Janet Jackson’s new album is tanking internationally

The skin-baring pop star’s comeback looks like it’s not going to make as much as an impact as intended. Janet Jackson’s new album is not selling well overseas:

OK boys and girls its official… Janets album is a worldwide FLOP!! She failed to sell in major worldwide markets the UK, Germany, Australia and Ireland – 2 of which are the biggest markets in the world.(2/3 of the worlds music sales are from outside of the US!) Here are the chart positons for those countires in the first week as of October 1st 2006….

UK – # 63 (3K SOLD ) Ironically this is just one place higher than Justin Timberlakes reentry at #64 with his 2002 album Justified!!!!
AUSTRALIA – failed to chart in top 50 albums (no chart position given as sales less than 1000 copies)
IRELAND – failed to chart in top 100 no position given(sales of less than 750 copies)

Her furious promo blitz of the US and the Oprah effect have yet to prove their effectiveness…Will the US sales save her?? Currently she is set to be at number 2 behind ludacris with sales in the low 300k…. not the million her fans had predicted! POOR JANET!!


Here’s a video of Janet and Nelly’s performance on “The Today Show”

Janet’s single with Nelly, “Call on Me,” is currently number 36 on the Billboard charts. Her album was just released in the U.S., and is expected to do decently once it hits the American charts, but only time with tell.

There’s a rumor that Janet is looking to do a reunion performance with Justin Timberlake at an awards show, their first since the controversial breast-bearing incident at the 2004 Super Bowl. If this is true it would only benefit Janet – Timberlake’s album “FutureSex/LoveSounds” is currently number one on the US charts.

Here are pictures of Janet and Nelly’s “Today Show” performance. [via]

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3 Responses to “Janet Jackson’s new album is tanking internationally”

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  1. Poor Boopie says:

    No amount of boob baring is going to save Janet. I can hear her career swirling down the toilet now.

  2. Smartie says:

    I’m in Australia and I had no idea it was out – there’s no marketing for it here!

  3. J. says:

    The album is really hot. That too bad it’s not being markted in other places.