Cele|bitchy | Cameron Diaz follows Justin Timberlake around like a puppy (update)

Cameron Diaz follows Justin Timberlake around like a puppy (update)

Clown-faced Cameron Diaz ignored the cardinal rule of breakups – act like you’re having a good time and ignore the bastard. She was said to have followed Justin Timberlake to two different Golden Globes after-parties, and to have had an awkward talk with him. She even got all up in gorgeous Jessica Biel’s face after she saw Biel talking to Timberlake. That doesn’t seem like a smart move considering that Biel could probably kick her ass. Diaz has crazy going for her, though, and sometimes that trumps brawn.

CAMERON Diaz is not over Justin Timberlake just yet, and things got heated when she saw her ex chatting up Jessica Biel in L.A. after the Golden Globes. Sources say the temperamental star “blew up” at Biel after she saw Timberlake flirting with her. Diaz followed Timberlake to the In Style party at the Hilton Oasis, where “they had an awkward conversation.” The “Charlie’s Angels” star then trailed Timberlake to the Beverly Hilton rooftop for the Universal party, where she found him chatting up Biel – and screamed at the “Illusionist” star. “If that’s how she wants to get him back, it won’t work,” said our insider. “She’s desperate.” Reps for Diaz did not return our call.

It’s just common sense not to act all crazy around your ex. Do not contact him. That means no drunk dialing! If you want to get him back, and are willing to go through all the crap you dealt with for him but are conveniently ignoring due to fresh heartache, then you have to feel good about yourself. Go hang out with your friends, get a new hairdo, exercise, and spoil yourself. Once you feel good again you’ll realize you’re better off without him anyway.

Update Here are pictures of Diaz at LAX yesterday showing her fab fashion sense. Thanks to Celebrity Puke.

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12 Responses to “Cameron Diaz follows Justin Timberlake around like a puppy (update)”

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  1. FF says:

    I love how the GFY girls labelled her Golden Globes look that of a ‘demented bride’.


    It pretty much captures the essence.

    That said, I don’t see what’s so great about Timberlake. Shouldn’t she be cracking open the bubbly and celebrating or something? He never showed any real interest in marrying her which I suspect is what she wanted.

    And as these things go he’ll probably get more serious, a lot faster, with the next woman he goes out with. Unless, of course, she’s significantly older than him.

    So is she mourning the relationship or the time wasted on the relationship? (Rhetorical question.)

  2. FF says:

    ps – does everyone end up screaming at Jessica Biel? First Lilo, then Cameron.

    And you guys wonder why she’s so buff.

  3. Jenna says:

    Man, I wouldn’t want to take Jessica on….that girl works out 24/7.

    I agree, its really sad to follow around your ex and make a scene. Let it go Cameron.

  4. Fabiola says:

    Justin Timberlake is so not worth it. His testicles haven’t even descended yet!

  5. Mr. T says:

    CD is crazy, looks crazy and is scary! Run Justin, run!!!!

  6. duckingfisgusting says:

    I actually dig her dress, oddly enough. And while she’s nothing at all, Justin is sooo NOT attractive, all of this shit just boggles my mind.

  7. gg says:

    I feel bad for her. She’s a babe, and yet she’s all hung up on this guy, who’s maybe the first sensitive guy she’s dated, but doesn’t realize he is just not a real man.

    Cam, honey! You need to nurse your broken heart, stay in for awhile, for pete’s sake don’t pull any LiLos or Blitzneys, and you will be good in a month. I promise.

    Grab your best girlfriend and stay out of the spotlight for a little while, lest you screw up any damage control.

  8. Viv says:

    Diaz has crazy going for her, though, and sometimes that trumps brawn.

    Your commentary is delightful, K.

  9. Anonymous says:

    I feel sorry for Cameron..if this story is true! I understand what it feels like to be completely in love with someone and continuing to want to be near that person even after it is over. Though I must add that I personally have too much pride and would never give him any idea that I was not doing Okay…I hope she knows that it will get better with time…

  10. Other Karen says:

    Poor Cam. She fell hard. Supposedly Justin was the first guy that she was publickly affectionate with, and she was more reserved with previous boyfriends.

  11. Michelle says:

    Stalker she should have just went home. And why do everyone think she’s attractive she is not.

  12. just me says:

    She needs to start dating men around her age. She’s always w/these young guys. Move on Cameron, it’s over!!