Kristen Stewart actually smiles (!) as she arrives in Japan to promote ‘BD2’ solo

Here are some new photos of Kristen Stewart arriving at Narita International Airport in Tokyo, Japan today. I’m assuming she’s in Tokyo for some advanced promotional work for Breaking Dawn Part II. Robert Pattinson is currently in Sydney, Australia to do some BDII work as well – he posed for a photo call solo, and he spent some time with fans. You can see the Sparkles photos here – I wish we had them, because his outfit is kind of rough. But we just have these new pics of Kristen. She looks… happy? Much happier than she usually looks when she’s being pap’d at an airport. She looks cleaner too, like she showered before she got on the flight, and her clothes aren’t stained with days’ worth of ice cream and nicotine (the breakfast of champions).

Here’s something else which surprised me – Kristen attended Katy Perry’s birthday party over the weekend. Considering there were lots of reports that Katy was trying to climb on top of Rob as soon as Kristen cheated on him, I wouldn’t think that Kristen and Katy would be all that friendly. But I guess so. It was a costume party, by the way. Katy was dressed up as a vampire and John Mayer was dressed up as a vampire hunter. COUGH. You know who should get together? John Mayer and Kristen Stewart. They would seriously be perfect for each other. Maybe that will happen when Rob (hopefully?) dumps Kristen after they promote BDII?

By the way, in a nonsensical turn of events, PopSugar eventually pulled their exclusive photos of Kristen and Rob kissing at her new house in LA. We discussed those pics on Friday, because I think it’s nice to discuss the moves that everyone is making to promote the film and promote the Twihard Reconciliation. But apparently the “official” line from Team K-Stew is that some mangy paparazzo got the photos without anyone’s explicit permission, and now PopSugar is saying that the photos aren’t up to their “editorial standards”. And if you believe that version of events, I have a bridge to sell you.

PS… Kristen needs to stop wearing her baseball cap (Rob’s cap?) off-center like that. She looks like an idiot.

Photos courtesy of Louie Angelo/

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119 Responses to “Kristen Stewart actually smiles (!) as she arrives in Japan to promote ‘BD2’ solo”

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  1. Get a clue says:

    Ok, so her PR team has given her a big talking to about how to act in public. I thought she is to “real” to play this game and can only be herself. What a phony. Everything about these two is so contrived.

    • CTgirl says:

      I’m thinking the little snowflake is probably just so happy to get away from all of the super awkward conversations she’s probably been having with RP.
      RP: You can tell me. Really. Did you screw that director?
      KS: I told you 114 times this morning, no. Now go get me some coffee and the blue bong.
      RP: But it looked like he was going down on you in the photos.
      KS: Again, he was helping me put another bandaid on that burn near my mimi in my pelvic area Just as a good buddy. (Smirk) You saw the article where he told the interviewer about seeing me bandage that burn. He just wanted to make sure it didn’t get irritated. Again.
      RP: OK, but you’d tell me. Right?
      KS: Riiiiiiight.

    • Liv says:

      I am so convinced that it’s strategy! And that makes her so much more dislikable than everything else!

      She was always miserable in front of paps and told everybody that she’s not like other actresses who call the paps, and here she is, smiling at them at the airport and calling them to spread photos of her new house. Pathetic bitch.

  2. Danny says:

    I thought the paps are raping her.

    Justin Bieber is calling and wants his outfit back.

  3. smartyparty says:

    That is all.

  4. Riana says:

    It’ll be fun to hear the conspiracy theories on this one, lol.

    “Kristin smiles! Proof she is manipulating the media at every turn!”

    • Adeli says:

      Oh puhleeze. Girlfrand is werking the media. Have you ever seen her smiling and waving like this at photographers? It’s completely forced though, and I bet you she’s not actually liking it one bit.

      Sidenote: I find it interesting that they’ve got her doing promo in mostly non-English speaking countries. Most likely to “protect” her from any nastiness. Well, at least she won’t be able to understand the shade they throw her way, so that’s gotta help.

      • honeybee says:


        Is she ever gonna do any TV interviews here? or is the bulk of the whole thing Rob and Taylor’s responsibility now?

        I hate that she got away with the whole thing, especially Rob – UGH!
        Still having hopes that he will bid adieu to her next year.

    • Me says:

      Let me guess! Your theory is that she’s happy because he’s back with Rob. LOL She is miserable. We have new pics in her house again. C’mon Kristen… People are not stupid. Paparazzis twice in your house? Pathetic famewhore desperate for attention..

      • Riana says:

        Oh no. I personally have no clue what she is, and truthfully don’t really care about her relationship with Rob. If he takes her back it’s on him and between them, likewise if he doesn’t.

        But I have to admit the comment section gets hilarious when it comes to her and its intriguing to see the kinds of comments that come up.

      • gg says:

        @ Ri – I dunno about intriguing, but over the top, projecting and creative, yeah.

  5. Anna says:

    I have never watched her in anything except Snow White, but I love her. I don’t condone what she did to RP, but I genuinely hope they’re moving past it. It’s just that something about the way she clumsily moves through life (like most 22-year olds) and steps on toes and hearts left and right like an elephant in a porcelain cabinet is just endearing to me. I guess she reminds me of myself.

    • ORLY says:

      I’d really like to know where these 22 year olds who are “clumsily” moving through life are. I’m surrounded by 18 – 24 year olds daily, they seem to be handling life just fine.

      • Jenna says:

        Yes; please stop using her age as a buffer for her actions. And she was horrid in SWATH.

      • Liv says:

        Orly: 😉 So true.

        Jenna: Yeah, she was the weakest part in SWATH – following the director on set obviously didn’t work out!

      • geekychick says:

        Arm up!Hi! Hardworking, uber-responsible person. Until depression hit me (first time in the family) at 22. Still in “recovery” at 26. Totally clumsy in life during that time, screwed things up. Learned about myself. AND, after lot of condescending looks and comments, and petty gossip around me realized that people don’t know anything about anyone, but still think they have the right to judge.

      • ORLY says:

        You’re the exception, Geeky, not the rule. Anna implies that most 22 year olds are clumsy, and I’m saying they are NOT. I’m involved in the post-secondary student market, I work with these people daily, they are nothing like Kristen’s public persona.

        I’m 30, so I’m not that far removed from my 20s either, I remember 22 very clearly.

        In your case, you have/had a medical condition, unless we’re saying that Kristen is depressed or has some other condition, there is no correlation. Not to mention, she was this same way at 18, 19, 20, & 21.

      • gogoGorilla says:

        @Liv – I totally read your comment as “fellating the director on set”


      • Liv says:

        Ha! Could be true though 😉

    • Danny says:

      You are confusing her careless arrogant moody appearence with 15 year olds. At the age of 22 you are already an adult that should take responsibilty, work or study instead of have an army of people justifying your fuck ups and excuse wrecking a marriage.

    • Adeli says:

      Yes Anna, it is very endearing how she betrayed her boyfriend and emasculated him in front of the entire world. And what’s even more precious is how she disrespected the marriage of someone she befriended on the Sno Ho set. Oh, that Kstew, always so darned lovable in the way she f*cks others over.

      • UNF Joan Jett! says:

        “Emasculated him”? Really??? *rofl* Rob fans are the funniest!

      • geekychick says:

        UNF Joan Jett: agree.
        Adeli: FFS, are women de-feminized when they are cheated on?? In what sexist and chauvinistic world we live in that people still spew this kind of nonsense?

      • Riana says:

        The kind where Rob should have backhanded her and then walked away from her chest puffed up and head held high as a REAL MAN.


      • Annie says:

        UNF Joan Jett: you don’t think she’s metaphorically cutting his balls and owning them? The fact that he’s seen bringing her a towel and coffee after she was caught with some dude shows this poor schmuck doesn’t wear the pants in that relationship. It’s just sad. And he laughed at Edward… He’s worse.

      • Adeli says:

        Geekychick, you don’t think it’s emasculating to see pics of your girlfriend rubbing her ass against another man’s crotch in broad daylight, in front of the entire world? If the roles were reversed, I would say the same thing. It would be a blow to her pride as a woman to be humiliated and disrespected like that. So because I used the word emasculated, that’s your excuse to turn this into a faux feminist issue? Please, get real. It’s a shitty thing that hits someone where it hurts, whether male or female.

      • UNF Joan Jett! says:

        @ Annie:

        “UNF Joan Jett: you don’t think she’s metaphorically cutting his balls and owning them?”


        What I believe is that Robsten ware never a real couple to beginn with. So if he chose to pretend that he has taken her back in order to sell the movie, to fulfil his contract and to earn a big, fat cheque it´s just him playing the hollywood game by the rules. I´m sure his masculinity is doing fine.

        But let´s pretend that Rob and Kristen had a real relationship for a minute…

        Nope, still don´t think that she “cut off his balls”.

        Because – what – REAL MEN don´t get cheated on? And REAL MEN don´t have the capability to love and to forgive somebody? And REAL MEN don´t serve coffee? Really??? It makes me so sad, that there are still people who think that way.

        @ Adeli:

        “you don’t think it’s emasculating to see pics of your girlfriend rubbing her ass against another man’s crotch in broad daylight, in front of the entire world?”

        If she have picked up some rusty garden shears and cut off his parts afterwords… Well then it for sure have been “eamasculating”. Now you just exaggerate.

        @ Geekychick: Yup, that is why we still need feminism!

    • Miss Bennett says:

      Anna, no one I know was so clumsy at 22 years old that they tripped and fell on to a married mans penis. No person with a conscience and morals is ever this clumsy.

    • bns says:

      I’m more concerned that you loved her after seeing her in SWATH.

      • Get a clue says:


      • Freya Magritt says:

        Exactly! As I heard from someone – “The SWATH movie with KStew not playing Huntsman lacks believability”

      • honeybee says:


        She had hardly any lines and in the little that she spoke her Brit accent was non-existent.
        LOL at how much pride she took during the SWATH interviews in ‘nailing’ it.
        Clueless bitch.

        So very mediocre performance and not to mention the mouth-breathing – Gawd!!

    • janie says:

      Ha, I’m 21 and a total idiot in many respects but people my age have a pretty clear understanding of right and wrong. I wouldn’t cheat on my boyfriend or have an affair with a married man because it’s a fucked up thing to do…duh.

  6. bns says:

    But you’re not authentic and real if you wave and smile for the paparazzi. You’re fake! You’re nothing!

  7. Eleonor says:

    She has stopped to show her middle finger, now she smiles (sort of)…how things change when you fear for your career.
    What’s next? She’ll wash her hair? She’ll learn how to pose in a gown?

  8. marie says:

    you know, after Friday I came to the realization that I just don’t care anymore. Together or apart neither are my favorite actors so yeah, whatever.

    If people like them enough as actors away from the Twilight mess they’ll stick around, if not they’ll fade to obscurity. Either way, they’re stinking rich so they should be smiling while livin it up..

  9. TG says:

    She is very pretty when made up for some red carpets and movies but in real life she looks horrible. Why are celebs wearing their jeans so tight you can see the zipper trying to bust out? Her outfits are so contrived. I don’t understand how anyone can want to keep dating someone who has cheated on them at such a young age in their life? I mean I understand when you have been married/partnered for a long time and there are kids involved but these two are just dating.

  10. FreeSpiritedGirl says:

    That black oversized full-sleeved T-shirt…It’s ROB’S!! :O NO no no noooooo! 🙁

    • Me says:

      Again this shit? Clothes, rings, caps… WTF? Mature once! She is smiling because she is selling herself. She is miserable and a famewhore. Those pics in her house were staged and I’m so tired about her PR team manipulating everything.

      Rob-Sten are out of her cave and now they’re everywhere. Sick fandom. They are easy to buy and to deceive.

      • ORLY says:

        Me – Freespiritedgirl is being facetious.

        The sleeves on that shirt could possibly fit a man of Rob’s size. I’m sure there will be side-by-side comparison pics if Rob owns a shirt like that one.
        The fact that I typed the shirt size thing entitles me to a beating with the shaming stick.

      • FreeSpiritedGirl says:

        whoops! lol! 😀

      • ORLY says:

        FSP, you slay me. 😀

        I missed the “NOT” in my previous post too. Oh well.

  11. kingkayski says:

    There’s nothing this girl can really do without people screaming PR.kristen washed her hair ,PR.Kristen smile to her fans ,PR.Kristen farts,PR.Kristen cheats,PR.Rob forgave Kristen,PR.kristen eats sushi in Japan ,PR.

    • Me says:

      Of course!!! Because she is so natural, right? She is not fake. She is having sex with a married man but nothing happens, right? She stage pics with paparazzis in her house but nothing happens, righ? She moves in money and does everything for PR. We have three years seeing the same shit from her.

    • Riana says:

      You hit the nail on the head and then someone was kind enough to give an example. LMAO. I said it above, her comment sections are amazing for what it brings out in people.

  12. Miss Bennett says:

    Such a grimace on her face! It appears that Miss Stewart is in pain. It must be her arm, see how she’s holding it so awkwardly? Will someone please call a physician?

  13. sillyone says:

    That looks more like a snarl to me. Clinching her jaw and gritting her teeth snarl.

  14. folly says:

    i have only posted once on any posts about her and rob because i dont care that much about them but i must confess i find it funny the way she is behaving now,going to katy perry’s party,smilling and waving to the paparazi,stage photo op,this is a complete opposite of everything she called herself,so does that means she is as fake as her peers as she always says or her hardcore behaviour is stil looking for ways to come out

    • Annie says:

      I imagine there will be a game change now. This whole bratty teen “I’m a special snowflake, I hate being here, I’m not gonna sell my life to you peasants” has to be over with. Her attitude needs to change. I’m really interested in what she will say in interviews next. She talked smack of her fellow actresses, accusing them of not being real. And what about her talking constantly about honesty vs hipocrisy? What will she say now?

      • Amy says:

        Did she really accused other actresses for not being real?
        Someone needs to make this girl shut her mouth, she’s so full of herself.

      • Annie says:

        Yes, she said other actresses were phony and had “little belts of acting tools” and that smiling a lot was a sign of not being real.

      • M. says:

        She also said that to be chraming on a talk show rather than an awkward mess is to be fake (or as she worded it “contrived”).

        AND she said, and I’m paraphrasing here: “I’ll be in an interview with someone and they’ll transform and I’m like ‘You were so engaging and interesting! You didn’t say anything that mattered–but you were so interesting!'” She then implied that her brand of socially stunted “realness” was superior to that.(?)

        I’ve been saying for years that this girl has an authenticity obsession. I even posted that as a comment here about a year ago at celebitchy and people just virtually rolled their eyes at me. It actually wasn’t that hard to put together pre-scandal. I went looking for Kstew quotes and found a fan compiled post about it; 20 out of the 25 quotes related to realness, authenticity, and fakery.

        I told you so.

  15. JH says:

    I have never read or watched anything Twilight, but I do adore Robert Pattinson based on his interviews alone.
    That being said-and maybe I’m just naive- does everyone really think he would fake a relationship with this girl to promote a movie? Why? It makes him look like a schmuck more than anything. And isn’t this the last movie? Why would they care?

    • another nina says:

      well, you are not naive, you just haven’t followed this farce from its earlier stages.

      It’s the last movie but he is paid a % of gross revenue, so yes, Rob is in business and he’s doing whatever is needed to get twihards excited.

    • mia girl says:

      I watched a short interview today from the BD2 Australia press junket where he said that oddly enough he felt like there was “quite a lot of pressure on this one”, even put it in to context of indstry competition – Hunger Games.

      I can only imagine the kind of pressure the studio has been placing on him to help deliver.

    • Annie says:

      I don’t think he would fake it, but they’re definitely using it to their advantage. If they’re a Power Couple, they draw more interest. Especially now that Twilight is over, if Robsten was over too people would slowly start moving on to fetishizing another couple and the interest in them would diminish too. These two are stronger together than apart because people think they are IRL Edward/Bella and for some reason it was fun to obsess over them as a couple. Apart nobody even bothers to go see their movies.

      They know this. And I totally think they’ve played fans and media to ensure their status stays the same once Twilight is over and everyone is still talking about them. A little scandal, becoming tabloid fodder while being the highest earning young couple? It’s almost like a play-by-play of Brangelina’s manual for a power couple. Throw in more endorsements and charity, and they’re set.

      They’re playing fans and media, that is for sure.

    • Anname says:

      JH, I am of the minority opinion that he tries very hard to keep his life/relationship out of the press. But no matter what he does it is inexorably linked with the Twilight series, so it’s almost impossible. Since the scandal, they are targeted even more by the paparazzi. This whole promo stuff now is just depressing. He looks so ready to bolt at that Australian photocall. And even his interviews you can see the weariness in him (still charming as ever though).

  16. Micki says:

    She bares her teeth and it’s so out of line that we book it under a “smile”.
    Are we not nice after all?

  17. Cam S says:

    Now I know why she never shows teeth and only smirks. Not a good look. I myself think I have a horrible smile in photos. Maybe she has the “Posh” complex?

  18. Annie says:

    Lol Balenciaga must be THRILLED that she chose this new phase of hillbilliness right for when she had to promote their perfume and become an embassador of their brand. She never dressed this bad, what with the backwards baseball caps and unzipped shorts and dirty hair (if you’re promoting a perfume are you sure it’s cool to look like you don’t shower?) someone needs to remind her she’s a 22 year old woman already. Add to that her little indiscretion of the summer and her total indifference when talking about the perfume on a special live chat and I’m guessing people are regretting their decision now. How frustrating.

  19. Lola says:

    She was smiling when she went to Japan in 2009.

    Try again little girls!

    Here is a picture from Japan 2009 in the airport and look! She is smiling! If you believe that her pr people told her to just start smiling NOW, I have a bridge to sell YOU!|12;d|9_uh64UNVuiE9M:

    Sent from my iPad

    • Erinn says:

      Okay… so is the fact that she smiled in 2009 something so out of character that it stuck with you, or did you actually just google around to find pictures of her smiling?

      • Micki says:

        It’s KStew’s strategy:smile once a year.
        It confounds people and no one can say you NEVER smile.

        I always laugh when a fan writes: “But, but, she smiled then and then! It can’t be PR! She never!”

    • another nina says:

      Fabulous. You can keep your bridge to yourself. Wow, she aged dramatically! Now would you pls check with your bible why does she look so rough these days? What’s the excuse of today?

      • ORLY says:

        Nina – handling multiple c*cks is probably hard work, you know. That sh*t will age a prat.

      • another nina says:

        Orly, hon, you know how much I love you, but I have to disagree with you on this one — c’ck power gave a girl all that muscular look! Nothing bad can come from Brit’s c’cks (I would not know but a girl can dream…) On the account of roughness, I’d dare to suggest that it’s from taking showers too often! KStew – stop killing yourself – no more clean hair – I barely recognized you!
        On a separate note, her paps’ pics are hilarious – is she really washing herself by basically jumping in the pool in cut sweatpants?! I almost love her now!

      • ORLY says:

        hahahahaha! Nina, I love you. Truly.

        I hadn’t thought of the c*ck power at all. I was thinking more along the lines of c*ck wrangling, but even that would get a girl muscular. You win.

        Now that you mentioned it, I think KS is washing of the bit of attraction she has, yes.
        I almost love her for trying.

      • another nina says:

        Orly, dear, we are gonna have so much fun at our BD-2 camp, I can barely contain myself 🙂

  20. Sam says:

    She is smiling because she cheated on her pus$y boyfriend an got away with it

  21. smiley says:

    well,the best thing is that her old bodyguard is back ,i liked him a lot 🙂

  22. Jany says:

    Most.Insincere. Smile. Ever. She looks like she’s in actual physical pain because she was ordered to do it. Shows once again that she’s a terrible actress. And she looks indeed even more unlikable this way like other commenters already pointed out!

    Oh and Kristen being at KP’s bash? Not surprising, she was there with her publicist, which guess what…is also Katy Perry’s publicist…………….

  23. another nina says:

    BTW, that Pattz’ shirt is something else. Is it a way of passive aggressive protest? Robbie, are you trying to say us something?

    • Anname says:

      Did you see it on the runway photo? It’s odd for sure, but it looks better on Rob than on the model. Can’t say I love it, but I guess it’s good to take a fashion risk once in a while, he wears a lot of Kenzo.

      • another nina says:

        Oh Anname, very cool website that fashioncourt – thanks for posting the link…
        I agree it’s kinda risky, but see he often wears something risky – remember that maroon Gucci suit? That’s one of the reasons I don’t buy a legend of his shyness – the dude is naked in every movie, and wears (and enjoys it!) outrageous stuff for every second promotion. Plus — no matter what he says in his interviews — he knows that he is very good looking, he knows that he could get away with a lot. He likes to play in his interviews, and it’s more interesting to play back rather than buy everything he says at face value…

      • ORLY says:

        Anname – I think he also wore a Kenzo shirt in NYC whilst promoting Cosmopolis. I only know this because there was a K on it and shippers thought it was a message to KStew.

        Nina – I don’t think he’s shy at all. Private sure, shy, not so much.
        Lainey is funny today! HA

      • another nina says:

        Oh Orly, Lainey is brilliant today, all accents are in the right places…

      • Anname says:

        I know you are all shocked that I would disagree, but I think Lainey is fos today. Look at Rob’s interview today talking about intrusion in his private life, and how it’s sometimes illegal but there is nothing he can do about it. Read the body language and his expression, I think he is legitimately fed up with it all. Listen 2:25-45!

      • Anname says:

        And about the fashion – I agree Rob is not shy, he likes to wear unusual things at times, it’s fun to see what he will show up in. I have said before the guy has a lot of quiet confidence. The goofy shirt is growing on me, I think his unstyled hair is getting in the way of the shirt. Maybe too much shirt with all the scruff and bedhead hair? Burgundy boots are a great color too.

      • ORLY says:

        Lainey is very right correct that it takes a matter of an hour or two to take action in Hollywood. Like I said on Friday, their people could have had the pics removed immediately if they wanted to. That’s neither here nor there. I find the spectacle very fascinating.

        As for Rob’s body language, I’m no expert but I don’t know why he was yawning both times he answered. Maybe he was just tired or something. That’s the only thing that stood out to me.

        No worries about you disagreeing with us. I enjoy talking to you–you who sits on the other side! HA
        Nina, Mia and I enjoy you and Michele. It’s all in good fun.

  24. Dani says:

    Guys she’s smiling because she loves Japan!!

    …since they barely speak the same lip biting language as her…

  25. RobN says:

    I think we’ve mistaken a grimace for a smile.

  26. La Calabaza says:

    She must be the most overhyped celebrity out there. At this point, I don’t care if she smiles, marries Robert or comes out of the closet. She’s plain boring.

  27. Madison says:

    I’m not surprised she’s smiling it’s obvious this trampire has be put through celebrity image rehab by her PR team. Most celebs are really fake especially when they have a movie to promote KStew is no different.

  28. Ben says:

    That is the fakiest smile I’ve ever seen. She has no soul. You have to have a soul to truly be able to smile.

    • Sunshine says:

      She has no soul because you think her smile is fake? LAWD.

      • Ben says:

        She has no soul in her acting, in her interviews, in the expression on her face in photographs. She is completely emotionless. Her smile never comes across as a true smile.

  29. ealter says:

    That is not a smile, that is gritted teeth with lips pulled back. She looks feral.

  30. Az says:

    Oh my lord of the rings, can you imagine how those shoes of hers must smell? Ew.

  31. LittleDeadGirl says:

    I wanted to defend her and than she wore that hat … and I give up.

  32. Aud says:

    In most magazines, I’ve seen the headline that they’ve reconciled. But I doubt it. Separate promotion says it all.

    • oivey says:

      I saw one that was all “RECONCILED!!!” then right above it “WIN TICKETS TO THE BREAKING DAWN 2 PREMIERE!” Well now. lol.

  33. Phil E Stein says:

    But she could only smile with the sunglasses on because her eyes would’ve betrayed her.

    • Really? says:

      Yet, her eyes are aparent behind the shades…anyway, i’ll gladly be in the minority by saying that i think she is adorable, and love to see her smile (and her eyes) here!

  34. Eman says:

    she has tons of money and look what she wears >__>enough with the dirty sneakers and baseball caps… Money can’t buy u style, that’s for sure.. I pity her..