Beyonce releases new track & video for ‘7/11’: funny, charming & silly?


Last week, two new Beyonce songs started leaking all over the internet. The songs are part of her platinum collection/box set or whatever. I thought about writing about it, but I figured as soon as I sat down to write something, the tracks would probably be pulled and no one would even care. One track got a lot of gossip-y attention – it’s called “Ring Off” and it’s about a woman who finally had enough of her dog of a husband and finally took the ring off. People were like “OMG, Beyonce is singing about Jay-Z.” But once the Hive had a chance to really analyze the lyrics, most thought it was probably a song about Beyonce’s mom Tina and how Tina finally left Mathew Knowles (because he was fooling around A LOT).

Then, late Friday, Beyonce dropped the video for the second song, “7/11”. This video is so… FUN. It’s silly and funny and actually pretty cool. You know me – I like Beyonce AND I like to poke the Hive a bit, so I’ll just say that I never really gave a crap about all of Beyonce’s music videos for her last album. She dropped those videos almost a year ago, and none of them really stood out as being fun or interesting or anything. The “Partition” video especially seemed… um, kind of ridiculous. But I really love this video, mostly because Bey is just dancing and acting silly with her girls. Here you go – I think this video is pretty SFW…? There’s no real nudity, just some girls dancing in their bras at various points.

I love it when Beyonce falls! My favorite part is when she uses the hair dryer for a wind machine though. Who knew Beyonce had a sense of humor? Also: Bey looks SO small these days. This is like the smallest she’s ever been.

Here are some pics of Bey & Jay out on Friday night, just after she dropped the video:



Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News & Beyonce’s Tumblr.

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69 Responses to “Beyonce releases new track & video for ‘7/11’: funny, charming & silly?”

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  1. It is what it is says:

    Great. I can’t believe how much litter around so many 7-11s I see on a daily basis, and most of it 7-11 garbage too. If you’re going to make all plastic everything, put enough trash cans around your store!!!! I wish someone would sing about the garbage that comes from worshipping objects.

  2. Tapioca says:

    Where’s the hook, the melody? The earworm that will stay in your brain for days? Maybe I’m just getting crotchety in my old age, but to me it sounds like 50 layers of production lipstick on a tuneless pig.

    Hence the video’s focus on ass…

    • Petee says:

      I agree.This is terrible.She needs to go away for awhile.Like a year or two.She is so overexposed.

    • sally says:

      agreed. I dont like the song…nothing stands out. its just a mish mash of who knows what. and the music video is stupid.

    • tifzlan says:

      She’s just at that point where the masses will lap up everything and anything she puts out.

      • Diva says:

        @tifzlan so true. She does a lot of mediocre material but mainstream will consider it greatness. I had to watch it because people online were talking about it like it was the best thing she’s done. I watched and I’m still waiting for what was suppose to be great about this.

    • Eleonor says:

      The video is funny but the song is terrible.

      • QQ says:

        Ditto HATE the song, will watch vid on mute for HOURS!

        (Undercover Jay and Baby Blue, Looks super fun..and rich!)

    • lisa says:

      omg yes


      • velourazure says:

        Nah. Disagree. This song is growing on me. Much more interesting than other stuff she’s done.

    • Anna says:

      you can criticize a lot of songs these days for lacking those things..

      anyway the song isn’t great, it would probably suck on the radio but with the music video I love it. people attack Beyonce for not being fun and being too serious and then she does something like this and people are still salty, with some people she just can’t win.

      • Vvvoid says:

        It is this side of her, not seen often enough but I have caught glimpses before, that make me find her endearing in a strange little way. She can be so adorable and is so ridiculously mesmerizing to watch sometimes (not always, her big flan performances often seem overwrought and contrived rather than deeply felt or even sincere). She usually just gives off this show pony pageant vibe but in clips like this one, I want to pinch her or something. Cute as a little button. I loved this song instantly, which says something because I had thought I muted it as I pressed play, lol. It is different but not in a meandering, what’s the point kind if way like somebody the crap from her last album.

  3. Hazel says:

    I don’t know if I buy her new image.

  4. K says:

    I like her music but i don’t like her as a person. Her whole public personality seems like a performance even in this “spontaneous” video. The only times i found her authentic in the past is when she was throwing shade at people but that’s gone too. For years now it’s only “epitome of kindness sugar sweet” Beyonce and i just can’t get with it. Still i like this video.

  5. HH says:

    This is the kind of song that’s meant to be with the video. I heard it on the radio and I was perplexed, to say the least. I do like the silliness of the video.

  6. Kay V says:

    “Who knew Beyoncé had a sense of humor?” EXACTLY what I was thinking.

  7. Stellar says:

    If we are going to discuss authenticity let’s try to figure out how the hot mess, beyond plastic, style totally manufactured iggy azalea has made it. That type of blatant appropriation makes me sick.

    I go through ups and downs with Beyoncé. Everything she tries doesn’t work, but I have really enjoyed her over the past year. This video is fun and it’s just not that deep for anyone to over analyze and nitpick. She’s never strayed too far from the 17 yr old Beyoncé we once knew. I think it’s funny how she’s never defended as the child star who had to find her own identity and navigate celebrity since a young age, because she did.

    • Wilma says:

      That is actually what makes me kind of a Beyonce fan. I absolutely do not like most of her music, but she is such an amazing professional and has been for a long time. I really admire her for that.

  8. Seymour Gloots says:

    I like this video. The concept is very fresh and I can see alot more artists taking this visual route. However – imho, it seems like Beyonce is trying very hard to come across as fun and carefree as Rihanna. Funny how the whole clip looks like a day in the life of RiRi with her girls.

    • shunty says:

      I would agree with you if you could show me just one video of rihanna having fun like this with her girls. Really. Everyone has this notion of rihanna being fun when she’s actually a pain to be around just ask her tour people. And I say this as a fan who has never seen one Behind The Scenes video of riri having fun like we all believe she does. But nearly every Beyoncé BTS video is just like this and most fans of hers can tell you the names of everyone in that video.
      I feel like I’m pitting two women against each other but I’m just trying to say that I find both to be try hard but I buy Beyoncé as a more fun person and not everything she does is from rihanna seeing as she’s on top and has really nothing to prove hence this silly video.
      End of rant

      • truthSF says:

        There are lots of video’s of RiRi having fun and dancing with her girls…and random people. Most are filmed when she’s either in her hometown, or other islands/countries. I’m on my phone and it won’t let me post links at this time.

    • Val says:

      Honestly, I get that feeling too… which is really unfortunate as I do like both of them, and there is definitely a place for Beyoncé AND Rihanna… they’re completely different artists. I get that Rihanna always seems cool, and she doesn’t give a f, and she’s funny and fun, and alot of that comes from her being available to her fans on social media, and interacting. Beyoncé has kept herself so far from the public eye, and whatever we do see of her is always perfect perfect perfect, so people tend to get the feeling that she is quite cold and professional in that way. So people will enjoy her music, but not be THAT interested in her. Rihanna puts herself out there alot, and people tend to respond to that, even if her concerts might be a bit off sometimes.

    • Brandii says:

      Riri doesnt dance, so this is as far from a Rihanna video as you could get.

  9. lisa2 says:

    She looks so good. Great shape..

    and I’m not even a huge fan.. GO BEY

  10. Falkor says:

    Super empowering video from World’s Best Feminist.

  11. bns says:

    I love it.

    • Someonestolemyname1 says:

      I liked it too, it cracked me up in certain parts. LOL.
      The foot to the ear and the guy dancing-by in the background in the hallway, gave me a chuckle.

  12. Loulou says:

    Not gonna lie… I kind of loved it. Foot phone!

  13. some bitch says:

    This is aboslutely horrendous- song and video are just awful. Sick of this woman and her every calculated move.

  14. Babalon says:

    Not a fan, but that video is hilarious and fun.

    • laura.e says:

      Same! I actually really enjoy this song too.. the first Bey song I’ve liked in a while!! Go figure hehe

  15. Jayna says:

    The video is very cute. I like it.

    The song, on the other hand, is horrendous. No melody, boring, bland, and, of course, no lyrics to speak of, just repeating the same junk over and over, no hooks. Crap, in other words.

    Music? No. Thumbs down. Video, cute. Thumbs up.

  16. su says:

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this video!

  17. Tiffany27 says:

    I love the video. It’s cute and phone and I love the Iphone realness.

  18. Nessa says:

    This song is garbage! It might be her worst song ever. However, I still made it through the whole video because… It is cute. I’m so ashamed.

  19. Jaana says:

    This song sounds like Jay Z wrote it. Plus I loved his cameo in the vid!

  20. Ann says:

    What’s the deal with grown ass women trying to “out ass” each other. It is SO stupid.

  21. whatsmyname? says:

    The songs sucks but I really like the video. It’s so silly and fun, I like this Beyonce.

  22. Bitty says:

    Honestly I was just scared of her falling off that balcony

  23. Cali says:

    LOVE the vid and when she jumps off the bed with little Blue trying to sleep = hilarious! The song is no ma’am though :-(.

  24. smee says:

    I’m prob. going to get killed for this…………I’m not much of a Beyonce fan, but I really like the video, the nonsense lyrics, even the auto-tune. Strange video to become a fan with, but there you go.

  25. rudy says:

    AWful, boring video. Same old same old BeYawnce. All about her. 99.9% of the time we are watching her wiggle. She has a very nice booty, but so what? It’s nice to see her smile and have fun. But I can only look at her tushie for so long.

    Alot of energy for not much. It is all in the editing. The song gives me a headache.

    • H says:

      How dare a Beyonce video be mostly about Beyonce!

      • rudy says:

        Yeah, that’s true. There really isn’t anything else in the world but Beyonce – her clothes, her dances, her songs. No other stories than memyself&I,, no other people to engage with except as background.

        We all just exist to watch Beyonce be Beyonce sing about Beyonce and dance Beyonce dances. All Beyonce all the time. So exciting.

  26. Lucy says:

    Random, but I like her Friday night outfit.

  27. Nick says:

    Love the video. The lyrics are a joke like she freestyled them and put no effort into actually forming it into a song…but it was smart to release this with the video since it’s what makes it work. The cameos from Blue and Jay were great. Love when she falls and uses her foot as a telephone…lmao.

    I’m so over the Rihanna comparisons. Let them both be who they are.

  28. randomsidenote says:

    Anyone else getting Kanye-type vibes from this video and song…? I feel they’re on the same level when it comes to their cockiness and thinking whatever they put out is pure gold and raw talent, beyonce esp. After this song. I’ve seen the similarities between the two for a while now in that regard however she doesn’t talk about it so people don’t give ger flack like they do Kanye.

    Just a thought.

    • Amy says:

      …no and no.

      It concerns me you see any aspect of Kanye in this and I say that more from Kanye’s perspective. He’d NEVER do anything like this.

  29. Lauren says:

    The video is so staged… It’s a lame attempt of Beyoncé showing the world she’s “just like us”. Except my room is never that gross with clothes and litter everywhere, I don’t drink and don’t dance half nude with “mah girls”.

    • Nick says:

      So your room never gets messy, you don’t drink and you never dance half nude with your friends…but Beyonce is the lame one? Lol riiiigghhhht.

      • Lauren says:

        There’s a difference between the expression ‘doing a lame attempt’ and the state of ‘being lame’ you know. But since you think it’s ok to be messy, dirty and trashy I understand you didn’t get that.

    • bns says:

      It’s a music video, of course it’s staged. LOL.

    • Anna says:

      lol what… Beyonce has always been a really messy person, Destiny’s Child used to talk about that all the time. They always said she keeps stuff everywhere because she always has so much stuff going on in her head.
      I wouldn’t consider this “staged” since it was filmed on a go-pro camera on an off day on tour.
      you guys are so quick to criticize and attack her just because she’s Beyonce, it doesn’t matter what she does.

  30. LAK says:

    Don’t understand this ‘music’, video not helping. Clearly, i’m not the target audience.

  31. H says:

    I love this video. I love how Lohanesque her hotel room looks. I love that it’s silly and stupid and weird. I love that showcasing female friendship is such a trend in pop music right now. I KNOW YOU CARE!

    • Steff says:

      Except beyonce has not really any girlfriends. She is close to her sister and kelly rowland (who basically is like a sister). Those girls in the video are professional dancers with selected performance outfits and a rehearsed dance routine.

  32. Patriots27 says:

    This video is very fun. It looks like something that she made while on tour. Song is actually catchy which I think is its intended purpose.

  33. Amy says:

    I think people need to understand some songs are songs you listen to and analyze and some songs are geared more towards dancing.

    Just from listening to this song once I already have ‘smack it, smack it! In the air!’ In my mind. That’s going to be one of those fun silly songs I play when I exercising, cleaning or feel like dancing.

    I actually really enjoyed the video. Beyoncé has slowly opened up a lot over the years and seeing her dance and act goofy is really fun.

  34. Reece says:

    I like it. I haven’t like anything she’s put out in a long while.

  35. Vic says:

    I think she’s just trying to appear cutesy and approacheable, she can’t let Taylor Swift can’t have all the attention!

  36. mia25 says:

    This video is cute and silly. I watch it on mute.

  37. Steff says:

    I guess. Funny how she clearly wears padded hotpants/undies. Her booty is nowhere that round in real life. Her thighs also do not look like that at all in candids. To me she is faker than fake. Fake pregnancy, liposuction on her belly and thighs, super fake weave, fake sexual empowerment, photoshopped “private” pics aka fake waist and fake thigh-gap, fake happy marriage.