Iggy Azalea says people only hate her because it’s the ‘cool’ thing to do

Iggy Azalea

A few days ago, I talked about how Iggy Azalea pulled out of the Pittsburgh Pride parade after protests by LGBT groups. She’s now been replaced by Nick Jonas, who said, “I had to find a way to help.” An interesting backstory — Nick was scheduled to open for Iggy on her arena tour. He pulled out months ago, and she couldn’t find a new opening act. No one wanted to sign onto this mess, which was one of several reasons why Iggy’s whole tour was cancelled. Iggy tried to explain the situation as as needing time off. But Iggy’s team wouldn’t have ditched her very first arena tour if ticket sales were strong.

Star magazine presents another reason why Iggy decided to stay home. Pregnancy!

Iggy Azalea’s $500,00 engagement ring may be Fancy, but it looks liek her recent betrothal to NBA star Nick “Swaggy P” Young may have some very pragmatic roots. “There are whispers in their group of friends that Iggy is pregnant,” says a source close to the singer. “She’s quit drinking and is always nauseous. Everything thinks this is the real reason she cancelled her tour.”

[From Star, print edition, June 22, 2015]

Maybe Iggy is pregnant, who knows. This could be a planted story by her team. Meanwhile, remember how Iggy quit social media? Those days are over. Iggy can’t stop tweeting, which means more trouble is on the horizon. Yesterday saw a flurry of entries, and here are some of them. She still thinks she’s a “good” rapper, you can tell:

(1) also i got some kind of laser skin peel thing a few days ago and now i look like “two face” from batman.

(2) my fish is named timothy

(3) its really tough to stick by someone when the “cool” thing is to hate on them. thanks to everyone who made the choice to stand by me.

(4) one thing iam thankful for is how strong its made my relationship with the amazing man iam going to marry.

(5) Also im making a book. i guess you could say its a coffee table book… its all pictures. my friend Brock Fetch has been taking them for me

(6) obviously the tour isnt happening but brock and i figured that shouldnt mean we stop documenting stuff. BTS of life not just the stage.

(7) i love all the old authentic, warm, candid pictures that make you feel like you could close your eyes and be there.

(8) @buterascrowns not really other than that i scraped an entire 6 months of work and started totally new

(9) @Chillinlaidback its too early to tell yet exactly how things will sound overall, but im not looking to abandon my identity.

[From Iggy Azalea on Twitter]

Iggy covered lots of ground here. She discussed her red-faced salon visits. She mentions scrapping her whole album to start fresh. I’ve heard whispers that Iggy might drop her fake accent for the next album, but that probably won’t happen. Oh, and the coffee table book sounds sketchy. Iggy wants to include a bunch of old-timey photos, which would be pics from before her obvious plastic surgeries. Maybe she’ll simply use some Instagram filters to achieve the same effect on new photos.

Iggy Azalea

Iggy Azalea

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN

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42 Responses to “Iggy Azalea says people only hate her because it’s the ‘cool’ thing to do”

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  1. Div says:

    Igloo Australia is incredibly problematic, obnoxious, and straight up delusional. However, it does kind of amaze me that some people condemn her but are okay with Katy Perry (who had much more problematic aspects about LGBQT people in her past)….aka the woman who sang a song titled “Ur so Gay” which had lyrics like “hang yourself with your H & M scarf.” I was just thinking about this because there’s a Jezebel blogger who has been gunning hard for her, and covered the Pittsburgh Pride Parade, but has stanned over Katy in the past. Honestly, I think Iggy’s career is toast because she’s a one trick pony but IF she ever wants to try and recover her career she needs to learn to shut up and to go away for a while before returning with an apology. People like Iggy don’t know how to shut up though.

    • We Are All Made of Stars says:

      Are you seriously comparing a cheeky song with the lyrics “You’re so gay and you don’t even like boys” to someone who has apparently made openly racist and bigoted remarks about various groups on Twitter in the not so distant past? I don’t follow Azalea so I’m going on heresay for this one. I’m in no way saying that using the word gay as a pejorative equivalent to “metrosexual” is in any way enlightened, I’m just saying that it’s not in the same ballpark as making unabashedly racist statements in a completely serious fashion.

    • Lola says:

      I don’t listen to Katy Perry (thank god!) so I’m shocked that such a song exists.

      • FingerBinger says:

        Listen to the song. It’s tongue in cheek. You can’t compare that song to Iggy’s tweets.

    • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

      I feel like that song is mocking hipsters more than actual gay people but I do agree gay shouldn’t be an adjective, especially a negative one.

      She does say some racially unacceptable stuff though, in ‘This Is How We Do’ she sings about getting her nails done “All Japanesy”.

  2. Linn says:

    Maybe it’s cool to hate her because she has done a lot of hateable things, did that thought never occured to her?

  3. Snowpea says:

    I can’t work out what’s wrong with this chick’s eyes. Are they like that naturally or did she order the Kenny Rogers eye lift at the surgeon’s office?

  4. Tristan says:

    Poor Iggy, seems like her 15 minutes are fast coming to an end

  5. Ellecommelejour says:

    As much as I can not stand her! I feel bad for her. She seems to be heading straight onto depression road. 🙁

    • kdlaf says:

      Yeah, delusion AND depression cant be a good mix. This also makes me feel like she really does not have anyone sane or not self-serving in her circle. Even though her music and personality suck it is quite sad…

      • iwannagetdrunk says:

        But what about “Fancy”? Am I the only one around here who thinks that’s a good song?

      • Bridget says:

        I thought Fancy’s success could be attributed to Charlie XCX, not Iggy. Just me?

  6. The Eternal Side-Eye says:

    Yes Iggy, it’s that it’s cool and not the dozens of things you’ve done wrong. You are such a wimp and I’m surprise you (or your handlers) picked rap/hip hop because you are so delicate and sensitive to criticism and being challenged.

    The racist comments, the lame fake accent, the BADDD rapping – all of that doesn’t even exist because everyone just doesn’t understand your special version of struggle.

    I will say that when news of the women who pretended to be black and created a whole fake identity broke yesterday the “We found Iggy’s Mom” comments made me laugh even with all my anger.

    • PhenomenalWoman says:

      +1000 on the Iggy comments.

      Even though people were losing their minds about the NAACP woman faking her blackness, I just laughed and laughed. Seriously?? That’s a thing? We can’t even have that??

      • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

        Lol, I got mostly mad at the people who were trying to give her a pass and say, “Well if she wants to identify as black, she should be able to. It’s like being transgender”

        Once the Twitter jokes rolled in I calmed down and got some real laughs.

  7. Dash says:

    As an Australian, I’m sorry. It’s so rare for an Aussie singer to do so well internationally. I wish it could have been someone else. At least we still have Sia.

    • We Are All Made of Stars says:

      Hahaha, but I’m sure you guys have Kardashians and other fools from outside your country shoved down your throats too. It’s mutual!

    • Adrien says:

      No worries. we’ll send you Chet Haze to be even.

    • WR says:

      Courtney Barnett is Australian and doing well internationally (on the indie scene that is)

  8. Yoohoo says:

    She looked so much better before her nose job. I wish she’d start messing with her face.

  9. grabbyhands says:

    Oh, I don’t hate her because it is the cool thing to do, I dislike her because she is a two faced, culture appropriating, racist homophobe.

    • SnarkGirl says:

      This. Plus, she can’t even rap. So a no-talent, racist, homophobic – not to mention arrogant- person wonders why no one likes her? I suspected that she’s dumb as dirt, but this really proves it.

    • Kitten says:


      And yeah, she sounds so uneducated…poor girl can barely string a sentence together.

    • WR says:

      I never dislike someone for making music I don’t enjoy. The reason I started disliking Iggy was because she gave this response when called out about her offensive tweets “there was a time when my twitter was just for my friends and family to see. just like yours probably is now.” As if that made the tweets ok. She lacks self-awareness and seems to have no idea why people are mad at her. Anyone who criticizes her is automatically a “hater” and she lashes out at them even when the criticisms are valid. It was her own attitude that drove away many fans.

  10. Tiffany27 says:

    Her downfall is delicious. Like a slice of apple pie with ice cream.

  11. Mia V. says:

    Iggy, Iggy/ you’re not tha cool/ take the back seat/ and stop acting like a fool.

  12. Navel Linty says:

    I hate her because she looks like a cheap blowup sex doll

  13. lucy says:

    She wouldn’t know cool if it fell on her head.

  14. Tiffany says:

    It seems that she does not know the difference between hate and indifference. The indifference is that there are not enough people out there who care if she succeed. She can fade into the fog and people will not care or wonder where she is. I don’t hate her as beyond the comments here on CB, I don’t put enough effort into mad mouthing her and there are more people out there than fans. For some people, indifference can sting as much as hatred and while she might not know that, her management does.

  15. Corey says:

    She sounds like one of these insecure people where one person makes a snippy remark about them and it turns into “EVERYONE thinks I look like two face” I personally wouldn’t even be aware of all these insults toward her if she wasn’t posting them online all the time. She reminds me of a manager I had that was obsessed with knowing every bad word that an employee said about her and would get all huffy when she heard something she didn’t like. We were allowed to have fun but on her terms. It was a dictatorship. Anyway I digress. I hope this is all an act to keep herself in the news and hopefully she’s not reall this crazy insecure.

  16. Me too says:

    Did she get cheek implants as well?

  17. lile says:

    Awww. Actually people don’t like her cuz she is fake AF. Being the cool thing to do is just an added benefit!

  18. Nonny says:

    That ass………!