Teen Mom Farrah Abraham hospitalized after botched lip implant

Farrah Abraham on Bethenny
Below is a photo of Teen Mom and adult film “star” Farrah Abraham, 23, after she was hospitalized for an allergic reaction following a lip implant procedure. The photo above is of her on Bethenny Frankel’s old show “before,” when she was just doing regular lip injections and looking freaky. I’m putting the photo below because it’s really shocking, but chances are you’ve seen it already anyway. Ok, brace yourself.


Gross, right? TMZ writes that Farrah decided to have a lip implant “which in theory is cost effective because you don’t have to maintain the work with fillers.” It might be cost effective if the goal is to have puffy lips all the time but it’s definitely disfiguring. Even in the best circumstances women look like they’re smuggling small sausages in their lips. What you see here is the result of an allergic reaction, possibly to a local anesthetic as TMZ reports.

Farrah also tweeted this photo of herself looking sickly in bed. At least her implants are holding up.

Then she tweeted this side by side with Leela from Futurama (Katey Sagal) which I’m sure she didn’t come up with on her own.

I guess I can’t relate because I have regular size lips, but what is the appeal of plumping up the lips to a ridiculous degree? The same question could be posed of butt implants, which have exploded in popularity too. Farrah shouldn’t be so down. Giant lips can be an asset in her profession. Plus she just got more attention than she has in months. She’s pretty proud of it too, she’s been retweeting all the coverage.

The Stop Tour Launch Benefiting The Peace Fund

The Stop Tour Launch Benefiting The Peace Fund

Event photos credit: WENN.com. Other photos via Twitter

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64 Responses to “Teen Mom Farrah Abraham hospitalized after botched lip implant”

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  1. Aussie girl says:

    How could you even put that on social media…? Is that the finally result?? Or will her lips go down? So many questions, so many lol’s, so many whys.? So many……. Um what where we taking about again. Oh that’s right who cares. ( me only a lil bit)

    • Sea Dragon says:

      It’s probably angioedemia or uticaria. Nothing life changing as it will stop swelling within the next one to three days. A simple antihistamine will help her out. Maybe she’ll stop messing with her face because of the fright. That would be a nice lesson for this lost, sad woman.

      • yuck says:

        The number of procedures she’s already had at the age of 23 (?) is truly horrifying. She has a serious problem with needing attention–positive, negative, it clearly doesn’t matter to her. I feel very sorry for her child with a parental “example” such as this.

      • Sea Dragon says:

        Perhaps I was overestimating her. (I was and you’re right). Sigh.

      • Snugglekitty says:

        Agreed. It is extremely unlikely to be an allergic reaction to local anaesthetic – this is widely thought to not be possible. Allergy to some preservatives in local anaesthetic is a rare event but these are no longer used. Anyway, nasty reaction to an already disfiguring procedure. I sincerely wish she could simply work with her natural looks

  2. paola says:

    Ahahah! I can’t stop laughing!
    That is not Farrah Abraham.. is Kylie Jenner denying once again to have had plastic surgery!

    My god this world is filled with morons!

  3. Abbott says:

    Couldn’t have happened to a better person.

  4. Tracy says:

    This girl is so messed up. I feel bad for her little girl.

  5. Neelyo says:

    Isn’t this really just a publicity stunt to get on the E! Show, ‘Botched’? Once reality celebs get a taste of fame, they can’t go back to obscurity and will do anything to stay in the so-called limelight.

    • GIrlyGirl says:

      OMG I love that show!!!!

      did you see the Janice Dickinson one? She must have been higher than a kite and went full crazy-pants.

  6. Belle Epoch says:

    There’s a third picture at TMZ that makes it look like this cretin will never “work” again. She is a loathsome lying narcissistic p0rn wannabe, spending zillions on her looks instead of her CHILD. This botched cheapie procedure is like a swatdown from God.


  7. Londerland says:

    Well, with that Leela pic…at least she’s got a sense of humour about it? God, I hope for her sake the swelling goes down. What’s the alternative, she lives with one gigantic DSL her whole life? Or gets the bottom one done to match?

    • MonicaQ says:

      Same thing I said. At least she can laugh about it? /tries to look for bright side

    • savu says:

      A group of guys called me DSL in high school, and I didn’t know what it meant for the longest time.

      My lips are always swollen and puffy when I wake up, my family loves to tease me for it. And then you have people CONSTANTLY asking if they’re real (they are).

      It ain’t all it’s cracked up to be!

      • rahrahrooey says:

        LOL! i used to get called that too. Had no idea what it was until later on! I used to get made fun of all the time when i was little. Nowadays I always get lipstick on my chin…

      • Shambles says:

        @RahRah The struggle is so real. I love red lips but I never have the patience to wear them because i don’t feel like spending the entire day with a red chin.

      • Jag says:

        Look into lip stain, ladies. 🙂

  8. jen says:

    But what about her botched brain implant?! Priorities, girl!!!

    • tealily says:

      Yeah, the size of your lips seems like such a silly thing to waste time/money/effort on. I don’t ever recall looking at a person and thinking that their lips were too small. The only time I ever notice someone’s lips is when they’ve had surgery. 🙁

  9. Loopy says:

    Now that is a proper duck pout.

  10. clara says:

    I have rather full lips and I don’t get the appeal of injections either? Why would anyone voluntarily take a syringe to their lips?

    • GiGi says:

      This! I have full lips, too, and was endlessly teased about them growing up – I don’t understand the overinflated lip thing at all.

    • MonicaQ says:

      Probably why people get boob implants and I was teased relentlessly from the age of 8 and a triple D by 7th grade. I guess it’s in fashion now?

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      I have smallish lips, and I think full lips are pretty, but you can’t fake them. So I just leave mine alone.

    • Veronica says:

      For the same reason women have always done all sorts of dangerous things to their bodies, whether it’s Botox or corsets- because we’re taught our looks are our most valuable asset, and despite how arbitrary beauty standards are, falling short of them is a deficit.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        So true. I never thought about my lips until Angelina Jolie’s mouth became such a thing. Then I had a momentary pang because I don’t have full lips. How silly. But the basis of it is what you said – we are so often valued, praised, even loved for our appearance that it takes on this crazy out of proportion meaning. Sad.

    • Isabelle says:

      They will thin out as you get older, especially if you’ve had a lot of sun damage. I’ve went from being a Jolie to slightly big lips. So can understand why older women would want their original lip lines back. I envy the ones I’ve lost. Have no understanding why a 23 year old girl would do it because they have natural fuller lips. She has ruined her face.

  11. aang says:

    This is sad. If I recall correctly she was very pretty before any of the surgery.

  12. NewWester says:

    “Giant lips can be an asset in her profession” there was more burn in that comment than in a forest fire! Lol

  13. Lucy2 says:

    Something is seriously wrong with this person. She needs a psychiatrist, not a plastic surgeon.

    • snowflake says:

      plus a million, she is seriously messed up.

    • Kitten says:

      I know you weren’t necessarily saying that she needs therapy in a literal sense but really, I think therapy would be wasted on her.

      She seems like someone who’s head is so far up her ass–she is completely bereft of self-awareness or the ability to look inward.
      She just strikes me as a vapid shell of a human.

      On a mean note, her appearance is proof that money cannot always buy beauty.

  14. Dawn says:

    This kid has been trying to walk in Kim Kardashian’s footsteps for awhile now. She has tried the porn, didn’t work too well although it kept her in the money and now the plastic surgery and big ole lips. This happened to PMK too when she tried it. I am so sick of the fake butts and the fake lips. Learn to love what god gave you and try to do something good in the world other than just being a plastic looking little ho. I feel awful for her poor child.

    • Loopy says:

      I don’t watch this show only know that they follow teen moms around or something, my gosh a show will be made out of anything these days. And she is a teen o_o??? She looks like she has had a tough life.

      @Dawn wasn’t PMK a sea food reaction?

  15. scout says:

    Ugly got uglier.
    Gawd! What’s wrong with this younger generation! Learn to accept and love yourself, however you look. Or atleast find a good doctor/surgeon who knows what he is doing.

  16. Cleveland Girl says:

    I just don’t get this. Lip injections are for 40 plus women who lose the natural collagen in their lips. It is a great procedure for those who need it. These 23 year olds who do it look years older and it really doesn’t make them any more attractive.

  17. Mojoman says:

    These infatuations on big lips and big butts really dont compute with my simple brain. I know, grass is always greener on the other side. I am always jealous of my friend’s beautiful wavy locks while she is green with envy for my dead straight hair. I have full lips and hated them when I was a child but i got over it. So to find out people willing to screw up their looks is messed up.

  18. OTHER RENEE says:

    Whoever did this to her must be a real quack.

    Someone had to say it.

    • Dani Lakes DDS says:

      Not necessarily. You can’t predict an allergic reaction unless you’ve had one before, and given the amount of work she’s “successfully” had done before, any doctor would feel safe in assuming she would tolerate the anesthesia well.

  19. Greek Chic says:

    Am i bad for laughing? The Simpsons pics are amazing!

  20. snowflake says:

    she needs to spend that money on her daughter, not on herself. selfish beyotch! she prob tells herself it’s going to help her “career” what career? she needs therapy not plastic surgery

  21. Ginger says:

    My lips are normal size and I’ve never had the desire to plump them up even though as you age they tend to thin out. Makeup helps with many so called issues and no scary surgery needed. I can only relate because I’ve always had a round bum. So now that I see people getting butt implants I can only shake my head. Yes, my bum is shapely but it also makes it difficult to find pants that fit properly. Because I have an hourglass shape, jeans almost always have a gap in the back. I have normal sized breasts as well and when they increased in size while I was pregnant it was so hard to find a bra that fit properly and didn’t hurt. Again, I couldn’t understand why women would pay for that procedure (unless of course it’s for reconstruction, that I get). I see the results from her surgery and allergic reaction and think, why risk that? I don’t get it at all. The injections were fine. I really think some people become addicted to cosmetic procedures.

  22. Jess says:

    This chick is so screwed up, so now she’s trying to get on another reality show? I wish she’d focus on her child, she’s the only reason Farrah is “famous” in the first place.

  23. savu says:

    A group of guys called me DSL in high school, and I didn’t know what it meant for the longest time.

    My lips are always swollen and puffy when I wake up, my family loves to tease me for it. And then you have people CONSTANTLY asking if they’re real (they are).

    It ain’t all it’s cracked up to be!

    • Isabelle says:

      Same. I was teased a lot when I was younger & really didn’t understand why guys made jokes about them. Even got called racial names (even though I’m white) because of it. Hated them at the time & would even suck in my lips in so they wouldn’t look so big. They have thinned out a lot as I get older, ha, & wish I had those same lips again because now its considered attractive. Seems I always have whats trendy 10 years earlier than the trend & its not cool at the time.

  24. Anony says:

    I have normal, regular-full sized lips so maybe it’s not fair for me to comment but I do not get lip injections AT ALL! I have friends that are very pretty but have naturally very thin lips but I don’t think it detracts from their beauty at all.

    Any celeb that gets lip injections looks super weird to me (cough Kardashians cough). I just don’t get it! It always looks so fake and makes their face out of balance. Ladies! Leave your beautiful natural lips alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. Angelica says:

    I have regular lips. I think they most resemble Kate Beckinsale’s. Here lately with all of these inflated, overdrawn mouths, I’ve found myself missing regular sized ones. Isn’t that sad? Angelina made all of us love a big natural lip and now all I want is a Rachel McAdams mouth…a Piper Perabo…a Jessica Chastain! All obtainable and ‘normal’ full lips. I’m so tired of seeing mini Khloe Kardashians all over my Instagram. I want this trend to be over…. 🙁

  26. MyHumbleOpinion says:

    She was pretty just being natural. Do men really find all of this plastic and enhancement attractive? I hope she doesn’t end up looking like that catlady millionaire who over did the plastic surgery.

    • Bob Loblaw says:

      I can only speak for my husband, he screams in horror whenever he sees pictures of Kim K, calls her gross, I don’t prompt him to do it, he just finds her plastic fantastic doll thing repulsive, I think most men like women as they are, no need for surgery.

  27. kitkatts says:

    It still amazes me that after all the $$ she spent on plastic surgery, she couldn’t spend some on getting that NASTY mole on her neck removed. Seriously.

  28. BlueBennu says:

    What is truly sad is the message that she is giving her young daughter: don’t like the way you look, that’s fine, there’s a doctor that can change that for you. It’s not like Farrah was a hideous girl prior to all of these procedures. Not sure why she couldn’t love herself the way she was & now her daughter has a very high chance of growing up with self esteem problems. Hopefully she’ll see the fault in her mother’s way & NOT follow in her footsteps. **fingers crossed**

  29. dabber420 says:

    I was thinking that this may be Photoshopped and that she might be doing this for attention? If it was a proof video, okay different story. There’s ACTUAL proof. But these are pictures.. There is a possibility that these may be Photoshopped. It’s easy to photoshop your lips and post it on Instagram. She’s humiliating herself on the internet.. While knowing that people will criticize and bash her. She may not care, because of the money she is getting from all this Media attention. Fame whore.