Cele|bitchy | Jessica Simpson wants to be Michelle Obama

Jessica Simpson wants to be Michelle Obama


I was going to make a Big Bird joke about the yellow cocktail dress that Jessica wore to the big Correspondents’ dinner in Washington on Saturday, but I can’t. She actually looks really good, in my opinion. The bright yellow kind of works on her. Maybe it’s the blonde hair? Yellow does tend to work better on blondes, in my opinion. Anyway, for some reason Jessica was invited to Washington’s biggest night, and she even told People Magazine about her girl-crush on the First Lady. Jessica actually sounds really sweet here:

Jessica Simpson is a singer, actress and reality star, but now she has a new goal: She wants to be Michelle Obama.

“I really do,” Simpson told PEOPLE before the White House Correspondents’ dinner in Washington, D.C., Saturday. “She’s such an incredible woman, and she’s with such a powerful man.”

What does Simpson admire most about the First Lady? “Everything she does she exudes confidence,” says the singer. “I’m really just here to celebrate her.”

Simpson was just one among many celebrities who came out for the annual event and mingled at the packed pre-party. Other starts included Sex and the City star Kristin Davis, Michael Douglas and Bradley Cooper.

“It’s sort of like Oscar night,” mused comedian Bill Maher, who joked: “It’s great to mingle with America’s real intellectual heavyweights. I saw the Jonas Brothers, Justin Bieber, Jessica Simpson, Ryan Seacrest – I can’t wait to talk politics.”

Despite all the bold-faced names, the most mobbed star of the evening was teen heartthrob Bieber. “Look at that guy: He’s got more secret service than [President] Obama,” quipped Entourage’s Adrian Grenier.

[From People]

It’s interesting that Jessica had such respect for Michelle Obama, because to my knowledge, the Simpson family is very conservative. I believe Jessica even “endorsed” Pres. Bush, or tried to. And Papa Joe is all about courting the conservative Christians for his daughter’s career, or at least he used to be like that. But Jess is growing up and getting her own ideas about politics, and it’s nice that Michelle Obama is a role model to someone like Jessica, as well as a role model for young women and girls all around the world.

Here are some more photos of Jessica, posing with Quinton Aaron (from The Blind Side) and Gaby Sidibe. I’ve also thrown in a few photos of the First Lady, who looked really pretty, I think:

TIME/CNN/People/Fortune 2010 White House Correspondents' Dinner Pre-Party

TIME/CNN/People/Fortune 2010 White House Correspondents' Dinner Pre-Party

U.S. President Obama attends the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner

U.S. President Obama attends the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner

Header photo: Jessica Simpson in Washington on May 1, 2010. Credit: WENN.

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18 Responses to “Jessica Simpson wants to be Michelle Obama”

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  1. Lady Nightshade says:

    She has the exact same pose in both the pictures with Gabby and Quinton…and it’s a terrible pose

  2. ogechi says:

    Who wouldn’t? Mrs. Obama does not only have intimidating credentials, she is also a super classy lady. Deny that and show that you are pure envious.

    Jessica looks cute in that yellow dress. Loving her.

  3. meme says:

    oh lordy lord lord, another site has a pic of MY IMAGINARY BOYFRIEND JEREMY RENNER posing with jessica simpson’s father!!!!!!!!!!! if jeremy and jessica start dating, he’s dead to me. DEAD.

  4. LolaBella says:

    @meme: Uh Oh! That’s so Pimpa Joe’s style; befriend some famous guy he likes and then voila…that guy and Jessica start dating and then she tells the world she’s in love! Ugh!

    Stay away Jeremy…stay far away from them!

    I wish that Jessica would just fire Joe as her manager and hire a professional who could get her career back on track.

  5. Nudgie says:

    Very smart of Jessica to pose with the two people at the event that would make her look smaller … 😉

  6. lin234 says:

    Has anyone seen that Seinfeld episode where Elaine sharpie’s in eyebrows on Jerry’s uncle and as a result he looked really agitated because of his eyebrows? That’s how Michelle Obama looks. Everything else is perfect but the way her eyebrows are drawn in, makes her look like she’s mad about something.

  7. flutters says:

    Why do I get the feeling that Jessica means this literally and now aims to be a political wife?

    As strange as this is going to sound describing somebody I think is superficial, none too bright, and lazy, I think Jessica overthinks things and then tries too hard. I don’t think she’s really taken the time to figure out who she is and so she overdoes it whenever she sets her mind to whatever new inspiration becomes her new identity. But then it doesn’t work so she drops it whenever the marketing for whatever project she tied into her new identity flops. If she were really intellectually committed she’d actually stick with something whether or not it sold. She tries too hard to get the public to buy into her.

    So the latest Jessica phase is the confident, beautiful woman and it’s been tied into her TV show. But her TV show hasn’t gotten good ratings so what’s next? I’m not a fan or anything but I do wish Jessica wouldn’t feel like she has to try so hard to get people to buy into her. I think that attitude’s only brought more hurt her way.

  8. meme says:

    @LoloaBella – I KNOW. That’s Papa Pimpson MO. I just know they’re going to date, I just know it. What will I do:-(

  9. GrnMtGirl says:

    I Like Jessica…I think she’s doing a good job of trying to find her way.

    And, I too would like to play in Michelle’s shoes for a while

  10. asiont says:

    she is not much smaller than Gaby

  11. hatsumomo says:

    Thats some killer jewelry the First Lady is wearing, and I still wish she would just let her eyebrows grow in just the tiniest bit more. The pencil thin look is pretty severe.

  12. itzbilebitch says:

    jessica looks like a pile of S*** yellow works best on brunettes with real tans.. pathetic.

  13. connie says:

    sorry, jess aside i find that dress completely unflattering on her

  14. Cath says:

    I always, always hate J.Simp’s shoes! She wears those weird platform kind…they look like hooves!!!

  15. elisha says:

    Did Jessica pose with people larger than her to try to maker herself seem smaller? I can see her doing that.

  16. Jules says:

    I think all of the dresses pictured are horrendous. With access to lots of money and all the dresses in the world, these ladies pick these ugly red, blue and yellow things? All are so matronly and boring. #11, I agree about the eyebrows too–they are harsh looking and make her look really bitchy.

  17. The Bobster says:

    She needs to grow a bigger ass and smaller boobs.

  18. anonymous says:

    Did anyone watch Jessica’s final show tonight on Price of Beauty.. Watch it. Enough said & you will understand.

    Go Jessica.