Ryan Sweeting proposed to Kaley Cuoco after he started a fight: d-bag move?

I can’t get enough of Kaley Cuoco’s whirlwind engagement. Just think, six months ago I really didn’t care about her whatsoever. Nowadays she’s providing all of the gossip-excitement a blogger needs. So, Kaley is now engaged to her boyfriend of (not even) three months, Ryan Sweeting. Ryan is barely a professional tennis player, currently ranked 532nd in the world. I think my dog is currently ranked 532nd in the world too. So, this whole mess does seem a little rushed, and like they really don’t know anything about each other, and like Kaley is rebounding hard and maybe she has something to prove to someone? But no matter. Let’s hear about how Ryan proposed:

ET’s Rocsi Diaz met up with actress Kaley Cuoco on the set of her upcoming film The Wedding Ringer to discuss her recent engagement to tennis star Ryan Sweeting.

Cuoco explains to Diaz that the proposal was a complete surprise stating, “[Sweeting] actually started a little fight with me and threw me off. I was like ‘Oh my God, things aren’t great.’ He surprised me at the end of the night … [when] he popped the ring out. It was amazing.” Cuoco continues to say, “From day one I just knew immediately and it’s been magic. We have all the same family friends. We grew up with the same people, we just never met. So I kind of feel that I’ve known him my whole life. I know that it seems a little crazy on paper, but it’s what works for us.”

[From ET]

This should tell you something about why I’m single: this story made me think Ryan is a total a—hole. What kind of d-bag starts a fight as a way to propose? DEALBREAKER. Maybe that’s just me – I hate when men act snotty and try to pick a fight. Because by God, if you want a fight, I will FIGHT. And we’ll probably break up by the end of it because I’m the bitch who can’t hold her tongue in a fight. All of the petty bullsh-t just comes pouring out of me. But back to Kaley – I think it’s very telling that she describes her reaction as “Oh my God, things aren’t great.” She seems like she’s forcing the “bubbly blonde” thing and she panics a little when something doesn’t conform to her bubble.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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62 Responses to “Ryan Sweeting proposed to Kaley Cuoco after he started a fight: d-bag move?”

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  1. wiffie says:

    That makes him sound like a drama queen. Start a fight, then propose? Sounds like Claire Dunphy’s terrible proposal advice on modern family, ha ha

    • JenD says:

      Ha! Claire’s ideas for a proposal were hilariously wrong.

      I think the guy sounds like a d-bag, too. I just don’t get why he’d do that. I’d be embarrassed to tell anyone that story.

    • CG says:

      I actually thought it sounded like Chandler on Friends! Make Monica think he never wants to get married and then surprise her with a proposal. But like, that’s not reality, and this is, so why would someone think that’s a good idea? SMH

  2. paola says:

    Marriages in Hollywood never last anyway so better sooner than later. I don’t think they’ll get married though, they’ll break the engagement soon enough and she’ll probably go back to johnny Galecki which i think he’s the reason of all this mess.

    • magpie says:

      Johnny seems like a pretty stand up guy. I wouldn’t hold him accountable for this fame ho stroll.

    • PrettyTarheelFan says:

      Johnny has a pretty serious g/f (Kelli Garner), and he walked the Emmy carpet with her…then all of a sudden, Kaley shows up with her ring.
      I really think Johnny is the driving force behind a lot of this. I realize there was another guy in-between, but imagine making out with your ex as your JOB? AND he’s got a hot new blond while you’re stuck in PR hell with “Super”man…
      Sounds like a recipe for a quickie engagement to me….

    • T.C. says:

      I think she’s doing it to save face after the Superman PRelationship fail. It’s for the public to get a new narrative out there about her.

  3. Samtha says:

    So the project she’ll be promoting is about a wedding? I’m sure that’s just coincidental.

  4. Jayna says:

    He didn’t start a fight right before he proposed. He started it earlier In and proposed at the end of the night. He was probably nervous and afraid he was tipping her off so did that, I hope.

    He has no money. This will.be a catastrophe.

  5. Annie says:

    She’s such an idiot.

    I’m single too because I don’t take anyone’s bullshit, ever. If a guy’s an ass, that’s a dealbreaker to me. I find no attraction to jerks. They’re pretty much at the bottom of my list.

    Kaley needs attention, you guys. This is the bottomline of everything she’s been doing lately.

    • TG says:

      If only all women were like you Annie!

      • Annie says:

        Yeah, maybe humanity would move a little faster. It’s been a while since women shook things up. The last huge change was voting. Everything else, in the gutter and depressing as always.

      • Sadezilla says:

        I’m single for the same reasons, and although I’m pretty secure in it, it does get a little discouraging at times. Thanks for reminding me that I’m in good company!

    • QQ says:

      Annie: THIS! ive made it abundantly clear to my mom and family that asks, and dudes an randos on the street with that line of questioning “why are you single”

      “um, what’s available is not what i want”
      “I deserve better cause im not a shit person”
      “I dont put up with bs, phone games etc”
      “Im not afraid of being alone forever if need be, since i like me a lot”

      • MistyNinja says:

        Yesssss. There are other ladies who feel the same as me. Though I hear all the time I am unapproachable. Even when I am the one who approaches sometimes. Its hard. The ones who seem interested always run to the ego strokers. Finding quality men to date can be hard.
        But I consider it the ultimate feminist act, to be my strong independent self despite having to be more single than not . If women stopped acting cutsie wutsie or using ego stroking to get men, more men might just step up.

      • Kate says:

        I had relatives try to fix me up at funerals smh

        To be honest I enjoy my own company and don’t want to be bothered.

      • Sadezilla says:

        Oops meant to reply to this post instead of Annie’s above. Posting newbie fail!

  6. Chloe says:

    So I guess she’s aware that people don’t think this will work because it’s a quickie engagement, so she does an interview to defend her actions. Hmm…I hope this doesn’t mean she’s going to spill all the details of the engagement/wedding planning, like the floral arrangements. Blech.

  7. Leah says:

    How come this site keeps saying she is rebounding from superman? She dated superman for 2 weeks or something like that. it was a brief fling or even more likely a PR romance. This guy has lasted for 3 months. A rebound is usually a shorter rs than the one you recover from.

    • Kas says:

      Because for some reason she has been branded one of the “not cool kids”.

    • mercy says:

      Rebounding from the publicity, maybe? I don’t know. I think the relationship with Cavill must have been very casual, if it was even real.

    • Susanna says:

      Ya I don’t get it either. She dated Johnny Galecki for years in secret, if she is the famewhore that people are making her out to be I’m pretty sure she’d have gone public with that relationship. The attention from two co-stars on a hit tv show who are dating both on the show and in real life would be immense.

      She dated Cavill for 2 seconds, got a lot of attention, and now the paps know pictures of her will make them $$$. Paparazzi aren’t usually called (unless your name is LeAnn Rimes) they wait at popular celebrity hangouts or sit around near the celeb’s houses to catch them doing mundane things like shopping or getting a manicure. All they need is a few good shots and they’ve made it worth their while. When websites pay for the pictures it creates a demand, the paps then go out of their way to supply. It typically doesn’t have much of anything to do with the star in question. They get papped whether they like it or not.

      • Erinn says:

        Neither of them were as big names as they are now when they were dating. Kaley wouldn’t have really gained that much fame, and the show wasn’t as widely watched then either.

      • mercy says:

        Would Galecki be on board with a public relationship? Did she get a new publicist? How’s the show doing?

        If it’s a show that generates a lot of buzz and the co-stars are deemed “hot” by the media, then their relationship might get a lot of attention from the tabloids and gossip blogs. In her case, it seems like it was dating a “hot” new actor who had a new movie out that put her on the gossip radar – with their help. The paps might be paying more attention now and this is how she is handling it. Nothing wrong with trying to manage the interest and have some control over when you’re photographed and how your personal life is covered by the media, but the Cavill episode already looked sketchy, and now she’s announced an engagement to a guy she’s known for three months. It looks off. That’s where the judgy comments are coming from. But she got their attention. I’m sure the show’s producers aren’t unhappy with it.

    • Flo says:

      Caville was just a one night stand that stayed the week probably because his car had a flat and his buddy Chet was going to pick him up anytime except Chet got stoned and forgot. Thats not a rebound, its a lingering guest.

    • DailyNightly says:

      Anyone know who her PR person is?

  8. mzizkrizten says:

    That pink dress is all.kinds.of.wrong!

  9. Funtimes18 says:

    Did anyone else see her on Project Runway? Disaster!


  10. ldub says:

    just throwing this out there.
    maybe, and i hope not cause she actually seems sweet, she used henry to get some press? i mean NO ONE was talking about her till superman…..i mean, NO ONE.

  11. Tiffany27 says:

    Kaiser are you me? I fight the exact same way. I wish I didn’t, but when I fight I FIGHT!!!

  12. Alina says:

    Oh my god she was on The Voice last night, and it was truly cringeworthy. Her sister was auditioning and the whole background story was about Kaley. In the backroom during the audition, Kaley went overboard trying to prove that she doesn’t just think her sister is an assistant – complete hysterics, bawling, running around like a crazy person. Made the whole thing about her reactions and made me hate her. Poor sister completely lives in her (talentless) shadow.

  13. Joy says:

    Ok the way I read that was that he started a fake fight to kind of throw her off maybe? And they know all the same people but never met?

  14. aims says:

    She’s turning into another JLO. Meaning, this seems like a girl who can’t be alone and that’s a huge turn off for me. I don’t think they’ll get married. Frankly, I’m turned off by her and I have a feeling that every guy that comes in her, radar will be the one. They’re in the honeymoon faze, where the sex is hot and picking a fight charming.

  15. Karen says:

    My bf and I were talking about stupid engagements (ex. Flash mob proposals) and he asked what i would do if he dumped me to throw me of a proposal the next day. I said I’d kick him in the balls and throw the ring in his face. Obviously me and kaley react to things differently.

  16. Sue says:

    It is funny how we never heard anything about her until she started dating superman, but in her defense I only dated my husband for 3 months and married him! We have been married for 20 years, but then of course we are not Hollywood people……

  17. TheyPromisedMeBeer says:

    You know how sometimes you are friends with this person on facebook, and in all other aspects of their life they’re an upstanding person and really nice and even a bit boring but when it comes to dating/relationships, you can tell by their continually updated and overwrought statuses what exactly is going on in their dating life, and it’s cringe-worthy but secretly entertaining and it’s the only reason you’ve actually stayed friends with them on facebook?

    Err, I actually have no clue why I mentioned this on a Kaley Cuoco post. No idea at all.

    • Maureen says:

      Because it’s vastly more interesting that Kaley Cuoco herself?

    • lana86 says:

      i always thought that if u make your private life and intimate emotions obvious all over Fasebook, u must be not older than 14. Otherwise it’s embarassing to the point of no return :))

  18. msw says:

    How can people stand this kind of drama? It’s exhausting to live like that.

  19. grabbyhands says:

    If she doesn’t quit waving that ring finger around, she’s going to sprain her arm.

  20. Kris says:

    I can’t get enough of this either, thanks for being on top of it! I used to think she was so cute on the Big Bang Theory but now she just rubs me the wrong way. Someone pointed out yesterday that it must be that smirk she has all the time.

    • Erinn says:

      This. When the show started she was a good character. Then they made her an alcoholic smirky bitch. Though, after the first two or three seasons I gave up on the show anyway. I only watch it when I’m at my parents and they have it on.

    • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

      Honestly, from the few episodes I’ve seen of her in the show, all she is is the “hot girl”. She and Leonard get together, break up, she sees someone else, he gets jealous, and the cycle begins anew. It doesn’t seem like she tries to better herself–she wants to be an actress, so she auditions and works in a restaurant–I think she dropped out of school??

      I don’t know–just with Kaley’s acting and her character, she’s very interchangeable. It doesn’t look like she brings anything to the character–she’s just the stereotypical “hot” blonde girl who is apparently good with dating nerds.

  21. Maureen says:

    He must be really tall. She’s not that short, but she’s tiny next to him. Hate her dress.

  22. Ag says:

    This guy sounds like a d-bag and she’s apparently a drama-wholic. Good luck.

    And I think my dog is 533…

  23. vanass01 says:

    great ring….That’s all I’m saying. I’d get engaged just to get to wear that with my outfits

  24. Sandy says:

    Look at that picture. Would someone who dresses like him be with someone who dresses like her? Or vice-versa? This is NOT going to last.

  25. TrixC says:

    I don’t really know who she is, but I really like the red dress she’s wearing in the first pic. The pink one is hideous though.

  26. *Laowai* says:

    ‘There you go, baby. The engagement that was truly a surprise, because no one could have seen a move that asinine coming! We can tell the press about this forever!’

    Hahaha, so neither one can help but draw attention to themselves in a sickeningly obnoxious manner?So they deserve each other? But the public will be forced to have their lives shoved down its throats like these two losers are big-name stars or something?


  27. Haolebunny says:

    I like her, but I wish she would drop the greasy pony tail look. It’s all kinds of bad.

  28. Leslie says:

    She doesn’t sound very bright. Why would she even tell that stupid story?

  29. Brittaki says:

    Perhaps now that she’s gaining fame and gunning for a salary raise on her show she’ll hire a stylist. I just can’t with her clothes.

  30. The Original Mia says:

    Yeah, not sure if that’s the way to go. Someone said that’s how the Brady Bunch dude proposed to Adrienne Curry. I vaguely remember that episode and there was nothing romantic about it. Thought it was douchey then, still think it’s douchey now. Why not just plan a romantic getaway, instead of creating drama?

  31. tealily says:

    The idea that one little argument makes her panic and think “things aren’t great” does not bode well. I mean, you never want to be at each others’ throats or anything, but I think working through arguments is a super important part of a relationship! This one was fake, but it’s gonna happen at some point.

  32. Dulcinea says:

    For a tennis player his body is meh.

  33. Anne De Vries says:

    Sounds like typical manipulative pick-up-artist bullshit to me. Make her feel you’re going to break up, then propose! She’ll be so relieved that she’ll be sure to say yes!

  34. JLM says:

    I can’t believe I’m admitting this, but I actually like her “Hey, Sailor!” shirt. I think it’s really funny.