This incident makes me sad because I haven’t had a reason to write about Shia LaBeouf since April (when he was feeling “enslaved” as a movie star ). And he’s usually only in the press when something bad happens. He had been acting bizarre in public for quite some time and got arrested for his drunken meltdown on Broadway last year. He also urinated in public before possibly heading to rehab.
Things calmed down for Shia, although I’ll always side-eye someone who slashed their on face to be “method.” Shia seemed to throw himself into fitness as a form of therapy. Then his model girlfriend, Mia Goth, began wearing an engagement-style ring. A few months passed, and now Shia has reportedly injured Mia in a “violent” altercation. The two were in Germany together, and several local papers reported on the incident. Buzzfeed did all the translation legwork, and I’m preserving the original source links in their text:
Transformers star Shia LaBeouf was involved in a violent fight with his girlfriend, British actor Mia Goth, in Germany on Friday, the newspaper Bild reported.
Goth, 22, was in Tubingen, Germany on Friday to film an upcoming horror movie. She and the 29-year-old LaBeouf, who are rumored to be engaged, were screaming at each other as they exited a taxi outside a hotel, German media reported.
One witness told Bild that Goth was pulling on LaBeouf’s backpack for him to stay, and LaBeouf told her that he did not want to become aggressive with her. LaBeouf appeared to be under the influence, the witness said.
After breaking up the fight, a group of locals drove LaBeouf to the airport, Bild reported. While in the car, he allegedly said that if he had stayed, he would have killed Goth, the tabloid reported.
The fight left him with an injured hand, possibly from punching a wall, and Goth was seen the following day with a black eye, Pure Stars reported.
[From Buzzfeed]
How scary. Locals had to break up the fight, and then Shia (allegedly) told them he would have killed Mia! It also sounds like he’s drinking again. Thank goodness there were people around to break up the fight, but not before Mia ended up with a black eye. Shia needs to get some help, and Mia needs to get out of this relationship. Now.
Photos courtesy of WENN
Run, girl.
Absolutely right! The biggest non negotiable thing in any relationship is physical assault. The second your partner, male or female raises his or her hand to you is the second you need to end it. There is no excuse for tolerating physical violence & any person who hits you once & gets away with it, will almost cerainly do it again. By the sound of the report, the two of them have a dysfunctional, codependent relationship they both need to bring to an end
Tolerating violence? It’s not their fault.
Actually, violence of ANY kind is a deal breaker. While it is not a competition for which is more awful – they are both potentially deadly – Emotional violence is a more silent and discrete killer of the soul.
I think if more people were intolerant of the emotional kind from the start, physical violence would be less common because those relationships wouldn’t last long enough for that to inevitably raise its ugly head.
My first thought as well. Run, run as fast and as far as you can! He has serious issues that he needs to resolve within himself and until he does I don’t think he’s safe to be around.
If he says he will kill you, believe him.
Yup!! If he says he’s going to kill you, believe it.
Reading this gave me chills, but it’s so true.
I wish we could put that in bold, sadly some threats are only idle until the person makes good on them.
@Tristan: It’s easy to see/say this when you’re not the one in the relationship. Women in abusive relationships never see it that way. I was one, and I knew it wasn’t healthy, but my ex husband had me cut off from all my friends and would convince me he was all I had. I know that doesn’t sound plausible, but for eight years I let it go on; it’s not always abusive, they can be very charming and persuasive/apologetic in the “honeymoon stage” in between abuse…it’s a very vicious cycle. I think it gives you a very warped perception of what the relationship is/should be. I also think only the strongest women can make it out. I hope Mia will be one of them.
@ Deb: Well put. This is one of the most difficult things to explain–the abused woman is one of us. She isn’t weaker, dumber, more naïve–she really IS us. Congrats on getting out.
Why did none of these extremely helpful locals call the police???
yeah, I was thinking “they drove him to the airport? why not the police station?”
Did no one here watch the video? There was no huge fight. I know Shia’s a mess and was expecting god knows what but really, he was just telling her over and over to give him his backpack so he can go cause he doesn’t want to hurt her, and not in a “give it to me or else” manner at all. He genuinely wanted to get out of there and people who saw this told Mia to give the backpack back to him so he can go.
From my own experience, people view it as a private matter. Their help does not extend in a way where they would be involved too. Going to the police means you have to give a statement etc. I see it at work where there is a man that can be sacked immediately if people speak out about his (sexual) harassment but they don’t want to be seen as ‘causing trouble’. He doesn’t even hold a high position so nobody’s job is threatened. I filed a complaint but nobody ever talks about it in my face (yet they gossip behind my back). People are weak imo.
It sounds like the locals saw MIa holding onto him trying to prevent him from leaving, they may not have realized that he had hit her. I think we should be thankful that they stepped in and stopped it and not judge them for not calling the police.
He yelled about being close to killing her if they didn’t step in, that’s a huge red flag and reason enough to call the cops! Do people not read?
He put his hands on her and basically admitted he is capable of KILLING his gf!
From the report above, it sounds like he said that when he was already in the car with the bystanders. Most likely they figured getting him out and away, and de-escalating the fight, was the best course of action,
If the verbal(!) fight was dissolved then why would you call the police if none of the ones involved in the fight wanted the police?
Shouting at each other happens and as long as it is more of a kind of an insolated incident then why involving the police? Police really shouldn’t have to solve each and every lover’s quarrel. Involving police in what is a private relationship is hardly ever the best solution.
Yeah, I know, treat people respectfully and don’t shout at them. But honestly, shouting happens. Solve the conflict and excuse. And if the shouting happens too often then split. But police isn’t really helpful. Not sure there is a law against shouting at each other.
P.S. I searched for the pics with Mia’s black eye … found none.
Um, it was described as “violent” and both had injuries. Nice of you to take up for a man who assaults his girlfriend though.
1. Senabar, do read my comment properly. I expect you to be that nice, dear.
2. No, I do not belittle physical violence, though you try to put that into my comment. Rather shabby, my dear.
3. I stand by my statement that not all shouting matches require police interference.
4. The physical violence is rumoured and there are no pics and no police statements.
You could also read the article. You make a lot of inferences, so here is one I will make: if your “lovers quarrel” is so bad that complete strangers feel the need to intervene and remove you from the situation, police should probably be called.
Oh Mia, get out. The “tortured artist” types loose their appeal when they begin to torture you.
How true & well said. Get out Mia.
So true. He is garbage. He’s had everything handed to him and this is the person he’s become.
Isn’t it sad and scary and infuriating? I feel like I grew up with this kid, watching him on Even Stevens (not ashamed). And I just want to shake him. Come on! If you can openly admit that you had to stop yourself from killing your girlfriend, you know it’s time to get yourself some serious help.
Same here. He was such a talented kid who turned into a bastard of a man.
girl needs to get out of that relationship and get herself some eyebrows
Pretty much what I wanted to say. Eyebrow pencil, woman! It should be your best friend.
I mean, she’s in an abusive relationship and she’s super young but yeah, let’s focus on her eyebrow game.
Her eyebrows are hardly the focus. And let’s re examine the title of the site…
She should get out of the relationship. She should seek safety. I and others can want this for her and have an opinion about her eyebrows. It’s not choosing to care more about her eyebrows over her safety.
No dear, enya’s comment was literally all about the eyebrows.
And the title of the site is celebitchy not celebdemonic, so that doesn’t help.
I can’t help, but feel using “dear” was condescending.
So, i’m bowing out, but stand by my comment. Discussing the eyebrows doesn’t mean that’s all considered worthy of thought.
Hi FLORC – I always enjoy your comments and insight to the subject. I just wanted to thank you!!
Sean Penn Junior, y’all.
He’s on #allthedrugs right now. What a long lasting meltdown.
I think that guy has a mental problem that he tries to cover up with alcohol or other substances.
Right. He’s not an animal who should be throw up under the jail at all.
Yeah I’m getting some shades of Amanda Bynes with this guy.
He needs some major help. Wasn’t he saying that he’d been raped at one point as well? I agree with the idea that he’s covering up the issues with drugs or drinking. And it’s a shame – he can be such a great actor. But the guys seriously hurting, and needs to get help. I still look at him and see Louis Stevens, and it’s sad. So many child actors have gone through so many things that they never should have had to deal with.
I don’t know if he got raped before, but if you mean his art stunt – don’t get me started.
Yes, he needs help. There are photos of him looking all dirty and lost, he clearly has a lot to deal with.
And, she needs to dump him asap.
So does everyone else who gets smashed and beats up women. But we put them in jail. This guy is gonna go to a mental hospital instead of prison when he finally crosses the line so hard no one can pretend it’s cute. Sad that the rich get better treatment than everyone else.
I think so too. I don’t want to trot out the B word but there’s no question that he has issues that need to be addressed and fast.
I’ve always gotten the impression that while he has some serious substance issues, there’s also always been a need for him to be a volatile, tortured artist. It strikes me as extreme self-indulgence.
Mia, run for your life. It’s never a good idea to stay with any person who puts their hands on their SO that way.
She’s very young too. She has lots of time to live her life, meet other people. Hooking up at 22 in a “permanent” relationship cuts off so much of life she won’t be experiencing. The best thing for her would be to get out of there asap.
She’s 22 but they’ve been together since 2012.
I used to feel sad for him because he has obvious mental health issues but being domestic abuse is inexcusable. He needs to be locked up.
There’s a girl on ONTD who also says he’s cheating on Mia with her. Always claims he’s single when they hook up so who knows what Mia truly means to him. Not a fat lot I assume. The girl knows he’s playing her and says he’s quite normal, he’s a real manipulative bastard.
According to one of the linked articles, that’s what he said they were fighting about. That he confessed to Mia that he was cheating on her. And then he tried to call Megan Fox????
He tried to Facetime Fox when he was driven to the airport. God knows why…
He was def. drunk and/or high in the car. Maybe he wanted to impress the guys driving him, or they asked about her.
Sadly you can cross out the ‘allegedly’ from the article. The footage of the incident was all over the news on German Television over the weekend. You can hear him saying: I would have killed her if I’d stayed!
Therandom locals tried to calm him down and offered him a ride to the airport. They told the media that Shia was seen smoking a lot of weed and that he smelled like he drank a lot of alcohol. Poor Mia!
There’s footage?!?!
This is more than alcoholism, far more. I know 22 year old girls tend to think they are the smartest, most intuitive, deepest ever…but believe me Mia, you’re a fool. You would be better off on your own for the rest of your life than with this guy. Wake up before it is too late.
Yes, there is footage of the whole fight outside the building that they have left (where you can see Mia holding on to Shia trying to prevent him from leaving), the car ride to the airport and the drop-off at the airport. Shia even took a selfie with the guys that drove him and said ‘if you ever visit LA I’ll pick you guys up and you can sleep over at my place as if NOTHING happened. I was always a Shia defender but domestic violence is beyond my understanding an acceptance.
Here is a German website where you can find the footage. I’m unsure if you can open it outside of Europe though:
Thanks. I couldn’t get the video to work but I imagine TMZ will have it in a few hours anyway. :-/
If I were an actress of any power/influence (hell, or an actor!) I would refuse to work with him. He’s dangerous. He needs to demonstrate stability and sobriety for several years before I’d consider it.
Thank you for the link. I have a mix of emotions. I’ve never liked a celebrity that then was violent with a woman. This incident colors every inkling of compassion I have for him. I hope he gets locked up in a mental/drug rehab that actually helps him heal. His breakdown makes him a menace and there’s enough tragedy in the world already.
Okay. I didn’t know about the rumors about his attraction to young girls or making them do degrading things. This is all very upsetting.
The craziest part of that footage is him trying to Facetime Meghan Fox in the middle of the whole ordeal. What in blackout hell?
Im over this douchebag ya’ll he needs, rehab, a shower a haircut and two eat pray love styles trips away from everyone…also if the rumors are true about what attracts him to this girl’s “looks” he could go on some serious aversion therapy and whatnot
+1 LOL at the “Eat Pray Love” trips. I have always really admired Shia’s acting talent – he was really fantastic in that movie about bootleggers (along with Tom Hardy) – but I’m so over all this. Get some help, please Shia. Totally agree that it’s a mental health issue and that he’s self-medicating as mentally ill people so often do.
People throw around “mental health issue” way too much. Being an eccentric asshole or an addict or having “demons” does not make someone “sick”. He’s not psychotic, he’s not out of touch of reality and he never managed to knock out all these males actors he butted heads with. The psychoanalysis and tea and sympathy here for him is nauseating and I actually used to like him.
I agree with everything you said it … But I never like him
@QQ What is the rumor on why he’s attracted to her? Thanks!
well Launica, it’s been said in a lot of items that basically THAT is what appeals to him about her that she looks like a kid and has made her do and put her in pretty degrading situations, much as he did the previous girl
Thanks @QQ! Ewwwwwww…
Could you elaborate on the whole rumors surrounding his attraction to her and why it means he needs aversion therapy thing? Does it have to do with rumors about him and his mom?
my guess is that it’s because she permanently looks about 13 years old max.
@the_blonde_one: Eww, it looks like your guess is right .
He will either kill someone or get himself killed.
Not surprised. He’s such a d-bag. Can’t believe anyone would actually date him.
I can’t believe anyone hires him to be in a movie. He is not that good of an actor. Many actors who have been in movies with him do not want to act with him again. He definitely needs mental help AND rehab.
He’s a spoilt brat, someday he’ll pick on the wrong person and that will cure him.
I’ve been saying and hoping the same destiny to other d-bags actors, like sean penn for years and years and the a.hole is like 175 years already and nobody yet taught him a lesson…ugh…
I think he has some serious mental issues..
He has some mental health issues, I’m sure….that, along with drinking and drugs is a very bad combination! Is there no one in his life that can step in and try and get him some help, like Britney Spears family did? If he becomes violent, while drinking and drugging, well, something really, really, bad is going to happen….I’m wondering, if Mia has some issues herself…she must, to be with this guy!
Well his parents are total hippies and his dad is a Vietnam vet and recovering alcoholic who is said to have been very violent and abusive with Shia when he was a kid. Apparently, he was on heroin and other drugs off and on throughout Shia’s childhood. I’m not sure how strong of a support system his parents are. From what I understand, he supports them financially etc.
That’s sad. Sounds like he’s taking on a lot with no one to check him. He can do as he likes and there’s always a justification.
He sound like he’s losing his grip on control. He needs help before there’s no one around to stop him.
Exactly, FLORC. He became an actor as a way to try to financially support his extremely poor mother after his parents divorced. I do not condone or excuse domestic violence in ANY capacity but I can’t help but feel a bit bad for him. It sounds like he had a pretty difficult childhood.
Culkin, Bynes, Spears, and shia to name a few. All child stars that were the bread winners in their families. Not sure about Bynes, but all had parents that drank away the money. And that created stress. Stress in the family from how they relied on their children. How they felt like failures. All that put an extra burden on the children.
I feel for him regarding that. Still, like you said there’s no excuse, no justification to be so violent. And Mia has little muscle tone. I doubt she could hold him back at all in if she tried.
He needs help and she needs to be strong enough to give him room to get that help.
His father is also a registered sex offender who served 3 years for attempted rape.
Mental issues with alcohol don’t mix. I wish he would get proper, ongoing treatment. Maybe he is, but this doesn’t sound like it if he hit her.
Didn’t he get probation for that meltdown on B’way? If yes, fairly confident this can result in his probation being revoked.
But this “getaway” part- he goes from being hyper-agitated (“I would have killed her if I stayed”) to going to an airport, presumably purchasing a ticket, going through security and boarding- all in a calm, orderly fashion?? Guess it’s possible the fight was bef he was due to fly home- but it’s still weird.
And hope someone has this girl’s back-she’s 22???? That’s a lot of issues for anyone to deal with, much less a 22 yr old.
It takes two dysfunctional people to create a horribly dysfunctional relationship. Its sad to think that some women would tolerate such behavior for any reason…whether they are there for the money or they have incredibly low self esteem. It seems men like him are experts at picking out the women that will tolerate their behavior. Let’s hope she gets therapy to rise above this sad relationship before she gets seriously hurt.
I’m calling it, bipolar I disorder. Extremely difficult to treat, because when they feel good, they stop taking their medication. This is the the hell of it: convincing them that they really are sick and need this medication continuously, even if they are feeling well.
Well that’s an extremely broad brush you’re painting with. The same could be said for those who take a round of antibiotics – the hell of it is trying to convince them all to keep taking those pills even when they start feeling better! Not every person with bipolar stops taking their meds when they “feel better” – come on.
Thank you, rudyzookeeper.
I too had outbursts of rage and lost control while drinking when I wasn’t taking my meds… but I’ve felt “good” (as in: no intense mania or suicidal depression) for the past four years, and you can bet I take them every single day to make sure it lasts.
“The hell of it” is the experience of being manic or depressed. After those highs and lows, I never ever want to go back. In fact, I live in fear that the meds will stop working. I even take backup pills everywhere I go in case I get stranded.
I also hate casual diagnoses… not every rage problem or erratic behavior is automatically linked to bipolar disorder. He could have any number of personality or behavioral disorders, or he could quite simply be a horrible person. Or he could be an addict with no psychological problems. The point: we have no idea. Bipolar is misunderstood enough as it is, without armchair diagnoses every time a celebrity acts erratically.
I’ve been on my meds for 3 years and I can only think of three days that I didn’t take my meds, two of which was the fault of my pharamacy and my doctor not notifying me that I needs a medical review and magically assuming I would know the date. I take them because I hate my highs I do stupid shit. However my down fall is stopping therapy when I feel better once I am over a depression I feel fine and usually feel to busy to keep up with appointments.
That is exactly what I was thinking – BPD.
My first husband had/has it, and after our divorce ten years ago he finally went on medication for it…for a year. Then he decided that he really missed the highs (he is an academic and used to get about six months of work done in three weeks, working around the clock) and he could deal with the lows when they happened; so he stopped taking his meds. I feel really bad for his coworkers. So glad he is not my problem any more!
@ Brittney B and Faith
Bless you for sticking with your meds. It is a difficult path for people to be vigilant every day. I take daily meds for depression and anxiety. I hope you continue to put your long term health first.
While I do think he is a certified scumbag I have to side-eye her if it went down the way it’s reported above. She’s grabbing at him as he’s trying to leave. That’s not victim blaming; I do however suspect she’s a young girl that thrives on the drama of a volatile relationship- mistaking the volatileness for passion. I also have stated ‘I would have killed so and so’ when angry. I think it’s a case of for both of their mental/physical wellbeing they should go their own separate ways.
I’m going to have to agree. If there’s a fight of any kind then both parties should leave the situation. If the other person is not violent you have to give them space to cool down, and if you know they are violent then you have to look after yourself and get out.
I agree as well. I’m a fwminist and the first person to call a guy a d1ickhead when he’s agressive towards women but it’s just not what I see in this video. He’s the one trying to get out of there and she is refusing to let him go.
As for the “I would’ve killed her”, I’ve said it a million times and never meant it. Hell, my mother says she’s gonna kill me once a month and she’d sooner die than hurt me. People are blowing this line out of proportion just to be outraged.
“I do however suspect she’s a young girl that thrives on the drama of a volatile relationship”
You managed to get all that insight into her character from that one article…
Yes, as a matter of fact- I did. Thank you for noticing.
Where’s her eyebrows?
They were smart enough to get out of the relationship and are patiently waiting for the rest of her to join them in an undisclosed location.
In the midst of this serious topic you made me laugh, really hard.
I crave dark humor. Thank you.
Thank you for the much needed chuckle. Hat’s off.
Now that’s funny! !
to all : 🙂 I meant it as a palate cleanser, thank you for taking it as it was meant!
Why are we even discussing this man?
When was the last time anybody went to a Shia LeBeouf film? If I didn’t catch him on cable–and I do only very, very rarely–then I wouldn’t see his films at all.
Fury. It was really a Brad Pitt film but Shia gave a good performance.
Wow … just, wow. I can’t believe you guys are giving Shia, who was actually ‘filmed’ beating the crap out of his girlfriend, the Charlie Sheen “Oh he’s just a bad boy who has some emotional issues with substance abuse and is going through a bad patch right now. He just needs to go to rehab, that’s all!” edit. It’s best that I leave this thread.
I have to agree.
I can acknowledge that he has mental health issues due to his childhood but so does Chris Brown for example. Similar events too: got raped when he was just a child, witnessed domestic violence etc. Nobody would use this to explain away his current behaviour though….And also, both of these men had a long period of time before their public image was ruined due to personal events. Interesting how they can both control their charm to sell the public their ‘art’ but then in private assault people and nearly kill them…
Shia terrorised Mia Wasikowska, humiliated Megan Fox by spilling the tea about their hook-up and he said some nasty things about Carey Mulligan years after their break-up, patronising her by devaluing her marriage and at the same time complimenting her. He even picked a fight with Carey on her own premiere, but far out of sight of the paps, he waited and picked the ‘right’ moment. Too bad NY Magazine caught him though…He’s a misogynist with mother issues on top of his mental health issues all of which he is not seeking treatment for (only for substance abuse did he seek treatment). He thrives on emotional pain. Mia won’t be able to count on strangers all the time to help her so let’s hope somebody gets him locked up ASAP.
Having a messed up childhood does not mean your present and future should be dysfunctional too. These men did not choose to be subjected to violence at an early age but they are choosing to continue the cycle by NOT seeking help and making others just as miserable as they are. Shia threatened his gf’s LIFE, where are all those people who are so anti-violence now? Still on some Emma Roberts thread?
Where’s the video of him “beating the crap” out of her? I saw a video of him trying to get away from her to stop himself from getting violent. I have no trouble believing that their relationship is f*cked up and that he needs serious help, but the particular video I saw did not show any beating.
Jesus. At some point, several years ago.I thought he would be a potentially great actor. At the time, I had no idea about how dangerous he was. Because that is what he is, unfortunately. He is dangerous. End of story. He needs alot of long-term help.. I hope he gets it, but more importantly, I hope that girl gets out before it’s too late.
The very fact that Shia needed to get away from his girlfriend, fiance so that he wouldn’t “kill her” or “beat the crap put of her,” is problematic. If you ever get to that point with a significant other, you are a violent person and your partner NEEDS to leave you. That is NEVER an okay thought or statement.
Cosby’s victims don’t have video evidence either so what’s your point? Evidence like the Rihanna beatdown is RARE so if that’s reason to doubt this story, you might as well never read domestic violence reports about celebs again.
Abusers are usually smart enough to hide their violent outbursts too. I already gave the NY Magazine example. He was seen getting into Carey’s face. Pretty sure CB covered it. The guy has history, if you want to believe he didn’t beat her, that’s fine by me.
Agreed, re: not letting Shia off the hook because of his history. Read any of Lundy Bancroft’s work on abusers and you realize that the abuser justifies abuse of partners/children because of his/her “uncontrollably bad temper,” but that temper never comes into play with bosses and co-workers. Many abusers can be professionally successful. Which means Shia’s temper can be controlled–around Brad Pitt, but not his girlfriends. Bancroft also says that victims who grow up to abuse do so because they’ve internalized some of the (usually misogynist) attitudes of their abusive parent.
I’m guessing he has a long history of this: there was a journalist who wrote about his paper bag incident and mentioned seeing him give Carey Mulligan “one of the scariest looks I’ve ever seen” at a press event (I think at Cannes?) years earlier. Even Celebitchy has stories about him yelling at her after the An Education premiere.
There was a blind a while back stating that he basically caused Carey Mulligan to have a major nervous breakdown while they were dating. He really sounds like a terrible human being.
Even in this video he is violent ONLY towards Mia. He’s calm with the guys, total strangers.
And yes, on set he causes shit too yet he respected the fuck out of Pitt and wanted to get in his good graces. If he can cause trouble with his peers, why not with Pitt or with strangers? It’s clear he can control his temper when he wants too and he doesn’t want to with his GFs.
He argued publicly with Karolyn Pho (his ex), Carey and now Mia. Pho was seen crying publicly, lord knows what he’s doing to these women. He made Mia Wasikowska’s life on set a living hell, so much so that the poor girl cried to her mother and wanted to quit.
The fact that he can keep it for the most time together for professional commitments (he’s often really charming in TV interviews) should tell any ‘fan’ of his enough. Stop with the excuses because there is no excuse for this bastard.
Artemis, I totally forgot the Mia Wasikowska-incident, which speaks volumes in my opinion. He wasn’t even her boyfriend but treated her like crap – how rude and respectless! He’s a douchebag who happens to have an alcohol/drug/mental health problem, but he’s clearly not someone with mental health issues who happened to have a bad day.
Near the end, my former abuser in so many words told me that he was “never out of control” in regards to me. That if he wanted to leave marks, he could… (and the things he did, didn’t for the most part). That if he were out of control it would be much worse. And yes, charming to every other aspect of society.
Totally agree @ Emma…double standards are a helluva thing.
I don’t know where my reply went, but anyway….
Just wanted to say: I didn’t mean to defend him. I was wondering if Emma saw another video because the one I saw didn’t include what she said. That’s all. And nevermind. I saw another, longer video now with subtitles and apparently I only understood half of what he said the first time I watched it (Why I keep watching this sh-t, I don’t know). It’s more than disturbing. You’re right. He’s talking like a textbook abuser. It’s the saddest thing, how this Mia girl tries to get him to stay. I very much hope that she cuts him loose and that he gets what he deserves, in terms of headlines anyway.
With him and Cosby today, it’s humanity’s finest. I’ve had it enough for today. Bye.
“‘filmed’ beating the crap out of his girlfriend”
Where is the vid?
Could someone also post the Carey Muligan link? Thanks.
As for his public fight with his ex (Pho), it was reported at the time there were fighting cause she just found out he’d be starring in Nymphomaniac. That might’ve been their break up cause I don’t think they were papped again after that.
Here is the story about the fight at the An Education premiere, qwerty. It was reported here, LaineyGossip, etc. Sadly, I cannot find the Shia meltdown op-ed where a journalist reflected back on seeing him give Mulligan “a very frightening look” at another event years previously (Cannes, I think) :
I have an observation. This is not meant to attack anyone, just simply something that I have noticed in our responses to Domestic Violence cases.
Observation: The responses to this situation versus Chris Brown’s (only 2009 case) are problematic. In this case with Shia (as has been the case in the past with abuser Charlie Sheen), commenters are noting that Shia has “mental health issues” and “needs help.” Forgetting the fact that this is clearly a case of Domestic Violence and not simply assault. Shia has had a history of violence and issues controlling his temper over several years. In fact, Shia was, at the very least, emotionally abusive towards Carey Mulligan as well when they were in a relationship (read reports of their interactions at industry events); so this guy has a pattern … he is an abuser. What’s also troubling is this guy is 29 years old and manipulating a 22 year-old now. Shia is almost 30 years old and has been acting this way for years.
With Chris Brown and Rihanna, Chris was 19 when the assault toward Rihanna happened, with no prior history of abusive behavior, or of being a “bad” person. If anything, there were previous reports of Rihanna’s violent behavior towards Chris (it was a toxic relationship). But the media and people everywhere where not able to allow the young man to grow, develop, and get rehabilitation. At least, give him the OPPORTUNITY to grow into adulthood and learn from his egregious mistake and move forward. Instead, Chris has been branded a monster ever since. This has NOT been the case with Shia (an adult with a history of temperamental, violent behavior) — he simply needs help and has “problems.” Double standards much? This is an issue with the general public’s understanding of what DV and actually abusers look like, and the way we confront them both.
Um, Chris brown just like Shia has continued to be a a violent, unbalanced abusive stalker. *See Karrueche Tran*.
I indicated ” only [Chris’s] 2009 case” in my above post. I am referencing the public’s responses to Chris’s incident vs. Shia’s ongoing behaviors.
Yup…Privilege at play here. White perpetrators are never to blame for their actions and they are never branded monsters or terrorists. *yawn*.
I actually had no idea he had been violent before. Not that a single incident is not bad enough, but there can be many reasons behind it. In any case, what you mentioned makes a big difference.
Yup, same with Miranda Lambert blasting Brown but then spending an evening honoring another well known abuser.
That being said anything one incident is unacceptable. Seek ALL the help because there’s not enough legal excuses to ever allow you to physically hurt someone else.
Didn’t know he had a history of being abusive, emotionally or otherwise. I just knew he was acting strange and has been a train wreck for some time. I do think he has issues that I wish he’d get help for but I’m firmly of the opinion that he deserves to go to jail for putting his hands on his girlfriend. Threatening to kill her is a serious red flag and should not be taken idly at all. Eternal side-eye is right. Once is one time too many.
Chris Brown was abusive and kept stalking his current on-and-off girlfriend too. Sorry but this has nothing to do with white privileged. Take your racial issues elsewhere!
BTW, Shia has been arrested( more then Chris Brown) for his behavior plenty of times before. He has gotten into so many fights at bars and was even kicked out of attending the play Cabret because of his horrible behavior. Nobody is giving him a pass at all.
@manies: Thank you for your very mature, calm, and very intelligent comment. You clearly have very strong reading comprehension and critical thinking skills.
With regard to Chris Brown, I was referring specifically to the public’s response to the 2009 INCIDENT with Rihanna (as I noted above to another commenter and written in my original comment).
@manies: Thank you for your calm response.
With regard to Chris Brown, I was referring specifically to the public’s response to the 2009 INCIDENT with Rihanna (as I noted above to another commenter and had written in my comment).
@ Hiddlegirl85
Yes you are race-baitng the issue here. Why bring up Chris Brown and try to say that he only got negative media treatment for the Rihanna incident because he is black?. You are alluding to it.
Niether guys acted well. But Shia atleast didn’t beat his girlfreind nearly to death and she needed to go to the hospital for her injuries. Chris Brown nearly killed Rihanna. She had to go to the hospital for her injuries. Are you honestly being that serious and have the audacity to allude that Chris Brown’s media treatment for the Rihanna incident was harsher because he is ‘black”? No its because what he was was very bad and highly disturbing. Shia’s incident atleast didn’t involve him beating his girlfriend nearly to death like Brown did. Sorry but you are dead wrong and are tying to bring up race for no real reason
Except with Brown, you have solid proof. Very, very graphic proof. A verbal fight and an alleged black eye is not the same as beating someone to a pulp.
Did you read the police report on Chris Brown? He honestly almost killed her, came very close. Did you see her face? That wasn’t an incident, that was an attempted murder. Chris was very young at the time and presented himself well in court, which is why the judge did indeed give him a second chance with probation. But Chris, like Shia, has continued to demonstrate that he has serious problems controlling his temper in particular with women, and not just with girlfriends. This is dangerous for any women either of them is around. And in both cases, they have had girlfriends who think they can be fixed by he right woman or that they got violent only because they were provoked.
A normal man simply does not respond as Chris did with Rihanna, no matter what the provocation. Really, he came very close to a murder charge. Shia has not yet done that kind of damage as far as we know, which is why he has been given more slack. But he’s just as much of a ticking time bomb.
Love yourself, girl.
Stories like his always make me think, “Just get some damn therapy and get on some medication.”
Yeah yeah no one wants to be on meds, they’re poison. You can meditate, cleanse, pray, yoga your way to perfect mental health and not be on the evil pharma teet. OR you might have a serious mental disability that will NEVER be corrected by anything and you’re simply risking the life and injury of yourself and everyone around you. I hate when people always act like there’s some magical smoothie or root that will somehow be better than a proven method.
Even his appearance suggests many things are wrong.
I think it’s clear he’s not praying or yoging his way to health. He’s self-medicating with booze and possibly drugs.
Oh Shia no… I kind of like him (don’t really know why). But this is just beyond my limits, there is no way I can condone domestic violence. He’d needed to be arrested and seek professional help. As for Mia, leave him girl, men like that sadly, never change.
Me, too…maybe it’s because I adopt the causes of lost soul celebrities.
It sounds to me like alcohol is absolutely a no go with him. He needs to go to rehab again and hopefully stay sober.
What he said to the cab driver-if he said it-was while intoxicated. Again, he must get to rehab and remain sober.
I suspect he has an underlying mental illness-he looks bipolar to me.
Mia should “stay busy” as my mom would have said, and support him only if he goes to rehab. As far as remaining a couple, that’s her decision, although if I were her mom (at 51, I could be) I would give a thumbs’ down on remaining in a long term relationship with him.
However, I am not a great fan of people who cut and run completely when someone is going through a crisis and making a sincere attempt at rectifying that crisis. She can be supportive from a safe distance if she is in Germany!
I am a bit surprised at all the armchair diagnosing of Shia. One constant in his bad behavior for the last handful of years (aside from the alcohol, of course) is that it’s calculated. The obnoxiousness on the set of Lawless – he did that because he could, but if you noticed he absolutely toed the line when necessary when he shot Fury. He’s manipulative and a nasty piece of work, but he seems pretty in control of himself when he wants to be and when he’s not drunk; which of course makes it worse because it means he’s just a horrible human being. Even look at that car ride, and how he calmed down enough on the ride to the airport.
Yeah, that was crazy
Exactly! i remember reading a piece on Janay Rice and I’ll never forget the part where it said a man abusing a woman isn’t him losing control, it’s him regaining it. Shia managing to keep his cool elsewhere is proof positive he knows exactly what he’s doing.
Yes, she should run, get the hell out of that relationship… But I’m wondering why there are media reports of being seen with a black eye, but oddly no pictures posted with the article? He’s a whack job, no doubt though.
He’s had a few girlfriends over the years, Carey Mulligan being the most notable. Did she ever report him being abusive?
I’m glad people spoke up about the differing treatment of Shia and Chris Brown’s incidents. While I don’t condone either behavior, the stark treatment in comments is shocking. With Brown, it’s ‘ throw him to the wolves’ and ‘he should be locked up for a long time’. With Shia, it’s ‘I hope he seeks rehab’, ‘It’s the mental illness/drugs’, ‘I feel bad for him’. Give me a break. How are both incidents different. They BOTH HIT someone, but Shia’s incident isn’t even front page news. Same goes for all these mass shootings. When it’s a Black person, they are a thug that should be locked away for life. When it’s not, the mental condition becomes the focal point of the story.
@Vickyt: Thank you for your comment. You said this much more succinctly than I did. The difference in response and coverage of Shia and Chris has been mind boggling. But very few seem to be noticing that it is an issue.
Chris not only hit Rihanna repeatedly, he tried to strangle her. His rage was intense and she’s lucky to be alive. Her feeling that it was no big deal (he had been violent before) and her repeatedly going back to him just tells us she comes from a very sad background herself. This does happen, but it’s not because the man isn’t extremely dangerous.
Shia seems to be on the same track, but so far he just hasn’t reached the same level of violence (as far as we know) that Chris reached with Rihanna that night. It’s actually amazing that people were so sympathetic with Chris, not the other way around. But he was so young, and the assumption is that there is more hope for change in the young. Although he does seem to have improved his control, he still is greatly at risk for wasting his life in prison.
Shias incident wasn’t nearly as bad as Chris Brown. There are no racial bias’s involved in either cases. Its quite sad how you are using Chris’s race as an excuse of him being treated ‘badly’ because he did something horrible. Unless Mia Goth was nearly beaten to death and needed to go to the hospital for treatment, Shia isn’t anywhere near as bad as Chris Brown. Shia is gonna end up like Chris Brown if he keeps going this way though. But enough with PC!
I will never watch a movie he has anything to do with again!
Mia Goth did a video with Vogue and she seems really, really, REALLY young.
It was the first thing I though of when I read this report. I mean, she’s 22, but this video (from December 2014) makes her seem a lot younger.
This sounds horrifying. Many, many women are killed by their partner every year. Never accept physical or verbal threats from your partner, get out before it’s too late. So sad.
No one should be dating this unstable nut job. He is so pretentious that he thinks all the extreme things he does makes him an artist. People probably think because of the method things he does that he is a good actor. He is no Daniel Day Lewis. He’s a jerk and a horrible drunk.