Iggy Azalea: ‘I love the fact that I don’t rap the way I talk. It’s ironic & cool.’

Iggy Azalea

My teenager is really into the Iggy Azalea songs currently playing on the radio. Thank goodness they are edited, or I’d never let her listen to them. I’ve warmed to Iggy after accepting that she IS a rapper and not some (to paraphrase a friend) “demon Milli Vanilli pre-recorded sh-t” coming out of a pretty blonde girl’s mouth. In my friend’s defense, he was watching the slightly NSFW “Fancy” video. Iggy’s dressed as Cher from Clueless in the vid, so it seems odd that she’s rapping. Iggy acknowledges in this interview with the Guardian that her rapping voice is very different from her speaking voice. She also talks about the 2012 controversy where Azealea Banks called Iggy a racist for a certain set of lyrics. Iggy has since apologized for her “tacky and careless” lyrics, but she says more about the feud here:

(Most) fellow rappers don’t care she’s white: “You know the funny thing is … I have never had any musicians tell me that I wasn’t authentic for being white and Australian. Not one. Even I had a warped perception of how I would be received in this business. What I’ve come to realise is that it’s the people who write about music — or who are outside it in some way — who have a problem with what I am doing. The only true insiders are the musicians themselves.”

Iggy’s solo move to the US: “No money, no family, [age] 16 in the middle of Miami. No, I didn’t just walk into hip-hop clubs and introduce myself to rappers!” (She moved to Atlanta from Miami, and then to Houston.) “I was very cautious because I felt freaked out. I only knew people that lived in my neighbourhood. I wasn’t walking around meeting randoms!”

She’s not making money yet: “I rarely see the actual money, I like to put it straight back into the other stuff. I’m still trying to cement myself so it’s really important to me that I have consistency in the quality of the things I put out.”

Her duets “keep the record company happy” so she can get her “sh-t together”: “But I never want to do them. I never want to do duets. I don’t think of other people when I’m writing my songs. I have to try and hold my own so much, it does not seem natural to me to ask for help. Sometimes a feature feels like asking for help.”

On her original calling: “I had always been drawn to jobs where there weren’t many other women involved, and very few women do audio engineering.”

About that Azealea Banks feud: “Getting the word racist put on me sucked. And it’s hurtful for other people to have to hear it (she nods in the direction of her boyfriend, who is buttering a crumpet). And it is hurtful for other people’s families to have to hear it. I think people seriously need to rethink that word. We are very liberal in flinging it around and it is pretty f—ing heavy.”

Iggy defends Lorde: “Yes, I didn’t know Lorde was a big old racist. Me, I’ve been called everything but it kind of irks me to think that they said that about a 17-year-old. Don’t say that about a kid! You cannot erase those things, they are there forever. I also think it is a generational thing, a misunderstanding. When I think of ‘Royals’ — ‘gold chains, diamonds on your timepiece’ — I think about Tumblr kids. She was talking about the aesthetic of Tumblr. The people writing the music see it one way, the consumers see it another. And anyway, is rap really that much of a stereotype? To say that rap is a guy in chains and baggy pants popping bottles in a club is stereotyping black culture. That has never been my aesthetic. I’m not wearing chains and big hoop earrings. I love the fact that I don’t rap the way I talk – I think it’s completely hilarious and ironic and cool. Didn’t I just recreate Clueless in my video [Fancy], the whitest thing of all time?”

On her critics: “For every pseudo-intellectual that’s writing something negative online about me, I’ll go to a show like this and look at the millions of people that are buying the records and think, they are simply not interested in that stuff.”

[From Guardian Observer]

Kaiser already talked about the Lorde controversy where people accused her of racist lyrics, and I agree with Kaiser’s take that Lorde was calling out materialism in general. Iggy’s case is not as easy to reconcile because in the “D.R.U.G.S.” song, she actually raps, “I’m a runaway slave master.” Iggy’s apology was that the lyrics were “a metaphorical take on an originally literal lyric,” and she was “never trying to say that I am a slave owner.” Her lyrics were only meant to reference a Kendrick Lamar song, but it didn’t come off that way to some people.

I do find it interesting that Iggy comes out and says she isn’t into doing duets. Her current chart toppers are with Ariana Grande and Charli XCX. Getting featured on other people’s songs is how a newcomer gets started in pop music these days. One day, other people will be featuring on Iggy’s songs. Maybe?

Here’s a photo of Iggy with her LA Lakers boyfriend, Nick Young. He’s 6’7″ tall!

Iggy Azalea

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN

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108 Responses to “Iggy Azalea: ‘I love the fact that I don’t rap the way I talk. It’s ironic & cool.’”

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  1. Side-Eye says:

    I don’t really care about this chick since I think her music is trash, but I just wanted to say that every time I see her I think of the movie White Chicks.

    • Detritus says:

      Is it her makeup? I keep expecting a way and brother too.
      Also her bf is fiiiiiinnne.

      • claire says:

        Totally. Pale foundation/makeup with no contouring. It gives off a weird look. Like the makeup is wearing her face than the other way around.

    • Adrien says:


    • jess says:

      LOL. Thats exactly what she looks like.

      Anyway, i think her music is terriable but I agree with her about racism how people are too libéral with the Word and just flinging it out there.

      • TheOneandOnlyOnly says:

        Yes White Chicks watched a little of it on reruns between World cup matches – that she’s a thing is yet one more example of how bad pop is – please show me where her “talent” is?

    • pretty says:

      here’s screen caps from the movie White Chicks lol she really looks like them. omg


    • pantalones en fuego says:

      I seriously just told my friend this a couple of weeks ago. I wonder if Terry Crews has a crush on her? LOL

    • Hotpockets says:

      Someone said she looked like Doug Funny from that old Nickelodeon Cartoon, now that’s all I think of when I see her.

    • astra says:

      Hahaha YES!! Nailed it!

  2. Jackie Oh says:

    Elvis, eminem, Justin Timberlake, Adele, the list goes on and on. Just another culture vulture.

    • Side-Eye says:

      The above listed are culture vultures how exactly? Because Justin sings and Adele sing R&B? Because Eminem raps? Girl, goodnight. R&B, hip-hop, and rock are not limited to just minority people and your claim is even more ignorant considering Justin and Eminem have always acknowledged black artists’ influence on their work. And I don’t even get why Adele is being brought into the equation. Soul spans all cultures.

      • Jayne says:

        Both Justins are just cultural vultures (I like that phrase, brings up the perfect imagery). Among Timberlakes MANY offences is how he and his management juxtaposed him against Usher earlier on. The implicatjon being that you can either have your RnB crooned at you but scary black guy or harmless white dude. He lost me years ago. He immersed himself just enough to shake the boy band thing but could still present as an outsider and therefore not dangerous. See also Miley.

        Iggy disgusts me. Its not that shes rapping, its that she insists on doing it in full ebonics. Her music isnt an appreciation of the culture, its immitation and its calculated to present a pretty white girl alternative to black rappers. Plus theres something of mockery in her work. Like look at me rapping in my urban accent.

    • Snazzy says:

      OMG that is the most pathetic and closed minded comment I have ever read.

    • Dana says:

      “I am the worst thing since Elvis Presley
      To do black music so selfishly
      And use it to get myself wealthy
      “Hey” there’s a concept that works
      Twenty million other white rappers emerge” Eminem

      I totally know what you mean, but I don’t think Adele and Timberlake can be considered culture vultures. Iggy and Miley Cyrus? YES

      • Kenny Boy says:

        Adele maybe not, but Timberlake DEFINITELY. He built his solo career ripping off Michael Jackson and other R&B artists, but let Janet Jackson take all the heat for the Superbowl performance.

        Not that this makes any of them not good artists – I am an Elvis fan myself, and I love Janis Joplin and plenty of others. But cultural appropriation is a major element in plenty of popular music made by white people. Eminem knows this and confronts it in his work, as Dana has shown above. I’m not an Eminem fan because of his misogyny, but I do think that he does a terrific job of examining his own white privilege. I wish other white artists would be as honest with themselves and their fans about the exploitation of black art forms for white profit.

      • Anna says:

        I agree, Iggy and Miley are definitely culture vultures and especially Iggy she’s said and done a lot of racist stuff in the past beyond the things mentioned in this article, she’s also said homophobic stuff.. Not to mention her use of the r word in Fancy… The rap and black community doesn’t embrace her as much as she tries to make it seem, look at the BET awards last night.. That will show people how most people feel about Iggy

      • Jay says:

        Are you seriously taking those Eminem lyrics literally right now? Have you listened to that whole song?

    • Lauryn says:

      Here’s an article about cultural appropriation in music. It doesn’t mention Iggy, but mentions the many who came before her: http://racerelations.about.com/od/hollywood/a/Cultural-Appropriation-In-Music-From-Madonna-To-Miley-Cyrus.htm

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I am sorry, I strongly disagree.

      I don’t think it is cultural appropriation for artists of any race to do MUSIC that has origins rooted in another race’s culture. Music is sound, that has no race. It wasn’t racist when Led Zepplin tried to play the blues, it wasn’t racist when the Rolling Stones wanted to play the honky tonk sound even though they were Brits. It is just a musician playing with a different sound and ANYONE should be able to explore musically. The idea that you should only play what your ancestors did is absurd and limiting. Its like saying only Italians can play the piano because that is where it originated.

      • msmercury says:

        Not that I totally disagree with you but your example of LZ is such a bad example because they actually stole music from poor black artist and put their name on it. I mean they were sued many times over and lost many, many times. A couple of times they were forced to credit the artist on their albums.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        msmercury, the thing about the blues is that it has very simple chord structure. A lot of it sounds the same, and a lot of the guys who first recorded it were just playing what was passed down to them.

      • HH says:

        @Tiffany – I don’t think the actual music is just the issue. Well, at least for me. I understand and appreciate when people like all kinds music and it influences their own songs. What I don’t like is when people seem to put on an… “act”. I can’t imagine that Led Zeppelin or the Rolling Stones started talking or acting a certain way. Miley, Bieber, and Iggy assume the stage as though they are portraying characters.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        HH, some comments have been saying that she is trying to “sound black”, which I disagree with. I haven’t see a lot of her performances, but in her video she didn’t seem to be doing anything to promote a stereotype.

        I REALLY agree with your statement, “I understand and appreciate when people like all kinds music and it influences their own songs”.

      • thebutlerdidit says:

        This comment should be cut and pasted atop every music and gossip blog and perhaps printed and laminated and passed out. The whole “cultural appropriation” thing is completely bastardized now and has reached utter ridiculous proportions.

        That said, this girl is a terrible rapper.

    • HH says:

      I don’t think Eminem, JT or Adele fit into that category. They’ve continually acknowledged the influences plenty of Black artists have had on their careers. And both Em and JT have Black producers (Dre and Timbaland, respectively) that they continually acknowledge and people know them as a team. Those influences aren’t “gimmicks” which is exactly how I see Iggy Azalea, Miley Cyrus, and Justin Bieber, etc.

      Em, JT, and Adele have influences of Black music and culture, but it’s a part of their authenticity. I don’t find any of them trying to be something they aren’t.

      Iggy, Miley, and Bieber just seem like they’re going through a “phase.” A young, rebellious*, Black phase. In which they want to take up the clothing, regional accents, and phrases of parts of American Black culture. Give it 1 or 2 years and they will move on to the next attention grabbing thing.

      *I used the world rebellious because I feel like white teens now take to black culture like whites teens previously took to punk and rock&roll back in the day. They were symbols of rebellion.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        “And both Em and JT have Black producers (Dre and Timbaland, respectively) that they continually acknowledge and people know them as a team. Those influences aren’t “gimmicks” which is exactly how I see Iggy”

        TI is Iggy’s mentor, and that is reflected in her style.

      • HH says:

        @Tiffany – I realize TI is Iggy’s mentor, but that doesn’t mention she should start “rapping” with a faux southern ebonics accent. The stark contrast between her voice and her rapping makes it come off as a caricature. Dre and Timbaland’s in influence is felt production wise in terms of instrumentals.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        HH, I guess from my perspective there are so many rappers that are stylized in their sound. Like Drake makes funny pronounciations when he raps, it isn’t how he speaks in interviews. IMO, rap stylization it is part of making speaking words lyrical and turning it into music.

        I remember as a kid I was so confused with Grease, and why Olivia Newton John sounded so American when she sang, but funny when she didn’t!

      • Ashley says:

        I’ve been listening to Iggy for over a year now and while she’s not the best female rapper (Kreayshawn, Azealia Banks, Brooke Candy even Nicki are better lyricists) this whole “love black culture” seems to be something she’s been doing since before she left AU. In her old interviews (2 or 3 years ago) she talks about how she had tupac posters all over her walls and she used to try to rap battle in a country where it wasn’t something prominent.

        To me she just always seemed like a white girl who wished she could fit in with that scene. Hence her put on voice. In her old interviews her Australian accent isn’t as prominent.

        I’m not as big of a fan of her anymore but it seems hypocritical to abmonish her because she’s a white girl.

    • Sooloo says:

      Totally agree. She contradicts herself right here:

      “To say that rap is a guy in chains and baggy pants popping bottles in a club is stereotyping black culture. That has never been my aesthetic. I’m not wearing chains and big hoop earrings. I love the fact that I don’t rap the way I talk – I think it’s completely hilarious and ironic and cool.”

      So she’s admitting that she’s putting on a phony “accent” that sounds nothing like her speaking (i.e., REAL) voice/mannerisms. We know damn well she doesn’t actually walk around in her normal, day-to-day life saying stuff like “who dat”! It’s all fake BS that she’s adopted in order to emulate that which she sees as authentic to the hip-hop culture, so she’s usurping certain aspects of it as well, no matter how she may dress or the jewelry she may or may not wear. She’s so freaking phony I can’t stand it.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        But do you think Nicki walks around talking like “I, I, I, I, I, I, I, ” “Keys to da Benz? Keys to da Benz. Keys to da Benz”.? Or doing her “Roman” voice? ……..No, she doesn’t. Most rappers have an affected way of speaking that is different than their normal talking voice.

      • HH says:

        @Tiffany – Those aren’t the best examples. Nicki’s Roman voice is an *acknowledged character voice*. And as far as “‘I, I, I, I, I, I, I, ” “Keys to da Benz? Keys to da Benz. Keys to da Benz'” Repetivive (and stupid) lyrics aren’t equivalent to assuming an accent but wanting to be perceived as authentic.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        No doubt those aren’t the best examples….I can only stand Minaj in very small doses and I have never bought her album. But she DOES rap in ways that are not at all similar to her speaking voice.

  3. allons-y alonso says:

    I commend Iggy Azalea for rationalising the ridiculous Lorde kerfuffle, but I still abhor her for the ignorant and stupid comments she made about Australian Indigenous communities.

    • Side-Eye says:

      What were they?

      • allons-y alonso says:

        It’s mostly about government housing. In a nutshell she said Aboriginal peoples believe that they shouldn’t live in a “confined space”, so they destroy the houses the government has built for them to then sleep under the stars because “that’s how they live”. it’s a horrible thing to say in light of the aftermath of the Northern Territory Intervention and a lot of broken promises from both major government parties

      • Side-Eye says:

        I haven’t read much about the Aborigines, but wasn’t their situation much like the Native Americans with the whole forced taking of the children, land, and the whole assimilation process?

      • allons-y alonso says:

        Very much so, yeah. they are still unfortunately a highly marginalised group as well in certain parts of the country.

      • jj says:

        @allons…..have you worked in any Indigenous communitites???? The NT intervention was farcical, but there are a hell of a lot of other programs that involve people flying in and then literally f*ng off the same afternoon with very little to show for it! Close The Gap we are not, despite what is being said, but its a two way street and I haven’t seen a lot of change in the past 15years, except in the amount of funding, that more often than not is wasted in ridiculous programs! Only my opinion, but I’m not apologizing after what I’ve seen and been involved with!

    • K says:

      And here she seems a lot more concerned about being CALLED a racist rather than thinking about what she might have done which people think IS racist. She’s said some pretty messed up things but she sounds like she’s more upset that her feelings (or her family’s, or her boyfriend’s) were hurt, not so much the feelings of the people she talked botty-water about.

    • Kath says:

      Hang on a sec. There is an element of truth to this – and it has nothing to do with racism. I don’t like Iggy Azalea, but I don’t think she meant to be ignorant or offensive.

      I grew up in Central Australia. My dad was around a lot of the govt construction back in the 1960s and ’70s and there were quite a few occasions when Aboriginal people asked not to have glass in the windows of houses being built (which was of course ignored by the govt/builders) and consequently the residents broke them/removed sides of houses to make them more open.

      We’re talking about a very specific group of traditional central desert people here (of a previous, tribal generation), not all Indigenous Australians. But they had very strong beliefs and fears about spirits and how they are contained in houses/reflected in windows, which is why they felt it was wrong to build houses a certain way. I never really understood the details, as it was a specific tribal belief system that was deemed secret/sacred business and not shared with others – but they simply felt that they couldn’t live in an enclosed, sealed space.

      It might be difficult for non-Indigenous Australians to understand (and indeed, many other Indigenous groups are clueless when it comes to the traditions/beliefs of other groups) – but it is not a case of wanton destruction. Even back in the 1970s my dad had the belief that the builders/govt should have just ASKED the people what kind of dwellings they wanted – not impose our ideas on them.

  4. Regarded says:

    Call me crazy, but this interview made me kind of like her. She seems grounded.
    I think her longevity in the business depends on the quality of music she puts out and if people like it, but there aren’t many female rappers out there to begin with, so she doesn’t seem to have much competition.

    • SpookySpooks says:

      Yeah, me too. I don’t like her songs, but she sounds good.

    • Val says:

      Same! She comes off smart and lucid.

    • ParisPucker says:

      Agreed! And honestly, she is kind of brilliant for having pulled this off. Have you heard her speak? She has the most charming Australian accent. I feel like she’s poking fun at US culture while making money off of it – there’s something amusing to me about that. I can’t hate on this girl. Her song is catchy, and she really scratched her way to the top. To do that at her age and as a foreigner is a major feat!!

    • jammypants says:

      She seems to really understand the industry based on the interviews I’ve seen.

  5. Tiffany27 says:

    I’m not a fan at all, but do you Amethyst.

  6. Catriona says:

    She can try to come out with some lame a** excuse but it was tasteless to put that lyric there and even if she DID apologise for that messed-up lyric she put out, she still has the bigoted, homophobic, slut-shaming and racially discriminating tweets to answer for. Can’t stand this racist ignoramus.

  7. grabbyhands says:

    I feel like if you have to point out how “ironic” and “cool” something you do is, it is probably neither ironic nor cool.

  8. Jen34 says:

    No. Country music has its roots in Scottish/Irish music. What passes for country these days isn’t country. Pure country uses banjoes, fiddles, mandolins. Rock n roll, though, has its roots in gospel, blues and Black culture.

    • andypandy says:

      You are correct CW does have its roots In Scottish Irish Folk no debating that however are you aware that the Banjo which gives American CW its distinctive sound is in fact an African instrument first made her by African Slaves? (only the fiddle is European ) The fact is that Slaves were often asked to play & entertain thier masters on plantation. That along working and playing with poor Whites in the field did give some African input into Blue grass / CW.
      Despite that CW like Rock music is basically considered “white ” music
      The Problem with cultural appropriation is that blacks take part in ballet and Opera however they are still recognized as European art forms . Whilst Blacks input in Rock CW and probably eventually rap and Pop ( which is basically watered down R& B) is overtime erased

      • TheOneandOnlyOnly says:

        The great English rock bands of the sixties acknowledged and honored the black American blues influence – just consider the praise mick jagger gives muddy waters. Those guys didn’t appropriate they admired it and added to it. Today’s so-called acts are mostly just ignoramuses like this twit.

  9. Dana says:

    It’s not cool,it’s mimicking. It’s like she wants to mimick what she thinks being black is, with the whole fake accent and the fake bottom. Eminem gathered respect in the Hip-hop community by being authentic . And I’m sorry but I won’t get over the “runaway slave master ” lyric. This girl has showed ignorance all around, with the Aboriginals comment and all, but still she manages to be successful 🙁

    • Tiffany27 says:

      Like vocal black face.

      • Lex says:

        Vocal blackface. .. do you think before you type?

      • claire says:

        I legitimately have never listened to her music just hear her name mentioned a lot. I had to go and take a listen…holy sh*t. Is she for real with that accent?! That is straight up embarrassing.

    • Anna says:

      I agree, she’s very inauthentic and she’s mimicking what she thinks how “hood black girls” act, with her phony “ATL” accent and her songs about the “murdah business” lmao it’s a complete joke and it’s upsetting that TI endorses her shenanigans…
      I rarely side with Azealia Banks in her fights but I’m for sure on her side in this one and on her side with TI. I can’t wait until Iggy’s career is over

    • Tiffany :) says:

      IMO, I find accusing someone of “talking black” to be kind of racist in itself. I know you didn’t it mean it like that, but the idea that to talk a certain way is to talk “black” is not right.

      A TON of rappers use an affected way of talking when they rap that isn’t how they sound when they aren’t rapping.

  10. Nene says:

    She is smokin’ hot.
    It’s great seeing a healthy and pear shaped young woman who isn’t the Hollywood skinny stereotype.
    Nick Young and her make a hot couple.

    • WTF says:

      I don’t know if that is healthy. From the before and after pictures I’ve seen, she has a Kardashian-Like Ass of Lies……Injections or implants or something.
      Sorry. When I first saw her I thought the same thing.

  11. maybeiamcrazy says:

    I don’t know about her but she is absolutely right about how racist world just keeps being thrown around for every little thing.

    • astra says:

      Yep. What kind of society can you have when you are unable to speak, or afraid to speak, because you have no idea what’s “racist” or offensive this week? If people are going to cry racism, let’s make an official manual where the rules and racist stuff is listed clearly and specifically so people will know exactly what they can and cannot say. Hey, let’s invent a whole new language and new words like in 1984 so it won’t ever be a problem again! We’ll have to find a new Two Minutes Hate though….any suggestions?

  12. D says:

    “… Nick Young. He’s 6’7″ tall!” Is 6’7 really tall or is it short? Help a metric girl out 😉 haha

    • Snazzy says:

      It’s super tall!
      Over 2 meters I’d say 🙂

    • Carrie says:

      Roughly 200.5 cm

    • D says:

      Thanks! 🙂 I wonder how tall Iggy is, because she doesn’t look that short standing next to him…and most girls would look tiny next to someone who is 2meters.

      • Snazzy says:

        I was wondering that too. I guess the shoes help right? Those heels must be at least 8-10 cm! I love high heels, but I’d fall flat on my a** walking around in shoes that high.

      • D says:

        I can’t walk in high heels either, I really wish that I could…but I just end up looking like Bambi on ice ( ice as in frozen water…not drugs. I mean I’m bad at walking in high heels…but not THAT bad lol)

      • Kristin says:

        Hey D, you might look like Bambi on frozen-water ice, but I’d definitely look like Bambi on drugs! I loved your comment because when you clarified what you meant by “ice”, I instantly got a visual imagine of a stoned Bambi, ha ha:)

    • SpookySpooks says:

      That’s not that tall for a basketball player, but pretty standard for small forwards.

    • sonalaceae (Nighty) says:

      6’7” is 2 metres…

  13. Roxanna says:

    Racist, homophobic and a slut shamer. Don’t get how people excuse her disgusting behaviour.

  14. Marty says:

    Her racist tweets, that she’s since deleted, are what make her a racist. Seriously, some of them are pretty bad. That, and the fact that she said she should be able to use the n-word in her lyrics because other rappers do.

    Sorry. I can’t with this chick, she’s mediocre at best.

  15. GlimmerBunny says:

    I love her music and voice. “Fancy” is one of my favorite songs this year, and the video is awesome (huge “Clueless” fan here!)

  16. Carrie says:

    I’m conflicted about her, I do tend to agree that it’s sort of problematic the way she adopts a stereotypically southern black accent in her songs, as if it gives her more credibility , because really what other point is there for her to be trying to do it? She honestly reminds me a lot of a girl I went to college with, who did the same thing. Talked like she should be on BET and was always going around like ‘Girl, I ONLY date black men.’ It’s very uncomfortable when people go around co-opting the mannerisms of people they are not.

  17. Biggles says:

    ‘her boyfriend, who is buttering a crumpet’

    Made me chuckle, he sounds like quite the chilled out guy. Also, I love crumpets!

  18. aenflex says:

    Her music is soul-less, pointless and just boring to me.

  19. thaliasghost says:

    So what I don’t understand about Iggy’s story of going to the US all by herself at 16 from a middle class existence to being all alone with no money literally being dropped off in Miami….I would like to know how that works and you get a visa for that.

    I’ve gone to the US too and boy did I have to jump through hoops for a student visa. So something is very, very fishy about her story. If it was that easy there weren’t migrants dying in the desert like flies.

    • D says:

      You’re right, that is fishy..

    • Snazzy says:

      you’re right! Probably a fake backstory to sound “relevant”. Chances are she comes from a good home, and her parents (or some kind of family members) paid for her to try her luck in the US.

    • kristina says:

      Actually she did an interview once about that. She apparently over stayed, her visa expired, and when she left and came back wasn’t let back in. She had to do a lot of charity work and etc etc in order to get a visa to work here again.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I think she “said” she was coming here to visit to fool her parents, and then just stayed.

      That is how most illegal immigrants get into the country. They just overstay visas.

    • paranormalgirl says:

      The hoops I had to jump through, too!

    • Val says:

      I thought it was fishy too. So her parents let her go to Miami (on the other side of the world basically) alone on a “holiday”? eeehh

  20. Adrien says:

    Sorry, I really can’t stand her. If she’s having success right now then good for her, at least she actually struggled unlike some white rappers called Chet Haze but I just can’t with her.

  21. OTHER RENEE says:

    I don’t understand why she is a hot thing at all. Derivative…

  22. msmercury says:

    Vocal Blackface* It would be if she just used her real voice and not what she thought American Black people sounded like.

    Anyway, we know this chick is a racist because of her twitter. She made a bunch of racist tweets going after Black people, Mexicans, Asians and Indians. And she never apologized for that.

    • TheOneandOnlyOnly says:

      How does she get away with that; Toby Keith could never get away with it; Why isn’t she called out by the hip hop community; is there any integrity in the music biz?

  23. Word Girl says:

    Most of the times it just yellow journalism at its height when the word racist is liberally thrown around. Like the Lorde thing. Black folks didn’t feel that way the journalist just made it appear as if blacks were offended, lol. I see it all the time on Yahoo and Aol but more so Yahoo. A journalist (a lot of times the journalist isn’t even the color of the so called “offended party”) and then they’ll go on and on about how that particular group of folks is offended, and then, as the reader of that column, if I’m supposed to be the offended party, I think to myself, I’m not offended, are you serious? However, the commenters on that site take it at face value that that particular group is offended and then they start hurling dehumanizing words at each other. We have to realize that it’s all the anterior motives for a journalist to make a none story a story, so journalist race bate. It keeps America’s mind off what the real problems are at that time and in return the journalist makes a quick buck by laughing all the way to the bank. It’s the divide and conquer mentality. As far as aight doing rap music, anyone can do rap music. You just have to be good at it. Be yourself as well, and folks will accept you. Look at Hootie and the Blowfish. How successful they were. Rap isn’t a “blacks only career” just like country music isn’t a “whites only career”. Just make really good music, according to that particular genre, and you’ll do fine.

    • Val says:


      • lboogi says:

        Sorry but no one has ever claimed that rap was “for black people only”. Eminem was not the firsst non white rapper, nor is he the last with actual credibilty. Please look into 3rd Bass, The Young Black Teenagers, Snow, The Beastie Boys, Intuition, etc. No one is saying Iggy can’t be a rapper because she’s white.

  24. Mike says:

    Is it just me or is there a strong resemblance between Iggy and Kaley Cuoco? As far as her music, I have no issues with it or her use of southern style in her rapping. She is influenced by southern rappers and I am sure they told her to use that type of accent. Rap has been in a rut for a few years with all the materialism and I think some new types of rappers will help raise the genre.

    • andypandy says:

      Actually there have been many conscious rappers that do not rap about materialism/ misogyny for years now Common and some of Mos def material come to mind but for some reason people are pretending that this new wave of white artists invented this approach

    • M.A.F. says:

      I think rap has been in a rut due to that that it has gotten away from the original message. Look at the artists from the 80s/early 90s where they were talking about their society & culture & how society treated them vs. the crap that was coming out of the late 90s/early 2000s & how they focused on the material wealth. Also, weren’t some of those rappers during that time frame called out on how they actually never lived the lifestyle they were rapping about?

  25. G. says:

    I like a few of her songs, but she’s in general just not a good person and I can’t with her. And the songs if hers that I do like could have been done by anyone and I would still like them. Rapping genii she is not.

  26. Emily C. says:

    I just plain don’t like her. I find her obnoxious and up her own ass. Which, by the way, is not great, and certainly not big, no matter how much she tries to capitalize on its supposed great bigness.

  27. M.A.F. says:

    I don’t know a thing about this person. I don’t know her age, where she came from, her backstory, etc. The only thing I knew prior from today was that she made some video that mimicked the Clueless movie (which I just watched thanks to the link provided above). And what I learned from said video was #1. I couldn’t understand a single thing she said so I have no idea what the song was about let alone the over point of it being linked to the Clueless movie and #2. Someone should have taught her & her guest singer how to lip sync properly because it was terrible.

  28. Pepsi Presents...Coke says:

    Another kid trying to be a ‘bad girl’ by sounding ‘street’. The crassness is what makes it ‘authentic’ and a stunt ass proves it’s all about the music. It’s a hard line to find, everyone influences everyone else, people pay homage, artists need to work freely, genre idioms exist, people are mentored and people find their own voices through voices they have heard before. That’s all well and good and necessary and inevitable, because no one invented the C-major chord, which is to say we can only go so far when asking people to show their sources. I’m in music, I get that. That said, when I look at a lot of these genres and how these artists position themselves within them… I mean, does T.I. chew her food for her too?

  29. Blackbetty says:

    I don’t know why she is still labelled “Australian”. I’ve never heard of here until recently and she doesn’t sound Australian at all [Eg 360]- she raps American.

  30. original kay says:

    I have never heard of this person.

    is the line “I’m a runaway slave master” what people are calling racist?
    I don’t know the song, to put that lyric in context.

    I actually thought S&M, slave master, not an actual slave owner, when I read the lyric. ah, well.