We haven’t discussed anything involving Macklemore since he dressed up as some kind of weirdly anti-Semitic caricature during a show in Seattle back in May. I guess he was keeping his head down and letting the controversy blow over, which isn’t the worst crisis management. I actually prefer the whole “issue a lengthy statement explaining how you were wrong and then STFU for a few months” school of crisis management.
I also enjoy when celebrities blatantly use their pets to make people like them more. Two months ago (around the same time as the anti-Semitic thing), Macklemore adopted a kitten with his long-time girlfriend. The past two months have been filled with endless cat love from Macklemore. He is a Cat Man. And Cairo the tabby has stolen his heart. Not content to simply post endless photos and videos of Cairo on his Instagram page, he also made Cairo her own IG.
So, yes… this is just a post for photos of Macklemore and Cairo. And I love it. And nothing says “all is forgiven” like a man in love with a cat. For her part, Cairo seems like she’s enjoying her new place as the most important person in Macklemore’s house. Just so.
Photos courtesy of Macklemore’s IG, Cairo’s IG.
Agreed. His hair and overall look do nothing for me. And, to top things off, I think turquoise jewelry looks terrible on light skin. Unless you are a 60 year old white woman with a sun dress, silver bracelets and obvious sun damage, turquoise jewelry will not work.
This. I think I’d like him a whole lot more without that ridiculous haircut. Cairo is a cutie, though.
Hell Naw. He still is the hipster douche that had no business getting the best rap album @ the Grammys. (yeah, I STAY mad about that). Poseur.
This cat is adorable.
Also, I’m Jewish and not afraid to call out bigotry when I see or hear it. And I just didn’t from that costume. I thought it was a huge overreaction.
Yeah, I think that costume was an accidental trainwreck. I really really don’t think his intentions were to shock, or offend – but to disguise himself and he picked some unfortunate items to do so.
Now onto the kitten – I want. It looks like our Fynnley who is now over a year old and not quite so tiny.
Agreed. (I’m not Jewish tho)
Did you ever weigh in on that thread, Izzy?
I was curious as to what you thought of it.
Super-cute kitten. I’m a sucker for a guy with a cat– I can’t help it.
Me too Kitten, guys with cats are good business. My honey says he doesn’t like my cats (they were 2 when we got together, they are now 11) but he snuggles them all the time and lets them sleep on him, so I don’t think he is nearly as adamantly anti cat as he pretends to be.
I think I did. I don’t recall. I’m pretty sure I posted a blistering reply to several rabid ranters on FB; my newsfeed was very busy that day.
Dude looked like Friar Tuck in a suit wearing that costume.
Agreed. I like him, he seems fun, smart, compassionate, and caring. Obviously, he’s a celebrity and we’ll never know what he is truly like….
Yes, thank you!! I’m Jewish too and wasn’t offended at all. And I’ve always loved him, he actually has a moral compass unlike some other stars who just pretend to (and who this site loves :S). Same Love, anyone?
Something nice……….something nice……….OH! I like the kitten.
Loving animals gets you points in my book. Not a free pass, but it makes him seem more human. How can you not like those pictures?
Agreed. Very, very cute pics. But never really thought one way or the other about the guy and even this won’t make me start. He’s just more of a non-entity to me.
Yes. So bland in every way.
Oh man this kinda bugs me. You realize that sociopaths love animals too, right? Liking an animal does NOT give anyone a pass in any way in my book.
Rapists and wife beaters can have pets too! Doesn’t mean they’re good people! What a dangerous assumption to make!!
Goodnames specifically said that it doesn’t give anyone a free pass. She specifically. Said. That.
Furthermore, you talk as if the post is about Charles Manson and not a white rapper.
Is Macklemore a rapist and wife-beater?
I didn’t get the memo.
fair enough, I came off quite strident there, not how I meant to sound. I was speaking in generalities, so I didn’t mean Macklemore at all, I don’t even mind him.
I was just thinking of how everyone shredded Chris Pratt for putting a kitty up for adoption, and was just seeing this as the inverse, like he must be a nice man if he likes kitties!! I think that’s a weird generalisation to make, and not something to base someones personality on.
I was reminded of that episode of the Sopranos where Dr Melfi, Tonys psychiatrist, realises after a little research that Tony’s soft spot for animals is just another manifestation of his sociopathy, as in he can love and care about animals but not people.
Wow, Louminary, that’s quite a jump there, but who am I to argue with the physchiatrist from the Sopranos? I think most psychos actually start out torturing animals, but I’m no expert. Or TV show doctor. Or anything. I just meant I love animals and tend to like other people who love animals…sorry to set you off.
Goodnames is correct. Sociopathy/psychopathy aka Antisocial Personality Disorder tends to manifest in the torture of animals. You can trust me on this not only because I have a degree in psychology (because obviously everyone online has a degree in everything), but because my brother is a psychopath. He just loved running over tiny animals with his bike, and later, his go cart-the slower the better, he told me, because he didn’t like it when they died right away. It was better when they tried to run. Also, I caught him trying to drown my sister’s cat.
But I’ve never watched the Sopranos, so I guess I’m not an expert.
My feelings for Macklemore are nonexistent, same as they ever were, but Kitteh, YAY! So adorable.
Same here, that kitten is adorable
+1 same here.
very adorable – and it sounds like it has completely taken over. Cats do that – they sneakilyworms their way into your heart and then they subtly set about training their biped companion. 😉
I agree, Kiddo.
I am indifferent about Mackelmore, but I am in LOVE with that kitten! So cute!!! The sleepy kitty photos melt my heart.
Growing up my family wasn’t big on cats and a neighbor’s cat that loved to jump out and attack me with her claws, so I wasn’t a fan for a long time (probably because of all the bleeding that I did). Now I have two neighbor cats that are so adorable, sweet and fun (they talk to me through our window like So Long Johnson), I have definitely come around on cats!
I had a kitten that looked exactly like that and one day he was just looking at our Christmas tree and I remember thinking “What the hell are you up to” because he was always in some kind of trouble.The next thing I know he takes a flying leap towards the tree and the tree starts to sway back and forth with the kitten hanging on for dear life and as the tree started to make a bee line towards me all I could do was get the heck out of it way.The tree came down all across the living room and that poor cat ran all the way up the stairs and he wouldn’t came down for a few days.It was kind of funny and we only lost a couple of tree ornaments so the damage wasn’t to bad.Thank God the tree branches were very flexible and we anchored the tree to the ceiling so this wouldn’t happen again.We still have a good laugh over this.
I don’t even know who this guy is. Is that bad?
Me neither but that kitten is adorable ! <3
A highly overrated rapper.
The street creds call him a hipster poseur. 🙂
Awwww!!! Cute kitty!! Love love love the kitty!!!!
Alexandra, you’ve expressed my sentiments exactly.
I also love that kitty! I lost my cat after 17 years and I’d love to get one just like Cairo. I just adore cats. They’re the best.
I don’t even know who this guy is, but the kitten is supercute!! Can you cut the guy off the kitty’s pics please? 🙂
Not to split hairs, but that’s no tabby, it looks like a Bengal (family friend breeds them, dad has one. Best cats ever!)
It’s a tabby, the “M” on the forehead.
yup. Definitely a tabby.
I have no feelings other than “Oh my god, I hate his hair” for Macklemore. But the kitty is a cute thing.
He needs to quit that Vanilla Ice hairstyle.
It’s hard to say…she could be a Bengal but she’s a bit small for one, no?
I wish we could see if she had the tell-tale Bengal spots on her body, because Bengals do have stripes on their arms and necks.
There are Bengals with the M on the forehead, actually (just looked at some google images). I thought that was strictly a tabby marking thing. Learn something new every day!! There’s a picture of her where you can see her body and it’s really hard to tell if the markings on her body will be stripes or spots. I’m still leaning towards tabby.
“I have no feelings other than “Oh my god, I hate his hair” for Macklemore”
Lollllll!!! 😀 His hair is pretty awful!
I’m almost positive it’s a tabby. It just seems to have broken lines… there’s different styles of ‘tabby’. Bengal kittens generally have more obvious spots. Our tabby has the spotted belly and broken stripes as well.
Yes I missed that pic of the stripey body. I think you’re right about it being a tabby. Whatever she is– she is very, very cute!!
I want another kitten so badly. There’s siamese kittens looking for a home…and I need them. The Mr. won’t let me get another cat. However… if I got really rebellious and took one home, he’d be grumpy then just try to steal the cats love. I’ve made him into a cat person in the last year and a half.
I want a kitten so badly. I haven’t had a cat since my sweet little Burmese passed away a few years ago.
I think it’s a Mackerel tabby.
My cat looked exactly like this when he was a kitten (you can see his tummy spots here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/lucyandbentley/5837447358/), and a lot of people thought he was a Bengal too, but he’s a tabby. His mom was an injured, pregnant, gray and white stray (now spayed), and clearly she didn’t find a random purebred Bengal on the streets… but his brothers and sisters had spots everywhere, not just their stomachs, and some even had orange/gold tones, so even I thought they might be Bengals at first. People were clamoring to adopt them; I’m elated I got the “last pick” because he’s the sweetest cat I’ve ever had.
He’s wicked cute!!!!
Very spotty for sure and I can see why people would have mistaken him for a Bengal.
😀 Thank you! He’s wicked cute indeed; three years later, he still thinks he’s a kitten and clings to my tuxedo girl (his surrogate mama) everywhere she goes.
Yeah, I definitely like Macklemore a little more now (but I never thought his costume was intentionally offensive anyway). Cat lady for life.
Cairo and Choupette need to become friends! Play dates! Catnip! Famous dads!
That last picture, I have a version with my two as kittens and it’s honestly one of my fav ever pictures. Kitties asleep with their paws over their head..awwwww
Love the kitten, still dislike the dude.
Keep the kitten. Leave the rapper(?).
Kittens are very special beasts.
Tell me about it.
My little beast knocked a glass of water onto my Mac Air last night.
…and that is only one of many dastardly acts all in his quest for Total Home Destruction.
his hair looks so weird, like its asymmetrical
I like him very much despite the fact that he’s a doppelganger for my ex husband…
But yes… men who love cats… pretty great. I don’t even like cats, but I like a man who likes cats.
The cat is adorable. Doesn’t change my indifference towards him, though.
I just want to pet that cat’s belly. So cute.
he is Still a Culture Vulture (which I would Hit on the Low in appreciation to him checking his Priviledge) AND Corny as hell and looking like a sexy modern tin tin But That kitty Cat is EVERYTHING (im NOT a cat Person but the Boyfriend from Narnia is a total cat dad andthey have worn me sooooo down …and woken me up at nights for pets and lovebites and shit!)
I was a dog person but the last few years brought me into a balance. A little abandoned kitten made it’s way into my yard and it went from there.
I think you’re being drawn into cat appreciation, too! 😉
Oh I SO am!
Lmao, don’t shout that so loud, you’ll get your black card revoqued.
Signed by
an ardent defender of all things dark & lovely! 😉
“he is Still a Culture Vulture (which I would Hit on the Low in appreciation to him checking his Priviledge) AND Corny as hell and looking like a sexy modern tin tin”
Gah! This is just too amazing a description. You need to make a book of just your comments here, QQ.
So much gold to be had.
Cairo is precious but she has sizable paws. She’s going to be a big kitty.
Oh I hear you. I thought that only applied to dogs and thought the massive oversized clown paws my kittens had were adorable, but nope, I’m now resigned to hearing “your cats are HUGE!” for the rest of their lives…which will be forever, I have a made a deal for my soul that they never leave us.
Lindy I too have a big kitty. He weighs almost 30 lbs and is about 3ft standing on back legs. He is an orange tabby of course, too orange for his own good, and I too am used to people commenting on how big he is and asking what kind of cat he is. I’m always shocked now when a new person sees him and doesn’t say anything.
Thing is, mine aren’t even that big…well ok they are but not like mutant X Men cats or anything. They’ve got quite long legs.. One in particular is very….ahem cuddly. I say she eats her feelings and calling her fat just sends her into a shame spiral and she eats more. She normally just gives them her best Father Dougal face and runs off chasing some fluff.
Ha shame spiral! Love it! I too have an emotional eater, but he’s the little one. The big one really is a mutant xmen cat. Oddly though he has a fairly disproportionately tiny head.
I’m not a huge fan of his music, but it kind of bugs me all of the shade that M gets (worst Seattleite here – I hate Nirvana and can’t even spell Macklmore) because the one thing that gets glossed over about him is the fact that hedid all of this without being signed to a major record label. He hustled, he played live shows for years, and he did it without having the record companies push his songs to be played on the 1,000 clear channel radio stations. He’s successful because people liked his music and bought it, period.
Oh c’mon now that’s what he wants you to believe. He has a major label who distributes and promotes his music. He’s signed to an indie but gets promoted like any major artist. His “struggled from the bottom” image is nothing but b.s.
pretty much everyone starts at the bottom and struggles. Some super talented people never get signed.
That is totally true, but by far the bulk of what we hear on the radio nowadays is a corporate creation. Take Selena Gomez for example – it’s her backing by the Mouse House that’s gotten her radio play, producers and reasonably decent songs. I have more of a point but I am very tired so am being lazy, but basically its getting harder and harder to break out in modern music. Radio stations that would have once helped people to discover new talent are owned by one or two massive companies that compile a giant playlist – which is why we hear the same songs on what feels like every station.
But this is how most of them do it, hustling for years to get their names and faces out there. Who cares that Macklemore hustled and played live? He is no more special than anyone else, and, in fact, may have had it easier because he gets to play the “deep-thinking, conscious” part, whereas most other rappers are forced into the mold of “ghetto, from the streets, gangbanging, dope-slinging, shoot-em-up” style and if they refuse to go that route and actually speak positivity and more thought-provoking lyrics, they’re less likely to garner a deal. Not everyone has it easy breaking into the music biz, and it shouldn’t be seen as exceptional or special that he didn’t either. Most artists are NOT Britney Spears — blatantly lacking talent in any and every department, showing no struggle at all in garnering attention, and playing no live music/instruments, but still getting a contract based on the premise of going on a T&A stroll or playing up some other gimmick in order to gain attention. If Macklemore had to hustle and struggle, so be it. Most do.
male cat people have automatic points from me. society brainwashes us from the beginning how dogs are human’s best friends and paints dogs with this wholesome, famlily-friendly image while cats get bad/villain image simply because cats don’t give as much attention to them as dogs and some insecure humans can’t handle animals that don’t worship the ground they walk on like dogs do. like okay, you want natural solitary predators to act like a pack animal that consitantly want approval from its master/alpha..? anyway his kitten is so adorbs!
Oh my god I love you so much for this comment.
I love dogs too but I get so tired of the rampant cat-hate.
I love the rebellious nature of cats. I admire them for not having two f*cks to give.
…and I don’t need my pets to make me feel special.
Pretty sure, if it was life and death our dog would watch me die, and the cat would try to do something about it. I got locked out on my first day of my current job. Car keys and everything were inside. Kitten and dog both come up and stand on the window seat thing of our bay window. Dog glances, barks once and walks away to poop on the floor, then go to sleep (I could see the little bastard doing it). Cat sits in the window and starts scratching/digging frantically at it, trying to get to me. 15 minutes straight.
cats are awesome. They are furry little asshole ninjas who act like they don’t give a flying fart but really do care.
@Erinn-that’s awesome! Not awesome that the dog pooped on the floor but the cat part–AWESOME!
LOL @ “furry little asshole ninjas”.
My cats are stage 5 clingers. They cry when I leave for work, and if they hear me come into the apartment building but not straight to the apartment (i.e. gossiping with a neighbor) they will cry for me. And they sleep on me at night. And the big one always got between me and my ex when we fought. He still won’t let anyone near me when I’m sick, and we have to move his food and water dishes and a litter box into the room because he will not leave my side. So I always laugh at the ‘cats are aloof and don’t love you’ people.
Cats are actually quite sociable creatures – but a lot of people don’t know that.
Aw, I love your insight as to why people have a disdain towards the kitties. My husband use to be one of those people, he did not like cats. When we first started dating (we lived apart for a long time) I told him I wanted to adopt a kitty and he instantly expressed his hatred of cats and told me he did not approve of it. Well, I adopted a kitty anyways, a three legged one at that! Every time I would spend the night at his house, I would bring her over, since she was so tiny and only had three legs, so I could keep an eye on her. He requested that I just keep her at his apartment since he didn’t want me to have to drive her over every time, but little did I know they formed a bond and she became HIS cat. She hates everyone now, but loves him, since then, we adopted a brother for her and he adores both of them, like their his children.
I think cat haters just need a cat of their own, so they’ll understand the appeal of being a cat owner, or rather, the cat owns you, so more so a cat servant.
That is such a cute story and gives me hope that I can convert any cat-hating dude!
I saw a little three-legged kitty named Tripod at the local shelter two years ago that I wanted SO badly but he got adopted within two days of being listed on the website!
Same thing happened with my Gravatar kitty-a black cat named Greta (I would have to rename her)..by the time I called the shelter she was already spoken for 🙁
Co-sign, Pretty. I do also like dogs, but my two cats are the most loving and affectionate animals ever. They greet me at the door, follow me around, and sleep as close to me as possible (boyfriend is accommodating!) No, they don’t always come when called, but then who does? 🙂 I appreciate that they have their own ideas of what is best to do. I feel more like I am in a relationship with cats than I do with dogs for that reason. Also, I think that it is quite remarkable that an animal that is so solitary in the wild wants to be with humans in the first place. The fact that they have so thoroughly pwned us that they are almost useless to modern life, don’t do what they are told ever, and we still love them and want them is pretty amazing. Neat trick!
I’ve never been a fan of dogs, which is why it burns me up even more when people compare so-called positive characteristics of cats to being “just like a dog”, heheheh. Like, “oh, he’s so affectionate” or “he loves being around people…just like a dog!” Um, no. Cats are fully capable of bonding with people and other animals, showing affection, just wanting to be with a person; dogs do not monopolize those traits! 🙂
Sorry pretty, Team Dog here. All the cats I cared for are animal versions of Stewie. Those scheming kitties have brainwashed you into thinking they are adorable and affectionate but they are really tiny spies.
“and here’s a photo of Cairo with my Rolex and Mr. T gold chains……and here’s kitty with my expensive LV luggage…..” douche.
I don’t hate him, but I’m not a fan. He did a really nice video before playing in Dublin on 10th July.
Not going to lie, I thought it was nice, even if it was a total PR exercise.
Nice try.
That cat is adorable <3
Love the kitten. The pussy, not so much.
Cairo thought his name is Mackerel that’s why she’s all cuddly and sweet.
That kitten is fabulous!
He looks like roger klotz from Doug!!!!