UPDATE: Rihanna’s GQ “Obsession of the Year” story can be found online here.
Rihanna covers the December issue of GQ Magazine, which incidentally is the “Men of the Year” issue. Usually GQ puts a group cover of some of their nominees/winners for the Men of the Year on the cover, then does a pictorial with the whole list. I’m just saying… it’s an interesting editorial decision to put Rihanna on the cover. Maybe she got the cover because she agreed to go bottom-less? Some of the GQ men of the year for 2012 include “Channing Tatum, Ben Affleck, Quentin Tarantino, Usain Bolt and the gang who put us on Mars.” Why not put Channing or Ben on the cover? Weird. Anyway, some highlights from Rihanna’s cover story:
Asked by the magazine what turns her on, Rihanna explained that she likes the man to be in charge in her relationships.
‘I like to feel like a woman,’ she said. ‘I have to be in control in every other aspect of my life, so I feel like in a relationship, I wanted to be able to take a step back and have somebody else take the lead. I could absolutely be dominant, but in general, I’d rather… How do I say this in, like, a non-X rated version? ‘Love makes you go places you probably wouldn’t ever go, had it not been for love. But I think everybody still has their limits.’
For now Rihanna is single, following the end of her reported rekindled romance with Chris Brown.
The two were thought to be giving their failed relationship another shot, but Rihanna shot down the rumours during a Facebook Live interview this week, saying: ‘No. Not together.’
Rihanna should spend some time with Swifty. They both talk about being submissive in their relationships – although they use very different language, they’re basically saying the same thing. And that bugs. But different strokes, etc.
Incidentally, during a recent interview, Daniel Craig was asked “Who would make a better Bond Girl, Beyonce or Rihanna?” Daniel thought about it for a second and then said, “I think Rihanna. She’s dirtier.” It sounds scandalous and maybe slightly offensive… but it’s also kind of the truth? Rihanna IS dirtier than Beyonce in many, many ways. Rihanna makes Beyonce look like June Cleaver.
GQ cover courtesy of Rihanna’s Instagram, additional photos by WENN.com.
Too much elegance for me.
And saggy.
You didn’t have to go there with the saggy comment… gravity affects every woman at some point. Shame on you
Lol. And yes, it does happen to everybody at some point, but in their early twenties?
I get so sick of people on the internet (especially women) who have forgotten what real breasts look like.
Everything that doesn’t have an implant in it pushing it up to a woman’s nose isn’t “saggy”. She has a lovely figure.
She’s tiresome.
Go to the KStew thread a listen to those commenters talk about how horribly saggy us busty girls look with our bras off (and how Bs don’t sag). Then, come back here and take another look at Rihanna’s breasts.
Folks have to understand, some people are into that whole submission thing.
Yeah, Rihanna has her issues (more than a few) as does Swift, but its not illegal for them to express what they like. The problem is there’s not enough people guiding young girls that they take every word either lady says as a commandment on how to live.
Still though, I’ve seen many men anonymously say the same thing Rihanna said. Its just slightly more socially acceptable for a woman to claim, than a dude. I’m the total opposite but its the same coin in a sense.
It’s not that they enjoy being submissive or being dominated. It’s that they equate “being a woman” or “feeling feminine” with being dominated by a man. That’s what bothers a lot of women because what they’re saying is you can’t be strong and feel like a woman. And that’s BS.
While some women may want to be dominated by a man, it does not mean that women who prefer to be submissive want to be treated like slaves. I am married and i like a man who is able to protect you and and his family. It may be old fashioned and.primitive, but i personally.like feeling protected and find it very sexy when a man can lead. Don’t get me wrong, the hubby and i still take decisions together, but he is like the president and i’m his first lady. Before being married i did date some men with no back bone, wishy washy wimps…i hated it, they could not lead their own life or take their own decisions, who wants to be a substitute mom? I also dated a totalitarian dude, which didn’t work either because i would not be his subdit, he hated his mom and was a bjt of a cinic and a sadist.
So with the hubs i found perfect balance, isn’t that what a relationship is all about? Balance.
I find that being calm, respectful and loving to the right type of man (who won’t abuse it or misuse it) will allow his best self to come to the surface and enable him to be an assertive and considerate lover and leader. It’s worked wonders for me. Then again, these typee of men are hard to come by, i had to date a few frogs before i could find the one who fit what i wante and needed in a man.
We talk about the war on women, but men have also taken a beating from society, being ridiculed, disrespected an diminished to mere sperm donors. Again it’s matter of balance, tbith genders have their good and bad representatives. BUT we shouldn’t generalize based on the lost cases.
Hear hear!
Lucky you to have found a man like that 🙂
It’s amazing where mediocrity can take you if you’re willing to give up self respect. I’ve never seen a bond movie, but don’t Bond girls have to be beautiful and talented? Rihanna is neither of those.
This +100000
Also why does this piece feel far too kind on Rihanna. In fact, it often seems like she gets away with far more than anybody else would, without being called out. I don’t get it.
Imagine if this had been Swifty. In fact lets imagine that Swifty did everything that Rihanna does; you know, making it clear she was out to “win” back her ex even though he was in a year and half long relationship with someone else. Imagine that after months of this, the guy finally left his girl, lets call her Ker, but did so with a statement declaring his continuing love for this Ker.
Imagine that the guy continued hanging with Ker publicly and that Swifty then flooded tabloids with “insiders” claiming that the only reason the guy was still around the Ker was to negotiate a “go away settlement”. Picture Swifty planting articles declaring her love rival a gold digger. Now imagine that Swiftys fanbase had gone after Ker with intense venom with nary a word from Swifty.
Visualise Swifty promoting drug use with no mention of responsible use. I haven’t even gone into the shameless self-promotion and nude tweets, obviously ringing up the paps in recent months or use of hateful misogynistic language, picking fights with fans of other artists online.
I haven’t even talked about her talent…….I mean lack of it. If we were talking about an artist with some vocal range, Mariah, young Whitney, JHud, that would be different but she hits exactly 2 notes and one of those is with autotune help. She cant even dance. Her only talent maybe in picking out catchy one note tunes (young Madonna anyone?) or rather good writers/producers. Yes most pop stars suck but they get called out, so why isnt she?
Can i get an AMEN!!
Rihanna’s “talent” was that she was a beautiful young girl and that she was being packaged-promoted by Jay-Z. I liked her music (then more than now) but I always saw her as Jay-Z’s product. Now that she seems to have parted ways with him (because he kept telling her to lose Chris Brown and such), her music interests me much less. Her own “talent” is not enough to carry her any distance. Silly girl – should have stayed with Jay-Z.
Wow. I think my computer just got an STD from that photo. Ick.
You to have to admit that Rihanna is beautiful without all the facial expression.. She could carry the Bond girl role better than Beyonce. The reason I said that is because Rihanna would play the gun toting role better than Beyonce.. He didn’t mean dirty in bad way, don’t take the word out of context…
I’m no hardcore fan of either women but I swear the media knows how to twist and take a person word out of context-
Now for the submissive role as a woman, there are far more grown women who does that but they just don’t admit it. Rihanna and Swift have no problem stating those things when asked because truth be told many men like a submissive woman in more ways than some…
Will your opinion change once Chris Brown rearranges her face? Submissive is one thing, loving getting your ass beat is abusive – NOT submissive.
Jacq, when I say there are far more women being submissive doesn’t mean they want get abused or are getting abused… Damn where did u see me say that in my comment… Hope u stand up for the everyday woman that are really getting abused… So stop with he narrow-mind process.. I don’t condone abuse so chill out… And Jacq it ain’t serious hon -:)
Being submissive doesn’t mean beat me down type of attitude
I bet to differ on the Bond issue. Daniel definately did mean that she is smuttier. Bond has become grittier and I havent seen the newest, so maybe he is right. Beyonce would be a better Bond girl in years gone by when the girls were hot but classy.
Its interesting that when the 2 bond girls this year were asked the same question they both responded Beyonce. They also scoffed when they were told Daniels response. Surprised this article doesnt mention that. It was…….interesting.
I am so sick of Rihanna and Beyonce being the go to black girls! Taraji Henson, Paula Patton, Gabrielle Union, Regina King, Sanaa Lathan, Megan Good, Gugu Mbatha Raw, Kirby Griffin, Michelle Van Der Water, are all talented woc and can actually act.
IMO, any list of talented woc in which Nicole Beharie is absent is incomplete.
I dont think this was an actual casting though, lol. It was more a “who would you rather” question. He could just easily have been asked to chose between Madonna and Gaga. It was utterly meaningless. Rihanna seemed to think it meant something though, she tweated it to her fans like the true narcissist that she is. And they all leaped on it like the true Lemmings they are.
@Gracie, I totally get what you are saying, but let’s be honest though– mainstream America doesn’t know of that list or even care. WoC are constantly put in the sidelines in Hollywood, particularly black women.
I am hispanic and out of that list, I only knew who Gabrielle Union was, but then again I don’t know the names of any of the young starlets :p
Sexy pic.
yes, it is very sexy. The tattoo in the middle of her chest is very sexy too.
I usually think tattoos are trashy and I would think this would be trashy if it was KStew or someone else, but for whatever reason what works for RiRi would never work for others.
That is a truly awful cover pic. Did Rihanna and her people approve that? If they did, their judgement is really off. It’s a nasty photo. Her nails give me the creeps. She’s a pretty girl who is really into looking trashy for whatever reason.
I kinda get what she is saying, except it becomes perverse when she is sleeping with a dude who beat the snot out of her.
I’ve been pretty self-reliant, and most of my relationship have been situations where I had to carry it, so I would love for a man to take charge a little bit.
She is trash.
Is it even a question when it comes to her anymore? My automatic response is set to tacky. I’d be surprised if she did a nice pictorial with clothes on.
That being said, I don’t even like Daniel Craig’s Bond and I hope she’s not even a consideration for a Bond Girl.
Yeah, ‘love makes you go places you wouldnt ever go’……..like the emergency dept.
Ha ha. True Wuv ain’t True unless it involves paramedics and police reports. I wish this moron would “submit” to being permanently gagged.
Tacky. She does it all for shock value, and that’s fine, but there is a way to be tastefully nude. Unfortunately, I don’t think I’ll ever use the words “Rhianna” and “tasteful” in the same sentance/context.
The thing with Rihanna is that even in a burkha she would look trashy. The cover would be sexy if it was someone else. Rihanna is dirty in a slimy way
I just can’t with Rihanna anymore; I used to be a fan, back before she lost all her clothes (and her sense of self-worth?). This cover would have been so much nicer if they’d just stuck her in a pair of high waisted black trousers or even a great skirt but noooo…take it off, girl. Bah, that’s all I can say.
Not sexy. Not her. Never sexy. Too gross.
Agreed. It is not sexy to sing S M over and over again, or leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination. Not to mention the Peter Pan haircut. She ans CB can have each other, at least then they won’t go around screwing up other people’s lives.
My god, she’s a skanky broken record. Please get a new schtick.
Second pic looks like she’s getting a long fart out…
She looks good but for GQ? Weird choice for this particular issue.
Make it go away please.
The first thing who came to my mind, STD…
She appeals to certain kind of people, the kind who
Like the trash..sad but true
She soooo creepy
It’s getting to the point that when I hear the name Rihanna, I’m going to automatically think “Tacky”.
Or “Goat”.
Put something on you are sad and that’s that.
Please Please Please why the same old faces; GQ, like all the other mags, must be getting paid off to feature yet again this talentless manufactured vocally challenged dolt – and no she’s not sexy – sexy are the 90s supermodels – Yasmeen,Naomi,Claudia,Christy,etc. – owning the runways,editorials,and ad campaigns, This moron is just trashy and vapid – standards have really fallen to consider otherwise. And when she attempts to be articulate, it’s worse.
You’re spot on Gracie, but Bouncy and RIri have major corporate sponsors and lots of moola to buy all the pub they need.
I feel like Rihanna is constantly trying to show this bad-ass image down people’s throats, and like her whole artistry screams “SEX SEX SEX” which you know, to each their own, but for me, that magazine cover is not something that I would read on a bus but then again, this is a magazine targeted towards men, in which case, my opinion doesn’t count lol
I don’t find her sexy, provocative, compelling or particularly talented.
Even with all her efforts to shock, I think she’s kind of bland.
The man of the year is …Rihanna?
@VesperLynd: well said and amen.
Re Rihanna and cover: 😐
Rihanna always very tacky no class at all .
She looks like a less sexy Judi Dench
I am far from a prude, but this is really getting old. She tries too hard.
I could see her as a bond girl, the villianess (sp?)type.
she was a good enough actress is Battleship.
This cover is just awful though, and I don’t believe for a second she is not back with CB.
RiRi makes up for a lack of talent by an abundance of nekkid.
Of course it’s trashy, but she has the best body in Hollywood. And I kind of like her tattoo.
I dont like it, its a little too revealing, sexy is one thing but she is practically naked, i hate her haircut too, she was so pretty with long hair
I hate to say it, but I’m one of those people that once I hear something I don’t like about a celebrity, I just can’t stand them anymore. It happened when I read that guy from Burn Notice got a DUI, I couldn’t watch the show after that. Anyway, it’s the same with with this girl. I used to really like her music and now I just can’t listen to it. I understand that it’s her personal desician to be with a woman beater, but it’s my desician not to listen to/buy her music anymore. With the millions of fans she has, I doubt she’ll miss my money anyway.
I would like to hold the magazine accountable as well. I assume they shot it and approved the image. Taste and decency aside, it makes no sense.
I just wish she would put some clothes on at some point. All the nakedness, all the time, there’s nothing sexy or alluring about it, it just looks trashy. You know what would impress me more? Take a picture covered up, and not in some raunch pose.
She looks amazing , but MY GOD PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!
I am not much in to her but I start to think she could end up being bigger than beyonce is. She seems on the roll in many levels (unless she takes a shift).
About the almost naked pics, I don’t like that at any age but if you do it , at least it sounds better in your twenties.
She is a very beautiful woman and she is sexy. She just is. It is something you either have or you don’t. I saw the other pictures and they are way better then the cover. Not crazy about it.
She has an appeal that not many women of color have; or are recognized for. I’m not a real fan, but I can recognize why she appeals to so many people.
Hope people know this chick isn’t really Chris .. She answered that question directly…
We’re just giving our opinions on this site, so I’ll say that Rihanna’s trashy approach or style has never appealed to me and I’m growing tired of her trying always to be so edgy…she’s got lots of fans, and also non-fans.
What I’m about to say goes against conventional thinking but most of what I’ve read & experienced is that men prefer to be the submissive one in a relationship because it’s less work! They prefer to be with a woman who knows how to take care of herself within the relationship and basically run it. I actually think a lot of men would find what she’s saying unattractive and she probably thinks it’s sexy.
I do think Rhianna is beautiful but her personality is a train wreck. She is too immature to be famous right now. I wish she would get herself together and come back in 2 yrs but life doesn’t work like that.