Eva Mendes allegedly told the TSA screeners at LAX that she’s ‘pregnant’


Eva Mendes has been MIA for a while, at least gossip-wise. These photos of Eva grocery shopping, they’re from last week. But otherwise, we haven’t had any new photos of her doing a pap-stroll since October. No photos of her out walking Ryan Gosling’s dog, no photos of her daily fashion shows for the paparazzi, no shots of her walking arm-in-arm with Ryan Gosling. Of course, last fall, there were lots of rumors flying around that Ryan and Eva were on the verge of breaking up, that he was either over it or that he wanted to marry her and she was saying no. I tended to believe that they were having problems, but I don’t know exactly what those problems were.

So, there were some suspicions, some tabloid stories, and Eva largely disappeared for several months. What was going on? Well… what if she’s pregnant? That’s what The Daily Mail seems to think:

Eva Mendes has sparked rumours that she may be pregnant with her first child. The 39-year-old actress, who is recently believed to have split from her long-term actor boyfriend Ryan Gosling, caused a stir when she arrived at Los Angeles’ LAX Airport on Saturday.

Arriving at the Transportation Security Administration point for a routine pre-flight security check, the Place Beyond The Pines star reportedly told officers she would not be able to pass through the body scanner ‘because she’s pregnant’.

The screen beauty was jetting from Los Angeles to New York City, and seemed to be in a rush as she arrived at the airport prior to allegedly making her declaration.

MailOnline has contacted a representative for Eva Mendes about the pregnancy rumours.

But in spite of the latest reports, Eva hasn’t made a public appearance with long-term beau Ryan Gosling, 33, in months. The couple started dating back in September 2011 after meeting on the set of gritty drama The Place Beyond The Pines, but their relationship was claimed to have hit the rocks in December 2013.

A source close to the pair told Perez Hilton: ‘There was a realization before Thanksgiving that they took things way too fast and were rushing toward a marriage that neither of them particularly needed. They’ve decided to take a break to re-evaluate their romance. At the end of the day they are both so uncertain about their future.’

An insider added to US Weekly: ‘He can be moody and she’s insecure. She sees a text from a mystery number and assumes he’s talking to girls.’

[From The Daily Mail]

Is there a Gosbaby baking away? Eh. Could be. It would be one explanation for the weirdness around Eva and Ryan these days, and by “weirdness” I mean “they haven’t been seen together in months and no one even knows if they’re still together.” The mean, judgy part of me says that Eva got pregnant in a hurry to save her relationship with Ryan and he’s going along with it but they disagree about how to announce their future plans together. The more generous part of me says that Eva is a girl who can’t be tied down and that even if she’s pregnant, she still doesn’t want to marry him. Huh. I have no major theory about what’s happening. Your guess is as good as mine.

PS… She bought Ginger Ale! Settling her queasy stomach/morning sickness?


Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.

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66 Responses to “Eva Mendes allegedly told the TSA screeners at LAX that she’s ‘pregnant’”

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  1. Virgilia Coriolanus says:

    An INTERESTING bump watch!!! Woot, woot!

  2. megs283 says:

    If she is – congrats! But I want to know…what’s everyone’s thoughts on those airport full-body scanners? Pregnant or not, do you feel safe walking through them and getting zapped?

    • eliza says:

      Nope, I don’t for more reasons than just health but heaven forbid you refuse as a non pregnant woman. Last summer I was flying (I always have TSA stories) a crippled man with braces on his legs said he could not go through the scanner! They took him off to the side made him take off these very complicated leg braces, practically made him strip down and ransaked his briefcase and suitcase. The entire line of people were outraged at the treatment of this poor man. Several of us helped him get himself together after the incident. It was appalling. So I just risk my health and try to pass through security as quickly and problem free as possible. It did not go so well for me several weeks ago though but that’s anothet story.lol.

      • Stef Leppard says:

        Last winter I was pregnant and refused to go through and the woman who patted me down was very nice and professional. She even asked if I wanted to have the pat-down in private but I declined. And she explained that she would use the back of her hand when checking sensitive areas so that I wouldn’t feel uncomfortable. It was all done in a professional manner.

      • Mel M says:

        @stef- I had the exact same experience both times I flew while pregnant. I flew when I was about 20weeks with my first and about 30 weeks with my second and both times asked for pat down instead of those machines. I was wearing the full belly panel the first time so she didn’t even try and stick her hand down my pants but the second time she did but it was not uncomfortable and both times the women explained exactly what they were doing and both times we ended up talking about babies and kids. Maybe it has to do with what airport you fly out of. I flew out of O’Hare both times. And flew back from the Bahamas and Fort Meyers FL.

      • The Wizz says:

        Pat down WTF? One reason I wont be travelling to the USA! That is madness!

    • Samtha says:

      I hate going through them, especially since I wear a breast prosthesis. Whether I go through or not, I get patted down and my hands swabbed. No one has asked me to remove my prosthesis yet (and they’re not supposed to, but it has happened to several people I know).

    • Molly K says:

      Maybe she just found the easiest way to avoid going through the full-body scanners without hassle…just say you’re pregnant 😉

      • Eva says:

        This was also my first thought. She just said that because she thought she didn’t want to go through the scanners.

      • Cazzee says:

        Yeah, that was my first thought.

        Also, if she did identify herself as pregnant and the TSA workers leaked that information to the media, that is a HUGE breach of medical confidentiality and not supposed to happen. I know she’s a celebrity and we’re not supposed to care about privacy breaches with these people, but it’s just another sign of the lack of training and integrity of TSA personnel if they were responsible for this leak.

      • swack says:

        Cazzee, how is this a breach of medical confidentiality? This is not a doctor’s office giving out the information and how do you know someone else didn’t overhear her and gave the information to the press. This is NOT a HIPPA violation.

      • Liberty says:

        Friends are telling me this is the new way to scoot through. Just say it.

      • Really says:

        I’ve said I was Preggo to avoid the full body scanners. If it’s not safe for preggos I don’t want to go through it- I mean for my part I was Trying so it was possible that I was preggo.
        And who found this out? You know those TSA agents leaked it.

      • jaye says:

        Cazzee…airlines are not subject to HIPAA laws.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      I had cancer, so I was concerned about it and did a little research. I believe that it’s as safe as using a cell phone. In other words, there is a little exposure, but not enough to be dangerous.

    • swack says:

      Last Sept. I took my 8 year old granddaughter to Disney World. On the way home through Orlando, we did not have to go through the whole body scanner, we just went through the metal detector (guess that’s what is is, you walk through and it beeps if you have any metal on you). She also didn’t have to take off her shoes. They were very pleasant. I was surprised that I didn’t have to go through the full body one.

      • sugarskulls2000 says:

        me too – I travel a lot with my 7 year old son, mostly in and out of JFK in NYC. Each time, they open the special metal detector line just for us. I believe it is the new rule when traveling with kids. Babies may get patted because asshats have tried to smuggle drugs in diapers, but TSA stopped asking my kiddo to remove his shoes a few years ago. Policy change is what they told us, he won’t have to de-shoe until he is 12 (I believe). Same thing last time we flied international, no scanners, got to keep his shoes on.

    • Dana says:

      When I was pregnant, I opted out because I don’t feel like we really know enough so why do it? I fly frequently so going through the scan multiple times seemed more like an issue for me. In most cases when I was showing, the agents just waved me around. Once an agent yelled at me in front of everyone and said “this machine is perfectly safe for your BABY!” I still opted for the pat down to which he yelled “ok, we have to stop and get a female agent!” as to make me seem like I was causing an inconvenience (hello, this is your job). I had to strip down to a tank top and leggings in front of everyone, but my female agent was a darling after I had to deal with all of that. When she felt my bump she said softly “you’re having a boy, aren’t you?” and I couldn’t help but laugh.

      • megs283 says:

        I didn’t opt out when I was pregnant, but I’ve started getting the pat down just because I’ve realized that I’m not comfortable with the machine, pregnant or not. They made me wait about 10 minutes for a pat down in Austin, but the lady who did it totally understood that not everyone is comfortable with the machine.

      • Lemon says:

        You probably get more radiation during the flight, so you still exposed the baby to all of that.

      • Egla says:

        I get the machine AND the pat down EACH TIME. Those damn machines beep each time i pass through and with my shoes off and no metal whatsoever. Not gone naked yet….. I hope never but with my luck…..

    • Zigggy says:

      No, and last time I was at an airport and saw them I remember thinking “if they try to get me in one of those things I’ll say I’m pregnant to avoid it…” (though I think you have a right to just get patted down instead?)

    • Marianne says:

      I haven’t been on a plane since 2006 and that was before those scanners obviously. Since I rarely fly, I dont think I would have a problem with it. If I flew more often, I would probably opt for a pat down.

  3. eliza says:

    Lol. All I can focus on besides her hideous outfit is how poorly she has loaded things in her cart. Cartons piled on top of fruits and veggies. I guess it’s the OCD cart organizer in me that finds this funny.

    • Sullivan says:

      Ha! I hadn’t noticed her haphazard approach to grocery shopping. She’s crushing the veg and cracking the eggs. 😄

    • swack says:

      Eliza, I had a chuckle on this. I too am OCD when it comes to cart organizing and bagging groceries. I can’t even put stuff on top of the ground meat because I don’t like it to get smashed. So glad I go to a store where I bag my own groceries. My own daughters know not to bag mom’s groceries and when a checker helps me (and some do) I about lose it.

      • eliza says:

        When I was a youngster my bff’s parents owned a grocery store and often I would hang out with my friend and work in the store. I learned the proper way to bag groceries and often cringe at the checkers now bagging at stores. I know they are pressured to be quick, so I bite my tongue and just smile. Lol.

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        When I put my groceries on the belt, I deliberately keep things organized-produce and dairy/cold stuff in one pile, frozen stuff in one pile, soda water and paper towels together, cleaning products together, etc. Yet somehow the kid bagging always manages to mix it all together–it’s unbelievable. These days I bring my own bags and just tell the bagger that I’d prefer to do it myself.

        The thing is, I bagged groceries as a kid until I became a cashier and it’s just common sense-just put ‘like’ with ‘like’. I feel like it takes more effort to bag badly than it does to do it right.

      • bluhare says:

        I’m so happy to know there are other grocery store OCDs!!!

        You don’t suppose the ginger ale is on the top to nicely complement this story, do you?

      • Jag says:

        Ooooh probably so! Pregnancy rumors brought to you by Ginger Ale!

    • Stormsmama says:

      Haha I totally noticed that too. Who organizes their cart like that ? Haha. Not me but yes I guess that is my OCD showing

    • Me too. I was more concerned about the frozen pizza crushing the flowers than a possible Gosbaby!

    • PinkyTuscadero says:

      I too am an ocd cart packer and totally did the same. but, then, the comment about the ginger ale… yes, she’s signaling “pregnant” by building that abomination of a grocery pyramid and balancing her 12-pack pr message on the very top

    • frisbeejada says:

      Thank goodness it’s not just me, I’ve spent years feeling embarassed about organising my grocery and explaining to the checkout person that it’s because I hate shopping so much I just have to get it all done as efficiently as possible – in batches, cans, frozen, fresh chilled, household, paper. and nobody else bags my goods but me. The WORST thing for me is when they reorganise a shop layout – that leaves me totally boggled…

  4. Renee says:

    NO!!!!! Ryan was supposed to fall in love with ME and father our children!!!!!

    This is interesting news.

  5. bns says:

    I totally believe it. Hopefully the baby get her looks and not Gosling’s ugly mug.

  6. blue marie says:

    The only thing those photos show is that she wishes that dude would stop talking to her.. If she is pregnant, good for them and if not, good for them. I feel very “meh” about them as a couple.

    • V4Real says:

      “The only thing those photos show is that she wishes that dude would stop talking to her.. ”

      LMBO. She looks really cute without all that make-up. Her face looks a bit younger than 39 in these pics. I never gave their relationship much thought.

  7. Kali says:

    If it’s true, I’m dying to see how those genes combine….

  8. Macey says:

    Eva baffles me as an actress. I just cant figure out why she seems so unlikable on screen even tho she’s not playing unlikable characters. I never really followed her to know anything about her but Ive noticed whenever she happens to be in a movie Im watching, I feel nothing or have no interest in her character. Its not that she’s a bad actress, she’s not great or anything but she delivers her lines fine enough, its just you dont feel anything for her even when she’s supposed to be a sympathetic character. Its just really weird b/c I never really noticed anything like with other actresses in similar roles (the girlfriend of the main character type).

  9. Hannah says:

    Source: The Daily Mail.
    Likelihood of truth: Tiny.

    • Another Ann says:


      Let’s be logical here. She says something to a TSA rep in Los Angeles, and somehow that gets communicated to, and only to, a tabloid in ENGLAND?

      If TSA reps were spreading gossip (a breach for which they’d be fired), wouldn’t it be more likely to go to the many LA based outlets?

      Think, people.

  10. Mia4S says:

    Oh lord, he has some crazy crazy fans. This should be very interesting if true and she may continue a low profile. Best wishes of course.

    The online explosion should be entertaining. Sorry folks, the Notebook was not a documentary.

  11. Paloma says:

    Perhaps she lied in order to avoid going through the scanner.

  12. Enny says:

    Why does everyone assume Gosling would be the father? If we haven’t seen him around lately, maybe it’s just that – he hasn’t been there. Someone else has.

  13. Lark says:

    I can believe it, although the Fail. He’s such a mama’s boy, and I remember seeing an interview where his mom talked about how great Eva was and how Eva let her borrow some clothes or some jewelry. In the past, Eva has also been seen with his mom on several occasions without Ryan. She’s pushing 40, he’s 32…and if they are going to have kids, this would be the perfect moment because of their age and because he’s taking a temporary break from acting (plus, I bet his mom is pushing for grandkids). He was in Iceland working on the post-production of his movie that he directed, and I think that’s part of the reason they weren’t seen together for a very long time (although there was a fan photo of her there).

  14. Jade says:

    Uh, this woman will say and do anything to stay in the spotlight, why not a fake baby rumor?. She has the Daily Mail on payroll so it’s definitely BS, they excessively gush over her sad career and over done look, and she has a long history of leaking stories to the press. I reckon they did break up about 6 months ago, but she’ll keep milking it until Ryan turns up with someone new.

  15. snakecharmer says:

    she so stunning. i love her look and style.

  16. Maureen says:

    She’s got really pretty skin. That’s all I have to offer.

    I’ve only ever seen her in one movie that I can remember (the one with Will Smith?). Otherwise, she doesn’t register any interest or curiosity with me whatsoever.

  17. Marianne says:

    Well her pregnancy could be one of the reasons why she has seen in awhile. Maybe she wants to stay quiet until she’s passed her first trimester. Or she could be waiting until her bump is more pronounced and then show up at a red carpet somewhere (making it a big statement). Or shes’s not pregnant and she lied so that she wouldn’t have to go through a screener.

    Only time will tell.

  18. AnnE says:

    I doubt it. Eva has been very vocal about loving those little buggers (kids) but not wanting any of her own, she says she likes sleep too much. I always respected her for being honest about not wanting kids of her own. If she has changed her mind, more power to her!

  19. Snappyfish says:

    I have always thought she was v v pretty in an exotic way.

  20. Anna says:

    I don’t believe it. All the suspictions are logical -Daily Mail- and Mendes was very honest to not having a baby or a marriage ring. Also I don’t think this pregnancy is something about a “back up plan” for her declining career, because if it was that, she would did that before.

  21. Meggin says:

    hahah she’s buying Skinny cow ice cream sandwiches. Those are the best.

  22. Sara says:

    This must be the 100th pregnancy rumour about these two. They are never seen together, and when they actually are seen, Eva is clinging onto him for dear life and he always looks like he’d rather be anywhere else.

  23. Val says:

    Forget the pregnancy rumors, what the hell is she wearing! :0