Cele|bitchy | Jon Gosselin plans to sue Kate for primary custody of the kids

Jon Gosselin plans to sue Kate for primary custody of the kids

Jon Gosselin Takes Newest Girlfriend To Utah For Sundance

Jon “Stubby” Gosselin wants to rain on Kate Gosselin’s constipated disco parade! Tuesday afternoon, TMZ and other outlets reported that Jon was “planning” to sue Kate for primary physical custody of their eight children. Jon’s reasoning? Kate is “rarely home” and Jon is “is much better able to spend time with the children.” Because, you know, Kate spends so much time learning how to dance. Chuckle. This is about money, right? Probably.

Claiming she doesn’t spent enough quality time with their eight children, Jon Gosselin is planning to sue ex-wife Kate Gosselin for primary physical custody.

Pointing to her current stint on ABC’s Dancing With the Stars, Jon’s lawyer tells PEOPLE that Kate is “an absentee parent,” that Jon may seek primary custody, and that he might also seek to reverse the child-support arrangement, under which Jon now pays Kate some $21,000 a month.

“He wants equal say with custody, equal time, but if the circumstances remain as they are, with Kate being rarely home, Jon wants primary custody of the children,” says lawyer Anthony List Sr., a former assistant U.S. attorney. “He is much better able to spend time with the children.”

List plans to file three separation actions in the next day or two.

“Kate Gosselin can’t have it both ways unless there is some balance, unless there are some opportunities for these eight children to be in her physical presence,” adds List. “Jon wants to spend time with these kids, and she is throwing up road blocks. And the eight children are the innocent victims. This tears Jon up.”

Kate’s Response
In turn, Kate’s lawyer Mark Momjian tells PEOPLE he has not received a formal filing yet but that “our client is a devoted mother who loves her children very much.”

The latest legal wrangling from Jon, 33, comes as Kate, 35, is about to start a publicity campaign for her new book, I Just Want You To Know: Letters to My Kids on Love, Faith and Family, which is set to be released on April 13.

“It’s almost as if he deliberately timed this to sabotage her efforts to promote the book,” says one source close to the book’s publisher. “Now she’s once again going to defend herself as a mom when she should be able to just talk about this project that she worked so hard on.”

Jon’s legal plans were first reported by TMZ.

[From People]

Yes, it probably is all about Jon being passive-aggressive about Kate’s book. Or her dancing. Or her hair. Kate went on to release a statement to People Mag: “I am not willing to comment in public on the custody discussions regarding my children. What I will say is this: I am and always will be a mother first, but as a single working mom, I will do everything necessary to provide for my kids despite the opinions of others.”

Yeah. Team Nobody.

Oh, and Kate still wasn’t thrown off DWTS even though she blows. Discuss.

Kate Gosselin Heads Back To The View!

Kate Gosselin and Dancing With the Stars Partner Tony Dovolani Connect on Red Carpet

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32 Responses to “Jon Gosselin plans to sue Kate for primary custody of the kids”

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  1. CT says:

    Wow, this guy is a piece of work. I’m not a big fan of hers but compared to him she is an angel. I guess he hasn’t been getting enough attention lately or he needs to get attached back to the money train. Loser.

  2. sasha says:

    Yup, Team Nobody.

    Whoever gets the kids gets the money, it’s so grim.

  3. canadianchick says:

    With those 2 as parents those kids are so sol.

  4. SolitaryAngel says:

    I’m team Kidz. With 2 *living* parents, they’re still orphans.
    **Ed. note: this is yet to be determined

  5. R2D2 says:

    Jon is pathetic. Say what you want about Kate but if it came down to the two, she is definitely the more responsible parent. John just wants the child support money he would collect if was awarded custody. Not sure how that will go considering he does not have income.

  6. Sarcasma says:

    there’s nothing to discuss.

    shit happens. just have to bear it with it or laugh at what she calls “dancing”..

    i choose to laugh =)

  7. Tuatara says:

    “I Just Want You To Know: Letters to My Kids on Love, Faith and Family” — I would rather tear my eyes out that read that book. Gag.

  8. S says:

    Kate may be horrible, but she is at least “employable” compared to Jon and seems to really care about how her kids are raised – good food, clean house, good schools. Jon is overweight and eats frozen dinners and seems like a lazy bum, so I don’t imagine he has fully thought through being a single parent to 8 kids and how much work is involved in that. Say what you will about Kate, but that wouldn’t be easy for anybody. Of course she has help! She needs it! Wouldn’t you? I also think most peole would be a bit of a control-freak bitch too, if they had 8 small kids to manage and take care of. i think she’s a better mother than people give her credit for, and a better mother than a lot of people in this country.
    I don’t really care for either of them, but given the choice, she’d be the better parent for those kids.

  9. pebbles says:

    yeah, Team Nobody.

    These money-hungry fame whores are so despicable……the kids suffer and I will wait for one of the twin’s tell-all book…..should hit the stores soon.

  10. Pont Neuf says:

    I think that Jon Gosselin has spent so much time immersed in a drunk stupor lately, that he hasn’t realized that April Fools’ Day was last week. Nice one, Jon! It’s effin’ hilarious… Not.

    Seriously, is he stupid enough as to believe that anyone with a minimum amount of common sense would award him custody of the little cash cows? Everyone knows that he would probably trade those children for a lit cigarette, two slices of cold pizza and a chance to ejaculate prematurely in a random stripper.

    Poor children. They have to live under the authority of a good-for-nothing, whimsical, irresponsible and promiscuous teenager, and a bitchy, mean, greedy and nasty witch. I’m sure they will be such well-adjusted adults, when they grow up.

  11. Sha says:


  12. Maritza says:

    I can’t stand Jon but I do think the $20,000 in child support is way too much considering he is not even working. Now that he has no girlfriend to put up with him he feels he can turn the court against Kate because she is the one bringing in the money! He wants Kate to maintain him, this guy is such a freeloader!

  13. Fluffy Kitten Tail says:

    Just because he is a homeless man and wants a place to stay. I hate Kate, but he is way worse. PIG.

  14. Whatever says:

    I was team nobody, but every time this douche opens his mouth, he makes me team Kate. The problem is she is still getting work and he is getting nothing. He can’t stand that he is not in the spotlight and he doesn’t want to pay support. He wants to get his hands on her money that she is making without him, rather than get a job like a real man.

    What about all the months he spent running around with skanks and not with his kids? At least she is working. He is the biggest hypocritical douche ever. I hope her lawyer crushes him in court.

  15. Lisa says:

    Just send the kids to the Duggars. They may be a little unconventional (okay, a LOT unconventional) but at least it seems like they genuinely have some love going on in that family.

  16. irishserra says:

    With regard to Kate still remaining on DWTS, I believe she hangs on every week only because we are all curious to see the train wreck.

    I do feel for those children. It does seem like a no-win for them no matter which parent.

  17. escapee says:

    Well said @whatever!

  18. DoMaJoReMc says:

    I would say that Jon should, at least, be given the opportunity to be with the kids instead of the time the nannies spend with them. Wouldn’t this defray some of her expenses that she has? If he was there during the times she is not, the kids would get some time with each of the parents. Unfortunately, I think KHATE would rather pay some nannies than to concede that their kids NEED to be with their father. This is her way of staying in control. CONTROL FREAK!

    For all the KHATE lovers out there, go back and look at even HALF of the J&K+8 shows, and you will see that Jon is the more hands-on parent. She doesn’t like to get her hands dirty.

  19. Maddie says:

    I’m not on anyone team any more, but please remember that Jon the deadbeat dad, was blocked by TLC to make any kind of living in the fame whore business unlike Kate, who for some reason remains a popular choice to do all sorts of things, co-hosting The View quite a few times and DWTS, and more than likely her new stupid show on TLC.

    In what job market today would Jon find a job that would support the 20,000 a month in child support?

    Since she is the “mark able” one out of the two, he should stay home with the kids why she does her famewhoring so well and people seem to buy into her “I’m just a single working mom bit”.

  20. texasmom says:

    Poor kids.

  21. Whatever says:

    Jon’s lawsuit with TLC is settled. Due to his contract breaking and erratic famewhoring behavior, he can’t get TV work. He COULD get a regular job, but he is too good for that. His support was likely based on his net worth, based on what he walked away with. If he doesn’t like the amount, he should file for a reduction, not go after her and her money for a short term job that will likely end way before the case is even heard in court. He is a joke and is fooling no one.

  22. Maddie says:


    Yes his lawsuit was just settle with TLC, but really only movie and sport stars can afford to send 20,000 a month in child support, Jon really isn’t a “star” nor will he ever be, he not really well liked even those like myself who sided with him in the beginning learned what an a** hat he was.

    (While he was band from doing anything like interviews and the like, she was all over the place getting paid.)

    But just being an azz does not warrant 20,000 a month in child support when he will not be making that in white collar business.

    Kate still has a show in the making for TLC, if that fails to be picked up, besides her books that are already on the market, she will fade like most reality stars do.

    Their million dollar house should be on the market right now because no way will they both be able to afford just the taxes alone on it, add in the heating electric and insurance etc. etc,etc.

    They both seem to think that the gravy trail will last forever and now Jon knows that for him the station to nowhereville is right around the bend.

  23. TaylorB says:


    He has had pleanty of time to be with the kids, he just chose to spend it in Utah with his GF du jour. BOTH of these two are behaving like self centered, crappy parents, but I do honestly think they truely love their children. Hopefully they will snap out of selfish mode soon.

    If he takes her to court he is going to lose in a big way, and probably have to pay her court costs as well. Since he has no job and no income he should rethink this course. Though he should NOT be responsible for $20,000 a month, he has no way to come up with that kind of $$, she is working and can support the family on her own for now.

  24. Kat says:

    I think we have a rash of men who have no clue what commitment means….Jon, Tiger and others should look at what they have at home and what they have to lose before going hunting for hussies. Jon lost his whole life and then some when he fooled around…eight kids lost respect for him and now he has the audasity to want custody, what kind of role model is he for young children. Kate is more of a stable role model to raise children than him. At least in her home there will not be an endless parade of females coming and going. If Jon wanted to be a part of raising his children he should have never left the great life that he had in the first place!

  25. L says:

    Gah, I agree-Team nobody.

    But as much as I dislike both of them, does his think we forget last summer/fall when he was running around with ho’s? And Kate was with the kids? Taking them to school etc? She’s crazy, she’s money hungry, she’s a pain in the ass-but if I had to pick between them the less ‘absentee parent’ I’d have to go with her.

  26. bellaluna says:

    The reason Jon has no income is because he forbade TLC from filming the children once he found out his role was “minimised” and the name of the show was being change to “Kate + 8.” Had he continued to allow the children to be filmed, he would have continued making the same amount of money he made before. His stupid pride got in the way, and now he’s unemployed, unemployable, and homeless (since his latest twinkie broke up with him & her parents kicked him out of THEIR house, where he lived).

    Jon made his bed, and now he has to find a roof under which to put it and another twinkie with money to join him there.

    Funny how he was so opposed to the children being exploited for money, but now that he has none, he’s more than willing to do the same.

    As far as Kate doing appearances, etc, she is permitted to do so by TLC because she is abiding by her contract with them. Unlike Jon, Kate has not waged a campaign designed to make herself look like the biggest ass in history. And, Jon only cares about the kids when it suits him. Which is when he can get press coverage or money.

  27. Ruthie says:

    This guy has mooched off his wife’s efforts for years. She was always the driving force behind their “success”, and she continues to work hard to earn a substantial income for herself and her children. He’s worse than useless – too lazy and unappealing to find his own success, so he’s trying to get back on the Kate Gravey Train any way he can. He only seems interested in those poor children when there is something financial in it for him. He needs a kick in the a**.

  28. dragonlady sakura says:

    Those poor kids are better off raised by wolves!

  29. J W says:

    that kate must be doing someone for her not to be thrown off dwts…….and……. who cares if jon is gonna sue her

  30. Feebee says:

    Can’t believe i’m about to say this… Despite Jon being a grade A douche, and not having watched their +8 programme, I’ve never really heard anyone say he was a bad dad, usually the opposite. In the day and age of women sometimes being the main breadwinner it’s not so unusual to have stay at home dads.

    Yeah it’s probably about money and he could get a real job but she could also go back to nursing… you know, a job that doesn’t involve seemingly weekly trips to New York or in the case of DWTS (that I can’t believe she’s STILL ON!!!), LA.

  31. LolaBella says:

    These kids will continue to be used as pawns by their delusional, famewhore, wanna-be celebrity parents until we, the ‘celebrity-creating’ public decide that we have had enough of them.

    Stop watching their shows, stop trending them, stop giving them page views by commenting on posts about them* and they will go away.

    *Yes, I recognize my own irony and this will be my last Jon/Khate comment, but I just had to say it.

    Little Aaden (The Professor) was my favorite when I used to watch their show way back when it first premiered on TLC. Poor kids.

  32. Aspie says:

    Team Nobody