Cele|bitchy | Why is everyone talking about Nicole Kidman’s years-old boob job now?

Why is everyone talking about Nicole Kidman’s years-old boob job now?

Nicole Kidman was photographed in many different ensembles over the past week, but it was her tight, low-cut Prada gown which garnered the most attention – I covered it a little bit yesterday. Well, now everyone is analyzing those photos and “experts” have come to a brand-new conclusion: Nicole has breast implants!!!! Yes. If you’ve been reading this site for a while, you know that we’ve been on Kidman Bolt-On Watch for years now. Meaning that Nicole had a boob job – by my estimate – around 2009-10. I really took particular note of her boob job during Cannes 2013, remember? So, why are sites running around like Nicole’s boob job is new?

Plastic surgery experts — NICOLE KIDMAN had boob job. The willowy Kidman, 46, appeared on a red carpet in a revealing Prada gowns at the Swisse Celebrate Life Ball in Melbourne on Thursday night with a noticeably larger chest.

“It appears she has had a pretty impressive breast augmentation,” Plastic surgery guru, Dr. Anthony Youn, who has not treated Kidman said. “I suspect that she’s gone from a big a or small B to a full C (cup size)” he elaborated.

While Nic has admitted to have Botox treatments for her face in the past, photos of the 5’11” red-headed show her breasts have appeared several sizes smaller over the years.

Dr. Fred Pescatore, author of The Hamptons Diet, who also hasn’t treated Kidman, believes she’s had some serious breast augmentation. “She hasn’t aged that much or gotten heavy so I feel they look like nice small implants,” he opined.

In his opinion, Dr. Youn likes the “new look” Nicole.

“Overall I think it looks good, although maybe a touch overdone,” he said. “It’s also possible she still has some swelling.”

[From The National Enquirer]

Okay, maybe. It’s possible she had her implants re-done and now they’re bigger. But they were very noticeable back in 2012, weren’t they? Isn’t it likely that she got implants a while ago and they just look different in different outfits, with different bras and support systems? Ugh.

By the way, I do think she got them for Keith. Or at least partially for Keith. He must like a larger bust.

Photos of Nicole in Shanghai, courtesy of Fame/Flynet. Photos of Nicole’s boob job, courtesy of Getty.

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52 Responses to “Why is everyone talking about Nicole Kidman’s years-old boob job now?”

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  1. Happyhat says:

    Those are a C cup? They look D to me, but I’m not a good judge of boob size…

    In other news, I love stuff that implies there are a group of Boob job watchdogs scouring photos of famous people to alert us to possible boob-happenings. Thank god – these guys keep us safe!

  2. Mel M says:

    This whole look is terrible on her. The tailoring around her bust is terrible and her face, ugh. She was so so beautiful! Why Nicole!

    • MaiGirl says:

      Agree. She looks like a tacky, overdone Real Housewife now. She is so talented and could have aged beautifully if she let herself do it naturally, or with just a few little tweaks. It just goes to show how insecure Hollywood makes older women feel that Nicole thinks looking plastic with bolt-ons even Posh from 2000 would sniff at is better!

  3. Bridget says:

    Maybe people were just so distracted by her face they forgot to look at her chest?

  4. PunkyMomma says:

    It’s just sad she felt the need to do this to herself. Why?

    On the other hand, she looks great as a she “Lizzie Borden’s” that Grace of Monaco cake. Is that a Bratz doll dressed up like Princess Grace?

  5. Eleonor says:

    The look is so fake.
    This woman “used to” be a talented actress, gorgeous, and now she is known mostly for her crazy botox face and for a Kardashian-esque pair of boobs. How sad.

  6. Hannah says:

    I agree, it’s weird that people only now catch onto this. They do look even bigger now than they have in the past few years, though. Maybe she got them redone for Grace of Monaco?

  7. GeeMoney says:

    It’s hard to tell in the pic from 2012 whether she had them or not, but from this most recent pic, it’s pretty obvious.

    How old is she again? 47 this Friday? I would think after a certain age, women in Hollywood would just realize that they aren’t going to get those good roles (they’ll just go to young girls, nonetheless) anymore and just age and sag naturally.

    • Jenna says:

      ‘Civilians’ (folks who had the sense to stay out of the extreme public life) would. But if your entire career/life/celebrity is tied so tightly up in being a ‘star’, in your looks, your clothes, your body – it must make the aging process such a larger dose of hell then for the rest of us. I mean… I go months without being in a photo (longer if I can manage to see the camera in time and either duck out of sight or quickly offer to take the photo so the camera owner can be in the shot) so beyond making sure things are clean, more or less in the right place and the essentials are covered – my looks aren’t anything to do with what I do or who I am (beyond accepting that at events I work, I’ll often be the default landmark for folks ‘turn left at the giantess with the big rack’ or ‘ if you reach the gal with the peacock hair, turn around, you’ve gone too far. And frankly, so has she…’) so as time slides on – it is what it is. I never WAS the ‘hottest woman on the planet’ so knowing I’ll never be that again, or that I will continue to slide down the line of ‘people who matter’ isn’t a huge deal. But if you HAVE been that, if your whole livelihood was build on that, the desperate need to cling to it, and doing anything possible to make it happen must be harder to avoid.

  8. wendi says:

    I never noticed the bolt ons until these pictures came out – but man, talk about obvious. Maybe I was too distracted with the mess she made of her face. Botox is one thing, but the lips and the face fillers were a huge mistake.

  9. LAK says:

    She’s gone up a few sizes. Her earlier ones were subtle – like Kate Hudson’s bolt ons.

    • Zinjojo says:

      Yep, totally agree. Think she had a boob job several years ago and recently had a refresh with bigger bolt ons. She used to be so lovely and she’s just ruined what she had naturally by too heavy a hand with all of the work. She should go the Robin Wright way with just a very little Botox and stay away from the fillers, but it seems she’s unable to take a more subtle approach. Her face during Cannes was almost shocking.

  10. Size Does Matter says:

    I think people are talking about her boobs because her face work has settled. So the boobs are more noticeable now by comparison.

  11. paola says:

    She has them re-done. No doubt about that. They look perky and fresh, and looks to me like the right one drifted away towards her armpit. They seem so uneven and painful.
    She looks like a plastic doll.

    • Ellen says:


      I think she did do an earlier round of implants after Sunday’s birth, but these are new. And the right one drifted into her armpit, unfortunately.

  12. Lisa says:

    This is a legitimately talented actress (also tall and lovely) and between the botox and boobs looks nothing like herself. This is depressing.

  13. Jayna says:

    She’s had her boob job since she had Sunday Rose, I think. She was topless in Hemingway and Gellhorn. Her boobs aren’t huge. I forgot she even had had a boob job as she’s been topless numerous times over her career, and they weren’t much bigger than before. She’s gained a little weight, so I guess her boobs are even bigger now.

    • kriso says:

      If you go back and look at some stills from Dead Calm or Bangkok Hilton, both made before she was famous in the U.S you will see just how much she has had done. From the boobs, (she was certainly a small A cup) to the extensive dental work, I think she had her gums cut back, to the erasing of the freckles, new lips, and the upkeep of saying no to curls, NK has spent a lot of time and effort to look this way. Sad thing is she was fine before, I used to see her as a kid when she went to school in North Sydney waiting for the bus or whatever, only knew her because she had modelled in my fave teen magazine. Just shows how screwed up Hollywood is and how insecure she is.

  14. T.fanty says:

    I think the way she’s putting them on display right now just screams desperation. It’s the attention mongering people are noticing, as much as the boobs. That black pleather dress with the nipplextavaganza is just embarrassing.

    • LAK says:

      The question is why?

      This isn’t someone with a terrible career who needs to stunt herself into a career or even to maintain one. She’d butchered her face and she’s still hired and well regarded.

      • holly hobby says:

        Because she still feels the need to play leading lady ingenue parts. Rather than settling in for a career like Meryl Streep, she’s still vying with the young actresses for their parts. Honey, it’s not going to happen. Let it go.

  15. Jac says:

    Ugh. Yes, of course she did it for Keith…it would be unseemly if a forty-something woman did something like this for herself, right?

    • Pandy says:

      Ha, good one. I think they look great on her. Good for her.

      • Greata says:

        Me too. I must be shallow because after two babies, I am also thinking of having a little lift.

      • Pinky Rose says:

        I’m not against woman who want a bigger bust, but she could have had the best job in the world but instead she goes with this one that looks SO FAKE and it is very obvious. That is what I fault her.

    • It'sJustBlanche says:

      I think it’s really easy to mock people for plastic surgery when you yourself don’t need it (or you’re blissfully comfortable with aging) but I sort of get why these women to it. They have tons of money so why not. However, a little subtle tweaking is one thing. Going crazy a la Madonna is a whole different thing.

  16. Lori says:

    Its the nipples in the pictures of the black dress. Has she always been so nipply? She’s brought them out like she’s Aniston.

  17. kibbles says:

    A woman so naturally beautiful and famous for her looks must have really, really low self-esteem (and fear of ageing) to do this to herself. Even if she wants to get work done, why is it so bad? She has the money to get surgery done by the best doctors in the world, so why is her face jacked up and her boob work so horribly done? She looks ridiculous now.

    • Pinky Rose says:

      That is the issue. She can have the best doctors yet the results look cheap.

  18. Ali J says:

    Somewhere Rihanna is like “what about me?????”

  19. JudyK says:

    I did not even recognize the pic to open this thread as being Nicole. Thought it was a pic of a plastic doll.

    The shallowness of people who are so self-obsessed makes me doubt their intelligence.

  20. Talie says:

    They look different — I think she went a bit bigger recently or got them lifted, I don’t know.

    • kri says:

      UGH! Please do not show this dress ever again. I can only scrub my eyes so many times a day. And my brain won’t forget it. It looks like a hooker’s spanx.

  21. serena says:

    Because it was very ‘in your face’ I think, so oblivious!

  22. starr says:

    Everyone is talking about them now because this is the first time we’ve actually had a really good look at them. The Cannes dresses still managed to cover them up. In these new pix of the beige dress, they are totally exposed.

  23. ughinsomnia says:

    Well, after having and nursing two babies with a 3rd on the way (huzzah pregnancy boobs!) I would totally jump at the chance to have my ladies done once I’ve weaned this last baby. I was a full C before kids and a 34-sad afterwards.

  24. Chinoiserie says:

    I think she might have gotten them since she has gain (a little!) weight so thy make her waist smaller in comparison.

  25. corn on the cob says:

    I guess I’m the only one who doesn’t think she had her boobs done. I’m slightly younger than Nicole and I now have boobs which I didn’t when I was much younger (was an A and now a B cup). With age sometimes you can get some new boobage naturally. Looks to me like she might be wearing some padding that makes her boobs look bigger in the pic.

    • Lauren says:

      When a woman is almost 47 years old, Her right breast does not mysteriously drift into her armpit. Bolty boob job with Perma- perky nips. Nicole was very small busted in Eyes Wide Shut, and has morphed into a Plasticle. Cold, stiff and frozen.

  26. Triple Cardinal says:

    Her face is jacked up and her boobs are so much bigger because that’s what she demanded of her doctors. If she were unhappy with the results, she would have taken steps to fix the problems. Instead we have her n!pples on display even with everyday clothes. I guess that’s one way to deal with a career that is slowing down.

  27. ImWithTheBand says:

    This is not an example of a good boob job. They’re obviously fake and a good boob job is not obvious. I’ve seen a number of chests that looked so good that I was blown away when I found out they were augmented.

  28. DiamondGirl says:

    Her mother had breast cancer – maybe she had a preventative mastectomy and reconstruction. You never know if they don’t make it public.

    • sorry says:

      If that were the case, it would be beyond tactless to be parading her breasts so publicly.

  29. Charlin says:

    What has Nicole done? Since living in America she now looks like the typical false American glamour woman. Frozen faces. puffed lips and now the boobs to match. I loved her the way she was, we all age. I think it’s all to hold onto a PRETTY BOY who will never settle down because his ego will always need to be boosted. POOR NICOLE

  30. Selina says:

    I wish I could enjoy her as a brilliant actress without being scared of her frozen face. She was one of my favorites and still would be if not for that.

  31. Leslilly says:

    Looks like Nicole got a larger set of bolt-on’s. A fresh set.

  32. Amy D says:

    I have always thought Keith was gay, consequently I doubt Nicole would get implants for him. They both look extremely different these days compared to their pre-PS faces

  33. Sorry says:

    Kidman had a boob job before the surrogate gave birth to Sunday. That way she could pretend they were pregnancy boobs.