I’m pretty sure this is the first time I’ve ever written about Kenya Moore. She’s a beauty queen and Real Housewife of Atlanta, and from a 30-second glance through the photo archives, I will give her this: she’s very pretty. Beyond that, I don’t really know anything about her. I glanced through her Twitter and she’s apparently in the midst of a blood feud with Brandi Glanville… but who isn’t, really? So, being on RHOA and Celebrity Apprentice is enough to get a person invited to some Golden Globes parties though, so Kenya went to the NBC Universal party and the HBO party (I’m using photos of her from the HBO party). At the NBC party, Kenya ran into Lupita Nyong’o, and Kenya claimed on Twitter that Lupita flat-out refused to take a photo with her. Huh.
First, in a tweet that has apparently “disappeared” now, Kenya wrote: “@ThatMattSiegel lots of people who were so cool @taylorswift13 was so sweet but @Lupita_Nyongo refused 2 take pics After 2 movies #girlbye.” Then she followed up with this:
@ThatMattSiegel no I was a huge fan!!! There were 1000 A listers being humble it was disappointing that's all. I want 2 always stay humble
— KENYA MOORE (@KenyaMoore) January 12, 2015
On the face of it, I have no problem believing that Lupita probably said “No, no, no” to a photo with Kenya Moore (or any Real Housewife). Are we even sure that Lupita knows who these Real Housewives are? I mean, I gossip for a living and I can’t pick many of these women out a lineup. Like, I know Brandi Glanville and Kyle Richards and…?? Lisa Vanderpump… and NeNe. And that’s about it. So, anyway, I’ll but that Lupita said no and that Lupita probably didn’t even know any Real Housewives. But is that rude? And is it rude to call Lupita out just because she didn’t want to take a photo with you? Eh.
Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.
She just needed something negative to say for her followers.
Totally. she’s at an industry party trying to have fun not take pictures with some random woman! And shading her two films? Girl bye to Kenya. Don’t f with our lupita
Oh please , all I remember about Lupita Nyong’ from last year was her hijacking every semi famous person to take a picture with her , her Twitter and Instagram were just selfies with celebrities and her gushing like she was 20 and not in her thirties , she probably posted over 100 pictures .. And now she can’t take one with a fan , she actually said no ‘ it wasn’t like she couldn’t she just didn’t want to.
Shading Lupita’s two films, overlooking her Oscar and her acting education. Shading that all 1000 A-listers she met (LOL) were so humble. No explanation as to why Lupita said no, where are her pics with George Clooney, Tina Fey or Amy Adams? Using Taylor Swift to knock Lupita down. Always 2 sides to a story. If you have to take to Twitter to complain about a celebrity when you claim to be a celebrity your self I start to suspect attention seeking.
Say what you want about Kenya but she’s not a dumb chick. She graduated magna cum laude from her college with a psychology degree. Maybe there is no explanation as to why Lupita said no. Maybe no was all she said. Was Clooney or Tina Fey at that particular party? Maybe that’s why there’s no pics with them. Did she post pics yet? I didn’t read where she said she took pics with those celebs. She just said they were humble. Could it be that Lupita was probably one of the few or the one she wanted a pic with as a fan. Also there have been other celebs that are better known who have taken to Twitter to say something about another celeb. Kenya is not the first one.
I think it’s funny how people use celebs Oscar wins to build that particular celeb up, yet at times a lot of people would say most Oscars are brought and paid for. Lupita won an Oscar, so did Whoopi Goldberg.
Lupita’s brother was the Who-the-****-is-that? photo-bomber @ the Oscars last year.
Can’t that show and Kenya is why I gave up on watching it.
She’s so negative,always pulling attention to herself using negatives about others.
Lupita has class, elegance. She’s a lovely elegant young lady.
Lupita is human and flawed. This is what lead to the over exposure and backlash during oscar season. Then the uncle terry, leto, lupita bff festival.
IMO Lupita is gracious and thoughtful. She’s also human and downright bitchy at times, but most of that has been avoided in the press. She’s still riding a goodwill wave.
I bet she said no and the housewife felt jilted over Lupita’s dismissive response to her request.
Now that Lupita is endorsing cosmetic companies and etc., high end luxury brands I bet she has image advisors or it’s in her contract to not do certain things, ie pose with trashy people or do anything Hiltonish or Kardashianastic. I bet she ALWAYS wears undergarments
I would say @FLORC has it right.
My first thought was her HANDLERS said no to the RHW association. I have been personally rejected by an handler. It was humiliating, but never thought to dismiss the artist. This lady called herself a “fan” but she was at an -industry- party as a -product- of her franchise. Nothing personal.
@homegrrl – I’m sorry that you were rejected by a handler. I’m a handler myself and I would never reject a fan, unless s/he was overly aggressive, but even then, it’s only if physical boundaries are crossed (for example, I had to say no recently to a woman in her 40s who grabbed my artist as he was getting into a car and pulled him out so that she could get a autograph and a photo). Also, it’s nice that you don’t hold the artist/star responsible, though often times it’s the talent who determines how open they want to be with fans.
Either way, Lupita or her people should have been more gracious. If it’s no to photos, explain that or just do a quick hello.
I love how she’d like to stay humble. When your sole credit is that you’re a “real housewife”…you don’t need to stay humble you need to stay apologetic for taking up airtime. After you cure cancer or build a giant successful homeless shelter that you fund, then ask for a photo.
Yeah, that’s what I thought too. How cute that she wants to stay humble. After her many achievements. Such as, um…well, there was the time she…uh, who the heck is she again?
She was Miss America…or Miss USA? Something like that. 20 years ago.
Kenya was the first Black Miss USA. People compared her to Vanessa Williams who was as we know the first Black Miss America. Kenya was celebrated for not only being the first Black Miss USA but for also being a darker skinned Black woman who won. So that was pretty big for Blacks back then.
I was very disappointed that she joined the cast of the housewives but I get it. After her beauty queen years were over she got into acting. She’s been in mostly urban films so that’s why a lot of you may not know her. She’s done Black TV shows. She has also produced some projects. But she fell off and has been one of the Black women complaining about the lack of good roles for Black women, esp darker skinned women. So I get her being on that trashy show. She has to eat.
As for Lupits not taking a pic I can only speculate like the rest of you. Perhaps Lupita didn’t want to be associated with someone from a trasy reality show. Yet she had no problem running around with Uncle Terry and his friend Jared Leto. If Kenya was at that party she had a right to be there because she was invited. It’s not a party one can just crash. People can make excuses for Lupita but perhaps Lupita thought Kenya was beneath her. It’s easy to cast judgement on Kenya in defense of Lupita because she’s loved here on C/B and Kenya has showed some bad behaviour on her show. But do we really know the real Lupita? It’s possible that her nose is pointed a little upwards due to her Oscar win. But I do agree with Kenya. Get some more film credits under your belt before you start shunning people if that’s what you did.
@V4Real: From all appearances Kenya is a horrible person (like most of the Housewives are). I’d have a lot more respect for her if she were actually out there contributing to society in a meaningful way. Being an attention-seeking narcissistic famewhore does not advance the African American community, not sure why you’re making apologies for her.
It’s most likely that Lupita had no idea who she was, and Lupita’s people kept Kenya far away from her (as would I). It’s a disgusting sense of entitlement that Kenya expects an A list actress who doesn’t know her at all to be eager to take a picture with her just because of skin color. You know Kenya would be posting that photo all over social media claiming she and Lupita are BFFs, and working on a “project” together. puleez.
Every word V4real.
Every single word!
Lupita reminds me of Anne Hathaway pre Devil Wears Prada. After that she started getting greater exposure. Right now Lupita is Princess Diaries.
Thank you for your very polite answer to my ignorant comment. I’m sorry I implied that she hadn’t accomplished anything when I really didn’t know anything about her.
As for Lupita, I hope she isn’t getting stuck up. Maybe it was just a misunderstanding. And ugh, I forgot about the Uncle Terry incident.
@RJ How is informing posters who didn’t know who Moore’s was defending her? How is putting forth her accomplishments defending her? What does the African Community have to do with anything in my post. I stated that years ago when she won her title was big to Blacks back then and I stand by that. Where did I say today she is advancing the Black community? Don’t interpret my comments to what you want them to mean. You wouldn’t like it if people did it to you.
You would respect her more if she contributed to society. And tell me again how is Lupita contributing to society. At least Kenya has her own foundation which awards scholarships to under-privileged girls from her HS. Now that might be attention seeking on her part but at least some kids are benefiting. What has Lupita done so far for others?
I think I did say she’s on a trashy reality show and has demonstrated bad behavior. Your response to me about making apologies is moot.
Your last paragraph have you speculating what could have happened just like I did. So is it ok for you to give your version of what might have happened but I can’t. Who said it had to do with skin color, only you said that. Kenya is a piece of work but the problem is most people on C/B wants to put Lupita up on a pedestal as if they really know her. I might have doubts about any actress who was running around just last year posting pics of them with celebs but yet gives the cold shoulder to another who does the same thing. Lupita is in her 30’s and it’s most likely she knows who Kenya is. Puleez to that.
Actually, Carole Gist was the first black Miss USA. Kenya was the second. Vanessa Williams was the first black Miss America. I don’t understand why Kenya promotes herself as the first black Miss USA when she wasn’t.
It’s obvious from your comments that you are very pro-Kenya so there’s no point getting into a passive/aggressive back and forth about this. Maybe Lupita is stuck up, it’s often hard to tell the true personality of actors from the little we see on talk shows and red carpet interviews. But Kenya chose to put herself on reality television and behave outrageously/disgustingly. I don’t see doing anything to keep your name in the spotlight as being admirable. Many stars who do real charity work do it on the down low and don’t feel the need to use it as a publicity stunt. Bottom line is Kenya and Lupita are both in show business, but I don’t see them as being anywhere close to being on the same level. True stars (or any normal human) don’t whine on Twitter because a colleague wouldn’t take a photo with them. We can agree to disagree.
@Screw You’re right Carol was the first and both of them were from Michigan. I’m not sure why Moore as well,as some media folks back then claimed Kenya was the first.
I can only speculate that because Gist was a very light skinned Black woman is why. Kenya as well as some media outlets probably think that because of Kenya’s darker complexion it makes her the first. Even Carol said herself that people was doubting her Blackness. Remember they tried to do the same with Williams saying she looked more White than Black and that’s why she won. Some said the true first Black Miss America was Debbye Turner, though some claimed it was Majorie Vincent based on skin tone. So maybe Kenya was drinking the cool aid and honestly believe due to her darker tone that she was the first.
@GNAT and thank you for not assuming that I was defending Kenya by giving information about her to those who were not familiar with her. Now she’s a piece of work and behaves in a bad manner but at one time she was well received.
@V4Real That makes sense. I knew people said that stuff about Vanessa Williams, but not Carole. I guess I can see why Kenya thinks it was a big deal for her to win and why she would be considered the first. Either way it was a huge accomplishment and something she should be proud of. I just wish she would tone it down a bit on the Real Housewives lol
@RJ I’m not a fan of Kenya I think she’s vile. It’s not fair of you to judge me and say Im pro Kenya. You do not know me. Please don’t assume you do. If we can agree to disagree then let’s do that without making accusations that are not true.
Lol at “stay apologetic”
I think it all depends on the approach. Kind of sounds like this woman (who I’ve never heard of) was just going around and collecting photos with famous people. I can see that really turning Lupita off, especially if Kenya was obnoxious about it. No one in this world owes you anything, least of all a tacky selfie that you’re just going to put on social media for your own ego.
I’m not sure how taking photos with famous people would turn Lupita off whenlast year Lupita was ddoing the same thing. She also posted a lot of her pucs with famous people on instagram. You’re accusing Kenya if doing the same thing Lupita was doing.
Good lord give it a break. Kenya Moore is not on Lupita’s level anytime any day. Celebs don’t owe anyone selfies, pics together, etc. I don’t blame Lupita for wanting to get her picture with a has been on RHOA whose only claim to fame was doing something 20 years ago.
@Starry So because someone is a has been makes them irrelevant? Because Lupita is somewhat of an ALister to some of you does that makes her better than somebody else. Is she better than you? Since Moore is a has been what would your thoughts be if Lupita did it to you or me. Moore might be a has been but you and me are a never was.
If it was Mira Sorvino, Roberto Benigni or Cuba who wanted a pic and their claim to fame was winning an Oscar over or about 20 years ago would you have a problem with them. Because they’re pretty much as you say, has beens. It’s strange how we criticized others for thinking their above, better or not on someone’s elses level as bad but then turn around and do it ourselves. What if this was Merly Streep and she did that to Lupita. Because I can say Lupita isn’t anywhere near Streep’s level. You would probably not defend Streeps behavior and say she needs to get over herself.
If you want me to give it a break I will but I’m just responding to you. But you have to give it a break as well. 🙂
If this was just a normal everyday person not in the business some of us would be saying that Lupita was rude. Kenya is a vile woman, I’m not saying she isn’t but unless she was rude to Lupita why should Lupita who is just starting out in the business act like she’s so high and mighyt. She’s not the only one to win an Oscar while new to the business. You do remember Jennifer Hudson right?
Last year, Lupita was the toast of the town. It’s completely possible that the celebs she was taking pics with were asking for pics with her as well. It seemed like every celebrity was just gushing about her, so I don’t think the situation was one sided.
@V4real – 100% Preach and educate…….. preach and educate……. Lupita has a bad attitude – she is not a nice person. Very snobby in fact!
@ jaye who said Lupita is an Alister. How is she an ALister exactly.? Winning an oscar doesn’t necessarily makes you an ALister ask Cuba and A. Brody or JHudson. If celebs were falling over themselves for pics with her why were the pics posted on Lupita’s Instagram? Hmmm.
Good. This is hysterical.
How lame to tweet about it.
Lets b honest, u most likely know who Theresa Giudice is too. 😝😉
When you’re at the Golden Globes, you’re basically there to have your picture taken. I’m surprised anyone turns anyone else down for a picture, unless the person asking is a thoroughly awful human being like Charlie Sheen, Terrence Howard, or Stephen Collins and you don’t want to be seen as supporting him. Perhaps Kenya misunderstood Lupita. Or maybe Lupita didn’t want any more pictures of herself in that terrible gown.
True, but we don’t know the context of why she turned her down. Maybe she had to rush to get ready to present, maybe she had other obligations.
+1 Kitten
Didn’t say why Lupita said no. I’m sure there was more to it than a simple no.
Entirely possible. We need full context here to know. No one can defend or condemn accurately until we know context.
Maybe Lupita’s handlers warned her off…
Kenya twists the truth a lot to make a situation into something bigger and more negative. I don’t trust much of what Kenya says.
Eh, I always think these stories are funny. Attention whore gets butt hurt and reminded that shes not A-list. It does make me think Lupita might be a tad snobby though. I mean whats the worst that can happen by taking a picture with a Real Housewife? To play devil’s advocate though…was Lupita taking pictures with other people and just told Kenya no? Was it a bad time? Was she in a hurry? Who knows?
Why do some of these celebrities act like such groupies, number 1 being Kim K with all the fame she has they way she acts so thirsty when she gets around A listers.
Did you forget the loads of selfies Lupita posted last year acting like a Terry/Leto groupie? Because that happened.
A groupie? They went out for dinner, calm down. Funny how when JLaw was fangirling for Justin Bieber last year at some party but refused to take a picture with him no one made a big deal about it. But you stay mad at Lupita winning all over this thread. 💅
It was more of a solid 2 weeks of every day together. You might be only thinking of that 1 cluster of selfies covered here when they were out at dinner. It lead to some pr damage control regarding her time spent with Terry and lead to romance rumors with Leto.
V4Real and Kitten are far more articulate in explaining this than I am. To sum it all up no one here knows the correct context. And many are assuming Lupita can do no wrong. That’s just tough to believe.
Adults discuss things with a person who’s offended them, adults don’t go whining on Twitter. And Lupita is more than a girl who’s done two movies, she’s an intelligent, talented person who happens to be known for more than having fights on TV. So #girlbye to you Kenya
+1000 and let’s not forget her Oscar
Never heard of her, seriously don’t want to ever again. She thinks she’s sly combining her name with Lupita’s. Stay away, Lupita.
I think these little tweets about so and so snubbed me are so immature. You have to tell the world that?
I wouldn’t want anyone to know someone refused to have their picture taken with me. How embarrassing.
This is the age of social media instant gratification. We can be raised up or torn down by what someone we’ve never met thinks of the latest thing we just posted.
Well said. I would add she needs to grow up. Adults shouldn’t whine to the world things of this nature.
Oh, and humble people would never do this.
Yes, Kenya wants to be associated w Lupita , yet bad mouth her at the same time.
Disgusting woman. Kenya put me off that HW show. I haven’t watched since just after she arrived, just all negative and fights.
Stay away Lovely Lupita. You are a class act.
I have heard of her but this is just her way of having something to say and try to start a fight. She’s an idiot. She can’t take on an A lister. And the last time I checked celebs have other things to do and it is quite rude to go up to them if they are mid convo/doing something else and ask for a picture. Heck it’s rude to do anyway. I have seen many celebs around DC and I don’t go and say hey can I get a picture or autograph. Bah
To be fair to her, she said “I was disappointed”, it didn’t seem like she was name-calling or freaking out about it.
That being said, it’s weird how people seem to think that celebrities are obligated to pose for photos, sign autographs, or even say “hi” to fans who are essentially strangers. I mean, sure it is the nice thing to do, maybe even the right thing to do, I just don’t think that people should expect it.
What about the “@Lupita refused 2 take pictures after 2 movies #girlbye”? That was rude and unnecessary, she is no position to be mocking anybody’s career lol.
Kenya is probably jealous. She wishes she had a career like Lupita’s.
What exactly is Lupita’s career?
She’s had 1 film that was big and not because of her. That was a great cast and production. She lead a great campaign and got an Oscar. Outside of that her career is pretty minimal. Future voice work, a part in the new star wars movie (with a massive cast), and a few other things, but nothing to really showcase her skill as an actress.
Her career at this point is word of mouth for that 1 role.
I think she can act, but this fanfair is overrated for someone with so little to show in their career.But as another said, this site loves her so my comment might be hard to swallow for many here.
I agree with you. There’s a lot to like about Lupita but come on now – her career consists of a single good role that was very acclaimed. And why are people making such a big deal out of her oscar? Weren’t all of you saying those are a popularity contest yesterday? Oscars indicate talent only when you actually agree with the Academy? … Ok.
I like Lupita too but why do people find it so hard to believe she might be a snobby, uppity princess? Is it because she’s educated? Eh… my college professors have all attended very prestigious universities around the world and most of them are absolute douchebags. No one has a phd on being a nice person anyway.
tl;dr: We know nothing about this situation and Lupita might as well be less perfect than we all expect.
100% agree with you, FLORC and Josefa. You summed up my thoughts/feelings on Lupita (and the way people here carry on about her) perfectly!
All of this.
I do think it’s part of their job and Lupita came of as rude.
But the problem is, we only have one side of the story. Maybe Lupita was late for an interview or was asked in an obnoxious manner. We only have the side of this petty woman.
but if she stopped and took a picture everywhere with every single person who wants one, she would never get anything done. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with refusing to take a picture. yes, they’re a star but at the same time, they’re not public property, obligated to do anything anyone wants.
Yeah, I don’t see the big deal. It was a party. Maybe Lupita didn’t feel like taking pictures right at that moment. Maybe she desperately had to pee and needs three people to hold up her dress while she does it. Maybe this Kenya person annoyed her with how she asked.
OT but dresses so big you need your girlfriends to help you with your dress is annoying. That happened in a bridesmaid dress and never again. I can appreciate Lupitas dress here. It looks managable, but would need help readjusting.
Your making a valid point a lot are though. Why didn’t Lupita take the photo. Did she have to go someone quickly? It’s possible. That Lupita fans or (for purpose of this thread only) her supporters only attack Kenya as beneath Lupita. Not more saying Lupita would have, but only had a small window of time to powder her nose and took it.
As a fan, I could see if Kenya felt slighted because maybe Lupita had just taken a picture with someone else (maybe even someone else with HW status), but unless Lupita said “B-tch, get your Real House Wives, fake t-ttied self away from me, and NO I’m not taking a picture!”, then I can’t see why Kenya, as a grown woman, can’t shrug her shoulders and move on. And maybe pettily vow to buy only pirated versions of Lupita’s movies, lol.
It can be really disappointing if an actor says no or doesn’t stop for photos (especially if its a premiere or something like that where they are there to promote their film), but absolutely they do not have to do anything for fans.
Oh I know. I just think that people who think that celebrities are indebted to their fans are setting themselves up for disappointment.
It doesn’t mean that the celebs aren’t being jerks but it does mean that when you’re invested in a celebrity, you run the risk of being disappointed.
I couldn’t agree with you more. Nobody owes anybody a picture. And the problem with these call outs is we weren’t there and we don’t know why Lupita said no. Now if there were multiple reports of Lupita being a diva or acting rude then I’d be more inclined to believe it. I understand she’s disappointed but girl, build a bridge and get over it.
Well Lupita knows who you are now and I can’t see her wanting to take a photo with you in the future.
I have not seen one episode this season on RHOA. I heard it’s not good.
It is ironic considering Lupita’s whole Instagram is pics of her posing with famous people.
How is that ironic?
Many famous people wanted to take pics with her.
Maybe Lupita doesn’t like Kenya based on her nasty attitude.
Which is says even more about Lupita. Do you know Kenya Moore? Have you said down and had tea with her? You’ve formed this opinion on her and assume that Lupita has also when you and her probably don’t know her outside of that dramatized “reality” show.
“No” is a perfectly acceptable answer to a yes/no question.
Unless it was followed by something along the lines of “get out of my face” or “as if!”, there’s nothing rude about it.
I agree.
RHOA is the only one of those shows I’ve ever seen, the women are a hoot. But Kenya is nuts. Lupita is right to steer clear.
yea my first thought was that this probably didn’t even happen–or Lupita did not know who she was so Kenya lashed out. Kenya is certifiable.
Exactly Kenya is crazy and a liar. I think she probably saw Lupita on the other side of the room and decided to start something .
My first reaction was ‘Who?’ and then I found out she was a Real Housewife. I don’t blame Nyong’o for not wanting to be photographed with reality TV trash.
Attention seekers like a RHO do this as a misguided bid for respectability. A bid that always fails.
Gah! How many housewives are there? she should just be happy to be there.
Maybe she didn’t ask nicely?
Lupita may not have even known this woman was a Real Housewife. Would not be surprised if Lupita has never seen Real Housewives. Lupita probably just took one look at Kenya’s fake rack and cheap dress and thought to herself that this is probably not the type of woman she’d want to be associated with in any way because the photo would have likely spread online.
Kibbles, I agree with you completely!
If Lupita refused to take a picture with her regardless if she knows who Kenya is or not, it’s rude and snobby IMO. Seriously she takes pictures with fucking Terry Creep Richardson and refuses to pose with a reality star? Pff, only confirms my suspicions of her being stuck-up . Now I’ve never watched any of these reality shows but can Kenya be that much of a bitch? I can’t imagine that she asked rudely and complain about the incident later on via twitter…than again stranger things have happened in Hollyweird. Why am I even interested in this?! :O
I completely agree with you.
And Lupita struck me as stuck-up ever since I saw her being interviewed at the Baftas last year.
Lupita strucks me as stuck-up too.
Yeah… well, I guess Terry Richardson was too much of a “cool guy” to say no to. And how is this not somewhat similar to the the whole Charlize Theron – Tia Mowry business? Everybody was outraged then.
it’s not the same because Lupita is liked on this site, ao she can say things like having yoir picture taken on the rc is like being in a war zone and get away with it.
Maybe because Tia said “hi”, she didn’t ask for a picture. And a fan isn’t entitled to a picture, it’s nice when a celebrity takes pictures with fans, but it’s not a *right*.
We also don’t know the context of why the picture was refused, so I’m not willing to burn Lupita at the stake.
“And how is this not somewhat similar to the the whole Charlize Theron – Tia Mowry business?”
This was my first thought also.
Yeah it’s not the exact same scenario in the sense that Tina was only saying “hi” but at least Kenya was in a place where celebs were expected to interact with people, not at a private gym.
Interesting how the reactions are totally different.
@Kitten, I wasn’t put off by either incident.
@Spooky that was an entirely different thing. Charlize was all oh God don’t speak to me. Apparently Lupita said no to having a photo taken together. She’s allowed to say no. And I agree that Charlize has every right not to have someone come up to her and talk to her it’s just the way she handled it which was rude.
@PrincessMe, @starrywonder, I’m talking about double standard. People were ready to take Tia’s accusations for granted, without getting information from the other party. Seriously, these “celebrities” who complain publicly about somebody not saying “Hi” back or somebody not wanting to take a freaking selfie with them are really immature.
On the other hand, I do think Lupita is a hypocrite.
They were in a spinning class on bikes that were situated next to each other. Totally different thing. No one was asking Charlize for a photo.
@ Kiddo-I agree. I think in either scenario, the celeb has a right to ignore the other person. Then again, I’m the type that really hates inane chatter with strangers, like elevator chit-chat. I also hate it when people chat with me at the gym when I’m there to work out, and really don’t feel like being there for any longer than I have to.
(I hate a lot of things-it’s why I smoke weed)
The other day I was in the elevator with some rando dude who felt obligated to make a dumb joke. Because I guess he just couldn’t handle 30 seconds of silence. In response I gave him a blank stare and he said sarcastically “great talking to you” as he stepped out of the elevator.
Onto the wrong floor.
It was pretty awkward when he got back in and we had to finish the elevator ride down to the lobby….
Anyway, I’d make a terrible celebrity because sometimes I just don’t feel like talking to people I don’t know or have any interest in. I would be resentful all the time if that was expected of me, knowing that some fan or D-lister was going to take to Twitter or the blogs to complain about me if I didn’t
I hate small talk with strangers, but my sister hates it so much she will just stare at the person until they leave. On a plane, she will stare at them, then slowly raise her book and start reading. Lol I wish I had the nerve.
I just wanted to elaborate on my position on the two situations – when I commented earlier, I was at work and tried to be short and to the point.
I didn’t comment on the Charlize situation, but did think that if it was true (always try to take gossip with a grain of salt) that her response was rude. I hate chit-chatting with strangers and I’m very socially awkward, but I was raised to acknowledge someone when I enter “their space”. So when I enter a room or walk by someone in the mornings and make eye contact or something like that, I say “good morning” or a similar greeting. Doesn’t mean I intend for us to become besties. So for Charlize to react to a hello with such a response, seemed rude. But at the end of the day, she could have been having a bad day or whatever.
With the Kenya situation, I think it’s rude to expect someone to take a picture and because they say “no”, you decide to disparage them. The #girlbye thing was rude. Saying she was in only two movies (implying that she’s not “big enough” to refuse a fan) was rude. Kenya also didn’t give context to what happened while Tia did.
At the end of the day, there are three sides to any story, so you’ll never know what the truth really is.
I would have said no. She’s a trashy drama queen
I wouldn’t take a picture with Kenya Moore either. She’s a nasty piece of work, who thinks the sun shines out her a$$. Unfortunately, being in Atlanta, means hearing about this chick all the time. I think it’s hilarious that someone with an ego as big as Kenya got turned down by someone more talented and with a better reputation.
From what I know of Kenya she’s an awful woman and mentally unstable, I wouldn’t take a picture with her either.
She’s mentally unstable like a fox. The woman is college educated, graduated at the top of her class, became Miss USA, had an acting career until it dried up hitting 40 etc. She got on ATL with a purpose in mind. I don’t think she’s crazy for a second. On Celebrity Apprentice, she comes across very smart and articulate and handles pressure fine.
Well said! I love her referring to Lupita and herself as A list celebrities and that she WAS a huge fan.. This story is probably the most press she has received since her Miss USA crowning. She’ll probably add to her resume referencing Lupita in a supporting actress role. I’m sure a gracious Lupita did not snub her purposely – but should going forward!
It’s the female version of “Don Lemon whining about Jonah Hill not shaking his hand “properly” at a hotel lobby”!! PLEASE! Get over it “housewife of wherever”!
Don Lemon is awful!
That guy is only know for putting his foot in his mouth.
Kenya who?
Thank you Kenya for giving shade to a sista who is a great role model. Humble is not a trait that you have ever displayed. So back that bootie up and get real. After your pole dancing move telling TO to touch your backside on celebrity apprentice. Why would she want to be seen with you. you are the epitome of a women teaching young girls and young men how to disrespect women and themselves.
I would not take a picture with any of the Real Housewives either. Good for Lupita.
Before Housewives, Kenya Moore was an actress and had bit roles in many “urban” shows and films. I’m always slightly surprised when I read that people have never heard of someone that’s pretty well known on my area.
Anyway, Lupita has a great reputation and probably didn’t want to be associated with Kenya. She’s negative and she also loves drama. To those saying that this confirms Lupita is “stuck-up,” I disagree. She’s a confident woman and is proud of who she is. There’s nothing wrong with that
I remember seeing in her movies, etc.
Kenya is not just some reality star, she is the first black Miss USA, and to those of us who remember, it was and still is a pretty big deal. That IS an accomplishment.
Thanks for pointing that out, NiceGirl!
I remember that. I also remember her disgusting behavior in recent years. She is on television yelling and fighting and generally behaving like a simpleton. Wild horses couldn’t drag me into a photo with her.
Kenya is not the first black Miss USA — Carole Gist is the first (she won the title in 1990). Kenya is an unstable and unlikable woman.
Agree, ArtGirl. I used to love RHOA, but her kind of crazy is the reason I stopped watching the show.
yup, she comes across unstable and very nasty.
Kenya bitching about it says a lot more than Lupita saying no.
Who could blame her?
She is so stunning in that gown, but I liked Lupita’s hair shorter.
Maybe Lupita did know who Kenya is. Wouldn’t be mad at Lupita if it was intentional. After all, Kenya deliberately provokes people all the time, which is why Porsha snatched her @$$ up on that infamous RH reunion show clip.
Lupita doesn’t need to be around ratchet, period.
Smart move Lupita. Kenya is full of herself.
I wouldn’t have my picture taken with her at a gas station. Moving on.
Lupita didn’t want to be seen with someone in a Fredericks of Hollywood dress. It was couture elitism lol.
I don’t think Lupita’s not stopping to take pics with her was rude or a humility issue at all, as long as she wasn’t nasty about it, which she probably wasn’t. I think sometimes people develop a little bit of a sense of entitlement when it comes to public figures and that in this case it’s Kenya Moore who is having a bit of an ego issue, not Lupita. I also think she’s just using drama for attention.
Kenya is NOT humble. I have been watching Celebrity Apprentice.
Kenya Moore “wants to always stay humble”? Wtf? I don’t think that word means what she thinks it means.
I don’t think you have to be high and mighty to not want to take a picture with any cast of the RH. Those people are trash. I wouldn’t take a picture with them either. Sometimes, I really don’t think they understand what jokes they are.. Like she really thinks it might have something to do with that trash show she associates with or how low class they are.
Eh, maybe it was just a bad moment for a photo. Seems pretty tacky to complain on Twitter about it.
i still don’t get the huge fascination with this lupita chic…so she let a stylist dress her in some nice outfits and played one small part in an average at best film…she basically got an Oscar for being good at yelling while pretending to be whipped…not impressed…
and all last year everyone was praising her and praising her! i don’t get it
Kenya is a p.i.t.a. but RHOA is still my favorite. I think it does say something when someone as big as Taylor Swift will pose with her but not an upstart like Lupita. Kenya was just looking to capitalize on whatever attention she can get but she still had a right to be there and not be snubbed by A listers thinking they’re all that. Nene is my least favorite, she so thinks she’s a Hollywood star now and has been unbearable since Ryan Murphy told her she could act.
Lupita was like “Kenya no…Vanessa Williams maybe.”
Lupita said no to pics with Kenya Moore? GOOD!
So why is Lupita not allowed to say no to a photo? Why is what Kenya wants the higher priority? She’s allowed to ask for the photo, Lupita’s allowed to decline and that must be respected, otherwise why ask? Why not just saddle up beside her and take a snap? Granted I don’t know how Lupita said no, but call her out for being ungracious or whatever, not simply for making a decision not to take a photo with you.
Please, Kenya Moore is a giant bag of crazy. I know she’s well educated, top of her class and was a Miss USA winner. That’s great. I know quite a few people in this world who have great educations who are about sh*t crazy! Kenya is no exception.
She is now on reality shows. For her to publicly complain that and actor refused to take a picture with her is childish.
It makes her look small.
It’s interesting to hear how divided everyone is on this. If you are famous, however big or small, people are going to want autographs, to talk to you, and take pictures with you. You can say no, but you still have to be gracious and most importantly, consistent. It’s either always no, only at professional events, or with time limit. There’s no other way – and you and your team has to be on the same page with the message. Anything else is unprofessional, immature, and sloppy.
You can say no and not make the people who ask, however rude they are, feel bad. We have to do this in real life as non-celebs, too. Sure, you have bad days and maybe you aren’t as gracious or civil, but everyone should have manners. Especially if your livelihood is affected by how you are viewed as a person.
What’s this “real housewife” sea creature doing at these awards or these parties to begin with???
This ‘incident’ is based on Kenya’s one sided tweet. The tweet says volumes on Kenya’s dramatic perception, ego and nastiness. Kenya is a woman of (past) achievement but it’s important how you carry it forward. Carrying the same persona from RHOA, CA and this tweet does not ingratiate her in anyone’s eyes. For all we know Lupita had no interact with Kenya or if she did had no intention to offend.
Funny how Kenya forgot to mention that Lupita won an Oscar for one of those “2 movies.”
I met Lupita at a party last year and she took TWO photos with me (because I didn’t like the first one).
Kenya has serious mental health issues. She’s completely insane. She honestly believes that everyone should love her and she is out for blood whenever she thinks that someone isn’t into her.