David Duchovny’s 28-year old tennis coach alludes to an affair

Californication‘s David Duchovny is in the midst of what is quickly looking like a messy divorce from his wife of 11 years, actress Tea Leoni. David was recently treated for sex addiction, which was described as being an addiction to internet porn, and not infidelity, however, after reportedly having accused Tea of cheating with Billy Bob Thornton, word comes that Duchovny may not have just been practicing his backhand at his $200 an hour tennis lessons.

And perhaps to compound the cliche of a middle-aged man in a marital crisis, 28-year-old Edit Pakay looks every inch a younger version of Duchovny’s 42-year-old wife.

Speaking last night, Edit admitted: ‘We have a very, very close friendship. I don’t want to be the third person in the marriage but I know it can be seen that way.

‘David and I are very close friends and we still play tennis together. He’s an excellent player. He likes physically strong, fit women.

‘He is in great shape. He is a wonderful man. He’s a very intelligent, very kind and good man.’

When asked directly if her relationship with the film and TV star had developed into a full-blown sexual affair, Edit said: ‘I don’t want to say anything that might hurt David. I am not going to deny it. I don’t know what our relationship means to him.’

[From Daily World]

Edit’s words are a little more incriminating than Tea saying BBT is her favorite person in the world. I’ve said my boss was my favorite person in the world after he gave me a raise, but it wasn’t true and I certainly wasn’t sleeping with him! A friend of the tennis pro says that Pakay is in love with Duchovny and that the sexual part of the affair has been going on for more than six months.

David Duchovny is just one of those men who want to have their cake and eat it, too, as far as I’m concerned. He prefaces his cheating on Tea Leoni by rationalizing that all men think about it and that Tea wasn’t shocked by his “addiction”, that she knows his thoughts. I hate to break it to you, but telling your wife you think about it doesn’t let you off the hook for doing it. You don’t get a pass because you made a premeditated excuse.

Worst of all, David and Tea have children that are 9 and 6 years old. All of the trash that is being strewn isn’t something that their children might run across later in life, it’s something that, at the very least, their 9-year old can easily see and hear now, right as she’s having to deal with her parents divorce. I guess it’s too much to ask that these celebrities learn a little bit of discretion for the sake of their children.

Note by Celebitchy: I guess we know that blind item in Star Magazine this summer was about Duchovny. It read “Which married TV star whose big summer movie just bombed is sleeping with his tennis instructor on the side? His wife has no idea her hubby is scoring on and off the court.” She sure knows now.

David Duchovny is shown out in NY on 10/9/08. Credit: Bauergriffinonline

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15 Responses to “David Duchovny’s 28-year old tennis coach alludes to an affair”

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  1. geronimo says:

    And people accuse Billy Bob Thornton of being sleazy? 🙄

    I went off Duchovny after the first reports of him trying to present his skanking about as sex addiction. Done purely for PR purposes. Nothing that’s emerged since has changed my mind about him. Tea is well rid.

  2. Kaiser says:

    I want to see a picture of this tennis bimbo.

    Other than that, what did everyone expect? Surely you didn’t think David was *only* addicted to internet porn?

  3. nina says:

    I saw a photo of the instructor and she is NOT attractive. Maybe she has a nice body but her face… eh. Doesn’t even look like a younger Tea – more like an older Tea, and she’s only 28. Sad thing – why do men always cheat w/these cheap unattractive women?

  4. lola lola says:

    Nina’s totally right. His tennis teacher is skanky and in no way a reminder of Tea–who I think is drop dead gorgeous by the way. I Wish they’d both shut up as to who/what/why details. Can’t anyone be mature during a divorce?

  5. Jinxy says:

    I doubt David is going to be pleased and will no doubt distance himself from this “pro”. I am sure she has other $200 an hour clients, whether it tennis or tea bagging, I’m sure she’s a busy gal that puts out all over Malibu. I am also sure the women members of the tennis club will insist she be fired, since she’s behaved so unprofessionally, and their men could be next. I still love Californication though, great show.

    David will pay for this indiscretion via alimony and child support. Dumb mistake.

  6. devilgirl says:

    Mulder is looking rather rough these days. Sex addiction will do that to a fella!

  7. devilgirl says:

    I had another thought- Maybe the divorce papers will be the XXX-Files!

  8. Jaclyn says:

    Yum, yum, yum! I love him… 🙂

  9. sluggo says:

    This was also a blind item last October: “What actor, Mr. X, is having an affair? The file on him is that he’s screwing his (female) tennis instructor. Yup. His actress wife is going to become a Lion when she finds out!” (Perez Hilton, 11 October 07)

  10. czarina says:

    What really makes me angry, is that I liked him so much when he was on X-Files. I thought he was smart and clever and had wicked, dry sense of humor.
    I am really angry that he turned out to be some sleazy, cheating jerk boffing his tennis instructor.
    OK, maybe I just liked Mulder, and projected good Mulder feelings onto Duchovney.

  11. Jeanne says:

    When’s the last time Duchovny played tennis? Maybe this item is coming out so people don’t think he’s just a druggie.

  12. believer says:

    Maybe you need to update this. Not only has David denied it, so has the tennis coach, and DD’s lawyer is suing the rag that published this story.They have now removed the story from their website. I think everyone has been pretty quick to judge him without knowing any real facts. Sex addiction is real, folks. The treatment center he went to is well known and doesn’t admit people “pretending” to be ill.

  13. Rick Daley says:

    What a great looking tennis website and good information.
    Thank you

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  15. Nice post, where did you get those pics?