Rihanna debuts new clothing line: high fashion or not as trashy as expected?


Here are some photos of Rihanna in London immediately prior to the Saturday debut of her fashion line for River Island at Fashion Week. She’s wearing a hat that says “high fashion advisory” and is wearing one of Chris Brown’s jackets (which is covered with tacky-looking hearts) because who the hell knows. Maybe they didn’t break up after all, or maybe they broke up and got back together, or maybe she’s just unhealthily addicted to a majorly violent douche. Or all three of the above.


After the show, Rihanna hit the clubs (of course), and she was reportedly assaulted” by “a crazed fan who, ironically, yelled at her for getting back with Chris Brown. The fan reportedly threw a bottle of Lucozade in RiRi’s direction, and she (trying to duck, I guess) fell against a metal grating and scraped her knee. Hollywood Life has spoken to a Breezy insider who says Chris was very concerned about the incident and also adds, “It’s f–ked up someone would do that to Rihanna, and mention Chris in the same sentence. He’s hurt over stuff like that.” Yeah, Chris is upset about Rihanna when someone else hurts her. When he hurts her, we’re supposed to just forget about it.

Here’s a bit of fashion-related oddness related to Rihanna’s fashion show. The Fashion director of Elle, Anne-Marie Curtis, has delivered her unexpected verdict of Rihanna’s clothing line. High fashion, really?


“My perception of her style was squarely rooted in the raunchy stage wear and street style that are synonymous with her image, (but) aside from a nod to street style in the denim section, the collection is an ode to all things high fashion.

“Think Eighties Norma Kamali meets Alexander Wang luxe sportswear. From fluid jersey dresses to sweatshirts to all-in-ones and varying length skirts almost exclusively in a navy, black and white palette, there are myriad options here for even the most discerning fashion eye. Stand-out items include a black jersey column evening dress, a brilliantly cut bra top, a navy cropped sweatshirt, and a properly fabulous denim jumpsuit.”

[From Elle UK]

I’m including some photos from Rihanna’s runway show so that you can make up your own minds on this pressing issue, but honestly, I think the overriding expectations for the Rihanna clothing line were that the outfits would be completely obnoxious with pot leaves and butt flashes everywhere. Instead, we’re getting some stuff that Rihanna would probably wear while doing late-night talk show interviews. So the natural reaction is probably a positive one merely because Rihanna hasn’t plastered her favorite term, “Thug Life” all over the fabric of every outfit. Overall, this clothing line is not completely tasteless stuff, but it’s definitely not something that the everyday person would feel comfortable wearing while walking down the street. And it’s definitely not high fashion.





Photos courtesy of WENN

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65 Responses to “Rihanna debuts new clothing line: high fashion or not as trashy as expected?”

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  1. Rhea says:

    Well, the outfits in this clothing line seems like one that she would wear every day. Whether she’s walking down the street or not.

  2. Cherry says:

    I can’t concentrate on the clothes because the models look so unhealthy and miserable.

    • virginia5 says:

      I saw these pictures(and more) yesterday on dailymail, and all I could concentrate was how skinny these models were. Obviously Rihanna’s clothes are not interesting.

    • Bluebear says:

      I was thinking the same thing! It is one thing to be a naturally thin woman, heck my cousin is a size 00 and she does everything in her power to fill out. These girls are obviously not naturally that thin as it looks so disturbingly unhealthy. Even their skin looks sallow and lackluster.

    • Hakura says:

      IKR? That was the very first thing my eyes zoned in on… Couldn’t even look at the clothes… Ugh. Looks like you could knock them over w/a feather…

  3. virginia5 says:

    How boring!

    and lolol at chris brown getting butthurt that someone threw a bottle at rihanna. What a joke!

  4. bea says:

    It all looks like the cheap version of stuff she wears. So, basically, it’s good if you’re a 23 yr old with a smokin’ hot bod going out to a club or whatever. I keep forgetting she’s just a dumb kid!

  5. I.want.shoes says:

    What, no nipples-galore see-through tops in her collection?

  6. xoo says:

    It seems like she tried soo hard to make it look high fashion but it looks ridiculous and cheap.. I only like the last outfit..

    • Mindy says:

      Indeed, it looks cheap

    • Cherry says:

      IMO, that’s exactly how Anne-Marie Curtis’s review should be interpreted. She didn’t say that it IS high fashion, but ‘an ode to all things high fashion’. It’s a deliciously bitchy comment, if you think of it.

    • Tiffany says:

      “Brilliantly cut bra top” said the review. Nothing I see is even close to a decent cut, much less “brilliant”

  7. LadyMTL says:

    Yeahno, this is definitely not high fashion (and IMHO, it barely qualifies as fashion in the first place). There isn’t one thing in the collection that I like.

  8. RocketMerry says:

    I liked the black and white pants. The rest is average. Good for Rihanna for not completely screwing this up.

  9. lena80 says:

    Her line looks really cheap. Do not like.

  10. Agnes says:


  11. Para_meid says:

    O my God, what an ugly clothes.I wear these at home,where nobody sees me.She whore these things the past few months.AND IS THAT C.BROWNS JACKET, arent they over YET>Pls God let her me INLIGHTNED,amen

  12. Willa says:

    Why,just why.

  13. vvvoid says:

    I may just be a 90s nostalgia addict, but I like the 2nd to bottom ensemble with the black skirt and midriff top. I don’t think I’d ever wear it because the material looks kind of trashy but I actually would like it on Rihanna.

  14. Kizzy says:

    I do not understand you people. Chris Brown is an ass for what he did to her and I think she is also an ass for being violent towards him as well. But you gush about Fassbender when he broke his ex girlfriend’s nose, dragged her alongside a car and she busted a knee-cap, etc. Hey paid her off and she dropped the charges. It annoys me so much how you guys fawn over Fassbender but want to burn Chris at the stake. It’s hypocritical and I will never understand it. SMDH!!!

    • Kizzy says:

      …oh and Rihanna’s clothing line is very disappointing.

    • Katie says:

      When was this?!

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      Kizzy- Was Fassbender thrown in jail? How do you know he paid her off? Links please.

      The woman who claimed he beat her was trying to get 20K from him and charges were eventually dropped. Why? Because there was no proof, and because it was her word against his. I’m not saying he didn’t do it-we don’t know. I’m also not going to assume he did do it, without any proof, particularly when the alleged victim dropped the charges.

      BIG difference here. I always give people the benefit of the doubt, particularly when someone has no history of violence or domestic abuse.
      After seeing pictures of Rianna’s beaten face and seeing Chris Brown continually act out in angry, rage-filled violent incidents-one after another, well I’m not willing to give him that benefit.

    • Toppergem says:

      All clothes are not for all bodies! All designers do not create for every person. I don’t like half of what I see on the runway…but it what the designer feels…buy if you want or not buy it if your want. I applaud anyone who creates anything!!! You put your own talents to work and see who is complaing about your ideas…EVERYONE!!!

      • Kizzy says:

        Was that for me? I would describe talent as constituting some level of imagination, creativity and originality. This line is NOT that. I’m only judging the pics we see in this post – don’t know what the others look like. I sure as hell would be smart enough to know that my ‘contribution’ to the fashion world should be something that has not already been contributed. I would respect it if it was original, regardless of how great or horrible it was. Sorry, try again. 😛

      • LeenB says:

        I don’t like the styling but some of the other stuff I’ve seen I sort of like. I really love those pants, I have to admit.

  15. Para_meid says:

    its not CB’s jacket…

  16. Ailine says:

    Why put your name to half-done stuff? She obviously does not have the time to be a fashion designer. You can see the lack of direction in the clothes. They also lack sophistication and vision. You have to be a visionary to be a great designer.

  17. Ruyana says:

    Somewhere I read that her fashion line was described as “fright night at K-Mart”.

  18. Leda says:

    I think woman whether you like the clothing or not don’t buy it she sends the wrong message to all you girls be a victim of domestic violence and go back some woman or not so lucky

    • T.C. says:

      We are supposed to boycott her stuff because she went back to her abuser? That makes no kind of sense. Boycott rapist, abusers, murders not victims.

      • Marie Antoinette Jr. says:

        I agree with you, but would like to add that buying and wearing these clothes is tantamount to rewarding stupidity.
        So I would say, one might want to boycott this collection because it’s ugly and because Rihanna is a dummy, but maybe not because she’s a masochist? 😉

  19. shanaynay says:


  20. yael says:

    not going to lie – i love the pants in the second photo. i’d wear the hell out of them.

  21. Whiskeylove says:

    Of course Elle UK said that. They’ve just announced her as their ‘April cover star’ on their Facebook page so obviously they’re kissing her ass..

    This is probably the worst celebrity fashion collaboration I’ve ever seen. It’s River Island so it’s aimed mostly at teenagers and collage students but it’s completely unwearable for normal girls. Even the models look bad in them! The only decent thing is what she is wearing.

    Overall verdict; it’s shit.

  22. Relli says:

    River Island, for the high class 90’s hooker in you!

  23. Sapphire says:

    Granny panties in the first photo, what looks like linings without clothes for the rest. FAIL.

  24. Tulip says:

    Those clothes are so average.

  25. Fist Brown is just upset he didn’t throw the bottle at Rihanna first. These clothes look like a nightmare, these two idiots are trash. Ugh.

  26. Pixie says:

    I just CAN’T with Rihanna anymore. At all. I won’t buy any of her clothes or any of her music for the simple fact that she is a TERRIBLE role model. I know she’s come out and said she never wanted to be a role model, doesn’t see herself as a role model etc, but the matter of fact is: her fanbase is full of pre-teens and teenage girls. She is showing these girls that it’s okay to go back to the guy who tried to kill you and it’s not. What a terrible message to send out to impressionable girls. Well done, Rihanna.

    • T.C. says:

      Rihanna is not going around preaching to young girls that abuse is O.K. She’s not making public statements about all abusers are lovely people. Yes she is making a mistake with her own life but she’s not telling anyone else to follow her example. Parents should bring up their kids to look at them as role models not celebrities.

      • Pixie says:

        By going back to Chris Brown she is showing that, it doesn’t matter what a boy does to you, it’s okay to go back to them and they can continue to treat you badly. I agree parents should bring their children up to see them as role models but the fact is more children will perceive Rihanna as a role model than their own parents. This is just my opinion.

      • Marie Antoinette Jr. says:

        She doesn’t have to “preach” it; because she lives it in the public eye every day. At the very least she should have the good sense to at least try and portray herself as someone who has some self respect.
        Even the comments in this thread are testament to the fact that people just don’t want to do business with, buy things from, or associate with people who have no respect for themselves.

        Because people who don’t value themselves, don’t value others either.
        Rihanna doesn’t care about Rihanna, so how could she possibly care about anyone else?

        It’s not so much that she’s a bad person, just a sad person. It’s depressing to watch.

  27. Madriani's Girl says:

    Trashy, tacky and skanky, just like Rihanna.

    Did anyone catch that NY Times Sunday article by Camille Paglia comparing Rihanna to Princess Diana??? REALLY?

    • Marie Antoinette Jr. says:

      Yes. But I’ve been reading her for 20+ years now, and have come to the conclusion that she is essentially the “shock jock” of the academic crowd. LOL. She seems to say outrageous things to continue getting published in the mainstream press. It’s interesting usually, but a lot of it doesn’t always ring true to me.
      Don’t get me wrong, she’s obviously brilliant–but I also think that much of her work is kind of just her thinking out loud…ruminating.
      She publishes it because she can, and who can blame her?

  28. The Original Mia says:

    Tacky & trashy.

  29. Nicolette says:

    Please. I had to stop reading this when I came upon the part that quotes Douche Brown as being so upset that someone threw a bottle at her. He doesn’t understand how anyone could do that. Maybe if they were coming at her with fists like he does, he could relate.

    Give me a f***ing break already with this mess.

  30. Onyx XV says:

    I concur with the general consensus of tacky and trashy. You couldn’t pay me to wear any of those clothes. Except the tie-dye overall thingeys in the last picture. I kinda like those.

  31. That girl says:

    That last model looks a lot like that Karuchue or whatever her name is.

  32. KellyinSeattle says:

    Wow, the clothes are ill-fitted and fugly.

  33. erika says:

    Ohh it’s definitely High Street wear….Streets lined w/ ho hookers who barely cover their butt crack that is..

    what annoys me most about these celebrities who venture off and suddenly (w/out any hard work) produce a fashion line is that they had zero work in it. they hire a team of designers to create a a line for them a;; they do is say ‘like it’ and ‘don;t like it’ ike the kardahsians do

  34. lucy says:

    I don’t care whose name is on the tag, these “clothes” are ugly. Also, the material looks cheap and the models look miserable.

    Perhaps ugly, cheap and miserable is a thing?

  35. Gemini08 says:

    Ugh. It looks like stuff I see her wearing in papps pics. And she always looks like a hobo/hooker to me. No thanks.

  36. skuddles says:

    Bravo RiRi! You’ve just cornered the fashion market for the budget-conscious hooker set!

  37. LMB says:

    Maybe she was high when she ‘designed’it. But this ain’t high fashion.

  38. Asdfg says:

    Ewwww! Why are her teeth brown in the 2nd pic? WTF? o_O

    Some of the clothes are okay! I like the printed slacks and the jumpsuit!

  39. Hakura says:

    Her clothes… Am I the only one who thinks they’re just.. incredibly boring? I mean, nothing the least bit interesting or creative. Just really simplistic.

    They also appear really ‘ill-fitting’ in these pics, but I have to take into account… They were made for human beings, not walking twigs in stilettos.

  40. martin says:

    Heeey!anyone knows where i could buy this cap?! Thank U very much for answers!!:) grettings