Cele|bitchy | Jennifer Lopez demanded an 8-months-pregnant butt double

Jennifer Lopez demanded an 8-months-pregnant butt double

at the CBS Films ShoWest Luncheon 2010

I keep forgetting about Jennifer Lopez! She’s got a new movie coming out in a few weeks. It’s The Backup Plan, that movie about a woman who gets knocked up and then meets the man of her dreams (Alex O’Loughlin, who I keep thinking is Michael Vartan – they look alike!). Here’s the trailer:

Anyway, Jennifer’s promotional duties are gearing up, and she’s done a bunch of interviews over the past few days. I saw her the other night talking about motherhood on E! News or something, and she just seemed… I don’t know. Maybe I’m not used to the “New Jennifer”. Because she seems so much like the Old Jennifer, only now she has babies. It’s weird. In any case, this interview cracked me up. Apparently, there’s a scene in The Backup Plan where you get to see Jennifer’s big, bare, pregnant butt. Except it’s not really her ass! Listen to this… chuckle:

In “The Back -Up Plan,” Jennifer Lopez’s new rom-com, there’s a scene where her pregnant-with-twins character is facing a mirror, checking out her expanding naked body.

When her boyfriend (Alex O’Loughlin) comes in the room, she races into the closet to hide and audiences get a glimpse of her character’s bare bum.

Well, guess what, that’s not really Jennifer. She gave The Dish Rag the real scoop at the junket today (Mar. 30)

“I just thought that a naked pregnant woman checking herself out would just be so funny,” Jennifer said. “I actually wish there was more of it in the movie. It was my idea to put it in because I remember being pregnant and marveling at the hugeness of my body, you know, like, looking at the mirror at all angles, but it’s something you do privately.”

“I really like that scene … and I thought we should have a real pregnant lady double with the real pregnant body do it. So that’s what we did. That’s an eight months pregnant woman.”

Did she get to cast her butt double? Like you had to ask?

“You talk about casting challenges,” says director Alan Poul. “That was the the most uncomfortable, to ask these pregnant women to show us their bodies.”

“But they did and they were fine with it,” adds Jennifer. “And they were beautiful.”

[From The Dish Rag]

I love the idea of Jennifer sitting around asking pregnant women to disrobe and show her their asses. For casting purposes! And you know she was probably right there, taking notes on all of the knocked up ladies. I don’t think I would want to take off my clothes in front of J.Lo. But that’s because I’m afraid she would try to make me put on some yeast-infection-y leather catsuit.

In one other piece of J.Lo news, she got another record deal! Back in February, she got dumped from Epic after a decade-long collaboration that created such gems as “Love Don’t Cost A Thing” and “Fresh Out The Oven”. Jennifer confirmed that she’s just signed on to Island’s Def Jam, which is the home of hitmaker L.A. Reid, who has worked wonders with Pink’s career. Well done, Jennifer!

Photo by: LVP/starmaxinc.com 2010 3/18/10 Jennifer Lopez at ShoWest. (Las Vegas, Nevada)

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10 Responses to “Jennifer Lopez demanded an 8-months-pregnant butt double”

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  1. bite me says:

    mariah carey is going to be mad that J.lo signed with Island Def Jam…and i this point i think she should just continue to act, her singing career is not going to improve

  2. bellaluna says:

    Was she afraid her butt wouldn’t accurately portray the butt of an 8 months-pregnant-with-twins woman? Guess this was for “consistent story-telling” or accur-ass-y, right? ;P

  3. Jess says:

    I can only handle one of these preggie films once a year and I’m waiting for The Switch with Jason Bateman. Now that looks funny.

  4. Feebee says:

    Like her butt wouldn’t pass for being 8 months pregnant.

    @ Jess: Yeah, 2 preggie movies is at least 1 too many and I’ll take Jason Bateman over Jennifer Lopez any day.

  5. Rianna says:

    I dont do pregnancy movies. I didnt even go and watch Knocked Up. Been there done that have a stretch mark lol! If I knew there was a market for pregnant body doubles in Hollywood damn, I would have done that!

  6. Mando says:

    Is is wrong that I kinda want to see this? Could have something to do with the fact that I LOVE-LOVE-LOVE!! Alex O’Loughlin!

  7. Alarmjaguar says:

    Hey, I’m just happy to hear some positive talk about how women’s bodies look in all kinds of stages. It is a small step forward

  8. Maritza says:


  9. Ana says:

    I get him confused with Michael Vartan too.

    It’s funny, because I remember seeing her butt in the preview and thinking that it looks like mine did when I was pregnant.

  10. It sucks that Jennifer Lopez couldn’t get to American Idol. It would have been completely magnificent if she could have gotten there. Properly maybe she can get there subsequent season.