Bristol Palin on how she broke the news to her mom about her re-engagement

I’m waiting to see how Bristol Palin’s flexible relationship with the truth pans out for her. For instance, she told People Magazine in their issue published last week that “We’re not totally back together, but I’m not ruling it out.” She then turned around and sold the story of their reunion and re-engagement to US Weekly for a rumored $100,000. (The issue in no way paid off for US and the family reportedly failed to sell follow-up story, featuring a fake reunion between Levi and would-be mother-in-law Sarah Palin.) Bristol also denied being pregnant again, but her denial was worded strangely. She said “No. I’m sure people will take a picture of me with my stomach out and say we have to rush into marriage because I’m pregnant. That has nothing to do with this.”

In US, Bristol says she gave her mom the heads up that she was back with Levi right before the issue came out and that her response was of course “apprehensive and concerned.” She adds that “every family member of mine is concerned.” As for the rumors that they’re doing a reality show, Bristol says that “we haven’t really addressed that.” Now how could that be true when even People Magazine reported they were shopping one but were holding out for a full season instead of just a test pilot? Maybe “haven’t addressed that” means they haven’t signed a contract yet. She probably thinks they’re not having sex if the lights are out. Here’s more from US Weekly:

You said you were really scared to tell your mom. How did it go?
I just called her. I said, “Hey, mom, I have something to tell you. Levi and I got engaged.” So she didn’t find out from the magazine.

Her reaction?
She’s apprehensive and concerned about this. She doesn’t want to see me get hurt again. She knew Levi and I had been talking, but she wanted to know if Levi was really sincere about this. I told her we were working on our relationship for Tripp, and she told me, “Actions will speak louder than words.”…

So how is your family reacting to the news?
What I’ve done is starting to sink in, and every family member of mine has so many concerns – and that is scaring me. My dad is on the same page as my mom: They don’t want to see me get hurt. They don’t want to see again what I already went through with Levi… people are more worried for me than they are excited.

Have the cautious reactions made you consider a longer engagement
Yeah, definitely. I’m realizing now, the more people talk about an actual wedding, how much work it’ll be. And I know Levi and I have a lot to do to rebuild this relationship.

Some still speculate you got engaged only because you’re pregnant
Levi and I both said we won’t have sex until marriage, and so there is no possible way I am pregnant.

Others say your engagement is a publicity stunt to get a reality show
We get offers all the time to do reality shows, but it’s not for me. I don’t think I’d ever consider it. It wouldn’t suit our lifestyle, and I don’t want that invasion of privacy.

What if Levi wanted to do one without you?
We haven’t really addressed it, but I don’t think he would want to because it’s not in anyone’s interest to have a camera crew around all the time.

[From US Weekly, print edition, August 2, 2010]

At least Bristol’s family is slowly getting her to re-examine her relationship with Levi, who Bristol claims is showing her he’s changed by “opening up his GED books and studying.” She hopes he passes his GED and gets a job. Levi might not be getting regular steady employment (like a 12 episode deal for a reality show) but he is working. He has an upcoming gig starring in a music video as a boyfriend disliked by his girlfriend’s mother. E! Online reports that he’ll be paid $9,000 plus travel expenses for the job. Why bother getting a GED when you make big bucks capitalizing on your tabloid persona?

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19 Responses to “Bristol Palin on how she broke the news to her mom about her re-engagement”

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  1. Kolby says:

    The only positive thing that could come out of all this overexposure is that (hopefully) people will realize just how effed up this family is. Mama Palin can’t honestly think all this tabloid business is good for a potential run at the presidency, can she?

  2. zen says:

    what a boring and phony family.
    do people really care what this joke of a family is up to?
    I think watching paint dry would be more entertaining.

  3. Michelle78 says:

    They’re all full of garbage…Bristol, Levi and especially Sarah. They all just love their trailer-trash fame.

  4. meme says:

    why must anyone give these people attention any more? WHY??????

  5. a says:

    she looks depressed. her eyes are very sad.

  6. MeMyself says:

    Why would it matter if they have sex or not? Is she trying to make some sort of statement? How is that valid when she already has a son out of wedlock?

  7. mimi says:

    Man this family sure does love attention (except for Todd..he seems over it). I feel sad for Bristol…she seems like a nice enough kid, but lacks confidence or “something”. I sense her mom can be quite domineering..she needs to go away to college, yes even with the kid. Find herself away from her family and that douche Levi.

  8. Amanda says:

    After the mom dragged those kids into the spotlight and used them for her platform and image (changing their lives forever), I sure hope she is spreading the wealth. Fame certainly has touched the lives of Bristol and Levi and most likely not in a positive way. These are just regular kids from Alaska- as far as I can tell. They seem to have caught a glimpse of the brilliance of fame and may be trying to capture some of it for themselves, just like the children of celebrities sometimes do. This is sad. Sarah owes it to them to pay them back in some way.

  9. Fae says:

    Well, Bristol’s got some stones, I’ll give her that. If I had to be brave about telling someone something, them being prize-winningly low wattage and impressively armed would definitely not fill me with confidence.

  10. MissyA says:

    . . . You mean how her mom broke the news to Bristol about Bristol’s re-engagement.

    Poor kid looks miserable.

  11. original kate says:

    why won’t this grifter family hop on their snowmobiles and go back to alaska?

  12. ol cranky says:

    I think what’s she’s doing is proving her lack of maturity and the fact that she’s no better prepared for marriage than she was for motherhood

  13. Tia C says:

    @ a: You’re right, her eyes do look sad.

    All I could think while reading this was that she obviously has no clue what she’s getting into. She states that the wedding will be a lot of work? Honey, nevermind the wedding – that goes by in 10 seconds – it’s the MARRIAGE that takes a lot of work. And the marriage would stand a far better chance if, for starters, she picked someone who was actually at or near her socioeconomic level. I am no fan of the Palins, but Bristol can do better than the no-good, ignorant, uneducated, low class piece of white trash that is Levi.

  14. di butler says:

    She’s no different from every other naive teen. She wants him to get his GED, get a job, and settle down. Her family worries that since he has been a total shit in the past, that won’t happen. This story plays out a million times in everyday life, she shouldn’t be treated any different. I’m not gonna slam her any more than I would a Kennedy kid or Joe Biden’s coke sniffing daughter. They have nothing to do with the politics.

  15. Jeri says:

    Yes, she gets paid to fly around & promote abstinence to young people. This started after her son was born. I guess they think it will mean more coming from an unwed mother.

  16. Obvious says:

    *sigh* as i do for most of these stories-i wish them nothing but the best of luck…..they’re going to need it

  17. becca says:

    [“No. I’m sure people will take a picture of me with my stomach out and say we have to rush into marriage because I’m pregnant. That has nothing to do with this.”]

    I come to these conclusions over this quote:

    1) It was actually misquoted and worded wrong, which is something that can happen in tabloid magazines.

    2) Dear ol’ Bristol is as intelligent as her mother – that is to say, she has no intelligence at all. Thanks for telling us that you really are pregnant Bristol!

  18. Confuzzle says:

    How is it she looks like a frumpy 45 year old housewife already?

  19. Emily says:

    “And I know Levi and I have a lot to do to rebuild this relationship.”
    And everyone knows getting engaged is a magical relationship bandaid, right?