Cele|bitchy | Kim Kardashian goes on a Twitter rant about gun control, background checks

Kim Kardashian goes on a Twitter rant about gun control, background checks


Here are some photos of Kim Kardashian out and about on Saturday. She apparently left an adorable North West (LOOK AT HER HAIR!!!) at a birthday party and then went to lunch with Peter Dundas, the creative director of Roberto Cavalli. Kim and Peter were both Instagramming and tweeting throughout their lunch, for fun. As for Kim’s appearance… so much effort into hiding her butt under bulky coats in the middle of summer. California was going through a major heat wave this weekend too. At least we finally know that her pregnancy is for real though.

Late last week, Kim went on a short Twitter rant about gun control in America. She referenced the horrific case of David Conley, the Houston man who executed his ex-girlfriend, her husband and their six children (one of whom was his biological son) – you can read more about the absolutely tragic situation here. Kim tweeted, in part: “He purchased the gun & ammo ONLINE! How is it so easy to purchase guns online!!! Does this not sicken you? No background checks needed!!!!! These gun safety laws have to change! This poor woman was tied up & saw every child of hers & husband get executed over 10 hours!” You know what? I’m not going to mock Kim for being horrified or for taking a minor public stand for gun control. The story is absolutely ghastly and it’s obscene that Conley – who had a well-documented history of violence and illegal behavior – was somehow able to purchase his weapon and the ammo.

Seriously, look at North. This child is so beautiful!



Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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51 Responses to “Kim Kardashian goes on a Twitter rant about gun control, background checks”

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  1. Luca76 says:

    Wow good for her. No snark she’s totally right and it’s a shame that this country refuses to reform its gun laws. I mean if Sandy Hook didn’t open people’s eyes what will?

    • Neah23 says:

      But at the same time Kim and Family have all posed with gums say how cute and bad ass they look.

      • Patricia says:

        That fact does not discount her point: people with violent records should not be allowed to purchase weapons; it should not be as easy as placing an order online to get weapons; we need more weapons regulations.

        Are you saying that she can’t have any opinion on weapons regulations just because her family safely and legally owns weapons?

      • Neah23 says:

        I never said she couldn’t have an option I even agree with that comment. I was point out that while Kim has this “opinion” yet she and sisters have promoted guns as being cool, sexy and bad ass when they’re not, guns are not toys and should never be promoted as such.

        Kim and her family do not legally or illegally owns weapons.

      • Josephine says:

        @ Patricia – I agree with Neah23 that her family has glamorized guns in the past, and that’s a big part of the problem. There’s nothing at all cool, sexy or glamorous about a weapon made to kill. Guns have a function, and that function does not include making losers feel sexy by holding one.

      • Bonehead says:

        A lot of people that do this kind of thing don’t have a criminal history, so a background check is kind of rendered moot in that case. It’s not necessarily easier to buy a gun online than in store, either.
        Drugs are illegal to have and sell, but 90% of people still have/sell them. It’ll be the same with guns, the criminals won’t care if they’re illegal or not, they’ll still have them.

        They’re should be a mental health check.

    • K says:

      To be fair 90% of the country supported the gun control bill President Obama sent to the floor after Sandy Hook, the house and senate wouldn’t vote it in because of the NRA. So the American people are in favor of these measures it’s the people who vote won’t because of $$$.

      • Flim says:

        Where did you get the 90 per cent statistic?

      • Zip says:

        If I don’t agree with the decisions politicians make, I do not vote for them or their party. Easy as that. Maybe some Americans should reconsider their voting behaviour as well if they want things to change.

      • Algernon says:

        @ Flim

        I just tried to find the statistic K is referring to but couldn’t because the Google results for “gun control support” are too depressing to deal with. I don’t remember it being as high as 90%, but I do remember that after Sandy Hook, there were opinion polls that said the majority of the country thought there needed to be some kind of gun control reform, but nothing ended up happening because the congress is too beholden to the gun lobby for campaign dollars. It wasn’t just Republicans, either, there was Democratic opposition, too. I wish I could find the stats because I remember the % of people being in favor of reform was unusually high, and it was one of those instances where you could clearly see that the voted “leaders” of our country really don’t care about us and what we want, they just want to keep the lobbyist $ flowing.

      • K says:

        It was the statistic released at the time on the news, I remember it because I couldn’t believe I heard 90% favored a bill and our law makers didn’t pass it. This was both sides because of their fear of the NRA.

        The gun laws need to be made insanely strict in this country, it needs to be nearly impossible to get a gun IMO, and the hoops to legally aquire one need to be long and detailed and the punishment for not following those laws need to be extreme. To many innocent people are dying and honestly any self respecting law abiding citizen would be fine with the hoops. It’s those who mean to do harm that are against the laws IMO.

        And yes we need to have better mental health care in this country too, but sorry if you’ve ever taken an anti depressant for any reason no gun for you.

    • Shambles says:

      Yeah, can’t throw shade here. She’s using the huge platform she has, no matter how nefariously she came by said platform, to bring attention to something worthy. A brownie point for Kimberly.

      And jeez, that baby is so beautiful. I wish I had North’s hair, tbh.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Yeah, for once in my life, I agree with her. I love my country so much, but we are so incredibly stupid about guns, and nothing seems to wake us up. I hate the NRA with every fiber of my being, and think they have caused more deaths than any other organization in this country. They are selfish and vile, and care about NOTHING but having their guns.

      • Pandy says:

        I know! For once, I can’t snark …. and coming from Canada, I feel sorry for you guys that you have those ridiculous gun laws. Happy we don’t have the right to bear arms.

    • Alex says:

      She’s right in this case. Our backwards views on gun control continue to baffle me and it probably will for the rest of my life.

  2. mindydopple says:

    Aw North might finally be out of that awkward hair stage where her hair is even enough to wear down. My niece hasn’t gotten here yet, she looks like a Beatle right now, so my sister always has her hair in a pony tail.

  3. swack says:

    The first picture is really weird to me. Why does it look like Kim doesn’t know North has stopped to pet the bunny (which children do)? I have a 3 year old granddaughter and if I don’t watch her every second she runs somewhere else.

  4. Birdix says:

    Any voice of reason is appreciated in this, including those with a big megaphone.

  5. FlipFlop says:

    Kim and I agree on something. Kim and I agree on an important social issue. I really need my first cup of coffee on this Monday morning….

  6. Jenns says:

    Never thought Kim K and I would agree so strongly on an issue,

  7. Crumpet says:

    North is too cool in my book. She pets flying pig statues!

    That David Conley story is horrifying.

  8. StormsMama says:

    North looks lovely in that greenblue color jumper! So cute! Yay for no all black ensembles! Yay for letting a kid be a kid!

  9. tx_ava says:

    Those murders happened less than 20 mins away from my house & they really were absolutely terrible & sad & terrifying…no shade from me I agree with her on this

  10. KendraWM says:

    The bitch in me immediately went to she only posted this because of the whole Kardashian free week that Perez Hilton is doing and other media outlets jumped on. The side eye in me runs deep. Hangs my ead that this was my first thought.

    It is such a horrific story. And truly shocking how he was able to get his hands on on guns.

    • Zip says:

      Kim has voiced her opinion about this issue before so I don’t think she’s just doing it for publicity.

    • Daria Morgendorffer says:

      @KendraWM, this was my immediate reaction as well. I was just reading this morning that she tried to retaliate against Perez by unfollowing him on Twitter and posting things on the Twitter account for her app game about removing Perez as a character from her game. They’re such a ridiculous, silly family.

  11. Size Does Matter says:

    Why bother to cover the ass you just posted naked online (with no filters and no photoshop no less) with a coat?

    • Josephine says:

      I don’t think she has ever posed online with no filters or no photoshop.

    • DEB says:

      And routinely expose your boobs … the lips look freshly jacked today as well.

    • CatFoodJunkie says:

      This is quite a look for her, pregnant or not. It’s ill-fitting and what is with the boobs? Yes, they’re large, and yes they’re larger when pregnant, but cheeses, can you for the love of god wear something that doesn’t scream “LOOK AT THIS BODY”? It’s not great, it’s never been great. She’s cute, it’s a decent figure, but she is not the epitome of shape or fitness. And if you don’t want people focusing on your as*, maybe cover it once in a while with decent clothes, stop posting naked pics of yourself or posing naked. It’s quite a dichotomy of thought she has.

  12. Jayna says:

    The kid loves color, as evidenced by her meltdown in the house that one day, and got a glimpse of what she likes to wear at home. But once they leave the home and pap time, the kid is forced back into neutral tones, no splash of color, except the tutu that time.

  13. Nancy says:

    The only Kardashian kid that works for me is Mason. He is smart, cute, appears to dislike the lens on him which is sinful in his family. North and Penelope are cute, Penelope has a chance but am fearful for little North because she is being brought up by those two people….ugh. Kourtney gets bonus points for not flaunting her children around like they’re her next endorsement.

  14. meme says:

    does kimbo have this dress/coat combo in every putrid color?

    this country will never submit to proper gun controls as long as the NRA lobby remains mega powerful in Washington.

  15. word says:

    And the paps just knew to be there huh?

    I love North’s hair…and I love the fact that North dresses better than both her parents lol.

    • BarkingMad says:

      North looks adorable with her hair au natural. And look! She’s wearing little Mary Janes – not unisex sneakers, not combat boots – Mary Janes!

    • Wilma says:

      Little North is so frigging cute! I’m starting to feel more positive toward her mother, because North is so adorable.

  16. KDK says:

    Just as a point of clarification…yes you can buy a gun online, However, it still has to be shipped to an FFL who will perform a background check before handing over the gun. Mailing a firearm to anyone other than yourself or an FFL is illegal. Not to discuss right or wrong, but with this tweet she is disseminating false information.

  17. Elosaurus says:

    North is soooo adorable!!
    I think she intentionally wears coats so she can still wear tight clothes and we can only see her baby bump and not focus on the rest of her body. The hell Kim?! Do you ever just say relax and not worry about how you look? It must be exhausting to be her.

  18. Daria Morgendorffer says:

    I share Kim’s views on gun control although I know that anywhere that gets stated, it immediately gets attacked with comments about how gun control doesn’t work. Whatever. It’s a problem that needs to be dealt with and keeping guns away from violent and/or mentally unstable people is a good idea.

    Yay for North’s hair! Glad to see her curls and her outfit is cute.

  19. YeahYeahYeah says:

    Back off Kimbo!