Ryan Gosling, Michael Fassbender are ‘favorite’ choices for lead in ’50 Shades’

I’m not even going to pretend that this story isn’t anything other than fluff, filler, and just an opportunity to look at pretty pictures of Ryan Gosling and Michael Fassbender. So what do Gosling and Fassy have in common these days? Both are two of the most in-demand actors out there, flitting from project to project, often working back-to-back with some of the most acclaimed and interesting writers and directors out there. Both are considered just on the cusp of A-list – Gosling is probably more A-list than Fassy, actually, but Fassy is definitely getting there. Both have die-hard fanbases of mostly women who think dark and inappropriate thoughts involving Fassy and/or Gosling in various stages of undress, performing sexual acts that are wholly inappropriate. Which brings me to another thing Fassy and Gosling have in common: both are the “fan favorites” to play Christian Grey in the film adaptation of 50 Shades of Grey. People are actually betting on it, and Fassy and Gosling are the odds-on favorites, along with… Ian Somerhalder.

Ladbrokes have posted their odds on who will grab the titles character roles in the upcoming adaption of hit novel Fifty Shades of Grey with Ryan Gosling in the lead.

Bookies have jumped on the books current success and joined in the fascination with who might play the characters of Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele in the movie version.

Drive star Ryan Gosling is currently the favourite with odds at 2/1 followed by Vampire Diaries hunk Ian Somerhalder at 5/2.

With odds at 3/1 third place was given to hunky German actor Michael Fassbender who recently portrayed a sex addict in the raunchy film Shame. According the The Independent one convinced female punter placed a three figure sum on Fassbender landing the coveted role.

Heroine of the book, Anastasia Steele, is thought to be most likely given to Friends with Benefits actress Mila Kunis at odds of 3/1 with actress Scarlett Johansson closely behind with 4/2.

Other contenders for the female lead include Elizabeth Olsen (9/2) and Gilmore Girls Alexis Biedel (5/1).

The novel, which was branded ‘mummy p0rn’ has dominated literary conversation recently with masses of fans pondering who will play the much loved (or lusted after) Christian Grey.

“The nation has gone 50 shades of crazy for the book so it’s impossible to see how the film won’t be a success either,” Jessica Bridge of Ladbrokes said. “The odds suggest 50 Shades will cane its competition in the box office.”

[From Entertainmentwise]

As I keep saying, Ian is the only actor who is probably in “serious” contention for the role, just because he’s so obviously C-list (sorry VD fans) and because he’s been so vocal about wanting the part. No actor with any kind of real profile and A-list career (Gosling, Fassbender) would touch this piece of junk film adaptation with a (their?) ten-foot pole. So while you’re wanking to your image of Christian Grey-as-played-by-Michael-Fassbender, just know that there’s no chance in hell that he would actually do it. The book is terrible, and the film is going to be terrible too – there’s simply no way to avoid it. The heroine (Anastasia Steele) is just awful, and the best way to kill this film adaptation is by hiring a cast straight out of the CW, which is exactly what it deserves.

Still, it’s good to fantasize. I can’t see Ryan Gosling spanking anyone… he seems like he would be “too cool” for that. But Fassy? That man has a spanker’s face. Bless him.

Photos courtesy of WENN, PCN, Interview Mag, GQ, etc.

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102 Responses to “Ryan Gosling, Michael Fassbender are ‘favorite’ choices for lead in ’50 Shades’”

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  1. Yvie says:

    There can only be ONE Christian Grey….and he is…..Matt Bomer! Hhhmmm….perfect!

    • beyonce's bump says:

      I 85% percent Agree. My only reservation is that Christian is portrayed as srsly fcked up and I am not sure it is something Bomer can express. I am a massive fan of fassbender but I really do not think he is christian grey. Ian is waaaaay too pretty boy to be CG. Gosling is….actually yea, I think Gosling can really do the personality of Grey justice. So my picks will be Gosling and Bomer.

      • Mia 4S says:

        Considering I like all three men mentioned I hope none of them would consider this tripe. Seriously ladies? The books are silly. Yes the sex is hot but otherwise it is pure unintentional comedy. Google “fanfiction” and your movie or show of choice and you can read smut for free.

      • pau says:

        I was JUST going to suggest him! I think he is absolutely perfect. And Fassy is too old to play the young Christian Grey…

    • Cleveland Girl says:

      I LOVE him. But they really need a straight actor to play this part, I think.

    • RHONYC says:

      does it make me an alien that i haven’t a clue what this book is about or why it’s so popular…& don’t care to know?

      i saw a grown man reading it on the bus & i glanced somewhere it was about something erotic, then my boredom alarm sounded off. this coming from a Scorpio. i dunno… 🙁

      • Micki says:

        I should buy it for my husband then.He’s a scorpio.Are these books such a crap? I haven’t bothered to find out

      • RHONYC says:

        f*ck the book.

        buy some yourself some Cinnabons!
        word has it that men get super randy from the smell of them!!!

        i’m gonna plant some around my bedroom this weekend & use the icing like perfume…then we can ‘write’ our own damn book.

        woop-woop! 😉

  2. INeedANap says:

    I love Ian Somerhalder! He’s actually great on Vampire Diaries and seems to be a pretty cool guy. It makes me sad that he thinks he isn’t actually above this role. Everyone is above this movie. Rob Schneider and Courtney Love are above this movie. Although admittedly, a Schneider-Love casted adaptation would be hilarious, if completely unwatchable.

    Ugh, whatevs. This books sucks. Call me when they start casting Story of O.

    • stellalovejoydiver says:

      After Twilight I was sick of this whole vampire love triangle story, but I watched VD one night and got hooked.
      I love Ian Somerhalder, I agree he can do better, but maybe he thinks that´s his chance to get a foot in the door when it comes to movies.

      • Amelia says:

        I think you could be right about Ian getting his foot in the door with this.
        But people are just gonna have to face it – the Gos and Fassy are never going to be involved with this film. We thought Twilight had crap source material? I wouldn’t even shred 50 shades and give it to my hamster.

    • T.C. says:

      I’m Team Ian Somerhalder for Christian. He was made for this role. Add Milas Kunis and I will be in fantasy world forever.

    • CooCooCatchoo says:

      I read the first Grey book this weekend. It reads like fanfic, for sure. Some of the dialog is clunky. The sex scenes were surprisingly well written, though, IMHO.
      I don’t think there’s a woman alive who doesn’t fantasize about being adored and completely accepted – not just for her body, but for her intellect and her personality. I think that this fantasy is the driving force behind 50SoG’s popularity. As much as the subplot about Christian’s childhood creeped me out, the idea of nurturing and “saving” a wounded partner is also something that many women can relate to. I didn’t care for the abusive aspect of the story – he loved her, but had the desire and “need” to hurt her. He stalked her, tried to control her every thought and action, played mind games with her. He let her know that he’d never be completely emotionally available to her. She lived in fear of making him angry, yet she couldn’t stay away from him. Abusive and f’ed up. There’s nothing romantic or healthy about any of that.
      Having said that, with the right cast, the film adaptation could be a huge hit. The book’s fan base won’t be looking for a thought-provoking script. They want to see the characters come to life as they imagined them. Universal would be smart to listen to the fans’ casting suggestions. I just hope the studio doesn’t rush production with a budget, no-named cast – but this could be a career making opportunity for the right actors. My choices would be Ian S., Zac Efron or (longshot) Rob Pattinson for Grey, Alexis Bleidel as Ana (her turn on “Mad Men” could seal the deal) and Charlize Theron as Elena.

    • Carolyn says:

      Hwood wouldn’t be brave enough to tackle the Story of O. I’m refusing to read 50 Shades because it’s so badly written. Don’t get the Ian-dislike (he’s Ok as an actor and quite goodlooking). Adam Sandler and Tara Reid are on-par for casting. Yes Fassy & Gosling aren’t going anywhere near this project.

  3. Britt says:

    Either one will do, total hotness.

  4. brin says:

    Yeah….Fassy’s a spanker!

  5. Susan says:

    They are both above this drivel. They don’t need the hype and shouldn’t dilute their talent with such nonsense.

    • Guesto says:

      ^^ This. It actually makes me feel sad that their names are even being associated, however loosely and randomly, with this unutterable garbage.

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        It distresses me as well, gives me a sinking feeling in my stomach 🙁

    • Kittypants says:

      I wouldn’t believe for a second that either of these actors are considering this role. Way beneath them.

    • DreamyK says:

      No actor worth his chop’s would be foaming at the mouth to do this movie.

      If this horrid book simply must be made into a movie, perhaps Milo Ventimiglia would be willing to sacrifice his acting career to play the man who picks his victims because they remind him of his mother who he, apparently, desperately wanted to spank, amongst other things.


      • IzzyB says:

        When did he say that DreamyK?

        I loved him as Jess on the Gilmore Girls, it took me back to my bad boy phase. Oh to be a teenager again.

      • DreamyK says:

        “ ‘I’m a sadist, Ana. I like to whip little brown-haired girls like you because you all look like the crack whore—my birth mother …”
        ~Fifty Shades Trilogy

        He also took up with the sadist version of Mrs. Robinson. Fifty is twisty.

    • CooCooCatchoo says:

      The series’ writer was warmly welcomed at last week’s ComiCon. Wonder if she feels the teensiest bit fraudulent about her fame. After all, it is based on another writer’s work and (honestly) parasitic. Wonder how Stephanie Meyer feels about that?

  6. RocketMerry says:

    They’re actually considering doing a “50 shades of Grey” movie?! Ugh.

    • Samigirl says:

      I feel the SAME way, but you know it’s going to be BANK. I bet it makes twice as much as Magic Mike did. If not even more. My mom wants to read the books and my sisters and I have told her NOOOOOOO. She is NOT allowed. I’m ashamed I put them on my Kindle 🙁

  7. MarcyParcy says:

    Fassbender…he’s so dreamy. *sigh* but he better not step one inch close to this movie. To do this movie correctly, I think it needs to be done with little known actors who won’t be afraid to alienate a fan base.

    • Aubra says:

      EXACTLY!! As anticipated as this film may be to a few, it stand to be a stain on a known actor’s resume

  8. Tillie says:

    I don’t really get why everybody finds Ryan Gosling so hot.. Sure, he has nice abs, but that’s all.

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Fassdong, he really is a handsome HOT man (L)

    • kasxyz says:

      I agree with you…ryan does absolutely nothing for me…ugh! and for all the people who say that 50 shades of grey was tripe…why are you on here discussing who should play christian. Let’s face it…it’s not a literary masterpiece, but it was fun and entertaining…isn’t that the point?

    • mary simon says:

      I could never understand the Ryan Gosling thing either, even though I thought he looked kind of hot in the “Drive” trailer. Then, I saw him in “Crazy, Stupid, Love”. The guy is hot – you have to see him on film. He was also very funny. I can’t wait to check out his other movies.

  9. Anna says:

    Ryan Gosling would NEVER do it, he’s too good for this.

  10. Sombrero says:

    Read the books, HATE IT !

    Ughh, the plot moves in boring snail pace and one more time that ana said Holy Shit, i’ll punch something.
    I’m selling my book now in amazon

    • CC says:

      Don’t forget “holy crap”, “oh my”, and “inner goddess” and “half moon specs”.

      Now imagine this in an audio version. UGGGHHHHHH

  11. AnneOriginal says:

    I don’t get the popularity of Fifty Shades. The writing is terrible and the relationship is abusive and not consistent with actual BDSM relationships.

    Seriously, there is far better erotica out there.

    • Kaye says:

      I could not get past the bad writing. Care to recommend anything better? 🙂

    • Samigirl says:

      THANK YOU. He is totally abusive towards her. I don’t care how much $$$ someone has…they aren’t allowed to dictate if I go out to drinks with my girlfriends, if I am “allowed” to snow ski, any of that stuff. Uch. Christian Grey can go somewhere else!

  12. LadyBird83 says:

    Sorry Fassbender is cute at times and I have no doubt he is a kinky fuck but he is just too old for the part. Nothing about him says 27-28 year old. Beside you know there gonna throw this shit together in a hurried mess like they did the Twilight movies.

  13. Megan says:

    Fassy can spank me anytime he wants 🙂

  14. Grasshopper says:

    What about Christian Bale? Not a huge fan of his but he can be pretty intense.

    I was reading something about the canyons and came across James Deen whom I had never heard of. After looking at some of his work I think he would be absolutely perfect for the role. He would be so hot and intense in the playroom scenes. Well he is hot and intense in his playroom scenes if you know what I mean! Especially when he whispers in their ear…

    • CC says:

      His portrayal in American Psycho reminds me of Christian Grey, a weirdo that does no work. But I just know C.Bale is above this garbage, he already did a better one anyways. He’s well past crap like this. Ian S. may need to establish himself, and one way is…to be talked about at all. No respected actor needs or wants this role.

    • carrie says:

      and he’s too old (like Fassbender for the note)

  15. Maritza says:

    I agree, Fassbender does have a spanker’s face.

  16. mayamae says:

    American movie ratings are pretty prudish regarding sex. I can’t see how they properly interpret the book without a NC-17 rating which is always the kiss of death.

    • Polkasox says:

      Agreed. The book is all about the sex – the storyline is weak. Unless they have a great screenwriter (or make it actual pron) I don’t see how it’ll work as a movie.

      On the other hand, if they get a good screenwriter, the movie could be better than the book!

  17. Ava says:

    Nah. Not Fassbender. This is beneath him!

    • bros says:

      fassbenders also too old for this role. its perfect for gosling who definitely looks like he has a dark side. yum

  18. stellalovejoydiver says:

    Fassy already “spanked” Kiera Knightley in a Dangerous Method.

    Speaking of Gosling, I hate to admit it, but I kind of miss the weekly photo ops with Evil Mentos. Are they still dating? I´ve seen pics of him solo and kind of grumpy looking.

    • truthSF says:

      I was just reading your comment and damn near lost my breath from LMAO when I got to the “Evil Mentos” part. You just made my day, thank you Stella. 🙂

  19. TheOriginalKitten says:

    That first photo of Ryan might reignite my long-dead passion for him.

    These guys are WAY to talented to do this movie. I can’t see either of them signing on unless there was an amazing director attached to the movie or some other creative motivation beyond just the paycheck…

    • Chatcat says:

      Kitten! How are you? I agree Ryan breezes up and down my own passion meter dependent on the coverage…or lack there of.

      I hope RG or Fassy don’t acquiesce to this role…they don’t need the “exposure”.

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        Hi Chat!!! 😀

        Definitely. Fassy got enough “exposure” in Shame. Come to think of it, maybe this 50 Shades movie IS a good idea?? 😉

  20. Mayday says:

    I don’t think Ryan Gosling would take the role on due to the subject matter. I seem to remember reading something about him being weird when having to filom violent scenes against women asnd even if the subject matter includes the female lead being submissive to it, I can see him not wanting to be a part of it.

    • bros says:

      i think that was in reference to actual violence against women in movies, not s3x scenes with women involving bdsm, which is what the whole plot revolves around. so it would just be one long extended sex scene. 🙂 also he was in that movie with kiki dunst where he abused her and eventually killed her, so it seems he is fine with certain roles involving actual violence.

  21. Lucy says:

    Neither of them have the right look…not ugly, just wrong for this role. And it’s probably beneath both of them artistically anyway. And I am a fan of these books. They’re both too old anyway and MF REALLY looks it.

    • Ms Deb says:

      Although he would never consider it, I still see Benedict Cumberbatch with his Sherlock hair as Christian Grey. And I agree, with other posters, how in the world are they going to bring the sex to life without getting a NC-17 rating or worse? Must have an absolutely kick-a?? screenwriter for this to succeed, as well as a relatable cast. Don’t care that it is “fanfiction”. Enjoyed the book, bad writing and all. Just my opinion.

      • truthSF says:

        Isn’t the Christian character supposed to be very handsome according to the book? I never, nor plan to ever read the book, but I thought I read on a blog that he was supposed to be very handsome, and Benedict Cumherebitch is just too weird looking to me. marvelous actor, but he is very strange and alien looking to me.

      • Lucy says:

        YES, TruthSF! He’s supposed to be DROP dead gorgeous and that Cumberdouche isn’t even CLOSE…sorry, no offense to his fans!

        I really see Alex Pettyfur…he just has that perfect look that the book describes along with the cockiness as well.

        As far as the NC-17 stuff, I think an HBO mini series would work best.

  22. oooowl says:

    Honestly these days the projects that sound crappy are the ones that end up surprising and become box office hits.

    I would love if this pulled a Magic Mike and pull critics.

  23. Aubra says:

    Fassbender, Gossling and Cooper need not apply for this. I think the role is better suited for somone who is unlikely and who has an unconventional “good looking” kind of profile…personally, I would loveto see the movie not get made at all so all the fangirls can have their dreams trampled and trodden all over LOL.

  24. Chicoulina says:

    I haven’t read the books but on my pinterest profile whenever I repin a photo of Jensen Ackles on my Jensen Ackles board all the comments are that he should play Christian Grey and that he’s the perfect Christian Grey.

  25. julie says:

    I don’t think either guy is right for the role. I just don’t see them doing it. Matt is gorgeous but gay…I think they need a straight guy to do it. I don’t see Ryan doing this kind of work at all. Not sure who would. Channing Tatum will do it only if his wife is opposite him LOL and that won’t happen. No idea!

    • stellalovejoydiver says:

      LOL, why would the guy need to be straight? You think a gay actor can´t play a straight man?
      What about Neil Patrick Harris as Barney Stinson?

  26. Jenna says:

    Ugh. Can this movie just be over before it begins?

  27. LucyOriginal says:

    Honestly, I don’t get the hype about this book. Can someone please explain it to me? Thanks.

    @Kaiser: Thanks for the Gos and Fass photos!

    • Happy21 says:

      I felt the same and then I did some research. Pretty much all of my girl friends were falling over themselves about this bunch of books. I had no desire since I like to read books with substance but in my search for some light at the end of the grey tunnel I found out that it was Twilight fanfic which turned me off instantly. I found a lot of poor reviews and mockeries when I googled “50 Shades of Sh-t” Good luck 🙂

  28. Stubbylove says:

    I haven’t read the books yet – kinda on purpose. I heard the writing is awful but if you’re up for some hot scenes it’s alright.

  29. Victoria says:

    Fassy already spanked and whipped in A Dangerous Method. Doesn’t Ian wear a wig?

  30. T.C. says:

    “I can’t see Ryan Gosling spanking anyone”

    Watch the elevator scene in Drive or the hammer to the hand scene. The Gosling can be edgy and sexy. Don’t count him out because he takes all his dates to Disneyland. Lol.

    • LucyOriginal says:

      “Don’t count him out because he takes all his dates to Disneyland.”

      Best comment of this thread.

  31. jacquie109 says:

    I think because Ryan can pull off so many different roles (this is what we look for in a great actor) that if he did this, he would be amazing in it. I don’t think he would though, but you never know.
    Matt Bomer would be a good fit and so would that Jesse guy from FNL. As long as it’s not RP I’ll see the movie.

  32. Anon says:

    It this a covert attempt to make 2 of the best actors into a fu$$ing joke? If it is, it’s failing in addition the men will keep their respective testicles from the ……fanlings and middle aged women.

  33. lily says:

    I need them to stay away from this film. They are way too talented for this crap.

  34. Bobby says:

    Why would either of them tarnish their careers by starting in a movie based on that piece of sh-t book? I’m betting that some B-lister gets the role.

  35. dilettante says:

    The only person I could really see for Anastasia is Lily Collins. Definitely not Mila or Scarlett!

  36. Dahlia1947 says:

    No i can’t picture Ryan in the role at all. He seems too cool and he has like a quiet reserve so no.
    This other guy has a mean look to him so he’d work. Please stop calling him Fassy because it is really it is freakin’ annoying!

  37. iseepinkelefants says:

    I’m going to step away from the herd and disagree with the haters. I would actually LOVE Fassbender MORE if he gave this a crack. If he took the role it would be like ‘I can make anything work, I’ve got such skills I can make this horrible book into some interesting material’. (CG = non-supernatural Azazeal)

    Get a good director, producer and scriptwriter and you can have the premise and story but make it into something completely different.

    You guys are way too small minded and literal to think that it has to be exactly what you read.

    • Ray says:

      Yes! Thank you. I was just thinking that reading all these comments.

      Take away the excessive porn elements and you havea story about a troubled man who has dealt with his childhood abuse through sexual perversion. I would LOVE Fassy or Ryan to have a bash at it.

      I completely agree about getting a good writer and director in, etc. In fact, all the way through reading the three books I kept thinking along those lines.

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        “a troubled man who has dealt with his childhood abuse through sexual perversion”

        You know what that sounds EXACTLY like? SHAME. And Shame was amazing. Why would Fassy want to do a lesser version of a project he already did? I’m sure he doesn’t want to be typecast as the “sexual deviant f-up”.
        I’m not trying to harsh on 50 Shades fans but can’t you guys settle for a sexy but maybe more mediocre talent? What about Matt Boner (as some above mentioned)? [I know it’s Bomer and that’s a typo but it stays 🙂 ]

      • Chatcat says:

        Kitten…do you mean MY Matt Boner? Oh no you don’t, you are not going to suggest he take a bite of the apple that is 50 Shades. NO WAY! Pick some little shit like Zac Efron or something but we as we are NOT going to ruin my Matt. I’d even suggest JoeMang since I dumped his crappy ass and don’t care if he has a career beyond TB or MM.

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        Ha ha..sorry, Chat! I meant it for his benefit! Could give him a chance to flex his chops and headline a movie.
        Plus you’d get to see your Bomer doing naughty things! I thought this would be win-win?

        PS-Have you read the book? I personally have not but I’ve heard it’s awful from everyone who’s opinion I deeply value.
        It has the producer of The Social Network behind it so there’s a very small glimmer of hope that it won’t suck.

        Anyway, we just can’t let our Fass do it. He needs to keep the Fasdong under wraps for while. Unless he’s with me in which case it should be UNwrapped immediately.

      • Chatcat says:

        Kit, while I appreciate that you thought I might like the exposure Matt has to offer in this case, it is completely unnecessary for him. He and Michael just need to stay away from this project!!!!

        Yes, I have read the books (all three on my Nook app. I am an AVID reader…like 4 books a week 🙂 ). It was horribly written and rather childish but I think since it is an introduction to “naughty” women have fallen for it.

        In order to get in in the theaters it this movie won’t look like the books (not that that is a bad thing) but if what is selling the books is the content, then they would have been better off with an HBO/Showtime mini series because they will not get an R rating and “uncover” the whole story. Therefore Matt Boner and Michael Fassdong must be kept away from this 50 Shades of Shit movie.


  38. Sarah says:

    The only way I’d watch this garbage is if it had Tom Wlaschiha in it. Hey, he could play a bodyguard loitering in the background with no lines and I’d still watch it >:)

  39. Esmom says:

    The popularity of this series just makes me want to weep. But the fact that it’s so popular means that it will probably be a successful movie.

    And for the right price, wouldn’t any of these guys do it? I’m starting to think if the paycheck is big enough, integrity goes out the window.

  40. Bellaboo says:

    The most annoying thing about the book is how anna keeps referring to her lady parts as her sex. Who does that? “oh baby touch my sex!”. The books are lame in my opinion but of course I’m gonna finish them.

    • kayls says:

      I agree! But then again, there’s no good word out there for it, is there? They’re all either too clinical, cutesy or just vulgar. I guess the P word is the least offensive!

    • orion70 says:

      Don’t forget “down there”.

  41. Chris: now with 10% less negativity says:

    I finally saw Shame a couple of weeks ago and thought it was pretty boring. Fassbender was way more impressive in Hunger.

  42. Dahlia1947 says:

    Fassy is a stupid nickname.

  43. CitizenErased says:

    Any mention of Baby Goose and the Fassbender in the same sentence with this piece of sh*t book/movie fills me with rage, even in jest. Leave my spank bank alone! Thanks for the piccies though.

  44. BRE says:

    Alexander Skarsgard is the guy I see in this role, His character in True Blood has some similarities I think. ScarJo doesn’t seem at all right, she is WAY too old and I doesn’t have an “innocent” look.

  45. Nina says:

    Fassbender is too old to play Christian Grey. Ryan Gosling would never do it. They should get unkown actors.

  46. Black Pearl says:

    I think if people watch Vampire Diaries, they would see how Hot and Amazing Ian is, I havent read 50 shades of grey but I heard it has Sex in it. I would pay good money to watch Ian spank or have Sex with someone..

  47. Hannah says:

    I got fed up of wondering what the big deal was so I downloaded the trilogy on to my e-reader and read all 3 during long haul flights. They are exceptionally shit. And for some reason I just kept reading. You can find much better erotic stories online.

    However, the film adaptation isn’t to be scoffed at Kaiser particularly if both Dana Brunetti and Mike De Luca have signed on to it.

    Saying that, it’s been made already and it was called Secretary! And that was a much better story with great performances by James and Maggie.

    Fassie looks too old for Mr Grey. I would go for Gosling out of the two. If they get a good screenplay then they will have no problem getting A list stars.

    • MST says:

      I must be the only woman in the country who hasn’t read any of these books and I don’t have any intention of doing so. From you and what some other people say, I’m not missing much!

  48. anon3456 says:

    I don’t think Michael Fassbender is the person to play this but, I could see Ryan Gossling. If you haven’t seen “Drive” yet it is well worth seeing just for Ryan’s “sexy edge”.. I think he could convince anyone he was “into” that sort of thing!