Pete Doherty getting special treatment in jail


Petey boy sure is living the life now that he’s in jail where he belongs. According to the always reliable Sun, Pete is getting the star treatment at West London’s Wormwood Scrubs jail. Yes that really is the name of the facility. No it’s not a weird Harry Potter joke or something. I wasn’t impressed with the British legal system after they gave Doherty so many second chances. But it’s all okay now, because they have a jail named Wormwood Scrubs. We’re cool London, don’t worry.

Pete has been given TWO mattresses, extra bedding, a television, and a radio. Apparently that hasn’t helped his popularity with the other inmates – something Doherty might want to give a little more consideration to.

Prisoners normally have to spend weeks earning points for good behaviour before being handed such privileges. Doherty, 29, is in the segregation wing with 16 high-risk lags, including paedophiles. A source said: “He’s in the segregation unit because of who he is. It’s thought he could be vulnerable. He’s been put on enhanced privileges, which means he can have virtually what he wants, so that includes an extra mattress, TV and radio. It’s basically the five-star treatment, which takes most prisoners weeks of good behaviour to achieve.”

Babyshambles singer Doherty told a friend he was terrified of jail. His solicitor said: “Pete obviously didn’t want to go to prison but he was philosophical.”

[From The Sun]

As much as it’s fun to joke (Ooooh, two mattresses!) by the looks of Pete Doherty, I’m guessing his jail cell is a lot nicer than his home. Think about it; have you ever seen him looking anything less than totally dirty and disgusting? Now imagine what his domicile must look like. I highly doubt there’s even one mattress. Whoever thought going to jail would be a step up for Pete? Maybe he’ll consider his luxurious accommodations so inviting that he’ll choose to stay a bit longer – or better yet, move on to a five year, in-patient rehab program. I don’t think they have those, but if there’s ever a person to design one for, it’s Pete.


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9 Responses to “Pete Doherty getting special treatment in jail”

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  1. celebitchy says:

    I saw the inside of one of his apartments on a YouTube video he did where they were taunting a paparazzo or something, and it did look pretty bad, but more like a crappy college apartment. He has also been homeless I think, but I would ask Agent Bedhead because she is an encyclopedia of all things Pete.

  2. xiaoecho says:

    What’s that tatt all about?

  3. Cindy Kennedy says:

    Why is he always wearing that silly hat? is he bald and trying to hide it?

  4. gg says:

    what I know about dough-boy, petey:

    The tattoo on his neck is his son’s name, Astile. No it’s not misspelled.

    The hat is because he’s an asshat.

    Regarding the photo, that is one slack-jawed yokel of a profile if I ever dun see’d one.

    screw you trollisa you made me use lowercase.

  5. Sasha says:

    He needs a good shower job.

  6. cj says:

    I call this story as bull, sounds like a prisoner is just winding the Sun up.
    Is there even such a thing as ‘enhanced privileges’, especially where that dirty junkie scum is concerned!!? Britsh prison’s may seem lax in comparison to American ones but they aren’t that lax!
    If anything I would have thought he’d been targeted for the general mockery he’s made of the legal system thus far!!
    Not to mention he’s been in prison before back in 03 I think, for burglary of his bandmates flat…

  7. gg says:

    CB, the YouTube video of him and his bandmates taunting the photographer, if you’ll look a little closer, consists of him aiming his blood-filled syringe AT the photographer and squirting his junkie blood across the room and hitting the camera lens (you can see the lens catch the blood), and then most of the bandmates get up and leave the room, disgusted.

    pure class that one.

  8. lulu says:

    i love pete!!

  9. gg says:

    well, there’s one …