After Duchess Kate gave birth to Princess Charlotte, I said that the royal gossip was probably going to slow down significantly this summer. What I should have said was that the British royal gossip was going to be pretty quiet, specifically gossip about the Cambridges. But the Swedish royal gossip is going to be pretty epic in the coming months, so this is going to serve as a preview of coming (and ongoing) scandals.
Sweden’s Prince Carl Philip has always been pretty hot. Arguably, he’s one of the hottest and most eligible princes in the world. I think there might also be a “pretty but dumb” issue with Carl Philip. Yes, he’s hot, but he has kind of awful taste in women and he doesn’t seem to get that some women are using him. He’s dated several lingerie models, reality show famewhores and the like, and his current fiancée is keeping with that theme. Her name is Sofia Hellqvist. She was once named Slitz of the Year by a Swedish magazine that is like the equivalent of FHM or Maxim. Like, almost p0rn – they get ladies all greased up and in bikinis. While there’s nothing wrong with a lady doing whatever she wants to do with her body, there are issues with a “Slitz of the Year” with an extremely shady past marrying into the Swedish royal family. It would be like Prince Harry marrying Courtney Stodden – there would be ISSUES. You can read about some of Sofia’s past here.
Obviously, some of those issues have caused some rumors in and around the Swedish royal family. Many say that Queen Silvia and King Carl Gustaf are appalled by Carl Philip’s choice. Carl Philip’s sisters don’t seem especially happy for him either. What’s worse is that the royal family’s PR people have been trying to clean up Sofia’s image and sketchball history, but the more they try to clean it up, the more attention they end up drawing to just what an inappropriate choice Carl Philip has made. Allegedly, Sofia has even been receiving “princess lessons” a la Duchess Kate.
The big royal wedding is supposed to go down on June 13th, and I’m absolutely positive the whole thing is going to be an awkward mess. Princess Madeleine probably won’t even go, using the excuse that she’s due to give birth around then. Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel will probably have to go, but neither of them has issued a statement of support for their new sister-in-law. I can’t wait for all the wedding photos.
This was just announced over the weekend too – upon her marriage, Sofia is going to become a princess. Oh, good. Her official title will be HRH Princess Sofia, Duchess of Värmland. Duchess Kate is probably kicking herself right now – Kate’s past is a lot less shady and all Kate got was a duchess title. Sofia gets a princess AND a duchess title. All hail Princess Sofia.
Photos courtesy of WENN, Getty.
In that first picture, did she borrow Hillary Clinton’s inaugural gown from the Smithsonian?
Good eye!! I thought the same thing,
Good on her and her gold digging powers.
More importantly, what’s up with her teeth?
For someone whose name is ” Go Natural” you have a hard time recognizing natural teeth. Hollywood teeth are veneers, they’re fake as fake can be. This is what real teeth look like.
LOL. If they don’t look like filed-down Chiclets, they’re hideous!
Her teeth and face remind me a little of Anna Paquin.
She does look like Anna! I find both of their faces really annoying.
Agreed!!! When I did my page-long visual scan of story thumbnails, I got to this one and thought, “There’s Anna Paquin and some guy…”
Again, what is wrong with these european men. You can see this women is not a good catch. And lim I say, why I can I get a lucky as her.
Too bad they’re not good looking.
*quietly weeps into cronut*
Dumb question: Why didn’t Kate get the princess title?
She has. She is princess William
Adding reference to How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days to see how many CB’s get it. Can’t claim credit but I think it is funny.
I’ll show you my Princess Sofia if you show me yours
When Queen Elizabeth dies and Charles ascends the throne, Kate will be upgraded to the Princess of Wales (like Diana.)The Brits are funny with who they call a princess and who they don’t. Sophie, Countess of Wessex could go by Princess Edward (a good example is Princess Michael of Kent) and her daughter Louise is referred to as “Lady Louise” but she is technically Princess Louise as well. Similarly Camilla could go by Princess Camilla, as she is the Princess of Wales, but politically it is a bad move with her relationship to Diana.
Just a small correction – Camilla is NOT Princess Camilla. She is Princess Charles and Princess of Wales.
Another small clarification. William doesn’t automatically become Prince of Wales when/if Charles becomes king. Charles has to invest him as Prince of Wales.
I have always admired Queen Elizabeth and now even more. The Swedesh ongoing reality show pornfest is a great example why women who marry into the BRF are not given the title of Princess outright. Dear me, I bet the BRF are wiping their brows right now, “thank god we dodged that bullet”
As for HRH Miss Slitz , she will always be a princess in her own right. Barf bag please.
He must be a shallow d bag to only go after attention hungry girls. I always found him dreamy, but nothing kills that vibe more than when men only chase after physical beauty and want nothing more.
He’s probably very insecure. He doesn’t have a real job to prove himself, so he picks from his own kind. Girls who desperately need attention by doing all the wrong things.
Me! Me1 Me! Crap he’s engaged. Onward!
He looks like 50 shades of gray actor.
His previous serious girlfriend (Emma Pernald) wasn’t a fame wh0re — she’s supposedly sweet and very nice. Victoria and Madeleine (his whole family) ADORED her. His family was reportedly crushed when he broke up with Emma and started going out with Sofia…
There was a time the King was unhappy that Carl was not his heir due to laws changing, but he has to be thrilled about that now.
Agreed. Imagine King Douche and Queen Slitz. This wedding ought to be a mess.
He isn’t scandal-free. I can’t get links to go through, but look for the Telegraph article, Swedes in shock at King Carl Gustaf sex scandal.
I think the King Carl Gustaf is still somewhat pissed at that-he spoils his son and generally gave Victoria and her sister a really hard time. The douche did not fall from the douche tree with this one.
Since he had to get the king’s permission to marry-if CG hadn’t approved it never would have happened. But he LIKES the kind of women that his son dates. Those are the same women that he goes for. He put Daniel through the ringer for YEARS when Victoria wanted to marry him-but now Sofia comes along? Instant approval.
I’m going to be so happy when he finally abdicates and Victoria becomes queen. She’s a natural at it.
@L – I agree with everything you said! I LOVE Vik and Dan and Estelle.
Do you really think he will abdicate though? I think he said recently that he won’t step down. I also get the feeling he never will because he’s still hung up that CP won’t get the throne after him. He seems like a sexist a$$hole.
Isn’t he a drunk and a douche? Good luck to her, she will need it when he starts cheating on her with younger famewhores!
He has snuck around building codes multiple times, with a city apartment and country property. He stole someone else’s designs and produced them under his brand. Party boy prince with an entitlement complex is a good guess.
So what if she was a glamour model? Why is she supposed to regret that just because she is marrying a man who has a rich family? At least she had some sort of a job, unlike Kate the virgin-bride whose entire life revolves around making her seem as sexless and passive as possible. Sofia’s husband-to-be seems dimmer than a 5 watt bulb and the only thing going for him is his inherited title and looks, nothing about that should make her feel inferior in any sense.
Whatever KM’s faults, and everyone knows where I stand, thinking Sophia has a better past because she earned money the way she did? Glamour model is a nice term for it.
Thank you Bea. I read a couple of blogs, and the comments about this woman are awful. She has horrible teeth, she should get plastic surgery, she was a stripper, a porn star, you name it it’s been said. And these same people said she did it when she was under age and how horrible is that? Never mind that these same people think having sex with a teenager is child abuse and the parents should be taken out and flogged. Apparently Sofia’s parents don’t count in this scenario. Talk about slut shaming! Yet it’s OK here because, well, she’s going to be a princess!
Yeah, I’ve been pretty disgusted by what I’ve read. So what if she modeled nude and was named hot girl of the year. If her husband to be cares for her, why should we care. She seems like a puppy to me; trying really hard to please even though she keeps getting hit with the newspaper. I don’t think her past matters nearly as much as what she does in the future. If she starts hosting orgies in the palace and walking around Stockholm tarted up, then we’ll chat.
@bluehare + 1
I agree. 100%. Many people have a past. Everyone has some sort of skeleton. Is everyone supposed to be judged by their “wild years”? More than that, why do many of us women get so freaked out by other women who don’t shy away from sexuality? Homegirl had to pay the bills, she’s pretty, she made that work for her! And maybe like her betrothed, she’s not super bright, so going the academic route may not have been a choice for her.
I understand what you guys are saying, but shouldn’t people should be judged by what decisions they make or have made in the past? I agree that people should be able to do whatever they want (as long as they’re not hurting anyone) but that doesn’t mean there are no consequences. And I do – totally – think her parents should be blamed/criticized/punished for allowing her to pose nude when she was underage.
I don’t think she is a good role model or representative for the state – which will now be her role. I wouldn’t want my senator or president to be a past nude model or making out with p0rn stars or things like that. I’d rather that the role model for girls (and boys!) NOT be someone who took their clothes off to get ahead. Is that really too much to ask??
I also think the way she latched on to a charity for African children a bit sketchy as it appeared that she used them to rehabilitate her image…and then dropped the charity once she became engaged.
To answer one of your questions, inthekitchen: No, I don’t think anybody should be judged by decisions they made in their teens and twenties. Firstly because many dumb decisions are made when you’re still trying to figure out who you are; Secondly, we have no idea about her home life and why she might have made those decisions. But beyond that, what is so terrible about posing nude? Or in a bikini, or whatever it was? To continuously judge people based on their adolescent years, is, in a way, cruel. And, an aside thought: Many people who do judge people based on their past also claim to be “Good Christians.” This has always bothered me, because JC was all about “not judging people.” (I’m not saying that you’re a Christian or even mentioned religion; I’m just making an additional observation that has nothing to do with your comment.)
Inthekitchen, I think you’ve said it very well. There is a pattern to her behavior over years, it wasn’t a one-time thing. If you’ve read her comments about her disabled professor, they’ll give you pause. The way the African charity came about is very sketchy, both in the timeline and in where the money went.
Her parents are hard-working, middle class. Her mother is a politician and Republican (anti-monarchy). She continues to be close with her family. To me, nothing in there says abuse or a desperate need to make money to support the family.
She wanted to be famous, now she is. She made these choices, she’s said she has no regrets. She’s chosen to take a publicly-funded role and title as an unelected government rep, when she could have declined like Madeleine’s husband. That means she gets to live with people questioning those choices.
Shouldn’t people be judged more on who they have become than who they were in the past?
Also as for the royal family not approving I think I remember the queen saying that they had all been wondering why it was taking so long for him to propose to her.
The Queen left a Childhood event in NYC early, rushed back on an overnight flight, and barely made it to the engagement announcement. There are questions as to whether or not she knew it was going to happen, or if her husband told her last minute.
Representing a nation is a job, for which she’ll be recompensed in homes and apanage. She could have chosen to marry him, refused titles, and been a private citizen like Madeline’s husband. She chose the public role, or she and CP chose a public role for her together.
When you apply for a job, you are judged on what you’ve done in the past. Where you worked, what you did, how you did. What your co-workers, bosses, and clients say about you. What you did on the job, how you performed.
Whether or not it is fair or legal, now your social media history, health history, and even credit history are used by some potential employers to judge you. Or for your current employer to evaluate you. They use all of this to decide whether or not you are fit for the job, before you have a chance to prove yourself in the role.
That is how it works for everyone else when they apply for a job. Are we supposed to take her history completely off the table, because she’s marrying a prince and taking on a taxpayer-funded role?
So people shouldn’t ever be forgiven for making mistakes in judgment when they are young? I also disagree with slut shaming, which is what is being done to her.
@jmj424 – I certainly hope you’re not referring to me with the slut shaming comment because I definitely am not. But I also don’t want people who are ex-p0rn models as roles models for young children because I don’t think it’s something to be emulated. I’m sure most people who do that work wish they could be doing something else. I don’t think many people choose that career for the money or prestige or whatever but rather they do it because they have no other options. I’d rather than my nieces and nephews look up to scientists and artists and writers and people who use their brains instead of taking off their clothes to get ahead or marry big dumb, hairy, racecar-driving princes.
Honestly, I’d feel differently if she had been a nude model for an art class or did it as some sort of political statement or something. I guess I feel like she was old enough to know better but wanted to be famous. Maybe I’m just sick of reality stars who are willing to do anything for fame. The “need to be famous at any cost” mentality grosses me out and I lump her in that wanna-be-reality-star category.
With regard to your and bbg’s comments, I just don’t think people should get off scot-free from doing whatever the hell they want and it being brushed aside because they were in their teens and 20s. And, did I say anywhere in my comment that people shouldn’t be forgiven?? But, has she asked for forgiveness or acted like she made bad choices as a young person and has since tried to do better with her life? No. She stated that she’d do it all over again and has no regrets. Why should I waste my forgiveness on a person like that? I’ll save it for people who make bad choices and then regret it later. It’s kind of like Kate saying she doesn’t care what anybody else (except Will and her family) thinks of her work-shy past…well, you’re entering into a family where you’ll be supported by the public, so you’d BETTER care what other people think of you!
Of course I agree that the human brain isn’t fully formed by the legal “adult” age in most countries, but teenagers are also sent to fight wars, able to drive cars, vote, etc. so there has to be some level of responsibility and accountability. And, as notasugar notes, her behavior is a pattern that she continued into adulthood…so, does that get excused too? Where is the line drawn?
This was kind of all over the place because I kept going back to add things…so I hope I’m making sense
“I just don’t think people should get off scot-free from doing whatever the hell they want and it being brushed aside because they were in their teens and 20s.”
But who did she hurt? Genuine question. She didn’t beat people up, she didn’t rob anyone, she just posed for a magazine.
From what I’ve read if anyone should be called on the carpet it’s her parents for allowing her to pose nude before she was an adult. You can also make a case for who better to work with vulnerable young women who are at risk for, or have been sexually exploited. There’s not much that speaks louder than what’s said by someone who’s been there. And I could make a case for exploitation with her if her parents either encouraged or allowed her to do this.
She says she regrets nothing. I don’t think that makes her a positive a role model for vulnerable children or those who have been exploited.
But then you’re telling her that she has no right to feel how she wants about her own lived experience.
I think the issue is that divided public sentiment will likely undermine her effectiveness in fulfilling her public role as a representative of the people.
Um, when did Carl Philip ever date several lingerie or reality show famewhores?
He was with Emma Pernald for 9 years and after that with Sofia.
Also why is she not suitable? Because royals are sooo much better people than non royal people??
Yes, she was a reality show contestant. But so f*cking what? Princess Mette Marit of Norway has a partygirl and drug past, but she does a good job now. The things you do in your late teens/ early twenties don´t define you who you are as a person. It´s not your whole story. Lots of people f*ck up in life, but they learn from it, better themselves and move on. Thats life. Why are you being so judgemental?
Also, if the King and Queen weren´t okay with his choice, they would not have given her the princess title. But I guess it makes a better and easier story that Sofia is so scandalous and tricked poor Carl Philip into marrying her
Ditto all of this. Sofia isn’t just “his latest fling” they’ve been together many years. She has a great body and she paid her own bills using it. Not everyone has a shady rich Uncle to foot their living expenses while they wait for a ring.
Umm, that means if one is a great prostitute and pays bills by using her/his body, their behavior should be applauded?
@anon321 The point is you shouldn’t be making it your business to judge people on what they do with their own body.
Ditto all of this. Sofia isn’t just “his latest fling” they’ve been together many years. She has a great body and she paid her own bills using it. Not everyone has a shady rich Uncle to foot their living expenses while they wait for a ring.
Should have read further down, mint. I did just get a nice rant off my chest though.
Ditto. And I remember she attended Madeline’s wedding with CP and everyone said that meant she was accepted by the family.
The King (and Queen) have only ceremonial powers in Sweden — titles are approved and conferred by the government.
So she was on a reality show and posed in bikinis? Doesn’t mean she’s not a nice person. Maybe the Swedish aristocracy is similar to Britain’s and they don’t want to marry a royal – the official duties, acting proper and media scrutiny are all too much when they already have such privledged lives.
She didn’t only appear on a reality show and posed in bikinis. She posed without any clothes on many times, beginning aged 16. Her pictures are classified as pornographic by Google.
Concerning the charity she supposedly founded -she actually didn’t – the first donations went straight to her personal bank account, as Swedish journalist found out.
From what I’ve read of her, it sounds like the issue isn’t that she’s a bikini model and went on a reality show, it’s more that she seems like she wanted to be famous and did everything in her power to do so and only stopped using her sexuality to do so when she met Carl. I think the fervor wouldn’t be as intense if it were someone like Candice Swanepoel, who’s an underwear model but doesn’t seem as thirsty.
Actually he dated a nice lady for 10 years…then switched to sofia. She’s the only nude model he’s dated. She’s also bragged about making out with porn star Jenna Jameson (maybe that’d where you’re confused about more than 1). Her Miss Slitz interview is hilarious: demure is not a word to describe her. The new HRH will go on to meet foreign dignitaries, nobel winners and be a formal representative of Sweden. My sympathies to the people she now “represents” (I assume you all revoke the privilege of being represented by Ms Slitz)
“What exactly are “Princess lessons”? And do all non royals mandatorily need to take those? Were Queen Maxima, Mary of demark, Leitizia os Spain etc made to undergo those as well??
And considering Duchess Kate can’t deliver a short speech without notes, how good can those lessons be?
there is only ONE princess Sofia and she on Disney.
I wouldn’t compare her to Courtney Stodden, that is way over the line. Sofia was a mens magazine model, not a trashy mess.
^she actually did full nude (low brow) modeling that is less talked about. They just try to brush it off as a one time bikini model phase, but she did it for many years. Followed by realty tv dating show. Followed by rich-man hunting in nyc (she kept a blog….the Internet never forgets).
I have no issue with her past (more issues with her parents letting her nude model at 16), but As I’m not Swedish, this family doesn’t represent me, my taxes won’t go to her house/wallet (CP gets an allowance from the king that comes from public money). The king has enough scandals of his own. I’m not sure if this monarchy will make it another generation.
I don’t get the hate, she’s no “worse” than most current European princesses/queens by marriage when it comes to so-called scandal and suitability. There was Maximas father, Mette-Marits coked-up past (or something like that), whatever issue they had with Letizia (I think her only mistake was being divorced), etc. And let’s not forget that Daniel “the fitness coach” wasn’t suitable either. Kate was the only one vanilla enough to pass. They all turned out more than fine and if all this girl has done is earn money in a completely legal way then I say she’s more accomplished than Waity. Waity never footed her own bill, did she?
ETA: And btw, we all witnessed the last time royals tried to pick the perfect blue-blooded virginal wife for a future monarch. That didn’t turn out great for anyone involved.
littlemissnaughty — I was just thinking the same thing, so thanks for writing it so clearly.
I was also going to mention that an older couple i knew in Germany, whose home was not far from my village, were retired industrialist megamillionaires, very rich, very smart and also very pleasant and down to earth. They were thisclose with the Swedish Royal family. Ski trips, family events, dinner in Munich when in town as they knew them from their life in Sweden. They didn’t make a big deal of it, it just was. The families shared a lot of interests. The retired man was interested in “green” inventions etc. So the King would come out to his German estate to see what the man had come up with re farming, water use, seed development, machinery, etc.
The wives would cook, share books, shop, nip down to Austria to ski. Friends.
Anyway….I got the impression from the wife, who was half Swedish, that the kids (wjho were close with her kids from childhood on) were maybe not….quite scholars. Got it? Quite nIce, but. She didn’t badmouth them; I just happened to be there having tea on a Sunday when her son called and relayed some crazy tale and then she sort of paraphrased it to me, and looked concerned and sighed and sort of shrugged, like, ah, that’s Carl. We know Carl. What can you do?
So, maybe this is fine. And just right for him. He’s happy with the right girl and maybe she’s a Slitz with a heart of gold. And as you say, at least she tried to work on her own. To quote from a February 2015 New Yorker article about life in Sweden, “……[on the radio] Icona Pop sings, “We’re just living life, and we never stop,” and that is what Sweden now means to Viggo. Freedom to follow your talents. ”
And frankly who knows what Uncle Gary did/does to finance the Middleshanks lifestyle?
The Swedish “royal” family is such a joke anyway. The heir to the throne married her trainer and the second in line married a former pr0n model. Par for the course if you ask me.
What’s wrong with marrying somebody you actually love instead somebody chosen for you because s/he has the right background.
While I don’t mind Sofia or her past, I can see why some people might have a problem with her.
But Daniel? He’s the best thing that could happen to Victoria and the Swedish Royal Family.
And looking down on him because he was a trainer (and pretty successfull businessman btw.) makes you look pretty shallow.
That’s my point, the Swedes didn’t bother trying to find anyone from a ‘good’ background because their entire family’s claim to be “royal blood” is a joke.
How are a self-made middle class businessman and a wealthy fund manager not from good backgrounds?
“Slitz of the Year”. OMG. That is a hell of a title to give up.
Look I’m from and currently living in Sweden so maybe I’m biased but Sofia is an awesome woman
She has worked for a long time with kids in need in other countries and keeps on doing so today.
I will never feel embarassed of having her as a princess of my country but then I’m not very interested in royals so maybe I’ve missunderstood something
No, you haven’t misunderstood. You’re just very mature and that’s a pretty awesome thing to be.
And Madeleine and Sylvia works with kids that need help as well and Victoria has been interested in all kinds of charity I don’t see how thats a joke
No offense I just don’t.
Yeah I’m not sure where the “he dated lingerie models for years” comment came from. I researched Carl Philip quite awhile before this site started covering him. The only girlfriends he’s known to have had are Emma, the girl he dated for about a decade, and then Sofia, whom he started dating soon after. Obviously Sofia has done some questionable things with the whole posing nude but she is the only reality star person Carl Philip has dated that we know of.
I always wondered what happened to Emma. Was she the one to break off the relationship?
Amy M ,we don’t know she just said they choose to go their own separete ways
Carl-Philip and Emma started dating pretty young, and I got the impression that their relationship just run its course, nothing dramatic.
And you’re right, he never “dated lingerie models for years”. I think he has always been surprisingly shy guy, and I also think it’s telling that he found Sofia relatively soon after his previous relationship. He could have chosen to live careless bachelor prince life many years, but he didn’t.
Sofia seems somewhat a gold digger, but I’ve also seen far worse cases. I wouldn’t say she is “extremely shady”, I think her actions were just bad taste plus being young&stupid. Also she’s perhaps not the brightest, but neither is Carl-Philip, so they might suit each other well.
I don’t believe their June wedding is going to be some awkward mess. I would guess it’s going to be actually quite low key, almost boring in a way.
I loved the story on the Swedish Royals. A welcome change from all of the Windsor gossip. (Unless it’s about Harry, of course)! Please keep up with the Swedish Royal gossip; the more we hear, the more we will love it. Such scandal! Who could resist?
I second this. Swedens family has such a large gossip buffet too. More more.
A million thanks to Kaiser for this….I love reading about the Swedish (and other European) royals!! This wedding is going to be some kind of epic.
Wow, she should write a book or something, on how to define the odds and marry a prince no matter what you did in the past. Good for her! She reinvented herself and showed that anything can happen.
But who wants to be Swedish royalty, though? Seems like a pretty boring job.
I wouldn’t want to be royalty anywhere, but if I had to choose I would rather marry into the dutch or one of the scandinavian Royal Houses than most of the others.
Several points:
1. this is old news – they’ve been dating and living together for ages. Her image was PR-ed after their first anniversary. Since then she has behaved impeccably, not posed nude or naked, and has done a lot for charity.
2. Both Carl Gustav and Parliament approved Carl Philip’s choice. If not, there would be no engagement.
3. She has been invited to his nieces’ christenings and sisters’ weddings, so I doubt Victoria and Madeleine do not like her.
4. Kate is a Princess – just not by Blood. She is Her Royal Highness Princess William Arthur Philip Louis, Duchess of Cambridge, and the rest of William’s titles. She is known as HRH The Duchess of Cambridge because that is William’s highest ranking title. Only the daughter of a Prince can be a Princess Name.
5. Sofia receives CP’s titles in the female form because that is how the Swedish Royal Family rolls. Daniel Westling was created a Prince of Sweden upon marriage to the Crown Princess, so as not to outrank her (make titles always outrank female ones). He also took his wife’s male style of Duke of Whatever.
Madeleine’s husband refused any title and citizenship because he wanted to remain a private citizen. Their children will be Princes/esses of Sweden and possibly receive ducal titles because women pass their titles, especially when you’re the Monarch’s daughter. Princess Leonore, though born in NYC received a ducal title of her own and will remain a Princess of Sweden as long as she is raised in Sweden after her fourth birthday. Their second child will be born in Sweden.
6. I’m tired of every single female royal being compared to Kate.
Thank you. Nice to read a post that is factual and correct about titles etc
This is a classical example of bad reasearch:
1) Carl Philip is not stupid. He had a hard time in school because he suffers from dyslexia. So does the Crown Princess.
2) He has only dated one bikini model and that is Sofia. She also stared in a reality show.
3) The Crown Princess did not marry a personal trainer. He was a business man before and owned a whole chain of exclusive gyms.
I’m swedish but a republican but even I feel I have to defend when I read the bunch of lies written above. I may not like the monarchy but I think they are ok people, especially the Crown Princess.
Daniel was a personal trainer. The royals gave him a bunch of gyms to run so that he would look less common. Nice try, though.
Yeah right!
Like I said I’m not a royalist but I really don’t think they’re bad people. Princess Madeleine seems to be a boring and lazy snob and the King is (or used to be) a horny b*stard, but the others, including Sofia, seem to be ok.
Nahh, he met her because she was his drug dealer. Nice one.
It becomes more and more obvious how unmodern monarchy is. Here we have a bunch of royals, stupider than most, just look at their choice of partners, a personal trainer, a porn model. I´d say that the only hope for this family is to be removed from their position. The longer they stay, the more we get to see the extent of their shortcomings. And don´t forget Silvias nazi father, and Carl Gustafs nazi relatives as well….
Couldn’t agree more. As a Swede I’m extremely embarrassed for the royal family, but I guess this is one step further along the path to republic, which will not be one day too soon. This whole monarchy crap is just so dated and turning a p*rn model into a princess makes you realize how ridiculous it is. They have tried to whitewash Sofia by simply not acknowledging her past and inventing a charity career, but she remains trash. And don’t get me started on Silvia and CG’s nazi relatives.
I’ve been keeping my eye on this family. Some royalist who loathe this woman will have a melt down worst than any Twihard fan. I’m loving how these “unworthy commoners” have been getting the last laugh over their naysayers. I will tune in someway just to see her give that sh*teating grin to the public like Kate did at her wedding.
WOW , me to haha
Kate is a princess, she simply goes by Duchess, officially. And all I have to say is: Alas, poor Swedish monarchy. Poor Victoria. I’m embarrassed for her most of all.
NOOOOO!!!!! Why Carl Philip???!! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO GET MARRIED??!!! #fangirlmode T__T. Ok fangirl mode aside, I hope they will live happily ever after and not end up like Fergie dan Prince Andrew. HA
*honk for the Swedish royals*
Also, at least she got paid to show her bits. Kate flashes her ass for free.
She gives off a very low rent vibe. Not classy or regal at all. Maybe it’s the awful taste in clothes or the animal teeth.
Hahaha, seriously where do you get this crap from? I live in Sweden and noone here gives a shit about here background. She was young and stupid but now she’s dling a realky goid job with childrebs charities in Africa. She seems quite smart.