Despite what many say, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt do seem to have some kind of family plan. Angelina has made statements about how both of her pregnancies were planned, and that the adoptions of Zahara (in 2005) and Pax (in 2007) were done with an eye towards balancing out their growing brood. Now reports are coming through that Brad and Angelina intend to adopt again, most likely returning to Zahara’s birth place of Ethiopia to adopt a little girl.
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are planning to introduce another addition to their bustling family, according to a new report. The couple – who have three biological children and three adopted children – are said to be jet setting over to Ethiopia at the end of January to finalise the paperwork.
A source tells Grazia magazine, “Brad and Angelina have seen pictures of a two-year-old girl they’d love to adopt.
“If everything goes to plan, Angelina will file papers in person in the capital city of Addis Ababa in the New Year and they will pick up their new daughter two days later.
“Angelina gets a kick from saving kids and giving them this amazing life they would have never had otherwise.
“Yes they might be adding to their family fast but they want all their kids to be roughly the same age so they do the nanny stage and get it over and done with.
“Another kid in the house will make no difference to the noise and chaos they already have.”
Do they only adopt in odd-numbered years now? Angelina has been talking about adopting from Africa again so that Zahara would have a sibling who looked like her, and to give their family some racial balance. That’s what makes me think there could be some truth to this report. Even though I think it’s a little crazy to adopt a new child when they have two 7-month old babies, I’ve heard parents say that once they have three children, increasing the number really doesn’t matter. Something like “just throw another kid onto the pile,” said with a wink and a nod.
Angelina is shown in New Orleans on 10/7/08 with Pax and Maddox. Credit: Fame
“Angelina has been talking about adopting from Africa again so that Zahara would have a sibling who looked like her.”
I’m sorry but that’s the most retarded (sorry, I had to say it and folks know what I mean) excuse I’ve ever heard. Did this not cross her mind when she first decided to adopt an African child?
Does she want babies or bookends?
Somebody stop this woman.
and i bet this two year is beautiful, disease free and happens to have no unsightly issues what so ever.
only the cute and attractive need apply.
sweet ! I love her
I wish they would go live in Ethiopia, and get over themselves..who care where they adopt from next????
good for them should this report be true!
i wish they’d adopt me! they have the means to support as many children as they can!
besides, i think balancing the family out is good… the boys have each other and now Shiloh has her “look a likes”, this potential adoption could bring another danger duo to the tribe!
I know that people will criticize them for increasing the size of their family and for choosing a country based on race, but I think it’s important for Zahara to have someone in her family who looks like her and shares a common origin. And if their family can absorb more children and manage to love and care for them, I say it’s none of anyone’s business how many children they have.
Please move to the backwoods of Ethiopia forever. Thanks.
I think it’s a beautiful thing to adopt a child when so many need a home out there.
And also be aware – as an adoptive parent it is impossible to get the “perfect” child from any country, they all have issues from their life prior and during their time in the orphanage.
not if you are buying them from a third world country.
do you wonder why she always adopts from these countries that are the most corrupt in terms of adoptions. i’m cambodian and work with adopted cambodian kids-i know first hand.
no kids is perfect but you know, there are a lot of disabled and disfigured kids that need to be adopted too.
glad to see all there brood is so attractive to look at.
oh pleeze.
This is extremely bizarre behavior and it will end badly.
If not for Vampira, herself, sooner or later at least one or more of those childrens’ needs—-and probably Brad’s, too, will have to be sacrificed at the altar of her all-consuming, pathological narcissism.
@Monica: “there are a lot of disabled and disfigured kids that need to be adopted too. glad to see all there brood is so attractive to look at.”
Hear! Hear! You tell it.
Kaiser, I’m one of those people that wanted a large family as close in age as I could manage. (first three isn 2.5 yrs two more at a bit more reasonable pace) It’s true that after the third you just embrace the insanity as it were. Not for everyone, but I have no regrets.
As for the ignorant remark about a new child’s health… Zaharah was definitely NOT healthy when Angelina became her mother. Your comment was baseless.
I hope this family keeps on expanding.
@Baho….”babies or bookends” LOL
In their defense, Zahara was quite ill when they brought her home. And most children adopted internationally are reasonably healthy from outward appearances. We have no way of knowing if any of her kids suffered from internal problems post adoption.
Also, I’m calling BS on this report. My husband and I looked in to Ethiopian adoption before deciding to adopt domestically and it’s not as easy as filing papers and picking out a kid two days later. Especially right now – African adoptions are being done very carefully as it’s a reasonably new arena for adoptions.
Zahara wasn’t perfect, didn’t she have rickets from being undernourished?
And maybe I’m just not blinded enough by hatred/worship, but I don’t think the kids are all that attractive. They’re certainly not funny-looking or ugly, but they’re not as pretty as Cindy Crawford’s kids. They all look pretty normal to me.
I have a great idea, because they have so much money why don’t they sponsor children to be adopted by families who couldn’t afford it. That way they could help so many more families. If they keep on adopting their children won’t get the attention that children need to grow into healthy adults. Let’s face it being adopted has it’s own impact on who you are and if your parents keep on adopting and having children you end up getting lost. They could do something that could really impact the world and help families make their dreams come true.
Zahara had rickets, and some other health problems, so she wasn’t perfect. She is cute, but then again, most kids (including disabled ones!) are cute. Fug comes with age most of the time
Whatever the kids life at home is, living with Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt with their ridiculous amount of money is better than being in an orphanage in a third world country. I can’t fault them for doing it.
“Angelina gets a kick from saving kids and giving them this amazing life they would have never had otherwise.”
** shudders **
@Mayi: great idea. I second that.
Angelina has a problem, she’s a child hoarder. Just like people who hoard dogs and cats she must be stopped.
The question really is : will they ever stop? Maybe when they have 20 children it seems.
Mayi: I think that’s a wonderful idea. But it likely won’t happen because the photo opps wouldn’t be nearly as lucrative.
I think it would be better for Brad and Angie to support a community, like Oprah does. This way, at least 40 or more kids will benefit from having clothes, shoes, books, etc. instead of just one child being adopted and given a life of luxury.
Also, I hope they don’t adopt immediately. They have twins who need constant attention at this stage, and the other kids are all under 10 years of age.
Zahara has a mother who is alive and too poor to raise her.
How about- giving money to a community at a third world country – so that the family can actually raise their own- instead of taking away their children from their country and culture and then making money out of them with a pictorial at People and using stories about them when she promotes her movies?
Her children are her biggest business and her PR and image prop, but there are people who are left behind heart-broken and devastated- like Zahara’s real mother.
Had she really wanted to help- she could have helped the medical and health situation and give from her huge resources so that many children like Zahara could stay with their parents.
Oh, and I know about an actress who is helping many families with their sick children.
Not just one child.
and in return- that actress, doesn’t take away the sick children from their families.
Her name is Jennifer and she is actually helping to save the lives of many children and brings a relief to many families- with medical research and treatments.
Angelina should take a note from her.
but they do support a community. they just get more money when they adopt because then they can sell the pictures for “charity”
although, jolie listed the pictures of the twins as part of her income for the year and it has not been donated as of yet. their charity hasn’t even filed since 2006 yet.
why so late? it’s already 2009.
Brangelina must be running out of money and need a new money making cash cow as all of their other children have run their course, and the twins, well angie had to give them back to their rightful owners, they were only loaners afterall
But if they gave money to a community they would not have brochures to carry arounds as posters for their philanthropy. They would not get million dollars deals for the magazine pictures and it would be less interesting to talk about while selling their movies.
After the NYT article about Angelina and manipulations, those pictures looked too too staged. Sad that any human being can manipulate children that extent.
And also be aware – as an adoptive parent it is impossible to get the “perfect” child from any country, they all have issues from their life prior and during their time in the orphanage.
Margot, that statement is really uncalled for. How would you like it if I made jokes about your state, New Jersey and laughed at you because you like Bon Jovi?
Their life, their business. Adoption is a good thing, regardless of who’s doing it. Rather a child gets a chance to live in a home where its loved and cared for than in some orphanage where its options (and life) are limited. And I don’t care how many they adopt, it’s their responsibility not mine or anyone else’s on here although you’d never know it from some of the comments. *eyeroll*
Whoa!! What happened? I thought this board was full of Brangelina supporters? Most of the commenters on this thread and the other Pitt thread seem to be fed up with them.
I hope they adopt many more — good for them!
Families used to be much bigger. You don’t see people who grew up as part of a big brood turning out worse than kids who grew up as single children…
And nothing happened, Attitude, the Angie/Brad supporters are still here. I, for one, just didn’t see any other remarks worth commenting on!
People are just tired of Brangelina. They are fake and phoney and all their charity is self serving and for damage control. I guess the old adage is true, too much of anything is never good. Before there are those who had doubts whether these two had an affair, their recent admissions have turned off many people who were neutral. Now they are trying some damage control. But even if they say they only got together after the divorce, we all know they were jumping naked into bed together long before and their conduct on the set of M and M was well document. How else did those rumours start?
Kim, you’re seriously delusional… LOL
I don’t see them as fake, and I’m not tired of them at all. If anything, I’m tired of having to defend them against ridiculous lies.
That’s a little unfair, Maddox doesn’t have a fellow Cambodian to share his history with, what about an extra Vietnamese kid for Pax?
It’s their business if they want to rescue another little soul from a third world country. They are obviously doing a great job of it. All the kids are happy, loved and well-adjusted. Get over it people. It’s not a bad thing.
I’m with 88Modesty… it’s not that there aren’t Angie and Brad supporters here (or supporters of ANYONE who gives philanthropically) it’s just that there’s no way to respond to a bunch of hate-filled, irrational, and un-true comments. *shrugs* have at it.
I have to say this and I am sure I will be critized but….when you look for a mate part of what attracts you is their appearance. Why not when adopting? I understand that children of all health, looks and needs need homes but they are the ones providing it. If they want a child with one eyebrow and purple hair it is their choice. When I was pregnant I prayed for my children to be perfect in every way. Who doesn’t? When given the choice that is what you go for. Instead of people complaining that this family is adopting children maybe everyone should just be semi positive and think it is a good thing that someone somewhere is taking responsibility for a child that wasn’t cared for before.
I agree with Ned and petitmonde. That’s great that Oprah supports whole communities.
Wouldn’t it be kinder to reunite poor families whose kids are only in orphanages because of the family’s desperate financial straits with some financial support and only adopt the ones who are really alone in the world?
Plus the photo ops would be spectacular. AJ could visit the community and be photographed surrounded by a throng of adoring villagers instead of just her kids.
how the hell is Kim delusional?
ok, not all adoptions are wonderful.
some adoptions result on sex abuse and slavery.
not that i’m saying the brangelina do this but just want to clarify that not all adoptions are wonderful.
i am also not one of those people who think every kid is good looking, disabled or not. thank you.
the 21st century mia farrow?
for all the haters regarding AJ/BP potentially adopting….. i ask you this, what have you done recently for any child in need? have you donated your time? money? clothing? ANYTHING?!
oprah has a village, great!
these two have a hoard of children, great!
before you talk trash about others, take a look at yourself. (and yes, i’m a big sister, mentor, and give whatever i can when i can. the time it takes to hate, can be used to do good for someone else. it’s about balance.
I guess being poor, starving and living with rats in America just isn’t good enough for these ‘concerned’ Hollywood adoptive parents because there’s this underlying perception it’s the child’s fault.