Lindsay Lohan wishes Ryan Phillippe would give her the time of day

Lindsay Lohan said she wanted K-Fed when he was first single. She supposedly called him “sexy,” in an attempt to make Britney (who was hanging out with Paris at the point) jealous, but then refusing to have anything to do with him when he tried to take her up on it. Now she’s set her eyes on another recently-single famous guy, Ryan Phillippe.

Lindsay Lohan’s got the hot-to-trots for Ryan Phillippe. When Mean Grrrl met the “Breach” star at a Hollywood party, she went all zzzZAP-a-deee-doo-dah… but Ryan just yawned, say insiders. Now Lindsay can’t stop mooning over the soon-to-be-eligible hunk, begging mutual pals to tell him she’s dying to hook up – and leaving him non-stop phone messages. But ain’t-tryin’ Ryan hasn’t answered a single call… and insiders say Party Grrl might as well stop pining because Ryan’s told pals: “She is so not my type!”

[From The National Enquirer print edition, Mike Walker’s column, March 12, 2007]

Yeah, it always works well when you try to get a guy to date you by bugging the shit out of him and telling all your friends about it.

Lindsay Lohan has been quoted as saying that she “heeded” the advice of people telling her to go to rehab and that she was “really sick.”

While she did complete treatment at the Wonderland rehab center, she was allowed to go out to lunch with friends, to go shopping, and to order in food and services like massages and hairstylists.

And it doesn’t quite seem like the rehab took for Lindsay. She’s been making the rounds at Hollywood clubs, and a mother and daughter claim she was visibly impaired when they saw her recently and that she almost ran over them with her car.

Does she look sober to you here? Pictures show nipples and may not be safe for work. Thanks to IDLYITW for the pictures of Lindsay and FlynetOnline for the pictures of Ryan with his daughter Ava, seven.

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7 Responses to “Lindsay Lohan wishes Ryan Phillippe would give her the time of day”

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  1. lexi says:

    ryan has been known to party a bit (er… lot) himself. he would be a terrible influence on her. or perhaps it would be the other way around… either way i get a joyful tingle everytime i read about lohan’s love being unrequited (james franco etc)

  2. Other Karen says:

    Why is she surprised? She’s so un-Reese.

  3. m.a. says:

    “Aww, c’mon, Ryan! This is just a COLD SORE. It’s, like, totally NOT herpes. I, like, totally think you are, like, hot, and, like, I would do ANYTHING you want, you know what I mean? If you just, like, give me a chance, ya know? So, just try to look past my herpe-I mean, cold sore, and my, like, drug and alcohol problems or whatever, and the fact that I’ve slept with, like, every guy in hollywood, because I, like, totally love you!” I think THIS is what her pick-up line sounded like. 🙂 lol!

  4. Jaime says:

    You know, I just feel sorry for her now. She’s that girl, the one you see at the party trying to chat up the fellas, and failing miserably, but hoping nobody notices, but everyone does and just either laughs behind a hand or looks away, embarrassed for her. She had so much potential, and she’s lost so much, and it’s just sad.

  5. Kiwi says:

    She looks…weird. Older, somehow. Is it the wrong hair colour, or has she ruined herself with too many chemicals?

  6. FF says:

    Linsay Lohan wishes her clock would give her the time of day – I’d say she’s that permanently wasted.

    As for Ryan, he doesn’t really need to give her anything when any random guy could describe the experience for him. Not to mention how it would ruin his ‘family divorcee’ image if he was photographed with her.

    She needs to wise up.

    Anyone with sense, who isn’t contractually obligated, will not be seen within a 10 blocks of Lindsay Lohan. Even being seen with Britney could be passed off as trying to help her – Lindsay doesn’t want to be helped and everyone knows it, therefore the reasons any guy would be in her company can be counted on one finger.

  7. Daniel says:

    Yeah, isn’t m.a. correct? Hasn’t it been established that Lohan has a…..cold sore problem?