On Saturday, Justin Bieber posted this photo on his Twitter account of himself meeting Canadian Prime Minster Stephen Harper. Naturally, Biebs was all proud of himself for wearing overalls for the occasion. At least they weren’t hanging down around his knees, but I have to wonder why he couldn’t bother at least dressing in a respectable manner to meet the guy who runs his native country? Even Russell Brand (who won’t even dress up to testify in front of Parliament) made sure he looked halfway presentable while meeting The Queen (although Rusty later admitted a nearly insatiable urge to grab the Queen’s boobs). I guess Harper must be a major Belieber to put up with this overall nonsense.
Incidentally, Justin also tweeted this photo (about a week ago) from the gym that shows him wearing the same overalls (I think), but they’re pulled down to expose his red boxer briefs (gross) and reveal his (presumably) manly chest for all to see. If it wasn’t for that badass crown tattoo, I might not have even recognized him. Just kidding.
Here are some more photos from Justin’s AMA extravaganza. Poor kid can pump all the iron in the world, but he just gets prettier with every passing day. Those eyebrows are way too groomed for a dude.
Update by CB: Bieber has defended himself, on Instagram, writing in response to someone calling him “white trash” that “The pic of me and the Prime Minister was taken in a room in the arena where I was performing at that day. I walked straight from my meet and greet to him. It wasn’t like it was like I was going into his environment we were at a hockey arena. Wow am I ever white trash.” What I want to know is if he even considered changing (he probably didn’t) and if he did think about it, did he even have any appropriate clothing with him that wouldn’t give the impression that he crapped his pants? The least he could have done would be to take off his hat and fasten the other shoulder of his overalls.
Photos courtesy of Twitter and WENN
He looked like an idiot.
he always does.
“Looked?” As in past tense? “Looks” – it’s always both with him. 😉
No, he IS an idiot.
Judge Judy sends people out her courtroom if litigants come in dressed inappropriately – PM Harper should have refused to give him the award until he changed.
Yes. Truly, he was, is, and always will be an idiot.
He looks so feminine, he will be the new Liberace in a few years.
That’s what I said LOL! I bet he gets up every morning and shaves even though he has no whiskers, praying that it will help bring them out!
he went on an instagram rant about this …
justinbieber The pic of me and the Prime Minister was taken in a room in the arena where i was performing at that day. I walked straight from my meet and greet to him, if you “Hayley” expect me to have a change of clothes let a loan a suit at that specific time that’s crazy, It wasn’t like it was like I was going into his environment we were at a hockey arena. Wow am i ever white trash hayley peterson lol 10h
This was in reply to a journalist’s article about how he looked white trash.
Both immature, self centred and hilarious all at the same time!
hahaha, he’s always dressed like a douche so this seems completely normal..
I can’t get past that “let a loan . . .” It took me three readings of it to realize he didn’t mean someone should lend him a suit, then another few minutes to stop laughing. What a moron.
Me too Faye.
Yes! He doesn’t need overalls to make him look like an idiot. His grammar takes care of that.
Umm, actually I believe he has several changes of clothes available at any given time. Especially when he’s doing some kind of event, even a meet & greet with fans.
Also, on GMA this morning, they reported that the PM was presenting him with some kind of award. Does anyone know if that’s correct? And if so, it wasn’t just a spur of the moment meeting, and he definitely could have planned better.
He was receiving some kind of award. And you can bet that if the PM was arriving at any venue, there would be ample notification, on account of the security management alone, nevermind the fact that the Prime Minister of the country has a scheduled meeting with you. He should have at least done that much.
In any case, men should always remove their hats in a formal situation (I actually think they should remove them indoors, full stop, but whatever).
Nah, he’s just a brat, and if he wants to shake the “teenager” image, he’s not doing himself any favours, here.
I don’t care where he just came from, button up your overalls and TAKE OFF YOUR HAT, you douchebag!
oh the grammatical errors and the spelling mistakes!!!!
who cares? I wouldn’t dress up for Harper either and I’m Canadian
“Class, either you have it or you don’t.”
My comment was about my opinion of Harper, not about dressing up for an occasion, which I know very well how to do.
“Class, either you have it or you don’t.”
And Harper doesn’t.
Yes, that’s the point. I’m no fan of Obama, but he’s the President, and if I were to meet him, I would dress appropriately, and give him the utmost respect. A situation like that shouldn’t be used to vent political differences – it’s called exercising discretion and class.
This is the man who tried to change the name from “The Government of Canada” to “The Harper Government” as if our country is his personal play thing. He’s also silenced our environmental scientists and backed out of environmental agreements. He has not earned my respect. I owe him nothing.
@wif – you’re right, you Harper nothing, You owe it to yourself to conduct yourself respectfully and appropriately. This wasn’t a political event, and if Harper had been presenting the award to you, I would expect you to honor the event, put your political views aside, dress properly, and be gracious. What’s pathetic is that your idiotic countryman Bieber embarrassed himself by dressing like a house painter, and still doesn’t understand what he did wrong.
Agreed – Harper is no leader; class isn’t a word that comes to mind when his name is brought up. Corruption but not class. Justin Beiber wore the appropriate attire. It would have been more funny if he wore the low pants style with the undies hangin out.
It really shouldn’t matter what you think of his politics or policies. The fact is, he’s been elected as the representative of your fellow citizens, and the office he holds is what it is you either show respect for, or don’t. I guess in your case it’s “don’t” but that just shows narrow mindedness. What you’re suggesting is that you’d get dressed up for another individual, but not him….how odd.
Because the left wing nuts in Canada don’t respect anyone who doesn’t hold exactly their view. They don’t care if someone was democratically elected, they still foam at the mouth. I don’t like the mayor of my town, but I wouldn’t treat him the way the left wingers treat Harper who actually isn’t very conservative at all.
Harper was ‘elected’ with only thirty percent of the vote. Sixty percent didn’t vote for him and it appears that he hasn’t earned the respect of many Canadians, and certainly not Canadians of Justin Beiber’s generation. Beiber is showing leadership by not kow towing to this politician.
It’s the office you show respect for, not the person. There are less immature ways of acting out disrespect. Perhaps by voting?
Yes. I couldn’t agree more.
Not a fan of Harper either, but would never disrespect an occasion like this.. and it was The Queen’s Jubilee medal.. a special occasion.. Come On!
I hate Harper. If I met him, I’d probably tell him how I feel about his leadership. And I don’t believe in showing deference to officicials just for the sake of it.
But I do believe in dressing appropriately for the occasion, if just to show that you are, y’know, a grown up. And this occasion was relatively formal.
i seriously want to smack the living hell out of this twat’s face.
And at the previous thread of him, some poster said that he’s got a nose-job and i really think he has.
so pathetic. LOL
that was me :3
Time for a commercial break:
Usher: You’re still having control problems, aren’t you
Biebs: I just don’t feel confident Harvey.
Usher: Come with me. I wanna let you in on a little secret (starts to set in talking about Scientology n’ Tom Cruise but waivers).
Usher: Here we are Oops I Crapped My Pants.
Biebs: Oops I Crapped My Pants, I’ve heard of those. Do they work?
Usher: Oops I Crapped My Pants out performed every bladder and bowel control product on the market today. Here, I’ll show you. Imagine this pitcher of tea is really a gallon of your feces. See how its super thick protection allows for maximum absorbency without leaking.
Biebs: I’m impressed. Oops I Crapped My Pants can hold a lot of dung.
Usher: And get this, Oops I Crapped My Pants are biodegradable. Now that’s good for the environment.
Biebs: Hey, how do you know so much about Oops I Crapped My Pants????
Usher: Tom Cruise recommend them to me. And well I’m wearing them right now, and I just did.
“The least he could have done would be to take off his hat and fasten the other shoulder of his overalls. ”
I agree! Even if he didn’t have time to change, he could’ve made himself look more decent.
He is an embarrassment to us Canadians. I have no use for Harper whatsoever, but when meeting the leader of a country, (any country) show a little respect.
Oh, and have you guys seen this video?
“Justin Bieber doesn’t know what German is.”
I just saw this video and cringed HARD.
This moron is soooooo beyond stupid, it is actually sad. hahahaha
This meeting with Canada’s PM is just another concrete example of how money doesn’t buy class.
Bieber is the same dumb f*ck who called the Sistine Chapel “the Sixteenth Chapel” on David Letterman.
Love Letterman’s response to this boy’s ignorance and how Bieber looks confused while the audience is laughing at him.
Hahahaha! That’s fantastic! Thanks for that, Minty.
He doesn’t know what German is? Gawd, he’s stupider than I thought.
According to Canadians, their PM is an idiot; therefore, two peas in a pod.
What does one’s personality have to do with proper attire?
I’m Canadian, and I have mixed feelings. I don’t outright call him an idiot. I have voted for him in the past. Though I am not a strict conservative… I didn’t like the other candidates. They’re all a mess, to be honest. I’m essentially sick of them all.
The NDP really screwed over my town. It became almost a ghost town after they took the ferry to Maine away. The NDP leader for the area has a vendetta against the town, and is being a vindictive sonofabitch. And the Liberal government has had a lot of issues as well.
When it comes down to it, I’m going to vote for the person/party that benefits me, and my line of work, and my specific community. Even if that person could be deemed an idiot by others.
Well then you wont be voting for Harper! He’s only looking out for his own best interests and it certainly wont be yours. This guy scares me!
whats the hype…we posting and bringing him in to the spotlight..He glad,he’s getting noticed. what a long 15 minutes..
As a Canadian as well, I can whole heartedly agree that one needs to vote for the party that will support the country, unfortunately the Conservatives under Harper are not that party, under his leadership there have been tax breaks for oil companies while cuts to our social programs have become significantly deeper. He is systematically destroying our national radio as well as axing most funding for our cultural programs. We have no environmental accord, he seems keen on selling the rights to our natural land to china while de regulating gun control.
This is merely a short list of the destructive nature of his “leadership”.
I think the fact that his government determined that Justin Beiber is an example of an exceptional Canadian says it all. Canada is rapidly spiraling, I cannot wait for the next election.
As a Canadian as well, I can whole heartedly agree that one needs to vote for the party that will support the country, unfortunately the Conservatives under Harper are not that party, under his leadership there have been tax breaks for oil companies while cuts to our social programs have become significantly deeper. He is systematically destroying our national radio as well as axing most funding for our cultural programs. We have no environmental accord, he seems keen on selling the rights to our natural land to china while de regulating gun control.
This is merely a short list of the destructive nature of his “leadership”.
I think the fact that his government determined that Justin Beiber is an example of an exceptional Canadian says it all. Harper and Beiber as massive embarassments to our country. Ugh.
I think you’re lost, Charlie Harper. Shouldn’t you be posting this over at Yahoo?
LOL! Truth.
It’s disrespectful. It’s not like he’s an athlete coming off the field or out of the arena and directly meeting POTUS. He should have changed.
I know we’re discussing his overalls, but… in that first picture he looks like a doll. His face, his posture just seem so ‘Real Doll’. It’s creeping me out!
He looks like a girl in the pics with the necklace and earrings. A a matter of fact- no one can convince me that that is a man;)
He’s a junior douche who must go back to ABC of education that’s what he needs.
Justin you were receiving a Diamond Jubilee Medal, even though you are the last Canadian on earth who deserve it. You have tons of assistants and you could have sent one to get you a tuxedo or any formal suit, the PM would’ve surely been OK with it if you were a few minutes late by the time you get changed and let him know on the matter say “Sorry I’m a bit late I wanted to look more presentable.” and not wear some Of Mice and Men clothes.
I hope they choked on their gasping saliva when they saw you showing up dressed like that. My point is NO ONE should ever wear this when at a formal ceremony. Hell even Jay-Z dresses up when he meets Obama!
I dunno I actually think he looks alright. I mean if anyone has been to the Ottawa Valley you’d see he was just fitting in! Seriously drive a few minutes out of our nation’s capital and you are into some farmer country lol
Ignorant comment.
I live outside the capital and yes, have horses and a farm.. and guess what.. I also don’t wear overalls.. my clothes fit me – and we probably shop in the same stores..
Oh come on now, he would be totally out of place in the Valley at this time of year, eh. He would have to be decked out in fluorescent orange, a holdover from hunting season 😉
Must be nice to live in a bubble where you think you can do anything you want because fame and fortune will last forever. Didn’t he wear a suit to meet Obama? If I had been part of the staff of the PM I would’ve made sure he changed before meeting him. Major disrespect.
Go away little girl. Blah cannot stand him he is such a douche.
When i look at this picture, kris cross starts play in my head. ” mac daddy makes you wanna jump jump!!” Its 1990 all over again.
Rude and stupid.
Absolutely no excuse for that. Wasn’t he being *honored*? Maybe if he just happened to meet the PM at a concert or was consciously trying to make some grand political statement, but the boy was ACCEPTING A MEDAL. Positively dripping with entitlement and disrespect.
JB is an embarrassment to our entire country, and his meeting with our PM was just cringe-inducing.
I don’t care if he was backstage at his show, button up your pants, take off that stupid hat, and act like you have an ounce of class (he doesn’t, but he could pretend for 5 minutes).
Self-satisfied, self-indulgent, DUMB as a box of rocks, douche canoe.
Douche canoe?? How have I never heard that term?? I had to look that up on Urban Dictionary! 🙂
what is truly rude is that biebs didn’t punch herr harper in the face, or take advantage of the proximity to hold up a “stop harper’ sign. seriously, that IS the rudest part of the story.
Ha ha! Totally right?!
I myself would have refused to accept anything from this man.
Biebs may be an embarrassment but Harper is a disgrace.
“Poor kid can pump all the iron in the world, but he just gets prettier with every passing day. Those eyebrows are way too groomed for a dude.”
Okay, so now that it’s not just us noticing, can the bloggers talk about his nose job? I want a nose job post 🙂 At least mention that’s why he is getting girlier-looking.
Oh but you missed this misspelling gem: “I walked straight from my meet and greet to [the prime minister], if you ‘Hayley’ expect me to have a change of clothes let a loan a suit at that specific time that’s crazy,”
The poor child was trying to ask someone to loan him a suit.
At first glance, he looks like an old lady with pearl earrings, necklace and pink lipstick.
Last night the Argonauts won the 100th Lord Earl Grey Cup at the CFL game. It was the 23rd win in a 100 years. Quite an august event; what do one hear on the gossip feeds? – Justin Bieber outfit. The normal press explained in detail that he was presented with the award just before performing but…….
Clearly the football crowd is not as adoring as his fans………………
But the STARS of the evening were the Argos.
Love the tweet on Stephen Harpers official twitter:
“In fairness to @justinbieber, I told him I would be wearing my overalls too. #cdnpoli #beliebers”
Some intern for Stephen Harper had a good time keeping his twitter up to date 🙂
Don’t know enough about the Canadian PM to pass judgement, but the biebster always was, and is, and talentless buffoon and asshat – glad to see he’s keeping in form. And why is any head of state lowering himself/herself by meeting the biebster.
He’s taken that “Canadian Tuxedo” thing to a whole different level.
Overalls? Please tell me that trend isn’t coming back!!!!!!!!! Remember the ’80s overalls that were popular for girls; the pastel ones? I’m surprised he didn’t wear that brand since he’s such a little sissy.
I so hope those diaper genie pants Bieber is sporting the last photo don’t become a trend.
I am no fan of PM Harper, believe me, but DumDum is in no way dressed appropriately for meeting any level of dignitary. He looks like he fell off a tractor. However, any good farmboy’s mom would have smacked him upside the head and nagged him into a collared shirt and tie to meet someone important. What a classless little twit – I’m so embarrassed he’s a fellow Canadian.
He’s just a little punk; actually he looks like a little girl doesn’t he?
I just can’t with those quilted pants.
Read on Lainey that Justin wants to be the next Micheal Jackson. Does he even have an idea about the colossal talent MJ had? Sure MJ led a pathetic personal life, but this twat wanting to model his career after MJ is delusional. And his eyebrows….why why why?
I’m appalled, it is white-trashy Bieber. If you want to be taken seriously and not get booed while you’re performing again (hello Argo/Stampeder game half-time show….), bone up on dress codes, go back to school so you don’t keep embarrassing yourself with bad grammar, spelling and geographical flubs, and grow the f&ck up.
Can we all just get off the kids back! Seriously he was booed when he appeared on Screen prior to his performance yesterday at the Grey Cup. That in my mind is the ultimate in dis-respect. He’s 18, I don’t know very many 18 year olds as smart and apparently kind as him. I so sick of the haters. PS I’m not even a huge fan of his music, but please leave this kid alone!
Why does his bling-bling look like a string of pearls?
Well at least he wasn’t wearing those pants that make it look like he sh-t himself a bunch of times.
Does he not have a manager to advise him how to act? The outfit is bad enough, but to leave the baseball hat on? He looks like a total doofus and I don’t think he’s turning out very well. Starting to think he is a thug, getting stopped by cops while driving etc.
At least he’s not wearing a skirt like he was when he had his last fight with Selena.
I spoke too soon. I hadn’t noticed his rocker GIRL slippers. I want those. They are cute for a woman to wear around the house.
I know he’s just a kid, but he seems like such a moron.
That cannot be him at the Gym! Tatoos do not evn match on his arms! Creepy & looks like a girl.
The best was when Prime Minister Harper (@pmharper) tweeted:
In fairness to @justinbieber, I told him I would be wearing my overalls too. #cdnpoli #beliebers
“The pic of me and the Prime Minister was taken in a room in the arena where I was performing at that day. I walked straight from my meet and greet to him. It wasn’t like it was like I was going into his environment we were at a hockey arena. Wow am I ever white trash.”
Yup, white trash AND stupid! “The pic of me and the Prime Minister”. Bieber, needs to go back to elementary school. It should be “the Prime Minister and I”. I won’t even bother with the other grammatical and punctuation errors.
He has all that money, he could at least have taken some time to get a (real) high school education.
What a fool.
The photo-op with Harper took place at Scotiabank Place where Bieber was performing that night (in Ottawa).
The PMO set it up (nice to see that Harper had to go to Bieber and not the other way around…..so who REALLY is more popular in this scenario and, hence, more “powerful”).
When Harper and his entourage aka ridiculous security detail showed up, Bieber took some time out of his rehearsal/soundcheck to get his medal, pose for a couple of photos and continue on with his day. Hence the overalls.
Repost from Chris Hedges (Pulitzer Prize winner and former war correspondent for the New York Times):
Harper is a poster child for corporate malfeasance and corporate power, just sort of dismantling everything that’s good about Canada. So he’s the kind of species that rises to political power and is utterly subservient to corporate interests at the expense of the citizenry.
Yeah, he’s a pretty venal figure.
I do agree that it was kind of disrespectful to wear overalls while meeting someone of such high power, and practically runs Justin’s own country, but saying he’s an idiot for it, isn’t right either. He simply didn’t plan things ahead. That’s his problem. Calling him an idiot won’t make you any smarter. :)I do agree he should of dressed nicer for it, though. I doubt he was dressing like that intentionally. I mean. Come on.