LeAnn Rimes, Twitter warrior: ‘Name calling and twitter rants are so 2012.’

Before we get to the (sigh) Twitter Dramz, first let’s discuss this new LeAnn Rimes interview with Entertainment Tonight. Sidenote: why is ET all up on LeAnn’s jock lately? This is like the third big exclusive interview she’s given them in six months. Anyway, LeAnn is promoting her album SPITFIRE and of course she talks about her affair with Eddie Cibrian because that’s all she thinks about/talks about/lives for. LeAnn was asked about the affair and whether she prays for forgiveness and LeAnn said: “I’ve definitely asked for forgiveness … on a daily basis. We are human beings who are going to sin and make mistakes and if you have that connection, for me, is something that I feel is bigger than me, it’s not something that’s unusual to do.” She also talks about how “intense” her relationship with Eddie is and “If I had to, I hope I’d find that again, but it seems like I would never.” Which is a weird way to think about it, but sure.

CB thought LeAnn sounded drunk. I think she just sounds like typical LeAnn though – everything is always all about LeAnn. By the way, I’m including a photo of Brandi Glanville wearing an Alexander McQueen scarf from a few months ago. Go back and look at LeAnn’s scarf in the interview. Cough.

So, what about the Twitter drama? Well, as we covered a few days ago, Brandi got on Twitter to bitch about the fact that she couldn’t get a hold of her sons while they were with Eddie and LeAnn. LeAnn took to Twitter and perpetuated the drama like an a—hole. And so then this happened:

And then LeAnn tweeted this:

Which… sigh. I think LeAnn just poked the bear. We can nit-pick about whether Brandi should air her grievances on Twitter, but can we agree that Brandi has legitimate grievances? And can we agree that LeAnn continues to completely mishandle very sensitive issues involving the custody of these two boys?

And finally, here’s a Vine video that will haunt your nightmares:

Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.

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174 Responses to “LeAnn Rimes, Twitter warrior: ‘Name calling and twitter rants are so 2012.’”

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  1. HotPockets says:

    The other night my husband and I were looking through the newspaper and in the concert section there was an ad for Leann Rimes and a show of hers coming through town, my husband says to me “Ugh, who knew Leann Rimes was still alive and performing, I haven’t heard her name in ten years.” I then proceeded to tell him how much she is hated online and how she has the worst boob job in history, he didn’t seem interested, but I thought it was funny.

    I think Leann looks a lot better live than in pictures. She isn’t a bad looking girl, certainly not breathtaking, but she doesn’t photograph well to save her life.

    • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

      I just watched that little clip and thought how unattractive she is in “real time.” the photos actually make her look better than a moving picture. Her skin and joker mouth look especially bad in that video.

      • Bex says:

        Ok, this is a serious question. If a child is brought up by someone who is unable to make facial expressions due to fillers botox etc, does it affect how they develop? I mean are they missing out on being able to read and understand facial expressions? Children react so strongly to smiles and silly faces, if their carer cannot make those faces does the child grow up lacking empathy or something?

      • Lulu says:

        @bex: That is an excellent question! I know that for myself, it used to look really ‘off’ to me when a person smiled hugely but their eyes didn’t crinkle. Now it seems normal.

        I do know lots of kids who lack affect when speaking though. No sort of facial expressions ever, and very monotone lifeless voices. Thankfully my daughter is not at all like this, but I will admit to Botoxing a few times when she was younger.

      • karmasabiatch! says:

        Yeah, no neck and scary Joker-face combines to make a person’s neck and head look like a thumb. Blech.

        Which I would never say about someone who looks as bad as LR, but her inner ugliness and treatment of Brandi as a mother just brings out the nasty in me.

        If NeighAnn wasn’t such a narcissistic, hateful person, different story altogether. Does this girl have any positive attributes whatsoever? I’m not a mom, but my hat is off to Brandi for having to live with all the cray where her children are concerned. 🙁

      • nc_magnolia says:

        @ karmas and MDIT…

        Would we even be snarking at her physical shortcomings if LeAnn (NeighAnn, hahaha, good one) showed any worth as a “bonus mom” or a decent human being? I hardly think so.

        I’m not a Brandi fan either (nor am I a mom), but please, she makes herself such a target. It is her job as a stepmother to raise Brandi up in her children’s eyes, not tear her down. They will hate her for this when they’re older.

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        Yeaaaahhh, I’m pretty sure people (but maybe not you guys) would still be snarking on her looks.

        Go look at the Aniston thread if you don’t believe me. For whatever reason, it’s always open season on some celebs for body/face snarking.

      • Myriam says:

        I thought the SAME thing. What’s more bizarre is that, in the ET clip, when it shows her and her ex, she actually looks good. Well better than she does now. It’s so weird. What the fuck did she do to make herself look shit ugly?

    • Relli says:

      I too use my husband as a barometer of how real celebrity news is. The person he is most up to date on is Kitty Killer but only because of her love of pro athletes.

    • nhi says:

      hey guys, check this out.. i was kinda shocked when i saw it.. and maybe i’m not… idk… leann is a psycho!


    • JrzGrl says:

      Both are ridiculous..Was Team Brandy until I heard her on Howard Stern–lost EVERY ounce of sympathy for her then.. She needs to try putting her kids first!!!

  2. PinkG says:

    These 2 idiots need to grow up, and the kids need to be placed in a decent, non confrontational home.

  3. Jenna says:

    That first picture is so entertaining. That is all.

  4. Rita says:

    Why is it that the first thing liars, cheaters, adulterers, bullies, and taunters do when they’re trying to sell something is say “don’t judge” and drag God into the mess? Unless these sociopaths are from South Carolina (See Gingrich, Sandford, et al) people see them for what they are.

    I suppose LeAnn understands the music world has completely forgotten about her one hit so any name-recognition publicity will sell a couple of albums….in South Carolina.

    Prediction: Even though the songs already released from the album have been a total failure, as was the UK album release, it will debut high in the rankings for a couple weeks until LeAnn stops buying her own music, then no-wheres-ville.

    • brin says:

      Rita, does she have that much $ left to buy all those cds?

    • nomorerimes says:

      Maybe it’s time for us to start a boycott of any Wal-Mart that sells her CD. I plan on calling the ones in my area to let them know I will not shop there anymore if they sell her disgusting CD.

    • SCgirl says:

      Are you from SC? Is there a reason you’re generalizing the entire state?

      • JenD says:

        She probably meant to generalize the whole South, since Gingrich is from GA…unless y’all want to claim him. We’d gladly give him to ya. 🙂

      • MrsB says:

        I know right?! I’ve lived in SC my whole life and I honestly don’t know anybody who likes Gingrich, Sanford or Leann Rimes for that matter!

      • SleepyJane says:

        Leann probably went to SC once, so now it’s tainted for her.

  5. Erinn says:

    What… what has she done to her face?

    That vine video was terrifying. But something is majorly up with her face. Is dental work code for plastic surgery now?

  6. aims says:

    If it’s apart of their custody agreement that Brandy can call her boys at a certain time, then it needs to be honored. Again, Leeann is putting her nose into something that isn’t her business. Also, is Twitter wars are so 2012, how about dropping the lawsuit against that women? She is beyond sick, and her album is going to tank. When it does tank, grab your popcorn because she will really become unhinged.

  7. brin says:

    Did her PR person quit along with her road manager, “stylist” and “friend”?

    • Cam S says:

      So if Leann can’t pay her makeup artist, is he still considered her “bestie”? So transparent that she has to pay for everyone in her life (including a ready made family). She has ZERO self awareness.

  8. Joy says:

    They both need to settle down in the worst way.

  9. paola says:

    I still can’t decide what she has done to her face. what i know is that she really is ugly.

  10. truthful says:

    I am sooo willing to bet Eddie was OUT,

    and once Brandi tweeted him, Stepmammy HAD to put them on the phone.

    geeze can Eddie not have any peace, while he is out trying to size up a bunch of broads??

    Eddie calls his current wife and says “I’m in meetings, (winkwink) WTH is going on?, let the boys call their mom, this is getting on my nerves now!


    • candigirl says:

      I Agree! When he is out cheating, she amps up the crazy and takes it out on Brandi and the boys. Last week she was in Nashville w/o him, and wore brown contacts and styled her hair like Brandi for interviews. This week she’s keeping the kids from calling Brandi to taunt her and copying her wardrobe again. She’s so obviously crazy and a stalker. Eddie has married his very own psychopath to terrify his family.

  11. Shelley says:

    It must eat her up that Brandi is sooo much hotter than she is and is famous because of her whorish ways

    • Morgan says:

      I’m sure LeAnn’s biggest problem is that Brandi became celebrity on her own. She clearly can’t deal with it. In LeAnn’s twisted mind she is the biggest star. She can’t stand competition.

      • muffin says:

        brandi- a celebrity? LMAO!

        seriously, both of them are laughing stock, and pathetic. their public tweeting negates any legitimacy either may have to their side or argument.

  12. Lee says:

    Well being a washed up, dried up, has been country star is so 1997.

    Also, LeAnn looks so plastic-y in the interview she might as well stamp MADE IN CHINA on her butt and be done with it.

    And no, Brandi should not be engaging via Twitter. Take EC&LR to court and discuss times with the judge where they have to be available to take your calls so you can speak with your sons. If they miss the calls and haven’t previously discussed it with you, then they start losing rights with the boys. Legal action, not Twitter action. Boom (or whatever)

  13. JillyRo says:

    Haha, my husband said same thing about L-A when we saw ET the other night. “Geez, is she still around? Wasn’t she some singer way back when?” and then “Was she always this hard on the eyes?” And he too knew nothing about her daily drama.

    • SRM says:

      I wish there was a “like” button on here for comments.

    • Christin says:

      I heard a similar comment about her relevance (or lack thereof) recently. There are still people who know little to nothing about her since the late 1990s.

  14. Rita says:

    It seems as though LeAnn is home alone with Brandi’s children while Eddie is out of town doing whatever he’s doing…or who ever he’s doing.

    The custody agreement states that if one parent is unable to be with the children during a custody day, then the other parent is to have them. So, what is LeAnn doing with Brandi’s children?

    • nomorerimes says:

      Absolutely! Those boys should NEVER be alone with LR and if EC is out of town, they should be with Brandi! It is crazy allowing those kids to be with LiaR even with EC around–but totally beyond belief and common sense that they are with LR alone! Time for action!

    • Nana says:

      Rita Brandi just found out EC was out of town, no one told her, sadly it was her fans on twitter who told her. B needs to speak to her lawyer, something needs to be done. What people don’t understand, the lawyers are Leanns, it’s her money, not EC. Le controls EC, until they divorce and they will, B is gonna have a battle with these two.

    • candigirl says:

      Brandi needs to take back her own power. Have someone she trusts monitor Leann’s twitter to see when EC is there. It’s a sure bet he isn’t when LR paps herself at bball w/o him. Then show it to the lawyers, discreetly. Keep your power, even if it means you have to be patient and not contact kids when you want. Document everything.
      Brandi can’t ever (no matter how much crap LR pulls) put this stuff on Twitter. It amps up Leann’s psycho act and is bad for the boys. Brandi needs to document all the stuff like two days ago when LR was driving the boys around after just having had mouth surgery and anesthesia. Document everything and give it to the attorneys. But stop engaging LR or Eddie on Twitter. Leann lives to get Brandi’s attention and to hurt her, especially now that Eddie is gone on set and cheating. Brandi needs to get a friend army to help document this stuff then give it to the attorneys.
      Brandi stop giving Leann power over you. Stay cool, have patience and take back your power.

    • Lulu says:

      Not unless it’s specifically stated in the custody agreement. When the boys are officially with dad, he can leave them whenever and with whomever he chooses. I’ve seen this actual scenario play out with a girlfriend who is an attorney. She was babysitting her boyfriends kids and mom called, so of course they chatted with her and said they were with daddy’s girlfriend, but “Daddy was out”. Mom called the cops. The cops came, and were embarrassed, because there was nothing to be done.

      • claire says:

        Brandi has stated several times that is part of her custody agreement. If Eddie is out of town, Leann does not get the kids. Brandi does.

      • Lulu says:

        If that is true, than why does Brandi not act like she knows the answer to her own question? At any rate, if that is the case, than she has legal recourse.

  15. JenniferJustice says:

    Those chin implants are gross. She looks so fake. She only made bad even worse – better to leave it all alone. And yeah, the scarf, again with the SWFing. What a skank! Hate her so much now. Used to have all her CD’s. Now, she grosses me out – just as a person. And no, not everybody sins in that way. It is the human condition to think things we know we shouldn’t and that is where people who truly try to live right have the biggest problem – retraining our thought process. But acting on such thoughts is so much worse and frankly, not something any real God-fearing person would do. So, don’t try to say that we all do that b/c we don’t. Just the narcissists in the world.

  16. Love and life says:

    Ugg she so got hit with an ugly stick.

  17. needsmeds says:

    Yes, Brandi has legitimate grievances. She shouldn’t engage these two nitwits on twitter but dammit I can relate as I’m not always rational when it comes to my child’s safety either. My ex knows he needs to pick up the phone when I call for my son or he’s gonna deal with my crazy. Eddie Cibrian needs to get off his ass and stop this BS.

    • claire says:

      I feel bad for Brandi. We all see how psycho Leann is through her Twitter and interviews – I can only imagine how bad she is in real life, off Twitter. I do not envy Brandi in any way, shape or form that she has to deal with this nutjob. It’s gotta be so stressful.

      I’m not saying it’s right that she has these emotional outbursts, but I understand where it comes from. Plus, she unfairly gets targeted in the news stories, so Twitter is her way to share her side. It’s just all so messy. I do understand though where she’s coming from. Leann makes our blood boil and we are only all watching from afar!

      • Deanne says:

        Exactly, we see the public behaviour and it is atrocious. Imagine the private behaviour that we aren’t a party to. The thought of it is nightmare inducing. Even looking at LeAnn’s eyes you can see that she’s not “right”. There is something dead and cruel behind those eyes.

      • claire says:

        I know! And now that she has the plastic surgery joker face, she’s even more insane and evil-looking. Her nastiness really does come through in her face.

  18. Samigirl says:

    She is only allowed to call between 7-7:30?!?! Are you SERIOUS? I would LOVE for a judge to tell me I can only contact my child/ren for that half hour window. Absolutely not. I feel so bad for Brandi! No wonder she kind of flipped out!

  19. Pandora says:

    Vine has always horrified me, and that took it to a whole new level. If miss Piggy had an evil twin (because she makes miss piggy look positively balanced) SquintAnn would be it.

    Serious case of celebrity induced arrested development.

  20. SRM says:

    I just recently got on Twitter and I find it a very odd thing. Either I am too old or too normal for it but it’s definitely entertaining. The amount of crazies either super supporting or super hating on both sides is really sad. I don’t get it.

    Anyway, it’s a shame that after 4 years this is still all she has to talk about. She really does have a beautiful voice and it’s being wasted on this drivel. And that vine, hilarious still pic of her before it starts. I hope her album fails here. Maybe it will be a wake-call to her that she just needs to stop.

  21. SouthernGal says:

    LeAnn is one dumb b*tch. No other words. You have an album out in two weeks yet you do nothing positive to promote it. People may think Brandi is childish for calling her and EC out on Twitter but honestly they should be embarassed. Brandi is the TRUTH and I am glad she put their fake asses on blast.

    Seems Brandi is always compromising for her kids but those two lames make it difficult for her. When is enough…enough?

    And if anyone believes EC was home all week think again. She can’t sleep because he’s off doing cocktail waitresses in the Hidden Hills. Her life is pathetic and KARMA is doing her job. After this cd flops so will her fake “happy life”.

  22. Macey says:

    That video made me so grateful for my Adblock plus. She is just so evil looking I cant bear to look at her.

    I wish people would stop telling Brandi to stop airing her problems on twitter when that is the ONLY way she has to get hold of them or get their attention. LR does NOT respond to anything else. I dont blame her at all for being livid about the kids being alone with LR. If its in the custody agreement that they stay with their mom when their dad isnt around then that is the rule LR needs to follow. LR really needs to get it thru her evil little head that she is NOT their mother and has no parental rights what so ever.
    At some point, hopefully sooner than later, Brandi needs to just quit bitching and bite the bullet and get a lawyer to end this BS. You can tweet about it all you want but if it really concerns you then you have to actually do something about it. In this case, get a freaking lawyer to make sure they uphold their part of the agreement. No way would I ever trust my kids alone with her. Brandi has enough proof of LR’s inappropriateness around the boys that she shouldnt have any problem stipulating that she can not be alone with them.

    • MoxyLady007 says:

      I wish that Brandi could subpoena the pap who Leann calls all the time. They had issue with Brandi having the boys on tv and yet Leann parades them around for the world to see ANC tweets their locations and the names of their schools!

      • lem says:

        and has f*cking video of the youngest on her vine account. i don’t understand how that is not worse than the TV stuff.

    • Lulu says:

      She still needs to get off Twitter, because if Eddie and LeAnn are not following the custody agreement, she has legal recourse and doesn’t need to make it a public fight. When she publicly antagonizes them, they will ultimately only get worse because of their embarrassment, like it or not. Because they are just those kind of people.

  23. Deanne says:

    LeAnn has ZERO legal say in the lives of the boys but because Eddie is a paid for piece and allows it, she behaves as if Brandi is under her authority when it comes to the kids. Her Vine account makes her look like she’s on some sort of narcotic as her behaviour and speech seem off and altered. She’s seems devoid of morals and hell bent on establishing herself as the biggest witch of a stepmother alive. Does she ever consider that fact that if something happens to Eddie or he leaves her, she’l have no right to see the boys ever again? Somehow, I don’t think that has ever entered her mind. Brandi probably shouldn’t tweet about it, but imagine her frustration. It would be infuriating and devastating to deal with a psycho like LeAnn and know your children are at her mercy.

  24. Nerd Alert says:

    You seem to cough so much when you write the LeAnn posts. Allergic to something?

    Anyway, if the boys really are alone with LeAnn a lot, Brandi’s sh-t fit is pretty tame IMO.

  25. OK says:

    So, about 2 months ago when her album was supposed to drop, she cried about the affair and she couldn’t help herself and she wasn’t sorry for the affair.

    Now, that her album is supposed to drop for the second time, she’s sorry and asks for forgiveness everyday.

    She is truly delusional! Her emotional maturity is still at 15 yrs. old. No grown ass woman continues to try to explain herself or discuss something so horrible as cheating on your spouse! Hey say what you want about Angelina and Brad , but they at least didn’t go on tv and twitter to “explain” their actions…ugh…I just can’t with this woman.

    • Christin says:

      Isn’t it interesting that one would claim to ask for forgiveness daily, yet be promoting material supposedly based on the self-chosen drama for which one is asking forgiveness? I am not judging; just making an observation.

      Most of the well-known couples who ended up together following alleged affairs don’t keep tweeting, giving interviews, writing songs or scripts about it.

  26. Cam S says:

    Does Leann ever NOT talk about her adultery? It’s almost as if she were proud… I guess it is either her biggest accomplishment to date or the only thing that makes her relevant anymore. I’ve NEVER seen an affair that happened years ago, be discussed this much.

    I think the best revenge for someone is for them to get a taste of their own “medicine”. Leann would NEVER abide by Ed cheating and another woman Mothering HER kids, stalking etc.

    • needsmeds says:

      But you guys- her body wouldn’t LET her stop!!!

      And anyone calling out Brandi here for wanting to talk to her kids needs to take a look at the demented sickness that is Rimes’ twitter feed. Would you want this crazy around your kids? Thought not.

  27. Iyanla says:

    She has tweeted TO Brandi, attacking her and accusing Brandi of lying all morning. Leanns first tweet of the day was about packing lunches for Brandi’s kids. She needs to stop tormenting Brandi. Its sickening, I feel for Brandi and totally got Brandi’s back on this. Twitter is lame but Leann is harrassing Brandi and Brandi vents on twitter, so be it, it doesnt change the fact that Leann is harrassing and terrorizing Brandi with emotional abuse. Leann harrassing and abusing Brandi and using the kids as pawns and I just can’t stomach to watch this trainwreck anymore. Its too sad and heartbreaking to see these two losers destroy this woman, Brandi’s life, for no good reason.

  28. Amanda says:

    Why doesn’t Brandi leave her kids and Eddie alone when they are spending their time together? Seriously, let the kids spend time with their dad, uninterrupted… without mommy intruding. Then, Brandi can have time with her kids uninterrupted when they are with her. Seems kinda simple to me.

    It seems like both parents use the kids and this custody arrangement to attention-whore on twitter and get gossip blog coverage.

    • betty says:

      Amanda that is a mothers right to call her kids. When your kids are not with you on a daily basis you should be able to call them and say goodnight or how was your day. Parenting is a 24 hr job it does not stop because they are housed elsewhere. It shows a mothers concern for her children. Even grown kids call their parents daily or more often and so do some parents it depends on the relationship and Brandi appears to have a good relationship with her children.

    • kpoodle says:

      Problem with that is…Dad was in Canada. So they weren’t “spending time with Dad” if he was out of the country. Brandi probably put two and two together and realized Eddie wasn’t there, decided she wanted answers and started calling. LeAnn knew all along that Brandi would figure it out. She was waiting for that call and when it came she didn’t answer.

    • msw says:

      I could never go two weeks without talking to jy girls. It would kill me just to go two weeks without seeing them. And, more importantly, it is hard on the kids to go that long without talking to either parent and can cause some pretty serious belated attachment issues.

  29. betty says:

    If there was a custody agreement that Brandi could call between certain times , why doesn’t Eddie honor it. Brandi tweeted she answers whenever Eddie calls Appears to be more of Leann rule. Leann self esteem must be really low to ego trip over something so trivial. It is obvious there is no co parenting going on in this drama but if it continues the kids will be belligerent and will listen to none of the grownups. Eddie Cibrian MAN UP your children future is at stake and you will regret it later. Boys need a strong father figure to be productive men and Eddie is not measuring up. Speaking of twitter rants hers are the one most noticeable she goes at it 24/7.

    • brin says:

      That’s all Leann’s got, twitter is her life.
      Guess those three days of tweehab didn’t take.

  30. Izzy says:

    Brandi needs a better lawyer. MeAnn needs to get her own style and stop SWF-ing Brandi. It’s just creepy.

  31. Mia says:

    These children are 6 and 9 years old. If I had children that age and wasn’t able to reach them for an hour, I would be freaking out too. And when is someone going to train “bogus” mom Lehorse to stay in her lane? The OTHER parent of these children, Eddie, should have acted like a responsible man and father for once and responded to Brandi’s tweet about not being able to contact her children, not her. Like on what planet does she think it’s her place to get involved?

    It’s time for Brandi to go back to court and reassess their custody arrangement and teach these idiots a lesson. This is not a functional or healthy way to co-parent two children. There is no reason that Brandi doesn’t have multiple DIRECT forms of communication with Eddie from his phone numbers to his personal e-mail. She should not be relegated to having hit or miss communication with her two young children through personal assistants and a magicjack or twitter. It’s absurd! And Lemann should never flap her horse teeth about those children or anything having to do with their custody or well being again.

    • Dimebox says:

      I agree with you completely. And it would not surprise me at all if the boys have asked their mother to please call them when they are spending the night away from her. They are young and especially if their Dad is leaving them alone with his current wife, they need the security of hearing their Mom’s voice. Because Leanne is only his current wife, aka the next ex Mrs Eddie Cibrian. Brandi will always be their mother. That’s not for sale.

  32. judyjudy says:

    I’m beginning to question the sanity of anyone who still follows the drama of these two, myself included.

    • Iyanla says:

      Yea. This was it for me. Its too painful to watch this trainwreck! Leann’s behavior is cruel and its disgusting! It really hits a nerve in me that this can happen to someone and Leann can terrorize another woman without any repercussions.

    • Amanda says:

      @moxylady007. I am a mom. I also have divorced parents. We led a drama free life growing up in which we spent time with both our mom and dads families without the other parent calling and harassing. My mom and dad both remarried and had new families and we were able to simply enjoy our time with each family, without the negativity and neediness of either parent trying o take up the other parents time with us kids. You call someone and don’t get a call back within an hour, so you lose your mind and start blasting away on twitter??? That sounds crazy to me and I feel for the kids that are obviously put in the middle. I hope they are in counseling.

      • msw says:

        But that isn’t the case here. One party isn’t sticking to the agreement, which involves MINIMAL daily contact, from the look of things. I’m not divorced myself, but it made me nuts just to watch my brother’s family go through this same kind of bs with my niece when she was small, before she realized daddy was tormenting mommy by using her as a pawn in a really stupid chess game. Unncompromised time is really important, but that goes for both parties– brandi also deserves the unadulterated time she was promised. It’s not that hard to make sure the kids are available for a half hour before bed each eveningm

  33. Hannah says:

    My favourite bit is when Brandi says she answers whenever dad calls.

    I’m sure it’s just a case of “The phone gets answered whenever Eddie calls the kids” but written well enough that if Leann decides to over-analyse: “Eddie calls my phone a lot”

  34. Decloo says:

    Wow, she looks like Candy Spelling in that second pic.

  35. MAC says:

    I know this might sound silly but does Eddie actually have a job? Did he work on anything in 2012?

  36. Tammy says:

    Am I the only one that doesn’t like Brandi Glanville either? She’s just as annoying as Leann and she also has kept this nonsense alive. Yes, Leann cheated on her husband and had an affair with Eddie. Yes, Leann is a child & constantly starts crap with Brandi. Why does Brandi engage her, at all? Please she tweeted Eddie and didn’t think Leann wouldn’t respond. And if she is only allowed to call between 7 & 7:30 pm, she needs to get better attorneys.

    • judyjudy says:

      I don’t care for her either.

    • ya says:

      Ya completely agree – they’re both equally annoying. BG perhaps even more so actually.

      • Tammy says:

        I agree with you wholeheartedly. At first I was more than sympathetic to Brandi because Eddie cheated & humiliated her (he could have picked a much better looking woman, lol) but now it’s just old. She is so much better off without that slime, so why does she even engage either one of them? I wouldn’t be using twitter to get a hold of the father of my kids if that was me. I would simply leave a message saying that once again the phone call with the kids was missed and if it keeps happening you will be hearing from my attorneys. I am beginning to think Brandi enjoys the attention.

    • Jaye says:

      I understand her frustration with the situation AND her need to vent, but she does herself no favors by doing it on Twitter. It just unnecessarily fans the flames of drama and that’s exactly what LR thrives on. If Brandi complains on Twitter it just gives LR the ammunition to say “see, I’m just trying to be a good bonus mom and this is what I get for my trouble”. I think that ANY time LR and EC violate the terms of their custody agreement, Brandi should be documenting each violation and taking that info to her lawyer so it can be addressed in family court. But Brandi is emotional and volatile and that doesn’t serve her well. I mostly like her but she’s not really doing anything to help herself.

  37. shannon says:

    ya, you can def. tell she’s had work done in that last picture. looks like she’s had some cheek implants too. Leann is CRAZY, but she was a cute girl/woman until she jacked herself up. i wonder if she and Kim K. sadly stare at pictures of their former selves. Such a waste of natural beauty IMO.

  38. anon says:

    ok i just went through her vine posts. there’s quite a few, probably between 40 and 50. she’s got everyone in them, her crew and friends, family, her STEPSONS, she’s taken videos of her home and even at her stepson’s little league game, yet there is not ONE spotting of eddie. anywhere. in any video. wtf?! and why is she allowed to take her stepson to his baseball game alone? brandi doesn’t send them over their dad’s house to be alone with their stepmom. that’s just wrong. what is eddie doing that he can’t take his son to little league the ONE day he actually has him?

    • SouthernGal says:

      He’s been in Toronto since the 21st. Someone tweeted they saw him at the airport on May 21st and then today he visited a gym in Toronto and the trainer took at pic with him.

      • Jayna says:

        This is what Brandi should be addressing. If Eddie isn’t there, why does Leann have them. Mind-blowing.

        Brandi carrying on on Twitter about not reaching her kids for an hour just helps put LeAnn in a better light, that Brandi loves the drama on twitter. One hour is nothing. We all know LeAnn plays games, but Brandi always makes scenes about the wrong thing in the public forum that make her look like a drama queen. It wasn’t two hours, three hours. One hour and Brandi is on twitter.

      • anon says:

        literally 20 mins after i posted this comment she made a vine where eddie appeared for all of .2 seconds. the back of his head, but him nonetheless. has he been in toronto for a month? because she’s been seen at jake’s bball games alone with him for a weeks now. i understand she is their stepmother and she does play a role in their lives, don’t get me wrong. but for her to be taking care of them solo is just weird. when divorce happens and custody arrangements ensue, it’s never really a part of the plan for the new stepparent to be taking care of the children on their own during the exes allotted time with the children.

    • SouthernGal says:

      Jayna…I agree but Brandi also said that she has a set time to call which is between 7-7:30p. When she called there was no answer (Majic Jack unplugged). She tried calling the alloted time they gave her but LeAnn wanted to be a bitch. If you look at her Twitter line, the exact same time Brandi was trying to call…LeAnn was tweeting.

      Brandi did not know Eddie was out of town until yesterday when someone made her aware that he was in fact in Toronto. That’s when the “drama” ensued. As a mother, I would be livid as well. LeAnn should not be alone with those kids because she isn’t a parent. If Eddie is working those kids should be with their Mom…not carted off to grandparents or nannies..THEIR MOM!

      Hopefully, Brandi takes action because as stupid as LeAnn is..it is well documented Eddie wasn’t present which means the custody agreement was violated.

      Also, sometimes to get psychos like LeAnn to pay attention you have to pubically embarass them. She immediately got a phone call from her boys after that initial tweet to Eddie (keep in mind she didn’t tweet LeAnn).

    • Jessi says:

      Eddie was in the mother’s day drive clip and the lunch date with hot guy clip.

  39. Vanessa says:

    This Eddie exit plan he allows Leann to do these interview because he know. All it does is cause more harm than good so the world know she crazy. And unstable and when he leave for another women he is going to use this excuse why he had many affairs and no one is going to pity Leann. Because she brought all of this on herself I don’t get why people are stilling blaming Brandi she is not the one doing interviews after interviews. Brandi has kept her promise but she flip out when Leann was playing game which I understand. I don’t understand why Brandi boys are there when their father is out of town Brandi needs to take him to court.

    • kpoodle says:

      I agree. I think this is part of Eddies exit plan. I do believe this is just the beginning of the end for LeAnn and Eddie. It’s gonna get ugly… well,for LeAnn at least.

  40. littlestar says:

    I like Brandi and all, but why isn’t she taking this to her lawyer instead of airing it on Twitter?

  41. hatekyle says:


  42. Leslie says:

    I think Brandi should make it clear through legal recourse that there should be no pap pictures of her boys and no tweet from LeAnn about them. EVER. LeAnn is using those boys in ways that endanger their lives. She’s telling the whole world of their whereabouts–what time they’re going to a game, and tipping off the paps is even worse. Does she not have one ounce of common sense? Those kids could be kidnapped and held for ransom by some nut case who knows LeAnn has money.

    • Jaye says:

      Well now, that’s just good sense and we know LeeAnn would never let good sense interfere with her famewhoring.

  43. Emily says:

    Love’s not hard unless 1) the person you love is a douche 2) the person you love is in a committed monogamous relationship with someone else 3) you don’t actually love this person but are trying really really hard to convince yourself you do.

    LeAnn is still obsessing over the time she was having an affair with Eddie because she was infatuated with him then. If she stopped living her life in the past, she’d have to admit to herself that she doesn’t give a toss about Eddie.

    • Jaye says:

      My take is that he was a prize to be won. Now that she has him, she may not give a toss about him, but she damn sure isn’t going to give anyone the satisfaction of being right about his cheating ass.

      • needsmeds says:

        I agree with this and @Emily too. Leann’s too self absorbed to actually give a rats ass about anyone else.

        What an effed up way to live.

  44. Lesalou says:

    I feel for Brandi and having to deal with Leann psycho Grimes. Brandi does need to lawyer up and make sure Leann and Eddie are not allowed to continue papping these boys out. Eddie is as sorry an excuse for a Father as he is a husband. Why does he allow his second wife to insert herself in he and Brandi’s children’s lives? No way should she have those kids when he is not there. Just wish Leann would hurry up and get pregnant and then discover Eddie has been cheating on her. Then let him leave her and get with someone richer than Leann who tries to take her place as Mother. That will be the perfect karma for Leann.

  45. char says:

    Whatever happened to Le’s best friend LIZZIE, you all know, the one who was best friends with Brandi until the divorce. O well, maybe shes in Toronto with eddie

  46. Leslie says:

    If I were in Brandi’s shoes, my attorney would be checking LeAnn’s phone records to see how many times she’s called or texted the paps. They don’t need her phone–just the record of her phone activity. And I’d also have my attorney monitoring and screen capping LeAnn’s Twitter account to keep track of all her tweets about the boys and the photos she posts of them. But that’s me. I would NOT put up with this crazy ass drama from LeAnn if it involved my kids.

    • Jessi says:

      Here Here!! I was a BBer but Brandi’s inability to give a sh!t enough to DO SOMETHING really frustrates me. You don’t need to wait until your bank account is equal to the rival. Brandi has plenty of legal recourse, like you said she can expose Leann by subpoena’ing the pap and get the pap friend to testify under oath. But she indicated once that shes used to the paps and basically shrugged it off as to say she doesn’t care about Leann calling the paps. If it were me, as a mother I would care a GREAT DEAL and would blow her out of the water. Brandi can completely neutralize many of the things Leann does and force her to stop, but she just doesn’t seem to give a sh!t what Leann does to her kids. I’ve had it with Brandi, I am so disappointed and gobsmacked that she so totally doesn’t seem to be assed into caring or acting on anything Leann does. It hit me that Brandi does not care about her kids at all. Thats a horrible thing to say but I can’t think of any other reason Brandi does absolutely nothing about all of Leann’s antics when they concern her children. She just doesn’t seem to give a sh!t. I just can’t with Brandi any more.

      • Jezi says:

        Do you think it’s cheap to have a lawyer on hand at every turn? It does cost money. She spent thousands just fighting to get her boys on the show in the background. Leann spends about $900 an hour trying to sue the Smiley teacher and hasn’t seemed to run out of money or run out of steam on that. Brandi uses her lawyer when she can but its not as easy as everyone thinks it is.

  47. RHONYC says:

    “I think LeAnn just poked the bear.”


    yo Kaiser! we are psychic twins,lol!!! 😯

    i swear after reading 2 of Bran’s tweets i thought to myself “this bitch is poking a bear at the zoo and she’s not gonna quit until her Falkor face get mauled off!”

    this thirsty SWF attention-hoe just won’t ever learn, will she? smh 🙄

  48. Lexi says:

    Coming from her thats hilarious

  49. TheTruthHurts says:

    I do not condone violence, but that Vine video makes me want to slap LeAnn so hard. Is that “assistant” chick who is always with her an assistant (for what?)or a paid sanity companion?

      • nhi says:

        yep, the same one!

      • claire says:

        Is she Leann’s babysitter? She’s with Leann 24/7, not the kids. How embarrassing.

      • Christin says:

        Claire, based on her online resume, she may be an assistant and babysitter. She has apparently worked in the entertainment industry, too. I would guess she wears a lot of hats, but that is just a guess on my part. Maybe she helps with the kids while all the tweeting happens.

      • TheTruthHurts says:

        This is interesting. She can’t even spell correctly or use proper grammar in her profile which doesn’t say much for her. Anyway, one of her qualifications is that she is a “potty trainer” so maybe that is why LeAnn hired her, after her issue with the laxatives and all.

    • Relli says:


      Omg, please let this be a real job!

  50. Virgilia Coriolanus says:

    I watched part of the video, but can someone tell me what the heck she did to her face? I mean it looks swollen and tight….what did she do? If you see youtube videos of her right after the affair, on some interview, that was when she looked her best. Here she looks like she came off on a two year drinking binge and is waiting for the swelling to go down…did anyone see pics of Paz de la Huerta on the daily mail? She looked AWFUL. Picture Lindsey Lohan awful. I felt a little bad for her, as the paps were in her face.

  51. KellyinSeattle says:

    Leann, lay off the eyebrow pencil…also, who does the think she is? The Dalai Lama? She’s so deep, with her “truth”, isn’t she…sigh. Ya know, LeAnn did bring upon herself. If she would’ve , right after the affair, made a public statement or plea, of GENUINE remorse…instead of flaunting herself with bikini photos, twitters, “wise” words, etc… She probably would’ve been forgiven, if she had been sincere…..She caused her own downfall and is too arrogant to admit any wrong doing…not just not admitting it, but flaunting it was well.

  52. Dedrie says:

    Stealing husband, claiming children your own, putting down the ex wife while living a fake goody-good girl delusional life filled with backstabbing snark rumors to take down your enemies while claiming innocence is priceless and eternal huh?

  53. janie says:

    Just go away… You, Jennifer Anniston & Kim. Please go away!

  54. Snowpea says:

    Ok, so I’m still addicted to this hillbilly triangle of doom but now I feel for Brandi EVEN MORE, if that is at all possible.

    Rimes is an out and out, dyed in the wool psychopath.

    And that video thing? Oh em gee…she is SCARY.

    BG…for the love of god, spend some of your book money and take these goons back to family court and get the custody arrangement revised.

    What the heck are you waiting for? Cripes, I wanna get on a plane and wring Rimes’s neck! What a f*cking PSYCHO!

    • Cirque28 says:

      Every time someone says “hillbilly triangle of doom” it makes me LOL so hard. Even though there’s only 1 hillbilly in the triangle, somehow she manages to define the whole thing, doesn’t she?

  55. Karin says:

    We don’t know the whole story with Brandi. I used to date a guy whose ex would call the kids 50 times a day, every day and then get pissed and freak out if there was no answer. And they were only with him for 2 days at a time. When she dropped them off she would cry and say how much she would miss her little babies…then they would cry. It was pathetic because they were 7 and 9 and she would pick them up in less than 48 hours anyways. So – if Brandi is one of those then maybe there is a reason why she has been limited to when she can call. The father has a right to have his sons without constant interruption from the mother

    • BeachBelle says:

      Or it could be the other way around. Maybe Brandi had been trying to call her children, and the phone was never ever answered so this is why the timeframe was put into place. She was told when to call, and Eddie was told to have the children available then. I can certainly see Eddie and LeAnn completely ignoring Brandi’s calls to her children for pure meanness. I think that is exactly what happened Monday night for sure.

    • Jennifer12 says:

      Have you seen Leann’s behavior? Just look at the video she posted above. She seems chemically off as it is; who would want that around their children, especially knowing what Brandi knows? She brings obsessed fans who hate Brandi around them; she has them singing songs from her latest disaster that talk about her hatred for their mother and the affair.

  56. candigirl says:

    Leann is reenacting the same toxic pattern of her childhood. She works hard to achieve success, daddy cheats and leaves her and mom. Mom pushes her further into the adult world of show business so Leann moves in with an adult male at 13, starts drinking and using drugs going to the adult parties. All the while, mommy and daddy fight over her money and control of her career during a nasty public divorce, using her, fought on stage and in the tabloids. Leann probably manipulated both of them constantly and they manipulated her. They all wound up in court suing each other and fighting constantly in the press.
    So now, Eddie (dad) is out of town, cheating (most likely) and Leann is turning her anger and jealousy toward Brandi (mom) and using the kids in order to pick fights and get attention, and fighting is played out in the tabloids. This is an old personal pattern for Leann. Brandi needs to find a smarter more creative way to contact her kids and back away from this psychopath. No more contact with crazy.

    • Ming says:


    • Christin says:

      Past history influences the present in many ways. I wonder if Brandi still has a soft spot for Eddie that somehow overrides taking action on behalf of those kids.

  57. Jennifer12 says:

    Leann is completely insane and I don’t blame Brandi for her reactions. But it is time to take it to court- way past time. Leann had no right to the kids if Eddie wasn’t there and Brandi has a right to speak to the kids whenever she wants. Brandi, no more excuses: get a cell for the boys and GO TO COURT.

  58. Jane says:

    OK, so I go my hands slapped for the last comment I posted. I blame PMS and Leann’s disgusting behavior. So, let’s try this again. Brandi needs to get a good lawyer and take care if this entity (who I would love to call every name in the book, but cannot) Leann is not a woman who can be trusted with anyone. I am extremely scared for those two boys. Something is certainly not right. I would hate to see a day when one of the boys is seriously injured due to Leann’s inability to take care of them. She needs to be banned from the boys forever. Why on Earth has not someone stopped her? She is doing all the wrong things and yet getting away with them. I simply do not understand why. It literally hurts my brain with this.

    Am I the only one who worries about these boys?

  59. Norman says:

    Brandy lacks a degree of emotional maturity but LeAnn is the worst, she is like an emotionally stunted child in a grown up body.

  60. Linda says:

    Brandi just tweeted she has the boys. Good.

    Am wondering if her attorney intervened and that is why she has the boys now. Hmmm. Hope so.

    • brin says:

      So glad to see the boys back with their mom!

    • nomorerimes says:

      GOOD! GOOD! Too bad it isn’t total custody with limited visitation with EC ONLY! Bet LR is crapping a brick!

  61. nomorerimes says:

    Saw a pic of EC on another site which was taken yesterday in Toronto. And he looks the happiest I’ve seen him in a long time. Of course, he is in Toronto and LR is in LA! That explains it. Bet he hopes they have to do retake after retake for that movie!!!

    • Jane says:

      Interesting. What site? Of course Eddie is happier being away from someone who is bat$h!t crazy!

  62. Baylor says:

    Anyone know what happened to Lizzie, Mateo, and ontheroadwith?

    Why is this girl always changing BFFs? It used to be Lizzie. Sometimes her BFF is Rendee, sometimes kiki, and now some “Kari”?!

  63. Baylor says:

    LOL! LeAnn’s current Vine video contains Lizzie and Eddie. LOL!

    • Jane says:

      Like all of her other vine videos she looks totally creepy…it’s as if she is auditioning for a role for a female version of the Joker.