Jessica Simpson is still doing the publicity rounds for The Price of Beauty, and she appeared on Leno last night, and will appear in a pretaped episode of Ellen today. Jessica was of course talking about her gross hygiene habits, again. Previously, Jessica admitted that she only brushes her teeth “every now and again” and that she just uses Listerine. Ellen got Jessica to confirm this, and Ellen got a firm number on how many times Jessica brushes her teeth in a given week: three. F-cking disgusting.
Jessica Simpson: so fresh and so clean? Not so much.
The singer, 29, admits in an episode of The Ellen DeGeneres Show to air Wednesday that she only brushes her teeth “maybe three times a week.” Why?
“Because my teeth are so white and I don’t like them to feel too slippery but I do use Listerine and I do floss everyday,” she explains. “But I don’t brush them every day.”
“My lips just slide all over the place….I can’t catch up with my mouth,” she continues. “I need a little coating….”
Instead, she’ll “use a shirt or something” to scrub her chompers clean.
“I know it’s gross but I always have fresh breath,” she swears. “It’s really weird but I have great breath.”
Maybe that explains why the Vh1 reality star is still single. Although she says she’s actively looking for her next guy on the down low.
“I mingle around very privately,” she tells DeGeneres. “I have ways in and out of my house and certain places that I go that are private just so I can have a normal life. I’m still out there and bring normal.”
After very public splits with John Mayer and Tony Romo, she still says it “doesn’t really matter” if her next guy is famous or not.
Her only requirements: “They definitely have to understand my life and what I put up with and what I deal with. Being scrutinized publicly… [that] can definitely make or break a relationship and you have to have that strong foundation… so I have to have somebody that understands that kind of lifestyle.”
[From Us Weekly]
To make matters worse, Jessica told Leno last night that she’s obsessed with Nicorette gum, even though she’s never been a smoker. She said: “The first time I ever chewed a piece of Nicorette gum one of my close friends’ mother gave it to me. I think she thought she was giving me a piece of regular gum. I was chewing it and it was like a party in my mouth. It was like fireworks and ‘Oh my god, I’m talking a million miles per hour and I love this gum and what kind of gum is this? I have to have this gum.'” Yeah, I’m sure her breath smells great, what with all of Nicorette and cheese doodles and John Mayer spunk. Too much? She started it.
Sometimes.. we share too much.
Oh god, now every time I see her with her mouth open, I’m just going to think of what’s really going on in there. Jesus. I’m genuinely surprised Douche Mayer didn’t mention this. I’m really anal about keeping my teeth clean, but this just seems really unhealthy.
umm….okay. Bless her for being real though…right?
And this is why she’s under such scrutiny from paps & the public in general…diarrhea of the mouth and constipation of the brain.
When you are “actively looking” for someone to love, you will only find heartache. When you’ve realised that you may spend the rest of your life solo and accepted it with grace, that is when you meet Mr. Right. Personal experience. Trust.
The slippery feeling, is the feeling of clean teeth. Gross! She must hate going to the dentist,after a professional cleaning the teeth are even more slippery.
I CAN’T believe this woman is about to turn 30. Jessica is SO immature for her age.
Good Luck with finding someone to put up with your pervert of a father.
You had it ALL with Nick and now you have nothing.
I love Jessica and have sympathized with her recently, but seriously, if this is true, no wonder she can’t keep a man! Also, I believe that women (and men for that matter) should always maintain some sense of mysetery in a relationship, and remenber how she was always pooing, farting, and talking about boogers in her nose in front of Nick back on “Newlyweds”?
Say what you will, but keep that sort of behavior up long enough and your man will walk away, or at the very least not respect you as a woman (and why for your own sake would you WANT to do those things in front of ANYONE for that matter?).
I have brothers, and believe me it’s true.
Bellaluna is right…be at peace being single and you will find the right man. Been there done that. Get right with yourself.
Is she saying that she prefers the feel of tartar on her teeth?!
Why, oh why, does she make it so easy?
as much as she overshares the girl is basically harmless. can we just let her be and fade into eventual obscurity???
I’m surprised the Nicorette gum didn’t make her sick from the nicotine in it. I’ve heard you CAN get addicted to the gum much like cigarettes. This chick just keeps getting weirder and weirder.
Their her teeth so if she brushes them or not it’s her business.
UGH! So Disgusting. No wonder her career is in the tank. As for the unfamous boyfriend, if he is not famous, the press will not care, and since her whole career now is her personal life that will not be good for her. BRUSH YOUR TEETH!
She’s so dumb she probably thinks that just because her teeth are white that they are healthy.
That spunk remark was fantastic. lol
well it’s kind of gross to have “teeth coating” but i suppose if she uses mouth wash and flosses that gets rid of bacteria right? admittedly it still makes me feel a litte queasy to think of leaving the house or going to bed without brushing my teeth but it’s maybe not that bad i suppose
And the mystery of why she can’t keep a man is solved…brush fewer than 3 times a day & you’re doing it wrong.
HAHA. Kaiser, will you marry me? I’ll dress up like Gerard and everything!
Well stich it up closed, you stupid bimbo! Then we’ll be spared your dumb drivel and you won’t have to worry about this whole business. That’s what you really want, innit? I know I do!
Well, She did say on her old reality show that all her teeth were veneers (due to shitty dental hygiene, so it isn’t as if she has any real teeth to brush….
Nick also said (I think when they were together) that she & her family had no sense of personal boundaries, leaving the door open while they went to the bathroom, etc.
Brushing gets rid of plaque along the gumline. Shes doesn’t seem like the sharpest knife in the drawer…..
She’s so gross.
I wonder how many times a week she changes her underwear ?!?!?
OMG! someone actually likes having sweater teeth? Gross!
“I know it’s gross but I always have fresh breath,” she swears. “It’s really weird but I have great breath.”
OMG that’s hilarious! They never smell their own!! Hey Jess, ask your friends what they REALLY think about your breath, you might be surprised!
I bet she thinks her farts and poop smell good, too.
oh the spunk comment. My my my sometimes a word makes the whole story
This can be ok depending on what she eats. If she eats processed junk food and sweets, then she’ll get cavities. If you eat no sugar and natural foods, then you might be ok. Many people in third-world countries don’t brush their teeth regularly. But, their diet is made up of natural and whole foods, so they manage to have better health and teeth, overall.
“F-cking disgusting”. Really? Of all the bad hygiene habits people may have, this is the one you’re THAT offended by?
I don’t know why I asked my dentist this but I did… if you’ve got 3 minutes, what’s more important for your teeth brushing or flossing? (According to my dentist) it is more important to FLOSS! I was a little taken aback, I’m a bad flosser. However maybe Jessica got given the same advice.
On the odd occasion I’ve forgotten to brush in the morning, upon checking my teeth after eating, they feel smooth, like they’ve just been brushed. Different story by bedtime but maybe not for Ms Simpson. Don’t you listen to the commercials? Listerine kills the bacteria that causes bad breath (ha ha).
Seriously people need to chill out if THIS is what twists your knickers.
I hate admiting that I only brush once a day sometimes. I don’t like leaving the house for any reason without brushing my teeth. The house could be on fire and you might catch me in the bathroom brushing while the fire fighters are pulling me out.
If I’m late in the morning, I won’t brush my teeth in the mad rush to get to work. And then I feel gross for the rest of the day. How can she stand that?
YAAAAWWWNNNN!! Who on earth cares? Why is everyone getting so worked up on this? They’re her teeth right? And she can do (or not do) what she bloody well likes with them.
Simply because a celebrity admits to NOT being perfect (which I actually quite like) you are all grabbing the opportunity to vent your pent-up frustrations.
Get a life!!!
If she doesn’t brush her teeth regularly, then I wonder how often she showers and washes her body, including her hoo ha? Yuck!