Star: Hilaria’s ‘attention seeking’ has ruined her marriage to Alec Baldwin


I’ve been calling this one for a while, so it’s nice to see the tabloids picking up on it. Star Magazine says that Alec Baldwin and his wife Hilaria Baldwin are having some big marriage problems. Um, ya think? Alec is 56 years old and Hilaria is 30. Alec is a rage-monster and Hilaria is an all-natural, peace-and-happiness yoga instructor. Alec loves to punch paparazzi for “invading his privacy.” Hilaria got a job with one of those tabloidy entertainment shows and she’s constantly posting famewhore-y photos on her social media. This was always going to be a disaster.

They’ve been married for just a little over two years but the honeymoon is definitely over for Hilaria and Alec Baldwin. The couple, who wed in June 2012 and have one daughter, 16-month-old Carmen, have been fighting frequently in recent months. Alex thinks Hilaria is more interested in herself than she is in her relationship.

“Hilaria is a total attention-seeker,” says an inside source. “There’s no privacy in their marriage, because she’s always giving interview and continually posting pictures on social media.”

Another source of tension is Hilaria’s obsession with health. “She’s determined to whip Alec into shape, but it’s bringing out the explosive parts of his temper, says the pal. “He can’t stand being told what to do.”

[From Star Magazine, print edition]

Did anyone else get an image of Alec Baldwin turning beet-red as he screams obscenities at some kale? Because you know that totally happened. I’m not even joking! Half of Alec’s rage these days probably comes from simply wanting a cheeseburger. With bacon. Anyway, yes, Hilaria is an attention seeker. Her Instagram is full of not only photos of their daughter, but Hilaria posing in crazy yoga poses, trying to get attention. Hilaria was hoping Alec would turn her into a star/celebrity. And Alec thought he was marrying a quiet, hippie-dippy yoga instructor.




Photos courtesy of WENN, Hilaria’s Instagram.

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49 Responses to “Star: Hilaria’s ‘attention seeking’ has ruined her marriage to Alec Baldwin”

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  1. elisabeth says:

    I follow her on instagram…nearly every single photo is her in some bizarre yoga pose. I did wonder if Alec is sick and tired of every picture she posts that she is spread eagle.

    • littlestar says:

      I think what makes it bizarre is that she’s wearing stilettos in most of them! And posing on counters and banisters of all places! Wow, she really is an attention seeker. Oh well, Baldwin deserves it, the jack*ss that he is.

    • swack says:

      I read somewhere she was posing a yoga pose a day for some reason – don’t know why though. Also, DM, I think, is reportingb that she wants another baby.

    • mernymerlyn says:

      In her defense, EVERYONE I know who does yoga or manages to pose long enough, loads their instagram with endless pics of them in yoga poses in odd places.
      The mall bench? Perfect place for downward dog, hurry up and take a picture of me.
      I had to stop following most of them because it got so annoying.

      • QQ says:

        exactly.. the #yogisofInstagram are only rivaled by #FitIGChicks tooting the butts up for attention and compliment and fake creating curves under the guise of ” Just to Inspire you guys” and the #BROSOFCROSSFIT and their stupid socks and incessant “if you wanted a new body you’d go get it and we are so much funner and better and PALEO!!” tag lines

      • mernymerlyn says:

        OH MY GOD QQ! Yes!!
        I love instagram but if I see one more ass pic with an inspirational quote under it I am going to throw up!
        Just be like Kim and present it for what it is ASS!

      • Sarah123 says:

        QQ, I am going to use the phrase “tooting the butts up” as often as possible, from this day forth.

    • jwoolman says:

      He doesn’t have to look at the pics. They look like the goofy harmless stuff lots of people post. She’s an instructor, so the yoga posing makes some sense professionally. I doubt it would throw their marriage into a tizzy.

  2. elisabeth says:

    I follow her on instagram…nearly every single photo is her in some bizarre yoga pose. I did wonder if Alec is sick and tired of every picture she posts that she is spread eagle.

  3. break says:

    I think this is false. He seems to love showing off his gorgeous yoga trophy wife. He married her knowing she loved the spotlight/wants to be famous, and encouraged it on Twitter. They might even balance each other out in the calm/temper department. And he seems to really love his baby.

    • Kiddo says:

      Someone else has clearly taken the photos posted above.

    • lunchcoma says:

      Yeah, I don’t buy it, either. He seems to enjoy the spotlight almost as much as she does, and it’s not like this behavior only started after he married her.

      • deehunny says:

        I just checked out her instagram and she posted this, “being famous on Instagram is basically the same thing as being rich in Monopoly.”

        Soooo, does that mean she considers herself famous on Instagram but not in real life? That she craves more attention? Surely it cannot be that she thinks Instagram is shallow and fake or else she wouldn’t be taking pics and posting constantly.

        So much to parse and read into with that one!

  4. ManchurianGlobal says:

    “I’m surprised! I never saw this coming!”

    — said no one ever.

  5. Tiffany says:

    Hiliria is not leaving until she finds a serious upgrade. That is a fact. She is still young enough to make it happen.

  6. Tuberu says:

    Carmen sure does have a case of the cutes. She has the Baldwin eyes.

  7. Mixtape says:

    Ummm… could that kitchen photo be more staged? As someone who never bakes nor eats cookies, she probably didn’t pick up on the incongruity of having a pan of round chocolate chip cookies and a smattering of Christmas cookie cutters, but as someone who does both (mostly the latter), I certainly did. Amateurs!

    • j.eyre says:

      Yes! All I could think of was “there is no way those will keep their shape.”

      Plus those cookies are far too close together. Or are they already baked? This smacks of amateur hour – you are correct.

    • Susie 1 of 3 says:

      I’d hate to think someone was paid to stage that photo. More likely she set it up herself, not being able to remember how cookies are made or being able to remember how one tastes. It was probably meant to be posed as homey Christmas cookie baking time, but whoever was sent out to buy the cookies came back with chocolate chip. No problem, throw a few cutters around and it’s all good. I feel bad for their daughter. When she’s grown and looks back at their holiday pictures, every one has her mom with her leg high in the air. Talk about awkward family photos, she’ll have albums full.

    • Carrie says:

      Right I was like wtf is going on in this picture. Round chocolate chip cookies + plus cookie cutters that are clearly not being used = someone bought cookies and she just threw them on the pan, and was like ‘take my picture! #yogabaker’

  8. j.eyre says:

    I don’t know, Kale can get pretty mouthy now that it’s the “It Vegetable.” I have found myself, on occasion, raising my voice at it’s churlish behavior as well.

    But then, I’m biased – I am still Team Brussels Sprouts.

  9. Dirty Martini says:

    ROFLMAO @ those stupid poses on Instagram Totally cracks me up!

  10. Sullivan says:

    Oh, to be a fly on the wall in that household.

  11. **sighs** says:

    She’s annoying. And now I’m really craving a cheeseburger. Thanks. 🙁

    • Vampi says:

      You can haz cheezeburger!
      I can haz cheezeburger!
      (I seriously want a cheeseburger now….with triple BACON! Or….bacon with a side of Cheeseburger please!)

  12. Sara says:

    lol @ those picutres. they should be in the dictionary next to attention seeking.

  13. lisa2 says:

    I was invited to a Christmas party. One of the people attended had a picture of their dog eating something out of the sink on facebook or instagram.

    I didn’t eat anything there. Left early and ate when I got home.

    I know there are pet lovers, but that kind of stuff is nasty to me. I say this to say I wouldn’t eat those cookies. And yeah I’m sure far worse things happen in places I eat..but if I see a picture of you doing shit in kitchens around food that you shouldn’t then I’m done.

  14. Green Is Good says:

    Alex wasn’t stupid enough to think she married him for LOVE , did he? Hilarious!

    And I CAN’T with her name. The jokes write themselves.

  15. Sam says:

    Are we sure she’s thirty?

  16. cheryl says:

    Genuine laughs at seeing those photos!

  17. Cindy says:

    Please tell me I did not just see that christmas cookie yoga pose. I just…..what????

  18. Murphy says:

    The blind items about her certainly point a similar picture as this article.

  19. Hautie says:

    I actually think this is the “right” girl for Alec.

    Simply because I don’t believe he can bully her. She does as she pleases. And he has to take it.

    So I say good for her. After all the sh*t he dragged Kim Basinger through. Alec needed a female who obviously can’t be bully by him.

    • anne says:

      yeah, I think outside observers see her attention seeking for what it is and assume that it would be a problem in a marriage. it’s annoying enough just looking at the pictures. i think baldwin needs a certain kind of woman, though. i’d say she balances him out.

  20. Twinkle says:

    I’m so glad that I’m not the only one to find Hilaria an annoying, famewhore.

  21. Diane says:

    She’s a complete exhibitionist and I bet it really pisses him off. Can’t stand her. I almost feel sorry for him. Almost.

  22. Jenn K says:

    Im a complete yogi, and she almost makes me hate yoga poses lol. Shes soooo cheesy and attention seeking!! Have thought that from the get go…

  23. Bread and Circuses says:

    That photo of Carmen and Alec distracts me very effectively from my misgivings about the man and his temper. Soooo cuuuuute…

  24. OTHER RENEE says:

    I think her daily yoga poses are hilarious. She’s married to a bully. Let her do her thing

  25. Carrie says:

    Doing yoga on your counter with a cookie cutter in your mouth….