Steven Seagal’s accuser, a bikini model, bragged on TV about using people

Yesterday we heard that 90s action star Steven Seagal was being sued for sexual harassment and sexual trafficking by a former personal assistant who claims that he lured her to New Orleans under false pretenses. 23 year-old Kayden Nguyen claims she answered an ad on Craig’s List for a secretarial job, only to be asked to accompany Seagal to his house in New Orleans, where he promptly sexually abused her. The story was compelling and convincing, and while some details sounded over-the-top many of us were willing to believe them. Seagal’s lawyer countered that the story was fabricated and claimed that Nguyen was fired for drug abuse. Some of you wondered why Nguyen didn’t go to the police with her story immediately and why she waited almost two months to file a civil, not a criminal complaint.

New information is out about Seagal’s accuser that puts her story into a much different light. Nguyen was on the Tyra Banks show last year bragging about how she was a “lipstick lesbian” who used men. Now, I’ve heard of at least three different stories of people being misled into appearances on Tyra’s show and either being humiliated or fed fake stories to read on air. (Here’s some coverage we did of that in the past.) It’s possible that Nguyen answered an ad to appear on Tyra’s show and was tricked into giving false statements. She looked pretty proud of herself though and like she was completely comfortable. It doesn’t look good for her when TMZ runs video that shows her bragging on television about manipulating people.

The woman accusing Steven Seagal of treating her like a “sex toy” once appeared on an episode of “The Tyra Banks Show” — where she claimed to be a “lipstick lesbian,” who can “trick” men.

Back in 2009, Kayden Nguyen appeared in an episode titled “The Gay Kingdom” — in which she bragged, “I can use my sex appeal to get any girl that I want and trick any guy to getting what I want.”

As TMZ first reported, Kayden filed a lawsuit against Seagal claiming she took a job as his executive assistant … but was instead treated like a sex servant.

Kayden’s episode was taped on January 29, 2009 — roughly one year before her alleged sexual encounters with Steven Seagal.

[From TMZ]

Meanwhile Radar Online has a professional photoshoot of Nyugen in a sexy bikini. It looks like this case just got a lot less cut and dried. This is pure speculation, but maybe Nyugen knew what she was getting into and then decided to shake down Seagal for some money for her trouble. It’s also possible that she was just a secretary all along. Or she could be telling the truth. She just got a whole less credible though.

Action hero Steven Seagal heads for home after dining at West Hollywood's Koi restuarant

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20 Responses to “Steven Seagal’s accuser, a bikini model, bragged on TV about using people”

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  1. gossip_ho says:

    i’m sorry but i don’t believe this b**ch

  2. Lynn says:

    I’m sad to say that I don’t buy a word of what she is saying.
    Countless women are abused each day and this just shows us why so many of them are not considered victims, but criminals themselves. Because of women like this who set the bar for bullshit.

  3. ligeia says:

    so because she knows she is attractive and can use her looks to her advantage she must be a liar? clearly only ugly fat chicks who get abused are telling the truth……

  4. Lady Nightshade says:

    To me, this seems to solidify she IS telling the truth. Obviously she is a fame whore who’ll say anything to be on the Tyra show. That is why she thought working for Segal would be her big break and didn’t run outta there as soon as things got shady.

  5. R2D2 says:

    This definitely changes my opinion of this situation. Yesterday I believed her and now I dont. Its a shame hollywood wanna-be skanks like this pull this type of shit, makes it harder for those who are truly being harassed to win cases.
    I think women like this give all women a bad rep.

  6. Tia C says:

    Looks like we’ve got the new Tila Tequila, only better looking.

  7. Obvious says:

    @Tia, like that was hard to do? lol

    I’m not saying I believe her, I’m not saying I don’t. I have a feeling that while the basis for her claims may be true not all of it is, which is why she’s going after him civilly and not criminally. Her case won’t stand up for rape or whatever the DA could charge him with, but scandal means money.

  8. GatsbyGal says:

    Not buying it. She’s a manipulator.

  9. MsTriste says:

    Could be one of those “two sides to every story” cases. And both of them could be telling some version of a very sordid truth.

  10. Fluffy Kitten Tail says:

    Steven Deagal has for years been known to be a disgusting pig around women. Why do you think Kelly LeBrock left him? He is a lying creep (“oh, I was with the CIA” Yet no one within the CIA has ever heard of him) and has always gone after young women, so yes, I believe every word of this.

    Doesn’t anyone remember him hooking up with nannies and such?

    I agree with the person who said if this were some ugly, over weight woman, she would have credibility, a pretty one HAS to be lying *eyeroll*. The fact is, I am sure Seagal’s lawyers are digging up anything to get the swine out of trouble.

  11. maitai says:

    Steve sleeps with anyone, anything, anywhere. She took a Craiglist ad seriously and allowed him to grop her on the first day of work. This combo was headed for Tabloid heaven.

  12. gen says:

    I agree, not so cut & dry anymore. But I still have a strong dislike for him. *sshole >:o/
    And to Maitai, why wouldn’t she take a craigslist ad seriously? Not sure where you live but out here in CA that’s where most jobs are listed.

  13. Jeri says:

    Just like the rich rich Vegas Magician. That woman now got busted for prostitution near Seattle. Might be true… but – someone that rich could have easily set her up for the fall. So who knows what the truth is. Bimbo out for a buck or young woman trying to fight the big ole celeb for justice for the little person. I don’t think we’ll ever know.

  14. Annabelle says:

    Whether she has a manipulative personality or not is beside the point — manipulative ppl can be abused too, you know.

  15. Aussie Mama says:

    Well, that won’t be any good for her character at all now will it. Yes I am sure Segal is a sleeze, no doubt there, but I am also sure the gals are willing parties too. Hell I would be!!!

  16. mags says:

    annabelle, good point. no matter how sure of yourself you are, you’d be surprised at how easy it is for a man to take advantage of any situation.
    just because she’s not a virginal innocent doesn’t mean she can’t be the victim of a disgusting, self-entitled pig. as for waiting to come forward w/ the story…it takes time to deal with that stuff. to figure out what you wanna do. she had to know she was going ot have to go through this, people calling her a “b*tch” and a liar. maybe she needed to wait until she was in a strong enough place to take the attacks…just sayin

  17. Lita says:

    But then you continue the story – she waits two months to deal with her emotions and then files a nice lucrative civil suit. Which will doubtless have much publicity – much more than a criminal suit, especially in the early stages where the cops would have kept her identity quiet (where I live anyway, so that’s CA law dependent). If I’d spent 2 months quietly finding an emotional place where I was okay to come out I’d prefer that. Also for my abuser to go to jail. None of this makes her a liar – just way more difficult for me to give credence to. And in a civil suit, that a big part of what she needs to generate; credibility. And also to show that what occurred was personally devastating. Which also just became a hell of a lot harder. Early days though.

  18. g says:

    this lady lie///i am absolutely sure ! Steven we love you and we trust you !

  19. angelina says:

    wow… i was looking for this. nice work. keep it up.i have some more info about this, can i share it via comment box?

  20. tony says:

    the hottest curves in the industery.