Kendall Jenner, Justin Bieber & others are the ‘new brat pack’ in Vogue

Justin Bieber

The April issue of Vogue (the one with Serena Williams on the cover) includes an interesting feature called “The New Brat Pack.” This editorial includes Kendall Jenner, Justin Bieber, Ansel Elgort, and Gigi Hadid, along with Dylan and Hopper Penn. All were photographed by Mario Testino in flashy California settings. At least for a few of them, Vogue got the “brat” attribute correct.

Vogue describes all of these model/actor/singers as “the Instagram aristocracy.” Make no mistake, Kendall is the star of this shoot. She poses with Swaggy, Ansel Elgort, and Gigi Hadid. The full issue hits newstands on sale Wednesday. In the meantime, little snippets of the interview have surfaced. Ansel raves about LA’s amazing sushi. Bieber says, “I”ve been kind of on the low, just working on the new album.” Kendall raves about how she and Gigi first met at Nobu Malibu and “clicked right away.” As Lainey points out, the original 1980s Brat Pack didn’t enjoy their label at all. But these new ruffians seem flattered by the editorial. Surely they were aware of the brat-pack theme.

Several of the models (obviously Bieber) also feature in Mario Testino’s “Towel Series.” This feels like another excuse for Swaggy to show off his pseudo-ripped bod again. Both of these shoots feel hollow, perhaps by design.

This photo of Gigi and Kendall is the best shot of the bunch. Gigi is wearing a Burberry Prorsum leather jacket and an Alexander McQueen dress. Kendall is wearing a Givenchy lace-and-goatskin coat and Tommy Hilfiger pants. They look like they’re having fun. You can see the rest of the photos here.

Kendall Jenner

More Kendall news. Here’s her brand new Estee Lauder commercial for the limited edition Courrèges line (they’re going very young with this campaign). I’m also including some photos of Kendall with Gigi Hadid at Paris fashion week. They fastened BFF love locks on the Pont des Arts bridge.

Gigi Hadid

Kendall Jenner

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & Vogue/Mario Testino

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97 Responses to “Kendall Jenner, Justin Bieber & others are the ‘new brat pack’ in Vogue”

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  1. GlimmerBunny says:

    Kendall looks stunning and adorable in the last picture where she’s throwing the lock, but usually I prefer Gigi as a model.

    • Esthetix says:

      Not a fan of Kendall and this is the first time I’ve heard of Gigi, but got to admit, they have chemistry. The pictures of them together is like magic.

  2. Allie says:

    This doesn’t even look like vogue, but a Seventeen magazine shoot. I hate that adults are giving these untalented teenage brats a platform.

    • LaurenLauren says:

      Most of them are 20 or older

      • Allie says:

        I checked. Kendall-19, Gigi-19, Biebs-21. Sooo the girl models are teenagers, but thank you for picking out the least important part of my comment.

    • kdlaf says:

      Vogue is a slowly dying institution (as is most magazines these days)- they need social media stars with huge following like them. Same thing back in the day when they started featuring celebrities instead of models on the covers.

    • JosieJ says:

      I completely agree with you Allie and Vogue is slowly becoming a joke.

      • Chem says:

        I once bought Vogue US about two years ago and was really boring, really really boring. But Vogue Spain, Paris, Italy and India are really good, they are pieces of art. The mexican version no longer though, they changed editor a while ago and is not that awesome anymore.
        So I recommend you check them out.

      • PunkyMomma says:

        Vogue Italia is superb.

      • Petee says:

        They are just a bunch of ad’s.No real model’s or anything else.

    • littlemissnaughty says:

      I have to say, this is why I prefer Elle (if I read a fashion mag at all, they’re become insanely expensive). The models are young but not crazily so. Vogue has lost sight of its target demographic I think. When I read Elle, I at least feel like they’re talking to a rich version of a woman my age.

      And brat pack … is very apt. They’re all so boring though.

      • iheartjacksparrow says:

        Back in the 1960s Vogue was the greatest magazine with models like Penelope Tree and Baby Jane Holzer. They’ve really gone downhill if they’re spotlighting Justin Bieber.

    • Bridget says:

      Vogue is the one that needs them – younger generations are looking to platforms like Instagram for style inspiration, not Vogue. It’s why they did the Insta Girls cover, it’s why they’re featuring these kids even when they’re clearly uninspired (naming them the “New” something is shorthand for “we couldn’t actually think of anything to say”).

    • homegrrrlll says:

      This is so cheesy and unoriginal. I’m embarrassed for “Vogue”.

  3. H says:

    I’ll take the old Brat Pack in for $500, Alex. At least those actors had talent and worked hard (partied hard too). In this group, I think only Ansel has an ounce of talent, the rest are fairly useless and only getting by on nepotism.

    • Snazzy says:

      Yes exactly
      this is so wrong on so many levels

    • AntiSocialButterfly says:

      Seriously. What an incredible insult to the real Brat Pack.

      • Esmom says:

        This was my first thought, what an insult. To paraphrase Lloyd Benson’s words to Dan Quayle (showing my age, I know!): “I knew the brat pack. You, kids, are no brat pack.” 🙂

      • smcollins says:

        You can count me in as well! I didn’t even read the article. I just saw the headline and instantly thought “nooooooo, no, no, no! There is only one Brat Pack.”

    • Franca says:

      As horrible as he is, Bieber is the only one who made it without the help of mummy and daddy. And he can actually sing.

      I’ve seen Ansel in a couple of things amd he was barely mediocre.

      • Fritanga says:

        Maybe Bieber didn’t have the help of celebrity parents, but his mother sure promoted the hell out of him starting when he was a young teen. She’s a stage mother on par with Dina Lohan and PMK.

    • J-G says:

      I agree too. I feel sorry for the kids today that this is their equivalent.

      • Esmom says:

        Yes. I think it’s a reflection of how much easier it’s become to achieve fame and celebrity status. Talent seems to be a much smaller part of the equation these days.

      • Franca says:

        I don’t think it’s easier to achieve fame. The things you need to achieve fame have changed. Before you needed talent, now you need good looks and rich and connected parents.

      • Esmom says:

        Franca, Right. By “easier” I meant that talent and hard work don’t seem as important, I wasn’t all that clear on that maybe.

    • Sarah says:

      Yes. The old Brat Pack had talent out the wazoo. These pretty little children are in many respects, famous for being famous. But what I read into this was wondering how Kylie felt to be left out. Or is she going for “old married lady” with Tyga already? Kim must also be pissed.

  4. QQ says:

    #NOTMYBRATPACK Absolutely not!

    Also: Let’s stop this Gigi hadid whatever thing before it happens, we are not doing this, we already have the Suki girl and just Finally quit trying the Hough one and the one from the big bang that was all thirsty .. NO

    • Hissyfit says:

      Gigi has been modeling since she was toddler though. So if she is just getting her big break, I think she deserves it.

    • Kitten says:

      I don’t get the appeal of her at all.

    • littlestar says:

      Thank freakin’ gahd! I thought I was the only one who doesn’t understand why Gigi Hadid is a thing! Everyone seems to rave about her but I look at her face and think, she’s so plain and kind of weird looking (I’m going to hell!!!!!!). She has a great body, but an unremarkable face.

      • Easypeasy123 says:

        Aren’t most models plain/weird looking?

      • StormsMama says:

        Gigi Is the one I like
        I saw her in some Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition promo pics and wondered WHO IS THAT?!
        And I looked her up and realized her “pedigree” so I get that people are like Oh nepotism. But having never watched Real Housewives I had no idea who she was related to and I just think she is…stunning unique gorgeous and all that.
        Like when I first saw Kate Upton, Gigi caught my eye and motivated me to investigate. So yeah she has something. The fact that she’s polarizing isn’t a bad thing. It means people take notice – and whether they go one way or another isn’t going to slow her down- she’s so young she can use all press to boost her image.

        As for Vogue and their brat pack spread: JUST NO

  5. Izzy says:

    There was only ever one Brat Pack, and only ever will be. And they were awesome.

    This bunch? More like the Crap Pack.

  6. Jess says:

    Umm no, there will never be another brat pack or anything close. These kids are just spoiled as*sholes.

    Kendall and Gigi do look great though, I didn’t know they were friends and I actually think that’s cute.

    • Kori says:

      Gigi was very sweet on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills the few times she was on. Her mom is Yolanda Foster and her dad (her parents are divorced) is Mohammed Hadid. Gigi was still in high school then. Her sister Bella is also starting to make an impact. Gigi is more commercial (Victoria’s Secret, Sports Illustrated, Guess, Tom Ford are some of her campaigns) while Bella looks more editorial.

      But BH is very incestuous. Her stepfather David Foster was once stepfather to Brody. Jenner and his sibs. Brody’s dad is Bruce Jenner. Both men were married to Linda Thompson.

      • Size Does Matter says:

        That makes my head hurt. Gigi’s stepdad was once Kendall’s half-brothers’ stepdad as well?

  7. NewWester says:

    Why is Hopper Penn and Justin Beiber on this list? Oh I forgot they are both brats

  8. Tate says:


  9. Tulsa says:

    Vogue has zero credibility to me.

    This mag, has been slowly going downhill for more than decade, except now, it seems to be slipping so fast it’s own desperation shows by grabbing at straws to make itself look relevant.

  10. Imo says:

    Yeah, low talent brats. But I remember my mother scoffing at the perceived lack of talent and flashiness of the original brat pack. She also bemoaned the demise of real class and talent. The truth is that millions of people buy what these hacks are shilling.

    • Lucinda says:

      The original Brat Pack was being compared (not favorably) to the Rat Pack which were song and dance men. Rat Pack was old Hollywood with style and charisma and these were young actors who were partying a lot. They were talented but they were also raising hell. So of course the older generation was bemoaning them. Every generation is going to question the talent of the upcoming generation. However, while the Brat pack was just as talented at acting as they were at partying, I question this group of 2nd generation celebrities who seem to have more talent at partying than anything else. But what do I know. I’m old.

  11. OSTONE says:

    AS IF! Crap Pack is right.

  12. lower-case deb says:

    i’m sure i’m not using the correct tag but *shrug* Vogue is getting weirder and weirder each time.

  13. Tig says:

    I wonder who Vogue is trying to entice to buy an actual magazine? The “youths” can’t imagine seeing anything that isn’t on a screen, and who over 30 cares to see these kidlets in a photoshoot? Maybe Vogue should devote the paper magazine to the age cohort that really doesn’t care to see these types of manufactured celebs.

  14. Longhairdontcare says:

    Gigi doesnt have great legs

  15. Livealot says:

    I kind of think Cara should be included… But I guess.

  16. Talie says:

    It did make me laugh when Lainey suggested the Penn kids would insist on only being photo’d with each other. AS IF. Both of them would die to be in the same position as Kendall or even Gigi. I don’t even know their damn names!

  17. InvaderTak says:

    The irony is that these twits take the brat title as a compliment. It wasn’t originally. It was embarrassing and bad for the originals.

  18. Adrien says:

    The thing is, in this photoshoot, it was Bieber who looked like the real model. If only we didn’t know he is 5’5″, he could fake it as model.

  19. Nicolette says:

    Emilio Estevez, Anthony Michael Hall, Rob Lowe, Andrew McCarthy, Demi Moore, Judd Nelson, Molly Ringwald and Ally Sheedy are THE brat pack. They have all, whether collectively or separately, made the movies that have become classics and have created timeless works of entertainment. Do not put Bieber or Jenner or any other into such a group. Wrong on so many levels, so please no, just no.

  20. Bea says:

    Vogue needs help.

  21. Bess says:

    first the Kimye cover and now this. Has Wintour lost her mind?

  22. Bridget says:

    Because things went so well with the first Brat Pack?

    • Esmom says:

      I hear you but I don’t think that’s the point. At the time, they really were the “It” group, who made some truly iconic work. This collection of people just doesn’t compare.

      • Bridget says:

        It was John Hughes who’s work was iconic, but the Brat Pack had a very, very brief period of time on top. Bestowing that title is only flattering to someone who is unfamiliar with how quickly everyone but Demi Moore flamed out (though Rob Lowe gets points for coming back).

      • Bridget says:

        Either someone at Vogue has no idea what they’re doing or they just deliberately insulted the subjects of the editorial. I’m going with the former.

      • Esmom says:

        Agreed that it was Hughes whose work was iconic but they were a big part of some of those works and really embodied the era, despite their descents into relative obscurity later. Which actually may have been a more graceful way to disappear than Demi and her Whip-It fueled public meltdown, for example. I just don’t think these guys today will be considered the same embodiment. Who knows.

      • Bridget says:

        Aside from the John Hughes movies (Pretty In Pink, Sixteen Candles, The Breakfast Club) I wouldnt describe any of the other Brat Pack movies as iconic. Some may have been better than others, but the actors and their work aren’t exactly the sacred cows that folks on this thread are acting like they are. I mean, have you seen Rob Lowe playing the sax in St. Elmo’s Fire, the quintessential Brat Pack movie?

    • Wren33 says:

      Right. The Brat Pack was sort of an insult compared to the iconic Rat Pack, so I’m not sure why this is seen as something to aspire to.

      • Bridget says:

        People are talking about the Brat Pack like its some sort of hallowed legacy, but aside from John Hughes work, I don’t really see folks getting all nostalgic about St. Elmo’s Fire (which was actually THE Brat Pack movie).

      • Esmom says:

        I hear you, and I think it’s definitely nostalgia that is making me defend the old Brat Pack. I know the term was considered an insult. I don’t think those guys were Oscar caliber but they didn’t have family connections, they had talent (especially compared to a Kardashian) and they made movies that will always be emblematic of that era (and yes St Elmo’s Fire was cheesy). That’s all I’ve been trying to say.

      • Bridget says:

        @esmom: I’m not in any way saying there’s something wrong with liking the Brat Pack. But for some reason there’s this “how dare they!” tone to the comments as though Vogue were messing with a Picasso. It’s the Brat Pack. The movies that stood the test of time (and even that I’m a little dubious about, to be honest) did so on the back of the filmmaker’s work, while the other movies are relics of a pretty ridiculous era, and yet folks are acting like it’s sacrilege for Vogue to borrow the moniker. Which the Brat Pack themselves hated anyhow.

  23. Naddie says:

    This “brat pack” makes me wanna puke.

  24. watchmaker says:

    The picture of Justin and Kendall reminds me of Zach and Kelly from Saved by the Bell.

  25. Joh says:

    Y’all might want to keep a copy of the pic of Kendall in the red bathing suit w/ the Beibs…
    Just for reference if she also gets the kardashian expanding bottom syndrome when her modeling career cools.

  26. FingerBinger says:

    I’m surprised Ireland Baldwin and the Willis spawn weren’t included.

    • Kori says:

      Because like it or not Gigi and Kendall are actually getting major campaigns–Gigi more than Kendall–and walking runways for major designers. Ireland, while tall and blonde, really couldn’t make a dent despite all her publicity and connections . Same with Dylan Penn. And Eddie Murphy’s two daughters–both very pretty and connected but nada.

      • RockytopNC says:

        All the campaigns they are doing are coming from the same circle of certain designers with connections to Kanye West and his particular set of designer “friends” or as Estee Lauder companies who are on the way to closing their doors from low sales…Estee Lauder has now backed up and added in a 45 yr old as head of their more mature line and relegated Kendell to their youth campaign….which is by the way bombing badly on the makeup sales market… they are working yes but own their own recognition NO !..

  27. Green Eyes says:

    The ORIGINAL Brat Pack was Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., Peter Lawford, & Joey Bishop.

    Third generation Brat Pack don’t have 1/2 the talent the original Pack had.. I grew up w/ the Second generation of BPers.. Still not the longevity as the originals, but had actual real talent. Guess now you just have to be an actual Real Brat.. Literally, and not meant as a term of endearment.

  28. RockytopNC says:

    You couldn’t give me a copy of Vogue now …its that bad……as for these pretenders being the “new Brat Pack” …LOL ….I find it funny they have to steal a another name and title and can’t be original in anything….Why ? ///because they are pretenders to the throne and have nothing of real talent to be remembered for except for being all products of the Kris Jenner Management Group who owns everyone of their management contracts….Yes even Justin’s she signed him up in Paris last fall….this is Straight out of Jenner PR media campaign which has a contract with Ann Wintour and Vogue ….Kris Jenner is a shark who swims around waiting for anyone who’s star has started to fall and are own a down hill slide like Justin’s is and like Selena Gomez’s is then she swims in and snaps them up and tell them she can turn their failing careers around…and the she uses them to promote her own little darlings The sudden friendship of Justin and Kendall’ s and the hint of romance …She is known everywhere for her contracts …..3 ..6 ….1 yrs of use of your name …and body…. to promote her brand (daughters) ….

  29. TW says:

    Geez this kid is a poser. He needs to give those perpetually either startled or swag-posed eyebrows a rest. Laughable!

  30. Dawn says:

    New Brat Pack? I think Vogue has lost it. The Brat Pack just happened to be a group of young people who were all very talented actors. They partied hard and did drugs and drank like mad. This supposedly new Brat Pack have little to no talents. Other than the Biebs who has gone off the rails but at one time has talent. Again, Vogue thinks they can make this happen, I don’t think they can.

  31. Happy21 says:

    Oh to be young, rich and beautiful! 😉

  32. Bread and Circuses says:

    I kind of think Kendall is Justin Beiber’s Selena replacement. She actually looks a lot like Selena.

    When I see Justin in stills, he often looks surprisingly good. For example, he’s got a bit of a James Dean thing going in the first photo.

    But then I see him in motion, and I get a kneejerk hostile reaction to him again. Same thing happens with Miley Cyrus, actually. I’m not sure why, but I get this instant, “What a douche,” feeling.

  33. Kelly says:

    I don’t understand. The Brat Pack was famous for being in movies together. Do these kids all know each other? Vogue seems to be really reaching. I also don’t get Gigi Hadid. She’s ok I guess? Maybe I’m just old.

  34. kri says:

    I am throwing metaphorical holy water on this whole f%cking idea. Then I’m going to watch The Breakfast Club & Pretty in Pink (JAMES SPADER).

    • H says:

      Breakfast Club 30th anniversary on March 26th. Going to see it in an actual theater. 🙂

  35. santana says:

    This is a joke. Vogue needs to replace Anna ASAP if they want to survive.
    And all this praise to the 80’s Brat Pack is a joke too. They did made some entertaining teens movies that established John Hughes, not them, as a pop culture player. That were not really talented actors and, mind them, non of them had significant careers after those 3/4 movies. That’s why back then the label Brat Pack was given to them as a diminishing way to mock them and lower them as a comparison to the original, amazing and never forgotten Rat Pack.
    The Bieber, Jenner and Hadid kids had nothing to do with acting. The Penn’s kids had done nothing yet (and the fact that Hopper Penn’s first gig is in dadd’y next movie doesn’t help to make yourself your own path, out of any nepotism accusation) Dylan is doing an horror flick and modeling but at least is doing it without her parents help, making her own mistakes and making her own money.

  36. Mispronounced Name Dropper says:

    They’re like the cast of a Bret Easton Ellis novel.

  37. rudy says:

    Serena Williams is on the cover of this issue.
    She looks gorgeous.
    If Winiturd did not put the crap pack in the same issue, we’d be looking at Serena’s hot bod.

  38. Thrax says:

    Instagram aristocracy? Cringe-worthy douche chills and then some.

    Original recipe Brat Pack for life.

  39. NewGirl says:

    gigi? kendall? i just dont see the model material….I dont see it at all…. but whatever I guess

  40. Amy says:

    Gigi always looks like she’s suffering an allergy attack (squinty eyes that look swollen).
    It’s her mom who was the launching board to her fame (Yolanda from RHOBH)