She’s just a mess, she’d do well to play a little meaner.”

– Regis Phillbin is interviewing George Clooney and the crowd is screaming.

– MSat loves Marion Cotillard’s dress, but I think it looks too much like a messed up mermaid.

– Laura Linney looks gorgeous but her overuse of botox is obvious.

– Javier Bardem is working the Elvis hair, but he still looks hot.

– Jennifer Garner looks cute in a tight black dress and says it’s due to her stylist Rachel Zoe.

Note: We will be updating the site with posts throughout the ceremony.

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