Tyrese Gibson is yet another Chris Brown apologist


Seems like every day, another man in Hollywood is falling over himself to offer support to alleged domestic abuser Chris Brown. Diddy, Kanye West, and Akon have all spoken to the media in the last few weeks defending Brown, saying that “we don’t know what happened” on Feb. 8. As if we couldn’t figure out what happened by looking at the photos of Rihanna’s beaten face. Now, Tyrese Gibson, former model and star of Bravo’s “Make Me a Supermodel,actor who appeared in “Transformers,” is talking about how poor little Chrissy is having such a hard time focusing on his music lately. All together now: Boo hoo!

Chris Brown may not be the most popular guy right now, but friend Tyrese Gibson says everyone needs to take a step back and give him and Rihanna breathing room while they sort through a trying time.

“Although he appears to be really strong through all of this, it’s really taking a toll on his spirit,” Gibson said at Sunday’s 2009 Ball Up Street Ball Tour. “People like me and Puff, we’re just trying to show him love and keep his spirits up while he’s going through all of the heat, and there are a lot people doing the same for Rihanna.”

In February, Brown, 19, allegedly assaulted the Barbadian singer and his name has since appeared in countless negative articles and discussions of domestic abuse. Rihanna, too, has faced fallout, including criticism for taking Brown back. (According to one source, they have since decided to take a break.)

“It’s really hard for him to focus right now on his music, even though he really wants to,” said Gibson. “At the end of the day, I’m not trying to justify it because wrong is wrong, but unfortunately, us as entertainers, we have to grow up on stage with a lot of people looking at us. And a lot of people forget that he’s 19, she’s only 21.”

[From People]

Hmmm. He wants us to give Brown a break because he’s only 19. The way I see it, 19 is plenty old enough to know how to keep your hands to yourself. In fact, I was teaching my kids that rule from the time they were toddlers. How long are we supposed to give Chris a break, exactly? Should we wait a few more years, after he has hurt a few more women, and then decide to hold him accountable for it? Or, should we wait until he kills someone because he’s learned from experience that he is above the law? I wonder if Tyrese would still be feeling sorry for Chris if it was his sister who was on the receiving end of those punches and bites.

Here’s a better question: is there any man in the R&B/hip hop community who has the balls to come out and say what he did was wrong- end of story? No excuses, no disclaimers, just “It was wrong.” Is there any guy in that entertainment world man enough to do that? Just wondering.

Tyrese Gibson is pictured at Elton John’s Oscar party in February 2009. Credits: Fame.

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45 Responses to “Tyrese Gibson is yet another Chris Brown apologist”

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  1. lrm says:

    Um,he did say wrong is wrong.
    I think the part that it’s tough growing thru life in front of people is valid,and obviously even people who commit monstrous acts need love and support in life,IF they are truly to be given the opportunity for redemption.
    Now,if you believe that he gets no shot at rehabilitation,then fine,noone should ever say anything nice about him again.
    But,otherwise,yea,life is not so black and white.
    Agreed,saying his abuse of her is somehow a part of ‘growing up’ is ridiculous and lame.
    and who gives a f*ck about his music or spirits? They would be better friends to give him some tough love and tell him to get his butt to counseling and stop trying to remake his image.
    hey,people can chime in on this if they want,but does this demonstrate the stance on women in the black community? is physical violence such a slippery slope,that the view ‘the bi*ch deserves it’ is so ingrained in the culture as to make it defendable?
    You tell me,but it sure seems like it,judging from all of these comments.
    wasn’t it nick cannon who was the only one who defended him?
    and then over at bossip,all they can do is refer to him as a gigoolo…

  2. Ryo says:

    Well I used to like him.

  3. Sauronsarmy says:

    I’m so over this whole thing. Between the way the media has covered this to the studies, polls, articles, etc. of young girls/boy on this subject have been incredibly disappointing.

    Idiocracy isn’t just a movie.

  4. Becky says:

    that must be the wrong photo. that is not tyrese.

  5. Enonymous says:

    Diddy, Kanye West, Akon and now Tyrese Gibson (and any other person who take Cris Browns side) can go and f*ck themselves for being such misogynistic cowards.

    PS. I don’t know who this Tyrese Gibson person is but no way he was a model, he sure does not look like one because he is way to fug.

  6. lena says:

    well besides kanye…i have heard stories about all them having violent altercagtions with women…so it’s no surprise that he’s coming to his defense

  7. lena says:


  8. NNNN says:

    Tyrese is NOT the host of Make me Super Model. TYSON is. Another example of white people thinking black people all look alike.

  9. Jamine says:

    NNNN you are the racist here. Just cos some ppl confuse two people, doesn’t mean it has anything to do with skin color. I confuse white people all the time, and I am white. Spread your negativity else-where.

  10. Liz says:

    The photo is a perfect example of what is wrong with this whole story. The media does not know what it is talking about.

  11. Lizzie (greeneyed fem) says:

    He should be apologizing for that suit.


  12. Annie says:

    Oh Tyrese. When will you learn that your best asset is silence.

    No seriously. Don’t talk. Just stand there, make cute smiles. Etc.

  13. MARKY MARK says:

    I am a black male & I find all of the responses by these so called figures in the forefront of African-american male celebrity repulsive, but the lack of respect for women has been on display for quite some time in the hip-hop world (music videos, writings about video “ho”s, etc. There is still not enough understanding by them that There is never ever a reason to hit a woman.

  14. MSat says:

    My bad on the photo. It will be fixed.

    And no, it’s not that I’m a racist who thinks all black people look alike, it’s because Tyrese and Tyson are very similar names.

  15. MSat says:

    FWIW, I also get Morgan Freeman and Morgan Fairchild confused all the time. I’m old. It happens.

  16. KL says:

    Please give me a break I have a son who was very quite and one of the best kids a single mother could have by the time he turned 16 another story he would hit me and call me everything in the book if he didn’t get his way, so please tell me when is it ok for a boy/man to hit any female for any reasons.

    Stop the maddness!!!!!!!

  17. Pete says:

    These “men” who keep coming forward to endorse domestic violence are only telling boys, “It’s fine.” We blast the girls for standing by the abuser, but the boys are the ones we really need to focus on if things are ever going to change. Right now, I wouldn’t be surprised if most boys thought it was perfectly fine to “punish” a girl for stepping “out of line” (Just to be clear: this violence isn’t self-defense, which is justified, but aggressive violence, which is always unacceptable).

    You would think black men who were once attacked by white men for being “uppity” would have some damn sense.

  18. anonymous says:

    i think you wont be happy until he kills himself, i’m sure that would make your heart sing a song of praise!

  19. Anonymous says:

    Why are all these posts about racism? I don’t understand how a black man hits a black woman, other black men comment on it, and somehow white people are the bad guy. That math doesn’t add up.

  20. caro says:

    no excuse to hit a woman or child when you’re a man! tyrese,look rihanna face!

  21. Thinker says:

    Some people prefer not to jump to conclusions because the police report does not make sense.

  22. gg says:

    The photo I saw of her face sure does though

  23. c says:

    I don’t know that I agree the focus needs to be only on the abuser. I think it’s equally important to focus on the abused, or not abused/younger generation to teach them what behaviours are good, which are bad, what causes different behaviours, etc., and that they don’t deserve such behaviour, that they walk away, that they’re not alone, that there’s help, that they can survive. I would rather teach young women (and men) about what behaviours are acceptable and which are not and go from there. If not, the abuser continues, because there are not enough people drawing the line in the sand and saying early enough on that behaviour is unacceptable. I think that’s the only way bullies like Brown will learn. I don’t think they’ll figure it out from jail time or whatever…that only exacerbates their feeling of unworth, whch is why they abuse (to make themselves feel better by making someone else feel worse). I don’t really know how to fix behaviours such as Brown’s. Some personalities are the way they are…don’t know that some people can change. Meh.

  24. SixxKitty says:

    If this is his behaviour at 19, i can imagine his ‘best’ will be by 25 when he’s killed a woman in a DV situation… Im just saying..

  25. Thinker says:

    There are many possible scenarios, and it is not fair to make assumptions when someone’s reputation is at stake.

  26. cmoody says:

    This is funny to me:
    “Here’s a better question: is there any man in the R&B/hip hop community who has the balls to come out and say what he did was wrong- end of story? No excuses, no disclaimers, just “It was wrong.” Is there any guy in that entertainment world man enough to do that? Just wondering.”

    Seriously? Dude, R. Kelly pissed on a little girl and got away with it. So the answer to your question is OF COURSE NOT!

  27. GimmeABreak says:

    NNNN, you just got your a$$ handed to you! Aahahaa!!

  28. Zoe says:

    Can we please lay off the racism comments? Honestly. If someone mistakes Tyrese for Tyson, it’s easy to see how that could happen since names are so close and it’s obviously a confusion. It doesn’t have to mean that people think everyone looks alike. I get Isla Fisher and Amy Adams confused all the time, is that racist? Please. Enough of the immaturity. I agree with Celebitchy, I can’t wait to see more people take a stand against this situation and stop supporting violence, I am appauled by the number of people being lenient about this ordeal. My only comfort is that it has brought discussions of domestic violence to many households and it’s hopefully being addressed in a more public way. The whole situation is shameful and I really hope that people stop allowing this kind of behavior to fly under the radar until it’s too late.

  29. CB Rawks says:

    “Thinker”? Good lord. That’s irony.

    There are NO scenarios that make hitting and biting her okay! NONE!
    And he has ADMITTED to it amd APOLOGISED (lamely).
    You’ll eventually have to give up trying to find a way to keep saying *allegedly*, or praying for a newly discovered scenario that makes him seem justified or innocent,
    because HE ADMITTED TO IT!!
    Jesus Christ some people are stupid.

  30. Musey says:

    Disgusting. As for men in the entertainment community being brave and decent enough to say that it was unconditionally wrong of Chris Brown to bear Rihanna, Nick Cannon did.

    I know he’s not exactly a rapper and doesn’t seem to have much of a career anymore outside of being married to Mariah Carey, but he seems to be the *only* person with the balls not to make excuses for Brown, so I have a lot more respect for him now.

  31. Musey says:

    …and by ‘bear,’ I mean ‘beat.’ Whatever happened to comment editing? We used to be able to.

  32. Thinker says:

    Actually CB, Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour.
    Nobody has “admitted” anything pertaining to that night.
    There has, however, been much speculation that has created a scenario in some people’s minds, which then turns into facts for them.

  33. elisa says:

    John Legend and Nick Cannon.

    Other than them, I got nothing.

  34. dovesgate says:

    Ooo I got it Thinker. It wasnt Chris Brown in the car with Rihanna when she got beat up and he’s taking the blame for one of his homies that no one knew she was dating instead of him? Am I right? “Cause thats the only scenario that I can imagine that would justify standing up for Chris at this point.

  35. Thinker says:

    Girl gets mad and starts beating on boy, while he is driving.
    Boy slams on brakes.
    Girl hits head on dashboard as car comes to a stop and gets two equally spaced knots on forehead.


    Girl gets mad and starts beating on boy, while he is driving.
    Boy pushes her off of him trying to retain control of the car.
    Girl hits head on dashboard or window and gets two equally spaced knots on forehead.

  36. Enonymous says:

    Thinker, How old are you? Because only a dim child can make such nonsense excuses as an effect of watching too much television and not knowing enough about the real world.

    I would never tell people not to comment and express their views but when too many people start blabbing and easily dismissing such a serious issue as domestic violence and making stupid excuses for the faulty party when it is damn clear and obvious what happened, it is time to stop standing on the fence and start supporting the person who really needs it, the victim.

    Don’t worry, your precious Chris Brown seems to have his own goons to support him. He would not be left out in the cold all alone and sink to oblivion, unfortunately.

  37. Hellencatherine says:

    I think that everybody needs to stop judging both chris brown and rihanna no one is perfect in this world i am sure most of u have done worse things. And yes i am not agreeing with wat he did he should never have hit rihanna but what we should all be grateful is that he didn’t kill her. Thats what matters the most we should all forgive chris brown. Only God can judge chris brown the most high.

  38. Enonymous says:

    Hellencatheri: “we should all be grateful is that he didn’t kill her. Thats what matters the most we should all forgive chris brown.” I found your post especial irritating.

    WTF are you talking about, “Oh well as long as he did not kill her only beat her to a bloody bulb then its OK, we can just forgive him”. Jeez some people’s stupidity knows no boundary.

    FYI. Sorry to break it to you but THERE IS NO GOD, so all these criminals need to prosecuted by law not wait for God to judge them.

  39. Enonymous says:

    Domestic violence need to be taken seriously full stop. That is the core of what causes different types of criminal behavior too and until people realize that then the cycle will continue. There are a lot of DV victims, women and men, who would not ask for help because they are afraid they would not be taken seriously and the fact that this high profile DV case of Rhihanna and Chris Brown is taken in such a dim view and still so easily dismiss then that only proves the victims right and that is unfortunate shame.

  40. MSat says:

    I’d like to know where anyone got the idea that Rihanna was beating on Chris Brown. Where is the evidence? Did we see photographs of Brown with even a mark on him anywhere?

    Why is it so hard for people to condemn what he did- why must Rihanna somehow be guilty or “asking for it”?

    As for the whole “we shouldn’t judge” BS- there are a few things in life that deserve harsh judgment. Violence against children and domestic or sexual abuse are situations that fall under that category. No excuse for it, end of story.

  41. NekeyaB says:

    Chris Brown may skate on any felony battery charges filed against him because, according to reports, Rihanna started the fight by clocking Chris in the face with the heel of her stiletto shoe. “When you take off your shoes and beat someone with high heels, that’s definitely going to hurt,” said Welford Hart, who lives with Chris Brown’s mother in Virginia and identified himself as a member of the family. “He reacted and tried to get her to stop hitting him, but she just kept hollering and screaming.” They say Chris’ people have consulted with outside legal counsel — including law school professors — who have said Rihanna’s own aggressiveness takes it out of the felony category. Also, Rihanna’s lawyer has said if called, Rihanna will definitely testify.

    Yep, I was right. So let me ask y’all Chris Brown bashers something. What if she’d punctured his jugular and he’dve died. Then what would you have had to say?

    Hmmm… wonder why the police left off the part about her hitting him upside the head with a high heeled shoe? And HITTING HIM FIRST.

    If we wanna take this ish to tha full length, stilettos are pretty sharp, can’t they almost be considered deadly weapons?

    If this sounds ridiculous to you, shouldn’t the charges they’re trying to put on CB also sound the same? A man ain’t right to hit a woman just like a woman ain’t right to hit a man.

  42. Lizzie (greeneyed fem) says:

    Also, Thinker, your scenarios of Rihanna bumping her forehead don’t account for the BITE MARKS on her fingers and ear. Or the blood.

    Jesus Christ.

  43. Thinker says:

    When one hits one’s face on something such as a dashboard at a high rate of speed, there will most likely be blood in the mouth as the teeth can cut the inner lip. Most people will spit the blood out immediately.

    IF there were bite marks, let us remember that in most cases bite marks are defensive wounds one gets when the person you are fighting tries to get you off of them.

    When most girls fight they usually push themselves up really close to you while landing blows. They tend not to think about what will happen when they are pushed off.

  44. anonymous says:

    NekeyaB i actually read that report somewhere else, i’m sorry but if someone hit me WHILE driving with a STILETTO, it certainly wont be pretty.

    We havent seen pictures of CB after because we werent suppose to, nothing about him EXCEPT for what RIHANNA reported is known to the public.

    UNTIL i hear every last detail from both sides, not just hers i’m on the fence.

    I remember when some girl hit one of my brothers i wannted to d everything thing to know that because she was a woman she couldnt just lay her hands on him, that’s not what he was made for.

  45. Pufft says:

    Blah, blah, blah, Nekeyab. You should consider a job as CB’s spokesperson, honestly.

    So much bullsh!t and you don’t even have your own televison show. You should take on a job as an entertainer…you sure are a bucket of laughter


    P.S Sorry I didn’t get around to finishing you capital letter responce. After the dozenth ‘and one more thing’ I kind of lost it. Sadly, I realised a little too late that you’re the song that never end…

    Thanks for nothing, by the way.