Cele|bitchy | British actor Henry Cavill is the new Superman

British actor Henry Cavill is the new Superman


Well, it looks like I jumped the gun when I said that Joe Manganiello would “likely” be the next Superman. The new caped superhero was just announced, and it’s not a tight-t-shirted beefcake/mouth-breather. It’s a dashing Englishman named Henry Cavill, best known from his role in The Tudors. I know him because I constantly get Cavill confused with BOTH Hugh Dancy (Claire Danes’ husband) and Dominic West (something about the forehead, I think).

Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures announced today that Henry Cavill has won the coveted role of Superman, the iconic superhero.

The film will be directed by Zack Snyder, who stated, “In the pantheon of superheroes, Superman is the most recognized and revered character of all time, and I am honored to be a part of his return to the big screen. I also join Warner Bros., Legendary and the producers in saying how excited we are about the casting of Henry. He is the perfect choice to don the cape and S shield.”

Charles Roven, Emma Thomas, Christopher Nolan and Deborah Snyder are the producers of the film. The screenplay is being written by David S. Goyer based on a story by Goyer and Nolan. Thomas Tull and Lloyd Phillips are serving as executive producers.

Cavill recently wrapped production on “The Cold Light of Day” and stars in the upcoming “Immortals,” opening this fall. Targeted for release in December 2012, the new Superman movie will be distributed worldwide by Warner Bros. Pictures, a Warner Bros. Entertainment Company.

[From The Huffington Post]

Here is Cavill’s IMDB – nothing really stands out for me, but he is cute, I guess. Superman is kind of a difficult role, though. There are no nuances or angst-y depths to play with it. You just have to be beefy and vanilla. Can Cavill do a good American accent? Can he be noble and forthright and… I don’t know, whatever Christopher Reeve did? I don’t know. We’ll see.



Photos courtesy of WENN.

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48 Responses to “British actor Henry Cavill is the new Superman”

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  1. David says:

    What a joke.

  2. brin says:

    I love him on The Tudors, he is gorgeous and will make a great Superman (imo).

  3. Vee says:

    I love him! I think he will be perfect. Congrats Henry!

  4. Kelli says:

    SWEET!!!!! I have been in LOVE with him ever since I saw him in Tristan and Isolde – HE IS GORGEOUS and a great actor, MUCH more depth than Routh – so I think this is the breakout role he needs! GO HENRY!!!! (plus – I adore a hot man with that name!) YUMMMMMM!!!!!!!

  5. jen says:

    Truth, Justice and the Amer…oh wait.

  6. PDog says:

    ‘not a tight-t-shirted beefcake/mouth-breather’

    maybe not quite beefcake but definitely mouth-breather…he is HOT. Watch Tristan and Isolde…then you’ll get it!

  7. bee says:

    I liked him in ”Whatever Works”, but he’s a bit soft. Sweet, but soft

  8. mln76 says:

    He’s already got JM beat because he can act as anyone who’s ever watched the Tudors can tell you. But I still don’t think it’s necessary to remake Superman. No one will ever be better then Christopher Reeves and even with him only the first movie was good.

  9. Dorothy#1 says:

    I thought the other guy they used for the last Superman was perfect – Brandon Routh. He looked the part and he acting was really great.

    That Superman movie was bad because of who they chose for Lois Lane.

  10. kiko says:

    ps.requesting henry for HGF 😉

  11. Cherry Rose says:

    Not my cup of tea, but to each her own I suppose.

  12. Bella Bella says:

    Cavill/Twilight Tidbit. I read that Stephanie Meyer had Cavill in mind when she wrote the character Edward. By the time the film got made he was too old to play such a young vampire. Cavill was the original Sparkle Dong. 🙂

    • gigian Ray says:

      Henry cavill and Kristen Steward, will be nice to see them together in 50
      shades of gray. They know each other ,wasup for a part for a movie. But the two of them in 50shades of gray
      they would be great togrether. Give Kristen,a chance in this movie with cavill. Swill make this movie rock.

  13. lucy2 says:

    I like him, he was really good in The Tudors, but I too wonder why they need to redo Superman again.

  14. jaye E says:

    Okay…he’s a hot piece. I’ve never seen anything he was in so I’ll reserve judgment as to whether he’d be a good Superman. But he is a delicious little spoonful of hot piece-itude.

  15. whitedaisy says:


  16. Quest says:

    He fill the leather pants pretty decent…his facial features seems logical for the pair of tights and red undies…I’ll bite (literally)

  17. Lisa Turtle says:

    He’s very handsome, maybe he should play Mark Anthony opposite Angelina’s Cleopatra.

  18. flourpot says:

    I’ll be the first to drop a dollar into his tweezers-for-eyebrows fund.

  19. bored says:

    There is something about this man!! Maybe I just fell in love with his character on The Tudors but fack… he makes me blush!

  20. guesty says:

    The sword & the boots are really working for me this morning…hgm! Lol.

    On topic…I always hated Superman…*gags thinking of Christopher Reeve or Reeves…whatever his last name was*…soo imo doesn’t really matter who gets the part.

    Except for that whole ‘curse’ thing….remember that Ben “Aflac” movie.

  21. the_porscha says:

    I’m happy he’s finally getting the chance he deserves in Hollywood. He has been considered for A LOT of mainstream roles and has made it to the final round of consideration for a lot of them, only to be dropped. He was actually in the front running for the Superman reboot that ended up going with Brandon Routh… He also got to a final screen test for James Bond. As another poster mentioned, he was considered for the role of Edward Cullen, and the author of the Twilight books really wanted him. Congrats to him on finally getting his “big” moment.

    Anyway, I think he’s a good actor and it’ll be interesting to see what happens with this new Superman reboot. I don’t really think it’s necessary, but at the same time, maybe new people can make at least one good offering.

  22. Abby says:

    Love him! he’s gotta be better than the last guy 🙂

  23. Cheyenne says:

    Agree with Dorothy#1. They should have kept Brandon Routh. He was very good in the last movie.

  24. Kathy says:

    It’s too bad he wasn’t cast as Alcide and JM superman. He would have made a MUCH MUCH better Alcide. AND he can act!

  25. tar says:

    Great choice!!! He has that wholesome handsomeness that suits Superman. He is makes good-boy sexy, as evidenced on The Tudors.

  26. Novaraen says:

    The guy is smokin hot….but honestly…a Brit as Superman? Just seems so weird.

  27. Lynda says:

    OMG!! HC as SUPERMAN?? …swooonnn…can’t wait to see the HankHunk in those tights.

  28. Nanea says:

    @ # 26 – Novaraen:

    Would you prefer a Kryptonian then?

    I mean, the Brits got RDjr as Sherlock Holmes in return…

    @ Kaiser: try to find HC’s Dunhill ads! He really has something!

  29. munchies says:

    Superman has square face. I still like the previous guy who did the role. I cant see this guy in the costume. His face is too soft. This man looks better for Mark Anthony with Cleopatra.

  30. normades says:

    F*CK YEAH!!! Good for him.

    He was being called the unluckiest actor in the world because he missed out on so many big roles by a hair. Maybe his luck will change now. He deserves it

  31. Wif says:

    Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!

  32. Angel says:

    He is HOT !

  33. icantbelievethis says:

    I love HC and he was fantastic in Tudors, but I like Brendan Routh in the last Superman. I thought he was perfect for the role.

  34. LittleDeadGirl says:

    I LOVE him in the Tudors. I think he’d be fantastic as Superman and I think it’s wrong to think of Superman as vanilla and beefy. I mean Batman was originally that way too but he got made into something darker and more complex. They could really do that with him too … I hope so anyway. They do another cut and dry remake and I don’t care who they cast I’m not seeing it in theaters

  35. Kim says:

    BOOOOOOOOOOOO! Bad pick and a Brit playing an American Superhero???? What a shame with so many good American actors they could have chosen. I wont be seeing this movie.

  36. C-DUB says:

    I loved, loved, LOVED, him in The Tudors. SEXY!!!!

  37. Nibbi says:

    drooooll …

  38. Athena says:

    hmmm Nolan isn’t he the one that made Batman what it is now…cool? I hope so.

  39. Emilie says:

    He’s really very handsome. He’s also a good actor, from what I’ve seen of the Tudors. I don’t have a problem with a Brit playing an American character. Vivien Leigh was British and she was excellent as Scarlett O’Hara.

  40. All says:

    What a Joke.

    I always thought he was a beautiful man but superman? ehhhhhh god nooo!

  41. DD says:

    He is extremely handsome. Extremely.

    Don’t worry about him being a Brit playing an American. How many times have we seen the Americans playing Brits. Bring it on.

  42. Crash2GO2 says:

    Well, he certainly has the chin for it!! And all the rest of the features as well IMO. Goodness he is hot, albeit a little too fuzzy for my personal taste.

  43. sally says:

    Do we really need ANOTHER superman? This has been done to death.

  44. Mercedes says:

    I can soOOOo see Henry Cavill as Superman. That picture of him at the TriBeca Film Festival… shave that gorgeous jaw and darken the hair a bit and you’ve got Clark Kent. Can’t wait to see the movie!

  45. marky says:

    henry cavill is good for superman role but the question.is he capable of wearing spandex like brandon routh , look at the bulge I believed brandon is best

  46. marky says:

    brandon routh still the best for me but im sure henry cavill will manage it

  47. GinaH says:

    Henry is one very handsome guy. He looks smashing in those tight clothes. Very sexy