Cele|bitchy | Ethan Hawke and pregnant girlfriend apply for marriage license

Ethan Hawke and pregnant girlfriend apply for marriage license

Ethan Hawke and his girlfriend, Ryan Shawhughes, managed to keep their relationship under the radar for a long time. But since the news broke that Ryan, who was once the nanny for Ethan and ex wife Uma Therman’s kids, is pregnant with Ethan’s child, their days of privacy are pretty much over. Sources are saying that the couple applied for a marriage license in New York this week, which means that they will most likely be tying the knot within the next month.

Ethan Hawke and his fiancée, Ryan Shawhughes, are getting ready to walk down the aisle. The star and the “very pregnant” former nanny of his children with Uma Thurman are expecting their first bundle together, and spies at the Municipal Building on Centre Street yesterday morning saw the couple applying for their marriage license. “They looked really sweet,” said the onlooker. Hawke’s rep had no comment.

[From Page Six]

No word on a date or location for the wedding, but congrats to the couple. Ethan and Uma were spotted walking and talking together recently, so it looks like there are no hard feelings there. Ethan has said in the past that it was difficult being married to a fellow actor, so maybe this time around, it will last. Good luck, kids!

Ethan Hawke and Ryan Shawhughes are shown on 2/10/08 walking their dog, thanks to Splash.

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13 Responses to “Ethan Hawke and pregnant girlfriend apply for marriage license”

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  1. elisha says:

    ewww. I don’t like him. Ever since the whole Uma thing went down.

  2. Roma says:

    I’m probably going to get some heat for this, but still…

    When people have affairs and leave their spouse for their new partner, they are often vilified for their actions. And rightfully so. However, people who are in healthy and happy relationships don’t go looking to stray. People automatically blame the person who was shagging around, but how can we know the dynamics of their relationship?

    Perhaps the pressure of being married to Uma – who is undoubtedly the bigger star – became too much for him to handle. Men can have fragile egos; that’s why many won’t date a woman who earns more than they do.

    He clearly saw something in Ryan that he was missing in Uma, and I say good for him for finding happiness.

  3. Mairead says:

    Meh, I was never a fan of his regardless of whether he cheated or not so I’m not concerned in the slightest. Undoubtedly Uma being more successful in monetary terms was very likely a factor in the whole saga. 🙄

    Actually it was the fiancée’s name that caught my eye – the surname looks like it would read more naturally being hypenated; Shaw-Hughes. It’s not important, I’m just trying to avoid going back to work and so I’m easily distracted 😆

  4. kerri says:

    i agree with you roma. sorta … cheating is just wrong and hurtful. if you are unhappy, just leave! no one can blame a person for being HONEST about it!

  5. anna says:

    as someone who is a cheater (me, obviously) i have found that the reasons for cheating are relatively simple- curiosity and lack of fulfillment in a current relationship lead to cheating- at least in my case… maybe he was unhappy with uma, and curious about the nanny- tale as old as time-
    lesson learned:
    get an ugly nanny or- talk it out with your partner before things get ugly 🙄

  6. MISSY says:

    If the man could not handle Uma’s success, why did he marry her in the first place?

  7. Jess says:

    Once a cheater, always a cheater!

  8. gg says:

    Cheating is for tools. Cheating with your nanny that your wife trusted is a selfish, stupid, disrespectful act.

    Someone so immature as Ethan Hawke should not continue to make more spawn if he couldn’t handle the first batch of marriage and children.

  9. Bodhi says:

    Marriages fail for a variety of reasons. His cheating on Uma was more than likely a symptom of things gone wrong.

    Its total bullshit to say that he should never be allowed to be happy again because his relationship with Uma failed

  10. Tania says:

    Well, at least he wont have to cry about his pregnant girlfriend having a hotter career or making more money than him, lol! Water seeks its own level …

  11. Magda says:

    Of course Hawke made a mistake. But does he only guilt? When he got married Uma he really was fall in love. But while Uma was on set for six months filming Kill Bill, Hawke took care their kids. Do that for several years and see that mood you are. He always wanted a family and a couple live away each other don’t work. He is a good son and reportedly he is a good friend. He looks a loving father too. So…Give him a break. He deserves to be happy.

  12. NINA says:

    I agree with Magda. Reportedly Hawke choice his work according to family. Hawke have written novels because this way he stay at home. And like all men he wanted that Uma give a break on her work. To share life with another person doesn’t easy. Besides a modern woman don’t agree stopping to work. Now I hope that this married work out.