Angelina Jolie thinks wealthy, privileged moms should stop complaining


There are some new photos of Angelina Jolie in LA, but we don’t have them – you can see them here. She’s wearing a black lace sack dress. She should really invest in a clothing line or an LA boutique that makes/sells only sack dresses. The store shall be named… Sackporium. Anyway, Angelina is in full promotional mode for Maleficent, and wouldn’t you know, she got pulled into the mommy wars. To her credit, Angelina never pulls the “that’s my private life, I’m not going to talk about my children” line because she’s self-aware enough to know that ship has sailed. But she has no qualms about pulling the “I refuse to complain about any part of my life because rich, privileged mommies need to STFU about everything” line.

Angelina on the stress of motherhood: “I’m not a single mom with two jobs trying to get by every day. I have much more support than most people, most women in this world. And I have the financial means to have a home and health care and food. My kids, they’re here upstairs,” she added, pointing toward the ceiling of the hotel conference room where she was grilled by reporters.

Time off: “When I feel I’m doing too much, I do less, if I can. And that’s why I’m in a rare position where I don’t have to do job after job. I can take time when my family needs it.”

Controlling her schedule: “I can say I can only get into the (editing) room after the kids are in school, and I have to be back for dinner, and they’re coming for lunch.”

Stop complaining: “I actually feel that women in my position, when we have all at our disposal to help us, shouldn’t complain. Consider all the people who really struggle and don’t have the financial means, don’t have the support, and many people are single raising children. That’s hard.”

[From the NYDN]

The NYDN was trying to make it sound like Jolie was directly slamming NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio’s partner Chirlane McCray’s recent comments – go here to read. But I read the McCray stuff and I think she was just being honest about how she had always defined herself as a working woman and when her children came in her 40s, she didn’t know how to redefine herself as a mom and she fought against the confines of motherhood (and society’s definition of what motherhood should be). McCray wasn’t whining about motherhood, she was talking honestly about the work-versus-motherhood struggle that many women feel but rarely discuss, because ALL women are supposed to define themselves solely through their children, right?

As for Angelina’s comments…I agree with her. I get exhausted with this current generation of celebrity moms, mommy bloggers and “branded” mothers who act like they invented mothering and who malign, guilt and shame other women for making different choices. Personally, I kind of feel like Angelina is tapping her nose and pointing in Gwyneth Paltrow’s direction.


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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186 Responses to “Angelina Jolie thinks wealthy, privileged moms should stop complaining”

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  1. Kiddo says:

    AMEN, and I am neither religious or a mom. At least don’t make your complaints public.

    • blue marie says:

      + 1 (I wanted to be fancy and make it bold)

    • doofus says:

      I don’t have much to add to your comment…just that I agree. it’s nice to hear a privileged person understand that they are privileged and appreciate that they don’t have to go through what others often have to.

      AND she gives back.


      • phlyfiremama says:

        Exactly. I don’t think she was even aiming her comments at ANYONE in particular, just stating her own feelings about the case. Whatever hiccups she had in her past (and didn’t we ALL have hiccups in our past at one point or another, just not under such intense scrutiny by others?!), she is a class act all the way. She walks the walk. Even though I personally would love to see her in some jewel toned smokin’ hot dresses.

      • tinyjones says:

        You’re exactly right Phly. Media outlets today are such liars. Trying to make everything a cat fight or competition with other women. I doubt Angelina knows what the mayor’s wife said recently in her op-ed about mommy guilt or about Paltrow (don’t think she’d give a flap what Paltrow said anyway ).

        This was the ORIGINAL question and Angelina’s answer in context:

        QUESTION: How do you find a balance between your work life and family life? You’ve got six kids and an amazing career, so how do you make it work, especially when you and Brad are each off doing World War II epics, at the same time?

        JOLIE: Well, that was hard. The kids went back and forth sometimes, and we’d each have some, but most of the time, I had them all and it was hard. But I’m not a single mom with two jobs, trying to get by, every day. I have much more support than most women, around this world, and I have the financial means to have a home and help with care and food. So, I don’t consider it a challenge. My kids are here, upstairs. They home school, so we travel everywhere together. They were on set, almost every day, for Maleficent. We travel everywhere together. When I feel I’m doing too much, I do less, if I can. I’m in a rare position where I don’t have to do job after job. I can take time, when my family needs it. I’m editing now. The nice thing about being a director is that I can say, “I can only get into the room after the kids are at school, and I have to be back for dinner. And they’re coming for lunch.” I actually feel like women in my position, when we have all at our disposal to help us, shouldn’t complain when we consider all of the people who are really struggling, and don’t have the means or support. Many people are single, raising children. That’s hard.

      • Ennie says:

        tnx for pasting the whole thing. Much better this way.

    • mimif says:

      Hallelujah sister. +2.567

    • Sherry says:

      +1000 I agree. My husband travels a lot and I get a minor dose of what it’s like for single working moms. It’s HARD!!! I won’t even complain about it to the moms I work with who are single moms because they do it EVERY SINGLE DAY without complaining. People like Paltrow need to have a seat.

    • Liv says:

      Take that, Gwyneth Paltrow!

      I imagine how ridiculous Gwyneth’s complaints must be in Angelina’s eyes after she met many women who have to flee from war and just try to feed their familys.

      • Blossom says:

        +1 Liv

      • littlestar says:

        That’s what I was thinking too, all the refugee mothers Angelina has met, she was probably thinking about them. Now THEY have it truly hard :(.

      • Mel M says:

        Exact! AJ has actually seen the other side of the coin so you actually believe her when she says she appreciates and knows everything she has and in return she has a passion to help those in need. I don’t think Gopp has ever even stopped her pedicured foot into a 3 star hotel.

      • DrM says:

        That was the first thing I thought of, the contrast between her comments and GOOP’s. Goop needs to sit down and have a read of AJ’s interview.

    • Just Passing Through says:

      She really gets it……unlike some others, she doesn’t pretend to be something that she’s not.

      I’m sure she speaks from experience watching her Mother struggle as a single mom.

      You go, Angie! Let’s give a shout out to all of the struggling, single mom’s out there. 🙂

      • Ennie says:

        I like how she expressed her thoughts. She is not shaming anyone, but acknowledging how some people have it easier.
        She has seen the extremes and early in her life she reflected in how her sufferings and pains in life paled when compared to people who had lived in a war zone. Not that they are unreal, but sometimes we make our problems ourselves or enlarge them unnecessarily.
        Perspective. She has it.

        PS: I side-eye tori Spelling.

      • MW says:

        Yeah, I like AJ and the first thing I thought was that she is thinking from her Mother’s point of view.

    • lucy2 says:

      YES – everyone has frustrations and needs to vent sometimes, but don’t do it to a reporter who will then share those complaints with the world.
      I feel like her PR position here was “Be the Anti-Goop.”

      • tinyjones says:

        I feel like news outlets are dragging other women into her comment when neither they nor what they said were even brought up. They want to give the impression of a catfight. I doubt with everything on her plate Jolie knows what the mayor’s wife said about mommy guilt nor does she know about Paltrow’s dumb comments from last month. Paltrow’s made these kinds of stupid comments all along. Angelina could care less about how she sticks her foot in it.

    • Mr. Pitiful says:


  2. Renee says:

    DAY-UM. I love this woman.

    • Vee says:

      Me too. She is a smart, accomplished humanitarian who also happens to be other worldly gorgeous. I’m a fan.

    • BooBooLaRue says:

      Yup nothing but love for Angie. And she looks amazing in the black slacks and white blouse too!

      • Calcifer says:

        I really love the black pants and the white blouse with pumps on her too, very flattering for her ultra-slim body type

      • littlestar says:

        She does! And I MUST HAVE HER BAG!!!

    • Petee says:

      Love her too.She is a beauty inside and out.

    • Dawn says:

      Yep, I am right there with you! Her mother was a single mother basically and so I think she has some place to come from as well.

  3. Toot says:

    Angelina had probably heard what Gwyneth said and was directing her comment at people like her.

    I loved what Angelina said and she’s right. She’s so intelligent.

    • Kimmy says:

      Whatever Angie says, she says it in a way that we will still like her. She knows he is privileged, but doesn’t rub it in. Goop should take notes!

    • ojulia123 says:

      That’s what I was thinking: she’s throwing shade at the Goopy One!!

    • Lucinda says:

      I doubt she is thinking about GP. I doubt she even heard about GP’s comments because I don’t think she really pays attention to that stuff. But I do love her comments. Perspective is everything. I constantly tell my mom (who complains a lot!), if you have access to clean water, food to eat, and a place to live, you are wealthy by many measures.

      • Lady D says:

        I read an article once that stated if you have a few dollars in your pocket, some change on your dresser and more than $10 in the bank, you are among the top 8% of the richest people in the world. The same article also stated that of the 6 billion people on the planet, 5 billion have never heard a phone ring or a toilet flush. I am so damn glad and grateful I live in Canada it’s not even funny

  4. aims says:

    Thank you! It’s nice to hear from someone who gets it.

  5. TheOriginalKitten says:

    Mmmhmm. Love what she said here.

    Also, in the wake of Maleficent promotion, I’ve been seeing a ton of interviews with her and this woman is such a pro with the press. I don’t know how she does it but she somehow manages to dodge really invasive questions while simultaneously answering them in an honest way–always so smooth and polished and always personable, never awkward.

    She has definitely benefited from all her humanitarian work and meeting members of Congress, heads of state, Nobel-peace prize winners-she is not easily rattled.

    She’s just a very impressive woman-truly one of a kind.

    • Dani2 says:

      She is totally a pro with the press, she gives really well thought out answers too, I definitely appreciate her presence in Hollywood.

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        Exactly. She keeps getting asked about her “impending nuptials” (to use an annoying media phrase) and she finds a way to answer without actually giving any details or information out. It’s amazing to watch, when you think about all the awkward and stupid sh*t that other celebs spew.

        This is one of many reasons why I support her “retiring” from the business (if we take that as truth and not rumor)–she has something special.
        She’s needed elsewhere and she’s wasted in Hollywood IMO.

      • tinyjones says:

        She’s stepping back and only doing things that intrigue her and interest her (which is not much acting wise – someone did a survey of h’wood product on deck recently and like 90% was superhero stuff)..and even if there are indie roles that are slightly more interesting, I don’t think she finds it worth it being away from her family or her humanitarian causes. But she never used the word ‘retired,’ or ‘retiring.’ Just clearing that up. I think she can be coaxed out with great roles that speak to her, great directors and/or more directing gigs. Lol

    • nora says:

      yes it is a real pleasure to watch and listen to the talk when comparing ad others 3 days were interviews with Marion Cotillard who presented a film in Cannes and I can not understand: n so that it has almost 40 cotinue years she speak as if she had 5

    • MrsBPitt says:

      Angie is going to be on Good Morning America tomorrow!!!

    • lower-case deb says:

      i quite like how she tackled a question that seems to be a staple these days (at least when actresses or women celebs are concerned): feminism.

      sometimes she does get a bit “lost”, as noted by some posters in the previous blogpost about Angelina (esp. on her use of gender-weighted adjectives), but generally she keeps it quite succinct and somewhat on point.

      for example, her interview with
      “…it can’t be ‘one sex is better than the other’”
      i think that’s the best way of putting it.

      sometimes she does try to embellish, and sometimes she gets overzealous, but i think it’s more because she has to repeat the same answers to many different outlets asking the same questions.

      in the same article on the other hand, regarding parenthood, this line cracked me up to bits:
      “…then go up and visit the teenager [Maddox is 13 in August] and see if he’s willing to talk. ”

      because this is so true. i don’t know about other kids (i surely think that i was the most TMI teenager on the planet growing up), but i look at my eldest child and laugh because it feels like i have to take a number and make an appointment just to see either hair or hind, let alone talk. makes me want to freeze time with the other two, for them not to grow so fast.

    • Andrea1 says:

      I agree with you.
      The woman is a pro. Between last night and now I have watched over 6 interviews of her in the wake of this maleficent promotion and I must say she is good. She is a professional big time she thinks before giving an eloquent answer to every question being asked.

    • lower-case deb says:

      here is the full question and answer to the NYDN quotes:

      it was from a small round table discussion during a press day (which i think is also a Mommy-bloggers Maleficent Day Out thing).

      Q: How do you find a balance between your work life and family life? You’ve got six kids and an amazing career, so how do you make it work, especially when you and Brad are each off doing World War II epics, at the same time?
      JOLIE: Well, that was hard. The kids went back and forth sometimes, and we’d each have some, but most of the time, I had them all and it was hard. But I’m not a single mom with two jobs, trying to get by, every day. I have much more support than most women, around this world, and I have the financial means to have a home and help with care and food. So, I don’t consider it a challenge. My kids are here, upstairs. They home school, so we travel everywhere together. They were on set, almost every day, for Maleficent. We travel everywhere together. When I feel I’m doing too much, I do less, if I can. I’m in a rare position where I don’t have to do job after job. I can take time, when my family needs it. I’m editing now. The nice thing about being a director is that I can say, “I can only get into the room after the kids are at school, and I have to be back for dinner. And they’re coming for lunch.” I actually feel like women in my position, when we have all at our disposal to help us, shouldn’t complain when we consider all of the people who are really struggling, and don’t have the means or support. Many people are single, raising children. That’s hard.

    • Intro Outro says:

      Ditto. So many other celebrities could do with taking a leaf out of her book.

  6. Eleonor says:

    Of course she’s right. I thought to Goop too…

  7. Danielle says:

    Preach girl!

  8. TX says:

    I agree, this was aimed much more at the Gwyneths of the celebrity world. I think Angie’s perspective comes all of her humanitarian work. She has seen what hard really is, and it’s certainly not millions on millions of dollars with nannys, drivers, assistants, and personal chefs.

    • Mrs. Ari Gold says:

      I’m so glad she said this! I hope Gwynnie hears this!

      • Annaloo. says:

        Gwyneth is surrounded by too many “yes” people…if she did get wind of this, she’d and her yes-people probably tell themselves it was HER flimsy mea culpa posted on Goop a couple of weeks back that started this whole discussion, and look how she influenced the press so much that the wife of her ex-boyfriend is now talking about it too!

    • I think Angie is empathic and aware in general. Her comments seemed more directed at the poverty we face here in America. People in Louisiana who are atill suffering from Katrina, inner city children who have to resort to god knows what to help their families have food. Single mom’s who work days and nights to be able to afford very basic necessities like clothing and diapers.

      One doesn’t have to actually touch the hands of those less fortunate than themselves in order to realize the difference between first world problems and real world problems. Of course Angelina has seem horrific living situations and has also probably seen those very people remain grateful and not complain in the ways that those with far more can.

      It seems that Gwyneth, in her quest to seem relatable, always winds up over compensating with her approach, leaving her far more isolated from the rest of society than I think she intends. In her mind I believe she really doesn’t understand why people don’t relate to her or why they jump on her comments.

  9. Lara K says:

    Honestly I’m glad someone finally said it.
    Yes, parenthood is always hard and requires sacrifices. But when you have the means to provide everything your child needs, it feels really petty to complain.
    I like that she talks about having to make different choices and make sacrifices for the family, but that’s different from the Goopy b*tchiness we have been exposed to.
    For the record, I’m in a two-income household with full benefits and a house in a great neighborhood. If you catch me complaining about parenthood, just remind me to get my head out of my behind.

    • iggie says:

      Same here. But I rarely complain about things relating to money. Usually it’s that I can’t get sh*t done because we are so busy. We are late for softball practice and dance, etc. My 8 year old complains that I can’t make it to all the events at her school b/c I’m at work but I try to make it to the important events. When she gets really annoyed I always tell her I can go to all the events at Coopertown Elementary (the public school) if she wants me to quit my job. She shuts up real fast. She loves her all girls private school we can afford because I work. I only planned on sending her there for Kindergarten but we loved it so much we are keeping her there and making other sacrifices. I look at it as an investment. I hope it pays off.

      • Janet says:

        It definitely is an investment and it should pay off nicely. The education my son got in private school helped him get into a really great college.

    • Phenix says:

      I’m a “single-mom” (my sons father is still very much present in his life, but my son lives with me), I study law and I have three jobs. People often refer to my situation as hard. But compared to so many others, it’s not. I have a big family that’s close by, I live in a country where help from the government is good, my son is healthy and happy, and his father is present when his health allows him to (he has lupus). It’s all about perspective.

  10. Patricia says:

    She is certainly someone to talk on this point. She had seen mothers all over the world with no home for their children, no food for their children. Or mothers who have to work so much to provide what little they can that they barely get to see their children.
    Her work must really open her eyes to her own privileges and blessings.

    • Wren33 says:

      Exactly. I think it can be hard to truly see beyond your own struggles and understand what everyone else faces, but her work probably keeps her own relative privilege foremost in her mind. Honestly, unless you are at Queen Victoria levels of help where you only see your own kids for 10 minutes at bath time, parenthood is hard work even if you have nannies while at work. But in a bid to appear relatable, lots of these super-rich celebrities seem to have no concept of what it would be like to never be able to afford a sitter to go out once a month, or even to go grocery shopping alone.

    • Andrea1 says:

      Yes her work must have changed her and also changed her perspective on life totally and generally. She sees things differently am sure.

    • Peppa says:

      She has seen mothers who struggle to feed their children and provide them shelter and clothing. It puts things into perspective. Her children look like happy, healthy kids and I hate when people talk badly about them or speculate about them. I’m sure having your kids in the public eye and scrutinized is annoying (ugh pedorazzi hashtag) but people like Angelina know her children are privileged and have everything they could ever need. Kudos to her for saying so.

  11. ToodySezHey says:

    And with that, Angie served a giant cup of STFU to Goop. Chai flavored.

    • Toot says:

      I know and I loved it. LOL

    • mia girl says:

      But in Goop’s world, Chai is SO two years ago.
      Goop will only drink her STFUs these days if they are kelp flavored.

      • doofus says:

        I think I’ll clap for you, too. hilarious comment!

      • Just Passing Through says:

        And I will bow down. 🙂

      • FLORC says:

        Even kelp is so dated. Isn’t she still oil pulling?

      • mia girl says:

        @FLORC Goop reserves the oils to help her with the taste of HOBS (her own bullsh*t). That is why she’s having to pull oil so frequently as of late.

        Even more innovatory is her recent preference to coat all PAS (passive aggressive shade) in cassava flour.

        But for a good old helping of STFU as Jolie has prepared for her, kale is still the go to. Chai works too, but she’s selling that at discount in her pop-up store I hear.

    • Yep. +1, agreed, Team Angie.

  12. kri says:

    I agree with AJ. I honestly do not know how my friends who have kids do it, but they do. I appreciate the fact that she didn’t preach about how she makes her kids eat only organic spirulina cookies and drink water from a spring at the foothills of the Himalayas. She kept it real in that interview.

  13. SpookySpooks says:

    I LOVE you Angelina. I wan’t a super fan until now ( I still don’t care for her as an sctress), but I’m really starting to like her more and more.

  14. Charlotte says:

    Eat it, Goop. You got served by someone thinner, and we know that’s what hurts you most.

  15. Rena says:

    Angelina you spoke the truth. Thank you!!!

  16. Pix says:

    Nice! I love the back-handed slap across Gwyneth’s face. I wonder if Angelina and Brad laugh at his silly, haughty ex girlfriend.

    • Stormsmama says:

      Hahha good point.
      I forgot for a minute that Pitt and G dated. How could I forget I know haha.
      Angie is amazing and I love her for being so real when she could easily have chosen to go the Aniston route of vacations and margaritas all the time.
      I love Angie’s heart. It’s huge and open and full of light. That sounds cheesy but she really does walk the walk and talk the talk. Truly beautiful.

  17. Abbott says:

    I’m judgey enough to hope this is directed toward GOOP. That’s how you answer that question. Shut it down, Jolie. I’ll buy something from the House of Sacks

  18. iggie says:

    She may not read gossip blogs but she might have heard some rumblings about GP saying she had it harder than other working moms and just couldn’t resist. Preach! Thank you for keeping it real. I don’t she’s worried about the Mayor’s wife’s comments. She’s not a privileged, insufferable, detached from reality, spoiled brat like GP.

    • tinyjones says:

      I always wondered if Angelina was or became aware of what Goop did to Winona. (Stole the Shakespeare in love script from her) That would color anyone’s perspective. Angie and Winona didn’t become besties on the set of GI (though Winona said she wanted to) but I still think she’d find that an awful and shadey move, plus no doubt she knows how lameyth burned Brad, which today I’m sure he’s eternally grateful for. Lol

  19. OTHER RENEE says:

    Definite shade at princess goop. Love it!

  20. Luca26 says:

    If anything I take it as a slam at Goop. McCray isn’t at the level of Angelina. I doubt when her children were young she was in a position to dictate her schedule like she can now as the wife of the mayor.
    McCray probably did go through a lot of what regular working moms did in terms of time management. Of course she has access to nannies etc but Angie/Goop etc have the power to stop everything so that they can spend time with their kids.

  21. GeeMoney says:

    PREACH, St. Angie! LOL.

  22. ToodySezHey says:

    Angelina basically covered Goop in a damn cloud.


  23. Belle Epoch says:

    LOVE IT. Love her. She’s grounded. No whining. She has traveled the world and seen true poverty, to the point she feels guilty eating! And she gives away millions to worthy causes. Even with the double mastectomy, she didn’t whine – she used it to educate women. Plus she is freaking gorgeous but doesn’t constantly shill for products (maybe perfume?). I wish all celebrities were more like her.

  24. Sam says:

    She is totally correct. All mothers have problems, but it’s completely ridiculous to believe that all problems are equal. AJ and those like her will never have to worry about where a kid’s next meal is coming from, or where they will stay that night. They have those things. To be able to go through life not worrying about the basics is a privilege. I don’t think she’s arguing that privileged moms should never be able to vent; they shouldn’t however, equate their problems to more serious ones.

    Side note – I read the Chirlane McCray stuff and felt bad that I immediately related to it. I was not her age when I had a baby, but I can identify with already having a strong, set identity and feeling bad for not wanting to give that up for total motherhood. Sadly, we seem to be getting engulfed by the Cult of Mommmydom that can’t accept anything less than total devotion to your child. Good for McCray for telling it like it is.

  25. LadyAnne says:

    She is so damn right. Love her.

  26. floretta50 says:

    Angelina Jolie is so right and spot on with this topic, she probably has been taking notice of some of the nonsense her counterparts have been writing and saying, it’s annoying to hear some of the celebrity moms talk about, complain about and tell regular working mothers how to do this and that? All of a sudden they have come into fame and money and knows it all, then before you know it. they are getting a divorce. G. Paltrow, and G. Bunchen comes to mind.

  27. MissMary says:

    Gods bless her for being self aware and aware of her privilege.

  28. Talie says:

    Yeah, this is more of a Goop thing.

  29. Damaris says:

    Angelina gets it.

  30. Eve says:

    She’s right.

  31. sanderella says:

    Saks Fug Avenue

  32. Shelby says:

    “Personally, I kind of feel like Angelina is tapping her nose and pointing in Gwyneth Paltrow’s direction. ”

  33. Marlene says:

    She served Princess Goopy with some hard truth. GO ANGELINA!

  34. GiGi says:


    Seriously. I love her. And how would it seem, this woman who spends a good deal of time and effort devoted to refugees, if she was complaining about the difficulty of her life? She’s well aware of her good fortune, I think.

    Generally people who volunteer or work with those in need have a much better grasp on their blessings than those who don’t (deep side eye at basically all of Hollywood).

  35. LeahMommy says:

    I love this comment. Angelina has been all over the world and understand what it’s like to really struggle and she knows she is privilege in a major way. It’s just beautiful how self aware she is even though is a mega superstar. I hope Good will read this comment and feel ashamed about her wailing. The only excuse I can find for those privilege moms who don’t know how good they got it is that maybe the are judging their situation by Hollywood/privileged standards only heck I bet Goop has never, not once in her life pay attention to anything or anyone other than privileged people like herself so she does not get how lucky she is.

  36. ToodySezHey says:

    Angelina and Elin Nordegren get it. After their recent comments I feel like they need to meet and become besties

  37. MaryIV says:

    Just because your not living in a cardboard box doesn’t mean motherhood isn’t stressful at times. Of course single parenthood is harder but being a mother is just hard in general. We should support all mothers in their hard work.

    I’m a mother and so is my best friend. We’re both middle class stay at home moms. We call each other a couple of times a week to complain about our kids. I’m pretty privileged compared to some. Does that mean I should never complain about being a parent?

    G. Paltrow was just making a statement about her life and the stress of parenting her kids. Not a statement on parenting in general.

    Parenting is a lonely deal, always worried your screwing up your kids. People in the mom club should support each other, no matter your social place in society. We need it as mothers.

    • DTX says:

      I don’t think that’s what she meant to say at all and to me, the message was more like someone complaining about having to eat at a budget buffet when there are people standing next to them surviving on crackers.

      And with all due respect: YES, YOU DO have it better than most single moms in this country and a lot of working mothers, too. Doesn’t mean that you can’t get frustrated sometimes but be aware that you are luckier than most…

    • Luca26 says:

      Goop made the comment that in effect her life was harder then working mothers. THAT was what sounded tin eared and privileged.

    • KatNotNice says:

      Exactly. I mean I don’t know about GOOP because she is so full of herself so she can take a seat, but re-Angelina I get her point but hey she is also allowed to struggle emotionally even without the financial struggle, at then of the day, even if you have all the help in the world and it’s a relief, on the other hand it’s still stressful in terms of being a caring mother/parent…

    • Angel L says:

      If you read her quote she says “people in my position”. While a middle class stay at home is nice it is no where near the financial position that Jolie is at. No comparison.

      • Ennie says:

        Complaining is good therapy, but for some people it is a hobby.
        What she said probably what means is that you should be aware of your good stars, and be thankful. Living in a bubble means that you only care about yourself, your problems, and your equals, usually yearning for more, not noticing how other people have it harder. Not that you are a bad person.
        Also, you could teach your kids to give back, there are many ways to do it. 🙂

  38. DTX says:

    Her comment and her YSL bag are on point. :::swoons:::

  39. vava says:

    It is refreshing to hear/read comments from a celebrity who doesn’t live in a bubble. Angelina may have had a questionable past (some of her movies, romances, etc.) but she has transformed herself into a real ambassador with meaningful causes. She IS making a difference to society. I don’t care what she wears, the sacks are fine, what she does is way more important.

    Goop, take note.
    Catherine Cambridge get off your ass and do something with your position in life.

  40. Reece says:

    D-it I love her!

  41. The Original Mia says:

    That was definitely directed at Goop, who is seriously out of touch with reality.

  42. John says:

    Wow, I never saw this coming, but her position is absolutely spot on. I agree 1,000%.

  43. Kim1 says:

    Angelina has made similar comments throughout the years this comment has NOTHING to do with Goop IMO.But of course the tabloids will claim she is feuding with Paltrow.To add to her fictional feuds with Sandy,JLaw,Julia,Madonna,Charlize,Hillary Clinton, Amal,etc

    • Jen2 says:

      Agree. She has been saying this for years and said the same about her surgery. That she has resources, a fully supportive partner in Brad and can afford to do what she does. Her world view is different with her humanitarian work. No one who has seen what she has seen in the camps and in her other humanitarian visits would (hopefully) feel any other way. But, alas, I agree that the tabloids will say it is just another feud or put down (though deserved) but I think she has other things on her mind and being involved in silly feuds is not one of them.

    • TC says:

      This + 1,000,000. Thank You!

      Angie and Brad have addressed these matters before with similar comments. Trying to infer Angie’s comments were slamming GOOP or anyone else is tabloid-fiction.

  44. Jayna says:

    It’s not directed at Gwyneth. Like she sits on the internet and reads other stars’ quotes. LOL

    But would someone cut and paste her remarks on Goop. What a difference from Gwyneth’s remarks. Thank you.

  45. Jackson says:

    It’s about time someone in her position says this. Certainly she’s not the first, but it’s nice to hear her say it.

  46. MSat says:

    Maybe it’s about GOOP, but maybe it’s because AJ actually has some perspective on this issue through her work with Unicef. I invite others like GOOP to get out of the rich-lady bubble and see what it’s like to REALLY struggle to raise a family in the most horrific conditions. I think AJ did the right thing all those years ago by getting herself involved in these types of organizations. More stars should do it. They’d never complain again.

  47. Ginger says:

    Angie has seen the downtrodden and poor firsthand and knows the deal. God bless her. It must really be wonderful to have the lifestyle that she has. I appreciate that she’s grateful for it too.

  48. Jess says:

    This is why I love her and can’t stand GOOP!

  49. qtpi says:

    Felt very grateful a week ago for some reason while I looked at my toddler standing at the window. I go the fridge and there is food waiting. I turn the faucet on and waters runs out (CLEAN). The temperature is always just right in the house. My child sleeps in a lovely crib every night and we have a doctor’s office 3 minutes away. So yeah. Preach Jolie.

  50. Lucy says:

    Somewhere in the world, Goop is clutching her pearls at this outrageous statement (ha).

  51. Toot says:

    Even if Angelina wasn’t thinking about Gwyneth when she said her comment, we know Gwyneth and her people read anything probably pertaining to herself so she’ll probably think it’s a dig.

    Which I’ll love. lol

  52. heigl says:

    Oh yes, it’s very easy to swan in and say the right thing after someone else has put their foot in it.

  53. Bread and Circuses says:

    The Leg remains her amazing self. What a great human being. But of course she’s aware of how good her life is; Angelina has been to war zones and refugee camps.

    Can you imagine Gwyneth doing likewise? She would have a meltdown and then whine endlessly about how no one realizes how incredibly, savagely hard it is to be a pampered princess who was once exposed to the reality of other people’s pain.

    • BaronessOrczy says:

      Yes, I agree. This is the exact reason she does not do humanitarian work.

  54. Asiyah says:

    I love this!

    That is all.

  55. Etheldreda says:

    I’m not a fan of Angelina, but she is spot-on here. Is there anything more annoying than spoiled celeb mums complaining about how they feel ‘torn’ or the ‘stresses of juggling work and motherhood’? For women like this, working really resembles a hobby more than it resembles what most of us would call work. They could give it up at any time, and still be able to live in luxury for the rest of their lives. But they don’t because they enjoy working. And that’s fine. Just don’t complain about the consequences of the choices you, as a very priviliged person, freely entered into.

  56. lower-case deb says:

    i don’t mind people complaining. what i do mind is the lack of perspective.

    everyone has problems, be it a hashtagged-problem or a small problem or a large problem.
    (for example, when i was younger, as a teenager, i was beset by an existential crisis and thought that the world’s going to end. i think AJ even said it something to the effect that when you’re a teenager, you feel like walking out of the door and into school is like going to war). but then i grew up, and i had to try to find the ability to put these problems into perspective.

    i learned a lot from my grandmother, who had gone through her teenage angst in a warzone, and her single-parenthood through institutionalized racial discrimination as a hate-crime survivor, and several economic crises.

    when i compared my teenage years with hers, my adult years with hers, i finally found that i had less reasons to complain and more reasons to be thankful. but then she said: if you want to complain, do so! don’t bottle it up! but after one complain, think: “can i complain? do i need to complain? do i need to complain here and to so-and-so crowd? do they need to know my complaints?”. after that, think about all the other worse scenarios and think some more. we as humans get the gift of thought and feelings and must use it, she said.

    i told her that i understand if she wants to complain. she has gone through a lot.
    and she said: well, there’s worse things.
    i was flabbergasted! what’s worse? she had her first husband killed in front of her, her house burned down, and violated…
    she said: “i still had my community, i’m still alive, i can marry again, have more children, have grandchildren. imagine if i had to become a refugee and die in a strange land with all these bitterness.”

    what i remember most is when she said: whenever you feel really crummy, and you have all this energy inside of you waiting to come out and destroy, find someone you can help, and use your energy to help them, so one day when you are down, the same person will be able to help you with their strength.

    and my grandmother’s words help me perhaps look at AJ’s word from a different angle: perspective helps us not only to appreciate what we have, it also helps us to appreciate other people’s success. but more importantly it helps us to want to help others to help ourselves.

    i’m sorry if i got all rambly all of a sudden (like that’s new). i’m suddenly nostalgic as i sit here almost midnight, with my grandmother sleeping in the hospital cot. doctors said that it’s just infection and if she’s awake she’ll tell me not to complain to internet strangers 🙂 but Celebitchy has become a home away from home to me.

    • doofus says:

      “whenever you feel really crummy, and you have all this energy inside of you waiting to come out and destroy, find someone you can help, and use your energy to help them, so one day when you are down, the same person will be able to help you with their strength. ”

      well said. there was someone in my life who gave me similar advice…when I’m feeling sorry for myself or that my life is so hard, I try to think about others who are much less fortunate or have much more serious problems than I do, and to turn that self-pity into energy to help people. that’s not to say I can’t feel bad sometimes but it does help me put things in perspective.

      I have a roof over my head, I am employed and I do like my job, I have family and friends that I love and that love me…those are the things I try to think about.

    • FLORC says:

      Perspective. Absolutely. Too many hollywood or just rich moms aren’t grounded.

      Jolie can do no wrong. Woman is just beautiful all around.

    • iggie says:

      Your grandma sounds like a cool lady. Friends and coworkers always tell me I do too much for other people and they don’t appreciate it. I just told someone that it won’t stop me from helping the next person because someone else wasn’t grateful. Maybe it’s because I feel crummy about my own life… I don’t know why I do it. It just feels right. It bothers me A LOT when wealthy, privileged people aren’t charitable. Whatever. It’s their business.

  57. Helvetica says:

    Amen, sista!

  58. wow says:

    She gets it.

  59. Pumpkin Pie says:

    There is no comparison between Angelina and Goop. Angelina is a genuine, brave and accomplished woman, she gave a family to children who needed a family, she is doing very important humanitarian work, she is modest and real. And many other nice things can be said about her. Goop is no where at Angelina’s level. Sorry. That’s what I honestly opine.

  60. Longhorn says:

    I feel her comments were directed towards gwynnie. Angelina is the anti-goop in all the good ways.

  61. Mena says:

    ALL parents have the right to complain about the challenges they face. Wealthy mothers run the risk of raising bored, jaded and entitled people like Paris Hilton. Kids who end up addicted to drugs, who feel disconnected and disenchanted. Look at Peaches Geldof, Christina Onassis, the sons of Danielle Steele and Gloria Vanderbilt. Wealth didn’t make life any easier for those parents. Mother hood is hard, no matter what walk of life we are in. I’m sick of the Mommy Wars and who has it worse. How about raising another human being from birth to adulthood is a tough job, rich, poor or otherwise.

    • Ennie says:

      You are right, Rich people cry too (Name of a Mexican soap opera), but there is even a hashtag: firstworldproblems for those.
      Rich, very rich people have problems, but to be real, they have the resources to solve most of them, it is just not the same. Death, Illnesses, heartbreak, something similar, humane things really hurt, but they have their life paid for even for generations to come.
      Those people you mention probably made poor decisions when raising them.
      The parents of Christina Onassis were anything but parents to her, she loved them but her mother was a terrible one calling her out for having the look of a farmer, instead of the thin legs of an aristocrat like her, her father loved his son more, she lived looking for the love she was denied as a child. They only gave her all the material things she wanted. Only that.
      Now look at Jackie Kennedy, rich, beloved, famous (and still a flawed woman). She did good when she raised her children (seemingly) to be a woman and a man grounded in life and with a purpose. Still a lot of grief in that family, but they used their resources to become better and not to live in a bubble.

      • mia girl says:

        OMG. Love the Los Rico’s Tabien Lloran reference!!
        Veronica Castro’s finest!

      • Ennie says:

        So sad that Vero’s face is so jacked up now! she was seriously a natural beauty!

  62. HoustonGrl says:

    I cannot imagine how I would manage my schedule, job, responsibilities etc., AND THEN wedge a couple of kids into the mix. I admire all moms, let alone working moms. But I don’t admire any type of shade thrown at “normal working moms” in the style of Goop or even Sheryl Sandberg, who have an enormous amount of resources at their disposal. Their advice is worthless to me.

  63. heigl says:

    lol at all these ‘she’s so self aware!’ comments. She’s desperately trying to win round the ‘ordinary mom’ demographic she tests poorly with. (Same as Goop did her big PR tour with Iron Man’s release talking about how she occasionally smokes and eats junk food with her girlfriends, just like you! )

    • Hissyfit says:

      False! This is not the first time she has mentioned something like this. Nice try though.

    • What? says:

      LOL, Heigl! I am cracking up with the combination of your comment and name.
      I imagined Katherine Heigl jealously typing out this comment against the much respected humanitarian and actress, Oscar winning Jolie.

    • MissTrial says:

      Does Jolie need to win a demographic? Even with Maleficent? Her core fans will see her movies. ( I haven’t paid to see any of her movies except Salt so don’t consider myself a core fan.)

    • Janet says:

      Actually, I don’t think she’s trying to win over the minivan mom base. She has enough fans of her own that she doesn’t have to be concerned about the ever-shrinking fan base of Brad’s ex.

  64. Sarah says:

    easy to agree, but if you apply it to other things it becomes pretty dumb. if you have cancer you cant complain because there is a guy next to you who is blind, has no family left and has cancer.
    pretty girls have problems, too.

    if you live in the west you are better off than anyone else in the world. single mom in a european country? stressful, but its nowhere near being a single mother of five children with aids in Namibia.
    are you upset you didnt get a promotion? that the train is late? that your netflix didnt work one day? that you had to eat vanilla icecream because cherry wasnt at the store? (we all have complaint about such trivial stuff)
    do we have a right to complain about our lives? yes, we do. as long as we dont forget about the rest and remind ourselves how well off we all are. we can spent time on celebrity gossip.

  65. Adrien says:

    I’ve a coworker who uses motherhood as an excuse to bitch around. She’s super wealthy and her parents/hubby can afford nannies and private nurses. But no, she wants to be a hands on mom and experience the whole thing. Nothing wrong with that except she acts like she’s oppressed every time we complain about her work ethics. She would say things like, “you know nothing, try becoming a mom of three” or “sorry I’m late, have to drive my youngest to school…(ultra exclusive Catholic school).” Meanwhile, the cafeteria lady has a daughter who has celebral palsy. Never heard her whine about motherhood stuff.

    • Trashaddict says:

      Totally agree about the lack of perspective and inappropriate bitching Adrien, but the flip side of the coin is people who never complain when the work demands start to get abusive, while the ones who try to put their foot down are labelled as “whiny” or “not team players”. I think employers are playing that strategy up to the hilt. I feel like we are becoming an overscheduled, overworked society. I chose to take less pay to work part time so I could be with my kids (and yes I am extremely fortunate to be able to do that), but management is always asking people to “step up” during a crisis and hasn’t planned the redundancy in the work force for same. The workload has increased but the pay hasn’t. It’s resulting in angry, burned out, whiny people who put up with lousy conditions for fear of unemployment. I think women in particular will damn near kill themselves on a job, as compared to men who know when it’s time to go for greener pastures and /or more pay.
      And PS I love Angie too.

  66. Feebee says:

    She gets it. And why or how does she ‘get’ it? Because she doesn’t sit in her ivory tower surrounding herself with sycophants or spend hours most days in a personal gym with a stick up her arse. Her humanitarian efforts are more than sharing her personal philosophy on lifestyle subjects.

    She wasn’t talking about anyone in particular but the obviousness that she is the polar opposite of some others just slap you in the face.

  67. Cody says:

    Oh know – Children don’t define you, I better tell my kids that.

  68. Aerohead21 says:

    You know Gwenny’s about to be a single mom now sooo…..she must be legit. Right?

    I’m a single mom and I have a dead end job. Grandma gives us a roof over our heads and food for our bellies and I’d never complain not once about how hard it is because I’m GRATEFUL.

    I really am starting to like Angie. It only took me a decade but the ice is melting…

  69. Rhea says:

    IMO she’s not shading anyone here. Since becoming a mom of six and humanitarian, a question about motherhood or refugee or her humanitarian cause— would always comes out. It’s nothing new. During ITLOBAH she was asked a lot regarding war, refugee, etc. Maleficent is a Disney movie hence the question regarding family and motherhood.

    I think celebrities would always getting a question regarding of what they are famous for. It’s almost to be expected no matter what movie they’re promoting. Example a fun single dating life for Diaz, organic-healthy freak lifestyle from Paltrow or hair-body-and when is your wedding-for Aniston.

    As for her comment here, I do not take it as “all the rich parents shouldn’t complaining at all since they are rich!” That’s stretching it too far. She herself understand that everybody—no matter how rich or poor—have their own problem as a human (anyone remember that she did a masectomy?)
    She was asked about how to balance her work and family and gave a perfect answer for a person in her financial position.

  70. Velvet Elvis says:


  71. Liz says:

    She just gave an interview the other day where she refuses to give credit to the people who help her raise, protect, feed and clothe her children. She will subtly refer to her children’s caretakers as people who help them with “art”. She tries to emphasize the fact that she nor Brad work at the same time, while not admitting that even when one is not working they’re still not caring for all 6 children. I don’t buy what she’s selling.

    • cremebrulee says:

      What part of that interview posted did you not understand? She just acknowledged that she is fortunate enough to afford help. Did you want her to give out their nannies name or something and give a special shout out for them for you to be satisfied? Lol.

      And also, she never denied that she and Pitt worked together at the same time last year and she have admitted that it was hard. And how do you know that one parent is not caring for the children when the other parent is working? Did you work for them? Sorry girlfriend, i’m not buying what your selling.

      • NAAAANALU says:



  72. Mikeyangel says:

    AJ is correct and hit the nail on the head. I am a middle class stay at home mom with two you g daughters. I complain…to my husband or mom. I am not going to go down to the homeless shelter and wax philosophical about my struggles. Know your audience. AJ did here, and good on her. My 20 month old is horribly sick with diarrhea right now for days. Shear need a doctor. She is on pedialite and is going through diapers so quick and using the hell out of some a and d ointment. You know what, it is a blessing and privilege I don’t have to worry about the money to buy these things. Life can be hard for everyone including the goops of the world, but know your audience. I think of my mom and how she would have needed to figure out where to get the $25 when I was 20 months old to buy things for a sick child not in her budget. My job is hard, but mothers both single and not without dependable financial means have a much greater weight. Wasn’t a fan of AJ, but I am now.

  73. Melanie says:

    I’ve never been a huge Angelina fan. It had nothing to do with the whole Brad and Jen thing (God, when is everyone going to move on?!); I just didn’t like her “weird” and against society ways. Throughout the years, I have grown to respect her philanthropic work and the fact that she really does something–not just give money, which is good–but really gets her feet wet and hands dirty helping others. With these comments that are quoted here, I think I may just start to like her….

    • I think that if I had been old enough to be into gossip when she was a young person (basically before 25), I would find her annoying, but talented–and I probably would not have liked her as much as I do now. I do get it would’ve seemed like a huge PR stunt, for her to go from talking about sex, drugs, and cutting, to talking about the kids in Cambodia and her new son……I think that would’ve raised my eyebrows a little (more than a little).

      But hopefully her story has taught us to not be quite so judgy or suspicious of people (celebrities) who are trying to change. At least I’m trying not to be *quite* so bitchy about celebs that I dislike…

  74. Kim1 says:

    This snippet of this interview was taken out of context I just read the entire interview .It has nothing to do with Paltrow or any other celebrity mom.AJ was not throwing shade .

  75. caz says:

    Don’t forget the song Lifestyles of the rich & famous is about complaining celebrities. Reportedly about Aniston and others similar. Preach Ange. The term ‘first world problems’ is very appropriate as is ‘get over yourself’ to a lot of whinging mums.

    • Esti says:

      “Reportedly about Aniston” according to who? I don’t have any dog in the (utterly ridiculous, IMO) AJ vs. JA fight, but it’s just as irritating to see Angie fans bringing the other into every post as it is when Jen fans do it. Let. It. Go.

  76. allheavens says:

    Damn, Goop will never have to look for shade, EVAH again! Okay she probably wasn’t shading GP but one can wish…

    I love Angelina, she is smart, savvy and knows how to conduct herself in an interview. Some people need to start taking notes along with a reality pill.

  77. Amulla says:

    I hope her comment wasn’t meant as yet another slam against women.

    Everyone has struggles, even if they don’t live in third world countries.

    • DaSariH says:

      It wasn’t directed to anybody but herself. She was asked how she is able to juggle acting, directing, charity work, traveling and 6 children. She wasn’t throwing shade to anyone.

  78. Janet says:

    I don’t think she was trying to shade Paltrow or anyone specific. Actually, I don’t think she gives a damn about Paltrow. JMO.

  79. TheOriginalPuppy says:

    Ha. Maddox is wearing a Slayer t-shirt. 🙂

  80. jwoolman says:

    AJ’s UN work has obviously be tremendously important in her growth, and brought her another life-changing event: her first child. She also had the native intelligence to draw appropriate lessons from those experiences. Plus she apparently has enough acting talent of the right kind to get roles that have made her rich, and an exhausting amount of personal energy. All these things came together to make her what she is. It’s not really fair to compare her with others in Hollywood or the hapless target-du-jour Goop. They all have different experiences, different abilities, different personal pain tolerance (one person’s challenge is another person’s destruction), different native intelligence and opportunities to learn, and especially different energy levels. Angie is remarkable, but she does what she does because she can. We can’t really judge others who may honestly not be able to do what she does. Even Goop….

  81. Camille (The Original) says:

    Sack dress, really? It’s a cute enough dress and she looks nice in it. I don’t see a ‘sack dress’.

    As for her comments- spot on as always. Take that Gwyneth! 😉

  82. Godwina says:

    Winning-est celeb comment I’ve seen in a while.

  83. Maggie says:

    some of you may find this interesting……it’s not really anything to do with AJ but I thought of her when I read it.

  84. Rebecca says:

    Didn’t Gwyneth Paltrow make some comments about how her life was harder than the average working mother’s life or some such thing? Could Angelina’s remarks be a response to that?

  85. megsie says:

    Bless this woman. She has character, and that’s a rare quality in Hollywood.

  86. carolyn says:

    I am so tired of these St Angie comments. This woman knowingly went after a married man and used her son to help in process. That says a lot about a person’s character. This humanitarian stuff seems calculated, affected, and phony.