Cele|bitchy | Kim Kardashian stars in Kanye West’s ‘Bound 2’ music video: hilariously bad?

Kim Kardashian stars in Kanye West’s ‘Bound 2’ music video: hilariously bad?


Lord, so much drama from Kim Kardashian and Kanye West. I can’t even. First, these are photos of Kim out to dinner with her sister in NYC. I’ve been staring at her optical illusion blouse for too long and it’s giving me a raging headache. I don’t think we can see Kim’s boobs in these photos, but if you can, I apologize.

Kanye appears on today’s Ellen DeGeneres show where he discussed Kim, the proposal and all of that good stuff. Kanye also debuted his new music video for “Bound 2” and… I think we can safely say that this is the cheesiest thing I’ve seen in months. Kanye cast Kim in the video, and her “music video acting skills” are laughable. Megan Fox is a much better music video actress, and that saying A LOT. Here’s the NSFW-ish (there’s shadowy boob but you can’t really see anything, much like these photos) video:

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As for Kanye’s comments about Pres. Obama. Ugh, let’s get into it. In 2009, Pres. Obama called Kanye a “jackass” and recently Obama dropped in a dis to Kanye and Kim in a speech, saying something about how we shouldn’t care so much about what Kim is wearing or where Kanye is vacationing. Kanye now claims he felt “used” by Pres. Obama:

“Oh, you talking about how he use to come and visit me and my mama and tell me that he’s about to run for president? I just think that we’re pop icons, and the president likes to use that type of thing just to be down and stuff. People was fine with me being everyone’s punching bag for about five years — ‘Man, this is the person we love to hate, so if you want to distract people from everything that’s going on […] just say you hate Kanye and there’s going be 30 other people who say they hate Kanye.’ That was kind of my position in culture so he also used that too — ‘Oh, he’s a jackass’ — because that’s how the world felt. I don’t care if someone’s the president or not. I care about thoughts and how you helping people and what you bring to the world. I’m not gonna mention him no more, I’m past that. That’s out of my thoughts; that’s lowering my priority of thinking at this point.”

[Via Politico]

I love how in Kanye’s mind, it was his endorsement that really got Pres. Obama elected. Like Kanye is saying, “You changed, brah! I WAS THE ONE WHO GOT YOU TO THE WHITE HOUSE.”



Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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268 Responses to “Kim Kardashian stars in Kanye West’s ‘Bound 2’ music video: hilariously bad?”

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  1. lucy says:

    That is some low hanging fruit.

    • Narak says:

      In every way. The video is super bad- I watched it without sound and it seems even worse. So lame.

      • Francesca says:

        Me too (baby is sleeping). It was beyond ridiculous!

      • Shell says:

        As soon as the vid started playing, I thought it was a joke. Then when I realized it wasn’t I felt real bad for Kanye. The video was horrible and so was the song. Im not sure why he has any fans at all. I think this is a case where a person gets such a big head and has so much money, no one has the balls to tell him that he sucks. I think most people just take his money and run. I would tell him he is great all day long as long as the money kept coming my way.

      • womanfromthenorth says:

        I turned off the sound too… I am over rap like this crap. J-Z sucks too… ya I said it.

      • Kate says:

        I’ll take your word for it

      • T.Fanty says:

        Oh my goodness. So late to the party, but I’m SO embarrassed for him. “I want to f*ck you on the sink / and then get you a drink” – ?!?!?! I’m cringing for everyone involved.

      • EscapedConvent says:


        What delightful, Dr. Seuss lyrics! Yeezus is a f**king creative genius, yo.

    • Demi says:

      I love how different her body is from the candid pics to the music video..

      • littlestar says:

        I was thinking the same thing. Her waist in the music video is so tiny (in the one shot they show of it). And I don’t feel bad for snarking on Kim’s body – she’s altered it through surgery so much and is constantly showing off her body through the media and Instagram etc.

        Kanye has made some really fantastic music. This song makes me really sad for him :(. It’s just bad.

      • Isabella says:

        music vid was pre-baby

      • littlestar says:

        No, it wasn’t pre-baby. She has blonde hair in the video. Pre-baby and during pregnancy, she had dark hair.

      • Zigggy says:

        I thought that too! Also- they have as much chemistry as a 1st grade assignment.

      • Mel says:

        I know I’m late to the party but there is so much wrong about this video and her stunt body is one of them.

    • lucy says:

      The top of that “dress” looks exactly like the pad underneath my rugs.

    • Belle Epoch says:

      Oh. My. God. That was so very, extremely, horribly bad in every way! Everything about it is laughable and derivative, and he looks and sounds like a fool. I am truly confused. Who is falling for this? How does this crap make him a god? This is JUST like “The Emperor Has No Clothes”. Will anyone call him out on this sh*t?

  2. Syko says:


    Her outfit is hideous. And too tight. Again. *sigh*

    • sooz says:

      would it have killed her to wear a camisole under that sweater?

      • Stef Leppard says:

        I actually really like Kim’s outfit. *hangs head in shame* If it was a size larger and she was wearing a nude camisole underneath she would look nice. She always needs to add a touch o’ trashiness to her outfit these days.

      • idk says:

        The camisole wouldn’t have got her attention…number one rule in the Kardashian hand book written by PMK…gotta keep the public talking !

      • emmie_a says:

        Stef Leppard: ha! I agree w/you – I sort of like her outfit. Of course she looks like a stuffed sausage as usual bc it’s too tight & she’s not tall enough to pull off the style but it’s a great dress.

      • Sarah says:

        @ stef leppard : I like the color and think its look nice. I think she really does have some kind of bra on underneath but the exact same color as the dress, so it looks like she isn’t wearing one. Yes, it’s too tight but how much can we really hope for?

      • Stef Leppard says:

        @sarah: she is wearing a bra, and even that is too small!

      • Jackie Jormp Jomp (formerly Zelda) says:

        @Stef Leppard:
        I really like her outfit, too. I don’t know if the skirt is the right length for her, but I really like the look.

    • Babalon says:

      Love the outfit!

      Just not on her…

      • ZL1 says:

        @stef I like the outfit too although it is too tight and reminds me of a fencing uniform. Cami up the jugs Kim. As far as the vid goes…I felt sorry for poor Ellen having to watch it right next to him. The pressure to say sompin positive whatta a pro!

    • Nina W says:

      I almost feel bad for her, she’s completely covered up and people still don’t like it. I agree though, it doesn’t look good on her. At least she’s wearing a bra. She needs to get a real stylist, Kanye can’t dress her and she can’t dress herself.

  3. LadyMTL says:

    Even though I had to stop watching after about a minute, I can’t stop laughing at that video. Oh Kanye, you’re funny even when you’re not trying to be. First the fringed shoes and now this.

    • idk says:

      Hmmm I’m pretty sure she said she wanted to keep their relationship more “private”.

      Not only do they want to throw their relationship in our faces, they also want to throw kim’s breasts in our faces too. NO THANKS.

    • Petee says:

      That video was soooooo bad!That song was truly terrible.How does Kanye even have any fans?As for Kim she is just a lost cause.What more can we say about her?I will never get those few minutes of my life back.

      • Zannoub says:

        I absolutely agree, such a hideous song. couldn’t get thru half of it. Is he “slow mo” rapping? seriously a tortoise could rap faster!

      • Sloane W!yatt says:

        God help me for asking, but where’s the video link at?

      • j78 says:

        I seriously thought it was a joke and they were going to start the real video. That uhhhuuh, honey was the worst…I was waiting for her to follow with a “me love you long time”. Terrible song, terrible video, but Kim doing what she does best. That, she nailed.

      • Sloane W!yatt says:

        Never mind. The video’s on the Ellen link. SMDH, that video’s the worst.

        Uh, is Ye s’posed to be f*cking Kim on a motorcycle with her jiggling rather, shall we say, rhythmically? Instead of a motorcycle, they should have had a motorboat!

    • Samtha says:

      Are we sure that’s not joke video? Because…uh…it’s one whether they intended it to be or not. It’s like a Saturday Night Live sketch.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Cringeworthy, to say the least. Funny, I didn’t get “creative jeenyus” from that even one little bit.

      • Viv says:

        That is exactly what I was thinking. SNL! My hubby walked in and said “Why is that fool having sex on a motorcycle?” .
        I can’t believe Kanye was upset about anyone mentioning Kim’s porn video but then simulates it on a bike. Is he blind? And then raps about Jesus. WTH?
        I can’t believe I wasted 4 minutes of my life watching this. Ellen worked hard to keep a straight face.

      • idk says:


        You actually made it through 4 minutes? I salute you.

      • Annie2 says:

        Hahaha. And a bad SNL video at that! Good Lord- that was terrible and stupidly cheesy

    • emmie_a says:

      I’m watching on my phone so maybe it’s distorted but it looks like they did some serious retouching on Kim bc she looks super slim.

      • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

        I agree that the body in that video looks nothing like the one in the photo above!

      • Thinker says:

        Absolutely retouched Kim’s body in a major way. The whole video looks like it was filmed on a green screen so it wouldn’t be hard to digitally crop down her natural, much larger figure.

        Also: the part of the video where Kim and Kanye start bouncing on the motorcycle… Simulated sex much? So gross. So cheesy.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Her face doesn’t move anymore. That is all I can see now, the face paralysis.

      • p says:

        definitely retouched with a green screen. It’s not that hard to do. All of the body shots could easily be trimmed down. Actually most music videos have some sort of lengthening/retouching/etc. The thing I’m surprised about is that this video was so low budget…never been a fan of Kanye West, but this might be his worst song to date.

    • pantalones en fuego says:

      This is exactly why I come to Celebitchy. Over @ Jez they are talking about how beautiful the video is. I mean to each her own but, just no. So much delusion.

      • LeLe25 says:

        That was one of the worst songs I’ve ever heard. How will that get radio play?

      • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

        I’be said it before, but there are a bunch of pseudo intellectuals over at jez. Sometimes cheesy is just cheesy (Kanye video) and vapid is vapid (Courtney Stodden). There is no deep philosophical reason behind why they do what they do. Also, they are über feminist, but melt over alleged lady beater Fassy. There are Fassy fans here, but they aren’t constantly cramming feminist propaganda* down my throat then singing Fassy’s praises in the same breath. Lots of issues with consistency over there.

        *and for the record, I say “feminist propaganda,” because there’s very little room for diversity of opinion over there (where it pertains to feminism).

      • Chicagogurl says:

        Ok a few things came to mind….
        1. is Kanye (the inventor of all things cool) wearing those Bieber diaper pants in this vid?
        2. This vid reminded me of those booths in the mall back in the 90’s. The ones where with a hit pop song and a blue screen you too coud make a music video on a island with your other 12 yr old friends.
        3. If you’re going to go this landscape cheesy, why not just lisa frank it? Dolphins and rainbows shooting out nipples and glitter unicorns galloping.
        4. Kim’s dead eff face (i’m just going to lean back and take selfies why you do me, mkay. I look hot.)
        5. They really are perfect for each other (not a compliment).
        6. Why is she holding on for dear life…we all know the motocycle is bolted to the ground…this must be the acting everyone was talking about.
        7. Someone somewhere will get into an accident for having his gf ride him like this while he’s riding a cycle and kimye will get blamed/more press.
        8. This song is shit. it’s the most piece-mailed, non-sensical, obstructed song with a rap that sounds like he wrote on his way from the bathroom to the stage. Kim is bringing down his music.

      • bbb1975 says:

        @chicagogurl…You summed it up perfectly!

      • snakecharmer says:

        srssllly? jezabel is so far up kims butt, but why? she is the anthesis of feminism. i actually really like her body, probably bc i am ‘full figured’ too, but what she represents is so negative. also, the chick is a porn star, so kanye has no room to hate on ppl for asking about her ‘sex-tape’ directed by PMK. smdh, letting rayJ take wiz on her azz! lmfao! i would love to be a fly on the wall listening to jay z and beyawnce watch this garbage. is kanye trying to be meta or something? he seems like he may be bipolar and in a manic phase. the video was a joke.

      • Amanduh says:

        @ chicagogirl: you are soo right with #2!! That is by far the worst video I have ever seen (and I’ve seen this: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JKDtUzRIG6I&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DJKDtUzRIG6I)

      • Chicagogurl says:

        Amanduh: That’s hilarious. I thought and still think it is a miracle I ever made it through this one…http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfVsfOSbJY0#t=35 but kanye actually has talent, experience and money, so no, his is worse.

      • mj says:

        Um you do realize they’re joking. In a manner. They’re not invested enough in Kim/Kanye business so they’re addressing it in a light-hearted manner, and appreciating how ridiculous it is.

  4. DawnOfDagon says:

    At the risk of stating the obvious, the spanx is strong with this one.

    • Kiddo says:

      On this one: http://i.dlisted.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/spl653034_013.jpg, you can see the bottom of the spanx shorts cutting into her thigh.

    • mojoman says:

      Yikes! I remember I wore spanx once (it was for a gala dinner), never again! the entire night I was dying to take it off and scratch my belly because it was so uncomfortable! I couldn’t even enjoy the party. I don’t know how this chick wears those every day just to cross the street or for lunch.

      • Hakura says:

        @mojoman – I hear ya. After I started taking a certain depression medication, I ended up gaining a lot of weight in one particular spot, & decided to try to wear one of those ‘spanx’ for your midsection.

        Never. Again. It took me 5 minutes to give up & tear it off. Didn’t even make it out the door wearing it. I don’t know how she does it… & I wouldn’t be surprised if she even *slept* in them.

  5. ag-UK says:

    No just no. I don’t get it she must have a mirror which when one looks at themselves they SEE something different, that’s the only reason a normal person would leave the house in most of the outfits she wears. She also needs to go back to the darker hair it suits her better.

  6. Ari says:

    when the motorcycle moves and it jostles her up and down I DIE LAUGHING EVERY TIME in other thoughts – i love horses

    • HH says:

      That’s the part that really gets me. I think they wanted it to look real, but I just couldn’t stop laughing. It was just too awkward.

  7. Cleveland Girl says:

    It is really quite simple. The song sucks, the video sucks.

    • snakecharmer says:

      yeah the song sux, and i used to love some kanye songs. its weird bc its like hes ripping off little wayne style of cadence…idk what that ish is!

  8. Dani2 says:

    God, so much awful I can hardly comprehend it. Kim has NO facial expression ever since she got all that work done, she looked how I used to look after a long day on the short floor. Embarrassing for them both tbh

    • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

      I think Kim is trying to morph into beyonce (with the hair color, the brows and the plastic surgery to look more Bey-like). I wonder if that was her idea or Kanye’s?

      • idk says:

        Exactly ! I bet she’s dying to cut it shorter too but that would make her copy-cat style too obvious. Remember Kim did try to launch a singing career (which was backed by Kanye)…and well we all know how that went.

      • newtoyourn says:

        I was thinking that too..she is morphing into Beyonce…and her waist had to be digitally altered. From her side angles in pics is almost twice as big as that waif waist she has in the video.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      Dani, I am glad I’m not the only one who has noticed her face doesn’t move anymore. She has toxed her face into complete paralysis. It is really frightening.

      She is entering the Uncanny Valley.

    • gogoGorilla says:

      I couldn’t stop laughing at her blinking to get her blowing hair out of her eyes.

      This was…. so cheesy! It can’t be the real video, can it? I mean they basically simulated some pretty bad sex on a motorcycle in front of a green screen and then dropped in scenes from various nature films.

      Also, when the eagle flew by, I really expected him to drop Kim out of his claws.

      Finally, pull up your effing pants! JC!!! I am so sick of looking at the underwear of men who think this is “gangster” because that’s how the prisoners roll. I saw some kid in the mall the other day who had to walk with his feet about two feet apart to keep his pants above his knees.

      • TG says:

        If you want a good laugh watch a couple episodes of Cops and watch those guys fall on their faces with their pants around their knees as they try to outrun the cops. So funny.

  9. MrsB says:

    OMG. I can’t quit laughing at the video. I mean, is he serious? Or is it supposed to be some sort of joke? Seriously asking.

    • Sonya says:

      That is all I could think! This HAS to be a joke!!! I mean this dude CONSTANTLY calls himself a musical god and the future of music and blah, blah, blah… WHAT IS THIS? I feel like he is totally joshing me!

    • Arock says:

      It has to be a joke. There’s no way, right? If not the crunch of his career is going to be loud and pronounced.

      • ParisPucker says:

        it’s just THAT bad. Did anyone pick up on the ZERO sexual chemistry that existed between these two?! And Kim seemed bored most of the time – oozing ZERO sex appeal, just vacant stare, snipped nose ..and boob jiggle, …look at my hair! These two are taking up my oxygen. Just…bad. real bad.

      • Dingle Berry says:

        Kim exudes the sex appeal of a floor mat in a used Yugo. This is by far the most craptastical music? video in history! I’ve been laughing all day!

  10. Jackson says:

    Wait. Ahahahhhaaa!!!! This is some kind of a spoof video, right?? Is this for real??? I’m not sure I even have words for any of it. And did he just say ‘birf-day?’ Wow.

    • Rhea says:

      LMFAO. Normally, I wouldn’t open any gossip about The Kardashian or Kanye let alone leaving a comment, but this time I’m curious enough to see the video—-and I’m dying from laughing because I thought it’s a spoof video. 😀 It was so…cheaply made. My laughter turned to horror when I realized they’re both serious….. 🙂
      I would say one thing that nice from the video, though. The horses are beautiful.

      • idk says:

        Yeah you’d think it was a joke considering it is the Ellen Degeneres Show…how did she keep a straight face lol ???

        Also, if THIS is their idea of “keeping it private”, God help us all if they decide to be “more public” lmao.

        And they both want to be taken seriously…jeez.

  11. Moiselle says:

    Dear Kim K.,

    Just because World Genius told you to wear white/beige/black all the time doesn’t mean you should do it. So much beige should be reserved for office walls. So much money, so little taste. Hopefully you will one day rethink your choices and go for the red outfit. In a size that actually fits you.

    P.S. I can see your areolas.

  12. swack says:

    They have other pics on DM of this outfit. She is wearing a nude bra. From the back you can tell the bra is too small as it is cutting into her and what people call “back fat” (don’t know what else to call it – don’t like the term) is showing everywhere. You can also tell where her spanx ends on her legs as the skirt is once again too tight.

  13. Elle says:

    Oh man, I can’t wait to see all the drama unfold when these two break up. He’s going to be one pissy little bitch.

    • lulu1 says:

      Yes he is. I hope their break up comes with a video.
      Maybe Unbound 2?

    • mojoman says:

      Elle I think what you meant was, “HISSY little bitch”

    • Dingle Berry says:

      Yes, this, the hellacious break up will be epic. I don’t wish ill on anyone, but we all know it’s going to happen. Poor guy doesn’t think she’s using him for his money!!

  14. MCraw says:

    No way that is her waist In that video. No way.

  15. paola says:

    Is it just me or in that video it looks like he’s f***ing her?
    I feel ashamed for them and i am no prude. They really are hilarious, even more when they act serious. Plus my ears are bleeding, that song sounds like a thousand songs put together with a tone deaf singer wannabe.

    • CaliforniaDreams says:

      No I thought so too, +1 to everything you said!

    • RJ says:

      I agree, terrible song & video. All I could think was “wow, so Kim is making another sex tape.” No shame, absolutely no shame

    • Sloane W!yatt says:

      YES, yes it does look like that. Eeww!

      The Deity known as Kanye is defying all the known laws of physics with his motorcycle racing forwards and Kim’s hair blowing forwards too! He MUST BE the Risen Yeezus!

    • tifzlan says:

      Nope! Not just you. It was definitely a depiction of them having sex. Hilarious isn’t it, how Kanye frequently gripes about having no privacy? And then he comes out with a music video like this. I’m so tired of these attention whores. I’m just waiting for the day both their careers come to a screeching halt.

    • shellybean says:

      Not just you! That’s totally what I thought. She really doesn’t have very good judgment, does she.

    • Nina W says:

      You know this is his answer to the porn video, look everyone, she’s mine now. He’s got a screw loose.

      • Kasey says:

        ^This. He is so obsessed with creating things and making them better and the fact that he can, without a doubt, do so. He feels he can recreate Kim into something better and that the potential he sees in her he can portray to the world. This man thinks he is a Midas of sorts (actually he thinks he is God-like) and that whatever he does, thinks, wants will be successful. He doesnt believe their are limits. that is great to be ambitious but there needs to be some humility and realism.

        I am SURE this video was intentionally a nod to her humble beginnings and sort of a rebirth of something better in his hands. The problem is if Kim is going to be viewed in a MEANINGFUL way it’s going to have to be about more than how physically beautiful she is its going to have to be about a meaningful contribution to society. It would have gone a long way to show the woman doing humanitarian aid (reading to kids at the library, feeding the homeless, gathering collections for the needy etc.) as evidence that there’s something valuable about her that transcends the vapidness we’ve seen. Unfortunately, they’re both too shallow and stuck on money, things, status and power to realize that people are more significant and those are the things that real people value. THAT’s the sort of stuff that would give her a better image but since neither has the kind of mentality to care about how they could positively and meaningfully contribute to society this is what we get.

        How sad she went from being managed and sexualized by her mum who propogated her looks regretting some of those decisions and actions to being managed and sexualized by the one person who liked her despite her failings but is also more enamored and concerned with her looks and image. It’s like she was trained to want and expect no better. 🙁

  16. Nev says:

    Love her hair and makeup. Happening.

    • lucy says:


    • Nina W says:

      I don’t, the make up is too heavy, as usual and that lip color awful. Her lightened hair looks cheap and doesn’t suit her. The outfit as noted by everyone, is too tight and not particularly flattering for her figure. All in all, a big “No” from me.

  17. eliza says:

    Dude behind her looks like a Walmart version of Adam ProActive Levine. That’s all I got.

  18. Suzy from Ontario says:

    Is that video for real? That has to be some kind of a joke on Ellen, that can’t be real! It’s horrible! And Kanye…”that’s lowering my priority of thinking at this point.” – yeah, clearly thinking is not a top priority! LOL! What kind of sentence structure is that? Didn’t he go to school or learn how to talk properly?

    • paola says:

      H eprobably thinks he’s too much of a genius to speak properly. He can speak like master Yoda now.

    • Irishserra says:

      I commented on the same below before I saw your comment. He finally hit the nail on the head with that one! 😉

  19. logan says:

    Well I made it to the 1:40 mark and couldn’t listen to any more. Did he say birff-day? Couldn’t stick it out to see much of Kim. Just plain baaa-da.

  20. Patricia says:

    I… I…. I loved the video. I can’t help it! I like the song, it’s very different and creative. And I thought the video was beautiful and serene in a compelling way. Kim looked amazing. Am I alone here?

    • paola says:

      Yeah Kim… you are probably alone here

    • len says:

      kind of liked it too. I think it was supposed to be obviously cheesy. Kind of wild west kitsch.

    • NeNe says:

      Yep, I think you are alone here.

    • Deedee says:

      Kris, is that you?

    • MCraw says:

      I do too lol. On some level it’s like…. Is this dude serious? The cojones! He’s trolling us all. But then… I see the sky views and horses that is great photography, even if the cameras weren’t well utilized (should’ve used filters, to decrease that digital look). It has so many technical things visually and sonically (not) going on, all on purpose… And I like it.

      Uh-huh honay.

    • Nina W says:

      For real? It was so derivative and boring, what’s to like, the “Uh-huh Honey”? I can’t get behind such obvious tripe. And honestly, those lyrics are really not doing Kim any favors.

  21. ag-UK says:

    Can someone remind me how / when he became famous. I must have missed it, I know I am in the UK but good lord. All I can think of is my son saying (as if he is hip and a teenager) oh this sone is by Connie West?!!! The song is awful and I am sure he they spent a fortune on the video but jeeez.

  22. Ang says:

    Aweful and cheesy as hell. I think he’s supose talent is in the toilet.
    That is the worst video of all time. Kim looks photoshopped to hell and back.

  23. Kiddo says:

    I’m gonna get some pies thrown in my face, but I don’t think Kanye was necessarily off the mark about feeling used by Obama, if Obama actually came and asked for his help to be elected. Frankly, I feel hoodwinked myself, as a voter, but for different reasons.

  24. Nev says:

    I think the song is good kinda sweet.

  25. Jessiebes says:

    My goodness, looks like a school project from 12 year old girls.

  26. epiphany says:

    What woman in her right mind would look at herself in the mirror and go out wearing that? I don’t care if her “boyfriend” did select the outfit. I’ll bet Kanye and Riccardo have a million laughs over the atrocious clothes they convince Kim to wear.

  27. Elle Kaye says:

    What a jumbled mess of a song. At first I thought it wasn’t streaming properly, then I realized it was the song. Has he never hear of “flow” before? I mean, other than Kim’s video.

    I cannot wait for the spoof on SNL.

  28. capepopsie says:

    I´m actually lost for Words. But this was funny! Well, she is known for her porn vid, so I guess she´s just doing her thing the best she can. 🙂

  29. CaliforniaDreams says:

    I have never laughed this hard at a music video in my life. That was hilariously bad. They are so embarrassing.

    • Emma says:

      My favourite bit was watching the whole clip on mute, and trying to read Ellen’s facial expressions when it was over. She went beyond just trying not to laugh – there was absolute bafflement there. Like “WTF did I just watch, and how come no one thought to pre-warn me?”

  30. Kezia says:

    That was, horrendous, had to keep fast forwarding, so embarrassing!

  31. Dawn says:

    So yeah he is a genius alright and doesn’t this video just point that out! This guy is really ill. And she just is so talentless it is amazing that she has any fans and really without her mother I do believe she would be hanging out with her bbf Brittney G. and doing whatever to make some money. That outfit is totally horrendous and makes her look really dirty and greasy. What a screwball world we live in when two narcissistic fools can become millionaires for no reason. Ugly inside and out.

  32. Sassy says:

    Um? Hahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahah *gasp* hahahahahahahahahahhaa. Hysterical! I love the way they were bouncing around on the bike to make it look “real”…. ha ha ha ha. This has got to be a joke, right? And Kim’s body was altered to look smaller, boobs firmer/higher up. What a craptastic video!

    • Deedee says:

      Thats where all the $$$$ went. Into digitally fixing kim’s a$$. I wonder how she feels about that?

    • gogoGorilla says:

      Well, the first shadow shot looked like it might have been her body because her boobs were sort of heading east and west. Then miraculously!!! in the very next shadow shot, they are perky as a mofo. It’s like Yeezus making wine out of water, y’all. Too hilarious.

      On a more serious note, I wonder if it was a body double.

  33. The Original Original says:

    Is it supposed to look like they are screwing? Is it????

  34. Kiddo says:

    Maybe it (the video) was intended as a goof? I mean talking about Thanksgiving and whatnot. It’s clear that the background was intended to look fake and staged. He said he enjoyed being cheesy. This is VERY cheesy.

    • dagdag says:

      No goof here, since Kanye determined to prove critics wrong by proofing to the WORLD that Kim is a classs A power woman, like an actress, a model, the line between cheesy and goffy will be mixed in a creative geniusism, like authentic powerful performance.

    • idk says:

      Maybe after the release of this video, Kim will finally get her star on the walk of fame. LOL.

  35. Dimebox says:

    Well, that was appalling. The scenery and the horses were beautiful, and an eagle, hurrah! Then two fame whores pulled in on a motorcycle and polluted the natural beauty.

  36. NeNe says:

    The two of them are just pathetic. I cannot stand either one of them.

  37. Tiffany27 says:

    This video is so terrible. I am legit SCREAMING from laughing.

  38. Ally8 says:

    Okay, the most hilarious thing about it besides the mall-kids’-carousel-style motorcycle riding, is that he premiered this mess on The Ellen Degeneres show.

    Man is confused. Do you want to be a hipster? An urban rapper? A Paris aesthete? Or do you want to appeal to middle-aged housewives with a nudie video on a daytime talk show?

    I guess it’s all moot. Soon he will be little more than a Kardashian ancillary.

  39. Yelly says:

    I felt an overwhelming sense of embarassment watching that video.

  40. Lady Satan says:

    What the hell did I just watch? That was painful, and I only made it through the first 30 seconds. That was the most nonsensical, low-budget, amateur crap I have seen in a very long time. I think this vid is going to be the next ‘Friday’ with the challenge of ‘how long can you stand to watch it’. Kanye is definitely letting his ego get in the way of his talent.

    KK once again proves she has no mirrors in her house, and no real friends. That dress is quite pretty, and if she had gone up a couple of sizes, it would have been really flattering. Her hair looks nice, great shoes, but no, she has to ruin it all by turning herself into a human sausage.

  41. RN says:

    That is the first time I’ve heard a Kanye West song. So this is considered “genius” now? The lyrics of that song are laughably simplistic, almost childish. I made it 45 seconds before I had to close the video. I saw better videos from Rod Stewart in the early 1980s. I’m not sure whether to laugh or cry at the fact that people actually buy products from these two talent-free schmucks.

    • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

      Not a fan of Kanye (or rap in general) but I remember being in college and hearing this everywhere http://youtu.be/Jr_5yTNvIt4

      Turns out, it was Kanye’s breakout hit and it was actually pretty good.

      • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

        He sampled Chaka Kahn’s “through the fire,” and the lyrics were great! Who else can reference Michael Jackson’s Pepsi fire and Tom cruise’s jacked up vanilla sky face in the same breath?

        Thank God I ain’t too cool for the safe belt
        I swear to God driver two wanna sue
        I got lawyer for the case to keep what’s in my safe; safe
        My dawgs couldn’t tell if I
        I look like Tom Cruise on Vanilla Sky, it was televised
        There’s been an accident like GEICO
        They thought I was burnt up like Pepsi did Michael
        I must gotta angel
        Cause look how death missed his ass
        Unbreakable, would you thought they called me Mr. Glass

      • idk says:


        That song was his break-out hit and his greatest. His lyrics are no where near that caliber now. His focus has shifted…he was hungry when he started out as a rapper (yes I know he produced for years before getting signed by Jay), now he’s just a Kardashian pawn with low record sales…oh and he became really annoying lol.

      • gogoGorilla says:

        I think this is the standard career trajectory for musicians, though. They start out good and have something to say, then they get a taste of fame and start to think they are godly, then they become surrounded by people who tell them whatever they hear, then they pink-wig it into history. Sometimes it’s sad, especially if they started out with legitimate talent. Often it’s ridiculous and laughable, though.

        I just think it’s impossible to take Kanye serious as an artist when he is attached to the Kraptrashians.

      • Yelly says:

        Didn’t he record that when his jaw was wired shut because of his car accident? If he did, that’s amazing. Look what he’s become now.

    • Dommy Dearest says:

      Autotunes is the new talent, yall.

    • Prometheus says:

      I agree 100%. This video was the first note I ever heard out of that fool. I honestly thought it was a joke. If this is the “talent” he brings to the table, how do any of us even know his name? I can’t imagine how anyone could have concluded that this utter ROT was perfect and ready for release!! On a positive note, I was a 25″ waist when the video started but laughed so hard, I was a 23″ when it ended!! (No airbrushing or cosmetic procedures here!) Now I want to turn my 4 pack abs into a 6 pack. BRING ON BOUND PART 3 😀
      Thanks kim & Kanye : )

  42. Reece says:

    Did they make this video with Movie Maker on a Mac Book?

    Btw Kim has to be wearing a bra in those pics otherwise her boobs would be at her waist. Before the Anti-Shaming Shamers get here. It’s a fact big breasts sag esp after having a baby! End of.

  43. tifzlan says:

    Well, this just proves that Kim really has no talent aside from getting peed on. She can’t sing, can’t even act in a music video. Heck, even her sex tape was boring! So, there it is. And i will never understand how she managed to gain the level of fame and fortune that she has now.

  44. Deedee says:

    OMG. Ellen’s face at the end of the video was awesome. She was dumbfounded.

  45. TheOriginalKitten says:

    I can’t wait to get out of work so I can watch this..

  46. feebee says:

    Yes we can see her boobs, but no need to apologize, they’re just boobs… shiny boobs.

    The level of delusional coming from Kanye is… well, if I really cared I’d call it troubling. He just appears to be getting more wound up. I honestly don’t know if actually marrying Kim will make it worse or act as a balm.

    As for the video. I appreciated the nicely shot scenery but then Kimye happened. It looked like an SNL parody.

  47. yuck says:

    I guess Kanye fancies himself Kim’s Svengali. Unfortunately, by persisting in involving America’s No. 1 Famewhore in his “serious artist” career, he’s only making himself more of a laughing-stock than he already is.

  48. Sue says:

    Um – wow the hate here is well just crazy. Kim looks great, the song is decent and they love each other. What is there to hate on. Personally I think it is a way better choice to use Kim then some other woman and have the tabloids go crazy. These two – whether the posters on this site like it or not – are a power couple. The money they have is crazy and they are always the number one story on all gossip sites. If these two showed up at the Oscars they would be the most talked about – it’s just the way it is – I say get over it. Would they be invited to the Oscars – of course they would – the Oscars need ratings – and who else could bring in as many viewers? I personally am not a fan – but you would have to be stupid to try to say they are not one of the hottest things in the entertainment industry right now. I also respect them for not selling out their daughter. They have every right to put themselves out there – but they have more sense then most of the entertainment industry in keeping their daughter out of the spotlight.

    • RN says:

      We’re all entitled to our own opinions. IMO, the song is unbearably childish, the video is awful and Kim and Kanye are talent-free. I appreciate artists who actually possess a modicum of talent, and it looks like many of the posters here feel the same. It’s wise to distinguish between “popular” and “talented”, as American culture clearly shows that the two are not always synonymous.

    • Nina W says:

      You’re “not a fan” of them but you have to post a shame on us post for not liking this crap? Sorry to break it to you but I don’t hate Kim or Kanye, I do find them annoying and they do represent a lot of what I don’t care for but that does not equal hate. People like you who elevate Kim and Kanye because they are allegedly popular should really look in the mirror prior to calling foul on other’s opinions.

  49. lavinia says:

    Did Kanye really call himself and Kim pop icons?? Hahahahaha!!!!

  50. Tracy says:

    Is that some kind of joke cause I am laughing so hard after watching that video!!

  51. kaligula says:

    I feel like this, even more than the child-having and the engagement ring getting, is the pinnacle of what she’s been striving for basically for her whole life.

    And I also have to say…does anyone else think it’s significant that she suddenly went blonde (after years of living in an obsessively blonde-loving enviro) only after giving birth to a child who is half black? I can’t help but think that it is.

    And also I think Kanye has pretty much lost his mind.

    That is all.

  52. umyeah says:

    Oh man. I really wish I wouldn’t have clicked on that. You know they were probably having gross sex on the bike. In the name of high art. And now I will have that “uh huh honey” in my head for the rest of the day, thank you very much. Ugh.

  53. Barbara says:

    I tried to watch that video…oh my goodness…that was downright awful.

  54. JudyK says:

    Nothing I can stand about this wannabe known for nothing but Porn, but her outfit is pretty…or would be with a nude camisole under it.

    But that would require knowing the meaning of the word “Class.”

  55. hottathanholywatta says:

    Aside from the samples he took from actually good songs the song itself is weak. The rapping sounds like it was written by an 8 year old. The video is more shameless self promotion of someone whose 15 minutes of fame dried up years ago. The beginning shots looked like they were ripped off from a national geographic series and the never ending hard posing and sucking in of her stomach makes me feel sorry for her

  56. JudyK says:

    Just watched the video and Kanye…can’t bear looking at either. Barfing time.

    The only thing artistic or beautiful in that video was the beginning with the Eagle and the wild horses…why did Kanye have to ruin it by stepping in singing, rapping, or whatever the hell he does and by having Kim appear naked. Barfing time once again.

  57. TheCountess says:

    Why bother using her in the video when 90% of the body shown is so obviously a double?

  58. AlmondJoy says:

    They have everyone’s attention… this is what they want. There will be tons of comments about how tired people are of seeing them and how they shouldn’t even be famous and yet WE are keeping them famous. I can almost guarantee this thread will have the most comments.

    • idk says:

      Yeah but it’s so tempting to comment on such ridiculousness. Kim and Kanye are very calculating…they say and do things on purpose to get a reaction…it’s only human to want to respond lol. Kim has no talent, she has to resort to such tricks…Kanye used to be talented, I think the Kardashians sucked his talent out of him and stored in in a jar somewhere.

    • Irishserra says:

      It matters not where Kanye is concerned. It really, REALLY bothers Kanye when he is criticized. He can’t ignore it. He just absolutely does not possess the self control to do so. Therefore, everyone has the upper hand in this scenario over Kanye and his diehard defenders. Which makes this soooo fun.

      • idk says:

        Haha yeah, at this point I think interviewers purposely try to criticize him or Kim just to get a reaction out of Kanye…he has become pure entertainment.

  59. Irishserra says:

    Only 30 people Kanye?

    And “lowering my priority of thinking…” Bwahahaha!!! You said it, Kanye; not me.

  60. Irishserra says:

    He lost me at “berfday.” Good Lord, someone just kill me and get it over with. This is what “art” has become today?

  61. chaine says:

    i had the sound off. the first minute or so just looks like a screensaver. and then the motorcycle sex, is that even possible? how could either of them keep a straight face filming this ridiculousness on a non-moving motorcycle in front of a green screen and a camera crew with a fan blowing at them to simulate wind in kim’s hair???

  62. Megan A says:

    The video looks like a Korean Karaoke background video! And at 2:44 it looks like he is waving off a fart :-/

  63. Dommy Dearest says:

    Saturday Night Live did a skit over the weekend that was ‘Waking Up With Kimye’ and I have to say it’s the funniest skit I’ve seen them do in the LONGEST time. I say that it is well worth the watch. It got Kim and Kanye spot on to the point I’m surprised Yezus Pieces hasn’t taken to twitter yet.

    Watch and laugh! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0bT60BLYKM

  64. Karolina says:

    She looks sooo bad when she tries to smile now. Her face is so frozen from all the botox and tweaking, it looks like a grimace when she smiles. Her itty bitty nose looks especially weird when she tries to move her face.

  65. pk says:

    How vulgar! Kim is nowhere near that skinny and Kanye is just plain gross. No wonder Kim has dead eyes.

  66. Nev says:

    A lot of these comments are so extra. Hahaha

    • AlmondJoy says:

      +1 I know right?! Its scary to think that people care enough to write a whole essay on them lol.. I’m no fan but I don’t have them either.

      • idk says:

        Ok but you’re still taking the time to read the comments…and come on this is CELEBITCHY…what do you expect?

  67. Skins says:

    Actually, Kim acting like she really loves this guy is first rate acting. We all know why she is really with him, but her selling her “love” for him is Oscar worthy stuff. Kanye, you not only suck, but you are an idiot

  68. Relli says:

    I just listened and watched as much as I could ……..

    that was terrible.

  69. Josephine says:

    I feel sadness for both of them. This is horrific.

  70. jwoolman says:

    Oh, my. Poor Kim’s face really is frozen. Even her demon mother can show more expression, plastic though she is. Really sad. I imagine Kim thought this was a great opportunity for her.

  71. Leslie says:

    I don’t know how old Kim is, but she seems too young to have her face plasticized so she can’t smile. She can’t possibly think that makes her attractive. I’m guessing her sad life consists of sitting and looking into a mirror all day because she loathes herself.

  72. Mingy says:

    In the words of my husband when we watched this “wtf? mike and lisa-marie was more convincing”

  73. Sassy says:

    I just watched this again (sucker for punishment, I guess) – this time WITH sound… and for real, does he actually say/sing “I want to f*ck you hard in the sink, after that get you a drink”????? Those are some JEANiUS lyrics. 0_o

  74. shellybean says:

    They are SO private y’all! Omg! So private that they simulate him fucking her on the bike. Not to mention, I thought she was trying to get away from the whole sex tape fiasco and that whole image.

  75. CrazyCatLady says:

    I am a regular reader but I never comment on these stories. I also tend to be a little bit of a Kardashian apologist and occasionally watch the show but….I have so many damn questions!!! 1.) Do motorcycles fly now? Because I swear in some scenes that’s what it looks like. 2.) How can he see to drive with her in front of him like that? 3.) Are they having sex on that bike? Nasty. Wasn’t the sex-like photoshoot enough? 4.) If he is such a creative genius why aren’t his videos better? 5.) For the love of God, Kim why do you keep trying to act?!

    That is all.

    • raya says:

      Truly… what’s with all the bouncing? Looks like Kanye is feewing vewy sad that Kim has a porn with anover man. He’s hoping this will make everybody forget about that. If they want to do a sex tape, they’ll just have to do a sex tape.

      • shellybean says:

        It’s interesting that you say that because I was also thinking that Kanye must be trying to “claim” Kim on tape since she has a sex tape with another man out there. Almost like he’s bragging and saying that he has her now. I honestly can’t believe she agreed to do this video, after all the times she’s said and made efforts to distance herself from that tape. And this video brings it all right back. I almost feel bad for her. She seems like a dead-eyed puppet here lately.

  76. Jayna says:

    He’s really jumped the shark, hasn’t he?

  77. Bernice says:

    Is this typical Kanye? Is this….. Music? I have never listened to him. This was beyond embarrassing. Does he have an IQ of 50, because that would be the only excuse for this. This is so awful, lyric wise, music wise, Kim wise, story wise that I don’t even have words. This is horrific!

    • claire says:

      I only have heard his popular songs and they certainly weren’t anything like this! The song, the video…it’s awful! I’m at a loss for words. This can’t possibly be real.

  78. peace out says:

    OMG!!! I swear I thought I was watching a SNL spoof. This is literally the most hideously awful video I have EVER seen and the song sucks too. Ooooooh lord, please tell me they have the decency to be embarrassed by this.

  79. Sheila says:

    Yes Kanye has lost it, his career has taken a nosedive and he has lost what respect he did have procreating with Kim. She has one expression now…frozen. Imagine Kim’s ridiculous baby girl, vapid, silly voice answering his “JEANIUS” ego rants every day. Oh to be a fly on the wall of those “deep” conversations they have!!! LOVE that they are together, it’s like huge ego + stupid = Kimye.

  80. rudy says:

    omg, that was awful. It does look like a spoof.

    And there is ZERO chemistry between the two of them. What was he thinking? Kanye is even wearing Biebers diapers. It’s a mess.

  81. GiGi says:

    Guys, I just can’t get over how awful the dark lipstick looks on her. What do you all think???

  82. Monkey Towz says:

    She looks like a band-aid.

  83. PinkyTuscadero says:

    that song is interesting. sorry. he might not be a musicologist but neither were robert johnson or the stones or jimi hendrix. only prince is smart like that. jeezus didn’t pull off a magna carta/holy grail with this thing but, sonically, it’s interesting and he doesn’t rely on other producers as much as jay does (mc/hg is a piece of genious. wait. geenyus. wait. genius because of swizz beats.)

    that is all.

    • Kiddo says:

      I think there are elements of the song that are okay. The lyrics are a bit trifling, and the little girl voice “Uh-huh honey” is beyond grating, some of it is interesting, but I think people are more or less taken aback by the video itself. It does make me wonder if it was intentionally made to be bad.

  84. Deb says:

    That is the most budget music video I have seen in a while. Seriously, just him and Photoshop Kim pretending to ride a bike in front of a green screen?

    When Kim stares at the camera it reminds me of a Japanese porn clip I saw where the girl was stoned out of her mind.

  85. logan says:

    Something tells me that kris directed this video. Certainly has her touch on it.

  86. cali_soleil says:

    HA hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahhahaha!!

  87. truthful says:

    riding on a fake motorcycle w/fake backgrounds–its all struggle if you aask me.

    I have been going back, viewing it, and laughing.

    he is going to be furious at his reviews of this and go OFF in, 5, 4, 3, 2…

  88. skipper says:

    That video looked like it cost $200 to make. Plus tax.

  89. boomboom says:

    This is the stupidest pr move on Kims part . It just reminds everyone about her porn tape and takes away any credibility that they had as savy business people .
    I think the green screen might be a nod to the return of the 90’s amongst the hipster scene. The song is bad and Kims face never moves even when they are having sex . If you are having sex on a motorcycle while going 120 miles an hour , shouldn’t you look more awake than that ? She looks like he just put her up there half asleep and she’s about to nod out. yikes !

  90. Nicolette says:

    That was f***ing awful, I stopped it about halfway through, couldn’t take anymore. Nice thing for Nori to see someday, Mommy looking like she’s having sex with Daddy on a motorcycle. Keeping it classy as always.

  91. dorothy says:

    These two are legends in their own minds. If they were half as interesting and talented as they thought they were it would be amazing. Sadly, they’re not.

  92. JudyK says:

    Just saw Kanye on Ellen…I’m sorry, this is mean, but he is one of the ugliest men I’ve ever seen (and I wouldn’t say that if I liked him even a minute amount). And what is up with his bottom row of teeth?

    Listening to his delusional opinions of himself and his “gifts” is gag worthy. He and Kim are two losers who truly deserve each other.

  93. Missykittens says:

    I actually thought that the song/vid was AMAZING!!!

    Naw Just kidding! From calling their baby North, to Kim wearing that couch dress to the met gala, to this video… They’re pulling our leg.

  94. lucy says:

    Video description:

    A vapid empty narcissist who made amateur porn under her mom’s direction mates with a megalomaniacal narcissist to the sound of a malfunctioning iPod.

  95. Gwendolyn says:

    Omg this is disgusting kim has no class i hate kanye he tottaly lost his mind after mother died and he got fake friends were is jay ??? He supose to talk to him brother isnt annyway kim is a fake beyonce she will never look like beyonce i cant believe this 2013 and we have talentless people that are famous with no degree shame if this is turn to be the american dream music is fuckup these days bring me back to the 90s when real music was there aaliyah biggie run dmc lil kim 2 pac whitney housten mariah carey and what the most funny is is that they think they higher then us actually all celebrities are slaves of the media world without us they are nothing

  96. maggie says:


  97. BeckyR says:

    The “song” stinks! He doesn’t sing, he recites his stupid juvenile rapper poetry. And people actually pay MONEY to see this? The video is even more stupid. Feel sorry for the baby. With parents like these, she has two strikes against her.

  98. Mabs says:

    That vid/song’s a joke right? I mean nobody affiliated with that thinks it’s a serious endeavor do they? It’s so bad I’m confused…it’s like a parody of something. Of themselves maybe?

  99. yep says:

    Hmmm. That was heinous. For some Gawd awful reason, I thought of Farrah Abraham. Its as if , Farrah is their combined turd. Remember Farrahs failed attempt as the new ! video! singing ! breakout !star ! ? Yes, this video, the lyrics, melody, and the main characters, are like that. Just like that.

  100. alibeebee says:

    This video was super budget and bad. I like how they Photoshopped her boobs to look bigger. the editing was bad so bad.. what’s with the bike? you can tell the label doesn’t want to spend real $$ how much did this cost 10 bucks? I could have shot a better one with my iphone camera.. and the song WTH! did you See Ellen’s face like I showed this crap on my SHOW my ratings will suck. Poor Ellen she deserved so much better than the doo doo video Kanye made.

  101. dirty martini says:

    yeezus, jesus. what an insufferable twit he is.

    KUWTK is so bad it is funny. I can actually watch it for 5-10 minutes to laugh at how inane it is.

    But this shit is just lame dribble . The fact he takes himself so seriously, and is so effin dumb at the same time, defies any explanation.

  102. Palermo says:

    Looks like it was made in somebody’s parents basement for a junior high school project. Utter garbage.

  103. bendgal says:

    First of all, I thought I was watching a National Geographic film of the wonders of the world and than BOOM….Kim naked…Kim fakes writhing, trying to look sexy on fake horsey bike ride, fade to incessant blinking to keep hair out of eyes, Kim trying to show sexy affection to non responsive, homely male who can’t rap or sing worth a damn. Uh huh honey….get a clue Kim. How you could let this man use you, degrade you and stoop to this level is beyond comprehension. But than you are a grown woman who capitalizes on this kind of crap. Think of your new baby daughter, not you. This is nothing your daughter will ever be proud of with this jerk sexualizing and making a fool and joke of. The song is horrible, the video is low budget and gross. Promise…in 5 years you will be cringing and thinking “Why the hell did I do this?” You are beautiful and deserve more than this garbage.

  104. Hakura says:

    I honest-to-GOD thought it was a joke… all those natural park views & running horses? I truly thought it was a parody he did for Ellen’s show. I’ve never been into Kanye, but would always admit (before) that he had talent… But I could barely even STAND getting through this whole song, it was so horrible.

    It looks like the Kardashians didn’t stop at just sucking out his soul, they had his talent for dessert. I don’t know what to even MAKE of all this ‘I’m SOINLOVEOMG!!!!!!!! -shit. He’s pouring it on WAY too thick. (I know, I’m a cynic.) I can’t help but still think he’s hiding in a Parisian closet.

  105. lindy says:

    ANYTHING the human urinal undertakes is a massive failure.
    And Kanye is a “genius”? Good God, what’s happening to our country’s standards?

  106. lipsticktraces says:

    Video has now killed the internet star…. thank you, Yeezus!

  107. Alarmjaguar says:

    Where are her nipples in that video, it is creepy!

  108. trishsixxmo says:


  109. Robots says:

    Video was shit….kanye is shit… Kim dump that loser…actually ur both shit!

  110. mrsmc says:

    Double Yuck!!

  111. Caroline says:

    Cute outfit. Nice styling.

  112. rinaz says:

    Got to the end of the video and seeing Kanye with this big smile, he looks so adorable. And then it’s like he catches himself smiling and then he starts scowling again.

    I don’t like the song, some parts doesn’t even rhyme and the bike scene was so so so strange. I do like the nature scenes with the mountains and the flying eagle and the running horses though.

  113. fallen says:

    I honestly think Kanye is trolling everyone, all the the time!

    • Kiddo says:

      It’s almost as if he is trolling Kim. The lyrics are indicating that they’ll be together for Thanksgiving, he can’t remember when he met her, and maybe they’ll be together for Christmas, or something like that. For simulated sex scenes, the lack of chemistry and raw sexual attraction is nil, at least from my perspective. The “falling in love” part just seems so incongruent to the cold interaction between the two. It looks like someone in high school constructed scenes according to what they think love would look like, but missed the mark because the visuals were based on assumptions of emotions they had not yet felt. Or perhaps the director sucked, I don’t know.

  114. babythestarsshinebrite says:

    Soon they will go the way of Heidi and Spencer.

  115. Vilodemeanus says:

    If he keeps putting out music like that and spending the way he does, he’ll be as broke and Michael Jackson and that will bum Kimmie out. She’s counting on spending his money and not having to see him that often, just wear clothes he picks out that don’t suit her body and yes him to death. No wonder Jenner couldn’t stand him but if it was a choice between the cash cow Kanye and Bruce, Bruce was going and so he did. I think Kris wanted him to move in with her so she could work on him like Lamar to get a management deal out of this relationship. It’s like watching the Island of Dr Moreau but with ugly deformed greedy people as the monsters.

  116. Carli says:

    They are such a joke! How embarrassing!!!!!

  117. yep says:

    You know what I liked about the video? How nice it was that he included a beginning shot of her family galloping through the prairie. That was super sweet. And that he pulled out all the stops to that pesky wind, making sure that even though hes going forward, it submitted to him, and blew Kimmies hair back. Or hes boning her so hard that her hair did blow back. Amazing . I am really glad, as I am sure Kim is, for her fat ass, cause I know for a fact, those gas caps on the tank are brutal.