Could Khloe Kardashian’s biological father possibly be Lionel Richie? Maybe.


There’s an ongoing saga going on with Khloe Kardashian’s paternity. That’s been the go-to story for the tabloids for years now. Around the time when Kris Jenner (then Kris Kardashian) got knocked up with Khloe, Kris was cheating on Robert Kardashian Sr., maybe even with multiple men. Hey, it was the ‘80s. Everybody was cheating! In the past, Khloe’s “real father” has reportedly been identified as Kris’s hairdresser Alex Roldan, or OJ Simpson or God knows who else. We’ve also heard for Robert Sr.’s other wives that Robert never believed Khloe was his biological daughter but he loved her all the same.

So, who is the newest daddy candidate? LIONEL RICHIE. In Touch Weekly claims this week that Lionel Richie was “on the outs with his wife at the time…Everyone was sleeping around with everyone else back then, and Kris was hot in those days.” One of Kris’s old friends told In Touch that Kris probably fooled around with everybody back in the day and Lionel was “a huge player back then, too.” In Touch and The Daily Mail also point out that Khloe bears a striking resemblance to Lionel’s 16-year-old daughter Sofia Richie – go here to see.

For what it’s worth, Khloe denied the In Touch story to Gossip Cop, saying (or writing): “I’ve had so many dads my head is spinning lol.” Yeah, here’s the thing: I don’t think Khloe has any idea about her real paternity. I think Kris Jenner might not even be sure. And when Khloe tried to tackle the issue head on, she took a DNA test to prove that Kris Jenner was her real mother, that she wasn’t adopted. Which misses the point completely. No one is saying Kris isn’t her biological mother. There’s no doubt about that. It’s Khloe’s paternity that’s in question.



Photos courtesy of PCN and Fame/Flynet.

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52 Responses to “Could Khloe Kardashian’s biological father possibly be Lionel Richie? Maybe.”

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  1. HappyMom says:

    She looks just like that hairdresser. And Kris Jenner is, and always was, gross.

  2. aims says:

    Interesting. That’s all I got

  3. Jaderu says:

    Wait. WTF? LOL
    ♪Stuck on you…got this feeling down deep in my soul♪

  4. AG-UK says:

    All I can say to that 3rd photo going into the gym possibly WOW..

  5. mimif says:

    I can see it in your eyes
    I can see it in your smile…
    *runs & screams for blue marie*

  6. swack says:

    Just another story to keep their name in the news. They have no interest in finding out who Khloe’s biological father is because it helps make headlines when there are none. JMO.

    • Mixtape says:

      As for Kris, probably. But as for Khloe, to be fair, she has always said she is the daughter of the two men who raised her (Robert Kardashian and Bruce Jenner) and nothing else matters.

  7. lassie says:

    “Everyone was sleeping around with everyone else back then, and Kris was hot in those days.”

    …in those days.

  8. littlestar says:

    That would mean she’s sister to Nicole Richie :O. My fashion icon. That’s all I have to say.

    • Yup, Me says:

      Nicole Richie is not Lionel Richie’s biological daughter, so they could, as likely, be sisters now as they could if he was Khloe’s father.

  9. FingerBinger says:

    Khloe and Sofia Richie look nothing alike. They don’t look like they’re from the same family let alone half sisters.

    • reba says:

      They both have two human female eyes, 1 nose, 2 ears… hair… that’s about it for the similarities!

  10. MsMercury says:

    The hairdresser is her bio dad. I refuse to believe anything else.

  11. Dawn says:

    Man how desperate for press must one be to throw out guess on paternity. My question is who didn’t Kris Jenner screw in her youth? This whole klan is simply shameless and that should be the name of their stupid reality show “Keeping up with the Shameless Family”. They are sick bunch that is for sure.

  12. joy says:

    I wonder if she has ever secretly gotten her dna tested against her siblings just to see. I would.

  13. elisabeth says:

    Good Lord what a giant disgusting pig Kris is to have this going on for so long. Tell Khloe and be done with it.

  14. Seapharris7 says:

    I need to see pictures of that hair dresser…

  15. Cara says:

    Hey…wait a minuteeee…. Maybe Sophia’s MOM is actually Khloe’s mom!!!!! Mystery solved!!!

  16. Melissa says:

    Hello….is it me your looking for?

  17. margie says:

    Maybe they won’t get a proper paternity test b/c then someone might try to claim some of their money/property. Not sure how that would work, but people try all kinds of things. Or her real father might try to kapitalize on their fame, and that would never do for the kardashians.

  18. nittfox says:

    I find this whole continuing saga to be so offensive and viciously cruel to Khloe. No matter what, her entire identity has been razed by the speculation. It does not matter who her biological parent is. The message of the constant stories seems to be that just being Khloe Kardashian isn’t enough, she has to be reduced to the product of dubious semen and Satan’s home girl. ..and whatever headline is produced at the time. Ugh.

    • Erinn says:

      Yeah, I find the whole thing kind of awful. It’s not really anyone’s business. And as much of idiots as the K’s can be … would anyone want public speculation happening on their own paternity? Or the paternity of their children? I personally wouldn’t.

    • Miss G says:

      I agree! It is just wrong on so many levels how concerned people are with her paternity. It shouldn’t matter. I am not a fan of this family but I am also not a fan of the constant speculation on who is her father. Robert Kardashian raised her and was the father that she grew up with. That is the only dad she needs to know (well Bruce is a father figure too). I just don’t get why anyone needs to know if she was fathered by someone other than Robert, it is none of our business. And before anyone says it, I know that this family makes everything their business as they have sold their souls to Pimp Mama Kris but I still think this is wrong to speculate on.

    • fancyamazon says:

      I agree. It is none of our business. Maybe she knows, or maybe she doesn’t want to know. Either way it is a deeply personal matter. I don’t know who my father is either, and although I am no fan of the Kardashians, I feel for Khloe on this issue. I would never want to leave the house if I thought everyone was thinking about and wondering who my father was all the time, even in my forties.

    • DoWhat says:

      I also agree. Whatever else she is, she’s a woman who lost her father as a child. Speculation about her who her possible bio dad is just kind of sad…it just makes her more of an outsider.

  19. Mischa says:

    Can this rumor just die already?

    • pnichols says:

      lol. seriously. I think she looks like Rob. Period. the end. lets press on.

      • Lady D says:

        Am I the only who thinks her and Kylie look identical? PMK must have done the same guy twice. Hang on, I forgot Kylie is a Jenner, maybe Khloe is too.

  20. Stephanie says:

    Of all of Kris’ childRen, including the two fathered by the blonde/blue Bruce, Khloe is the fairest. Why do people keep assuming her dad is Black?

  21. Luciana says:

    What is the deal between these woman and massive fake *sses?

  22. HughJass says:

    Good lord! One would think questionable paternity would be a private, family matter.

  23. lynne says:

    Robert, hairdresser, OJ, Lional….how many more? Kim is a pig, especially to step out of her marriage to Robert. No wonder her girls are cum dumpsters, look at their role model.

  24. anne_000 says:

    I’m really cynical about all these stories that pop up about Khloe and her ‘dad’ issue. I think the Kardashians might be helping to hype these stories and keep it resurfacing for the sake of publicity. If they are, then they’re stepping over their own father/ex-husband’s dead body just to get more fame. That means nothing is too low for them.

  25. gobo says:

    Nope. I have no doubt that it’s the hairdresser. That resemblance is more than passing, and pictures of her when small show she is clearly far lighter in natural coloring than her sisters

  26. Chris2 says:

    Didn’t know this was a hot subject, and know little about this klan bar the Kim stuff on CB here……. but Gordon Bennet, the lurid headlines are pure gold! The Onion should look to its laurels.