Barenaked Ladies Singer Miraculously Survives Plane Crash

Barenaked Ladies singer Ed Robertson managed to walk away from a plane crash yesterday. According to People, Robertson and the plane’s three passengers didn’t have a scratch on them when their Cessna 206 float-plane crashed in the Ontario woods soon after take-off from a lake near Ottawa.

Ed Robertson was flying his plane Sunday afternoon when it went down… Robertson’s friend Gord Peel told The Belleville Intelligencer newspaper that the other passengers were Robertson’s wife, Natalie, and their friends Julie and Jeff Jones. Peel, who said he has known Robertson for about a decade, arrived on the scene shortly after the crash and found the four friends walking on a road, shaken but unharmed.

He said the plane stalled but Robertson managed to set it straight down into the trees with its nose resting on the ground. They had to get out through the windows but did not have a scratch, he said. “Everyone is fine and that is the important thing,” Adam Smith, the band’s manager, said Sunday night in an e-mail. “That’s all the comment we have at this time.”

Spokeswoman Julie Leroux said Monday that the Transportation Safety Board of Canada is assessing the accident scene to determine whether an investigation will be launched. Robertson is host of “Ed’s Up” on the Outdoor Life Network. The show documents his travels by plane. He received his pilot’s license in 2005 and is described on the OLN Web site as a “recreational pilot.” Episodes involve landing his Cessna on water near cities across North America.

[From CNN]

Well that’d be more than enough to make me a train traveler for life. It’s not exactly everyday that you hear about someone surviving a plane crash – certainly not walking away unharmed. It sounds like they were incredibly lucky – and probably going to appreciate driving around in a tour bus a heck of a lot more.

Here’s the Barenaked Ladies performing and signing their new CD “Snack Time” on May 10th at the Borders Books In Oak Brook, IL. Images thanks to PR Photos.

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13 Responses to “Barenaked Ladies Singer Miraculously Survives Plane Crash”

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  1. Letshearitfornakedladies says:

    Too bad he walked away from the crash. With a name like, “Barenaked Ladies,” this man is such a paramount of morality, and positive influence on our youth.

  2. Mary Ann says:

    But wishing death on a random stranger is a GREAT example to set for our youth.


  3. Chiroptera says:

    Letshearitfor, you’re either joking or have never actually listened to the band’s music. BNL’s stuff is squeaky clean by today’s standards.

  4. bunnyhunny says:

    I’m so glad he’s ok. I’ve seen BNL in concert 4 times and had the pleasure of meeting Ed briefly a few years back. He’s such a sweet, warm person. And the name Barenaked Ladies is just supposed to be fun and silly, not mean to be taken seriously.

  5. badrockandroll says:

    Let’shearit – this is possibly the most ignorant and mean thing I have ever read on this site, which is generally pretty even-handed, even when it is bitchy. BNL is not my favourite band by any stretch, but to wish that a member of it had died because of judgements you make from the band’s name (clearly not from its music, which is harmeless) is not within the spirit or the wit of the usual posters here. Please read more comments to get an idea of the suitable tone before you post here again.

  6. Snowblood says:

    Thank you, Badrock! That needed to be said, for sure.

  7. photo jojo says:

    Is this a bad time to point out that he is wicked cute?

  8. jessiee says:

    I’m in the amen section. I’ve been to several BNL concerts, and have taken my kids to two of them — this is an intelligent, humorous band with a great following. To wish anything bad upon them based simply on their name is ignorant and shallow, and more to the point: absurd.


    And glad to hear Ed (and friends) are okay.

  9. Alex says:

    I call Poe’s law on the first post.

  10. jessiee says:

    Interesting, Alex. I had to look it up.

    But I still think Letsithearitfor is just an idiot and not SMART enough to claim Poe’s law.


  11. Aspen says:

    Barenaked Ladies is fantastic. They have a kid’s album out, for crying out loud. My 5 year-old sings their songs and giggles. She thinks the band’s name is funny…which is probably the point, ya think?

    Barenaked Ladies has been around a LONG time, and they are known for their nonsense, their humor, and making millions of people smile.

    Good example of morality? Yeah…he probably is.

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